Monday 30 July 2018

Monday's post

Just taken the puppy out for her walkies... I'd have been happy with 100% but she carried on walking for another half the length before we came home, I followed her and she decided to end the walk at 150% bless her tiny furry paws!

205 survey invitations for me this morning!!  More will come in during the day, so I'm hoping to be able to do at least 200 IP address rejects today... wish me luck!

Scratch that... 110 of 'em were in my "all mail" folder so I've only got 95 invitations after all  😑

First 10 surveys wanting to log my IP address that I've rejected.

Second 10 rejected and 74 invitations to go

Another 10 makes 30 and I've clicked on the link to take 3 surveys that I don't match... so why freakin' invite me then??  You've got all the answers to previous surveys I've done and if you can tell that I don't fit the survey when I've clicked on the link, why not use the same information to not even invite me to those surveys??

40 now... they slipped in another different IP address collection survey, but I read everything before I click in surveys so I spotted it wanted to collect my IP address before I clicked through to the survey lol

Recycling and rubbish bag emptied now, so we're all set for the day... need to take me supplements before I forget though!

They were all a nightmare to get down this morning, 3 mouthfuls of squash to swallow each of 'em... that's 12 glugs instead of my usual 8!  Not good at all  😣

First full survey of the day completed... I've now got 300 points and 43 prize draw entries with that company - not too bad I don't reckon!

Not bad going... I've just been rewarded $7.15 from the surveys I took last week... I'm guessing it was the Wednesday survey-a-thon that I did or something.

50 surveys wanting my IP address... nope, you ain't getting it!

Another 2 lasagne's wasted then.  Mine ran out of date on the 28th and Steve's runs out today.  I said about Steve having his and he turned his nose up at the idea, so I've spent more than a tenner on lasagne's that have just been wasted.  I give up.  Steve can survive on take-aways but from now on I'm having one take-away a week and I'll survive on crisps and chocolate the rest of the week if Steve's not going to cook.  Let's see how long it takes him to cotton on to the fact that I refuse to survive on take-aways every day again now.

I'll put loads of chocolate and packets of crisps on next week's order that I'll have for me lunch/tea next week, but no more lasagnes or frozen stuff 'cos it never gets cooked or eaten and I'm fed up of it.

Just done a really looooong survey about banks and finances and stuff!  That's my second completed survey of the day... yaaaay!

60 survey rejections and 31 potentials left to try before bed time.

Up to 70 rejected surveys now.

This'll be post number 3801 when I post it this evening... not bad going I don't reckon!

74 surveys wanting to track my IP again today.  That'd be a big ole 'nope' from me!

Just biddeded on 3 pairs of jeans on eBay.  My maximum bid for each one is £12 plus the shipping of £3 each takes my maximum up to £15 each.  The best bit?  Every one of them meet my 3 jeans criteria... petite size 14 with big thighs.

All 3 of 'em have been worn which is fair enough... potentially £45 for 3 jeans that look to actually fit me will be worth it I reckon, 'cos I'll be potentially getting 3 jeans that actually fit for the price of 1 new one that might not fit!

I don't mind wearing second hand clothes as long as they are the right price and actually fit me!  If I win them and they don't fit, I'll just put them on Freegle like I did with the jeggins that I couldn't get past my knees.  If nobody wants them on Freegle then I'll see if the Dogs Trust wants to put them in one of their shops or online or whatever.

Assuming they fit, I'll invest in a denim jacket too... I've got me eye on a couple on eBay as well lol

Dunno why I didn't think of looking on eBay last night!

77 rejects so far today

Third survey of the day sorted so I'll be getting points for that at some point soon

Fourth survey done and dusted - that's more than I usually get to take a day!

Just been outbid on the cheapest pair of jeans so I've increased my maximum bid to £7 now but if I'm outbid on that, then I won't increase my price any more.  I'm not gonna pay more than a tenner including postage for any of 'em.

As predicted, Steve wants another take-away for tea and was disappointed when I said I didn't want anything.  Get used to it Steve 'cos it'll be happening for 6 of the 7 days this week.  You're welcome to have take-aways every day if you want to, but I'm so bored of them and want to eat something from here this week!

79 surveys rejected today, so I'm gonna take me prescription and see if there's one more survey to be rejected before I head to bed to keep my OCD happy.

80 survey rejections.  I can now shut down and go to bed with my OCD giving me a break.  In an ideal world I'd have made it to 100, but I'm happy with a nice round number as a second option!

Nite nite orl!

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