Friday 25 November 2022

Mornin' all

How are you all doing this morning?

I've already taken my morning pills, done one set of news, cared for my carer for over 2 hours and made his 13th meal (11th made by me) of the week and amazingly had my 4th meal of the week too! The virus scan was reassuringly clear and I've just asked Steve if he's still up for making lunch for us and he goes "yeah, I s'pect so" but I won't believe it until it's on a plate in front of me.

I've taken a photo of my breakfast, so I'll put that up now and go and get Steve laundry going for him again, then keep caring for him until lunchtime.

There was an update on my FitBit at some point, so I had to install that before I could charge it up this morning - all sorted now though and I know that it can go down to 71% and still record my sleep so it won't be so urgent to do it at bedtime any more and if it stays at the same percentage of battery for more than a day, that means that there's an update to install.

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