Wednesday 7 June 2023

I think I've worked out... to pretty much stop my chocolate addiction - don't knowingly have it within easy reach!

I used to have 2 cartons within bending reach decanted into a tub and I knew that all I needed to do was reach down and help myself whenever I wanted to.  Since finishing the decanted tub at the start of this week and deliberately not replacing the chocolate, I haven't even given chocolate a second thought, despite there being another 8 cartons waiting for me in the fridge that I see every day.

I've got a drinking chocolate on the go now, and I've finished off that tub now and there are 3 spare ones waiting for me and within easy sight whenever I look over there, but based on the treat-sized chocolate experience, it'll be a 'shall-I-shan't-I?' thing tomorrow then I won't even give it a second thought!

The chocolate addiction will always be with me, but I reckon that if I can limit myself to a certain amount and/or keep it for celebrations (like with the J2O's and JanNo/NaNo)/to lift my mood then I reckon I can deal with it now!

When I've finished this drinking chocolate, I'm gonna take my chocolate tub through to the kitchen and decant the oldest two cartons of chocolate that would have lasted me 1 day instead of 3 weeks a month ago and I've never got to the point of having chocolate for long enough to consider it to be oldest either, so that's another achievement.  Where was I?  Oh yeah, I'm gonna take the chocolate tub through to the kitchen, decant two of the cartons and leave it in the fridge.  My next challenge will be to leave it alone until next weekend - will I make it?  I certainly hope so!

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