Wednesday 29 April 2020

Wednesday 29th April 2020

Mornin' all. How are you all doing today❓  I got to sleep at a pretty normal time for me (10.32pm according to the Fitbit app) but woke up pretty late (7.42am), was only restless twice and did absolutely no extra steps overnight so I must have been pretty much still all through the night.  Means that the steps count will be totally my day-time steps today❗

I've messed around with the graphs in the spreadsheet I update with my exercises every evening to make them look more fun but I can't get them to show up on my phone, so I'm gonna walk the puppy and hope that Steve can get it sorted while we're out there.  Keep yer 🤞 fingers crossed that he can get it sorted out for me.

Gonna take my morning pills so that I don't forget before I take the sleepy puppy out for our stroll.  Need to remember to request the repeat of the FA on Friday morning, along with me OAB pills.

That's the puppy walked 🐾 and fed.  We walked for about 4,000 steps, which is awesome.  Steve sorted out the file on my phone too... my star techy guy 🤣

Brought the final bottle of pop in for me today, so I'll be totally reliant on hot drinks until Saturday now, and I bet Steve will be reluctant to make them for me, so I'll be relying on tap water again.

Taken loads of photos of the puppy dog... just waiting for them to be sent to my computer from my phone, then I'll code and upload them to my homepage.

13 photo's of the puppy dog already today and it's not even 🕐 1pm yet❗❗  Steve's heating up the soup and bringing it in for me while the virus scan is going through my machine, so I'll code and upload them while I'm drinking it.

That's my zoop brought in (thank you Steve❗) and the Calcium crunched up and swallowed, so I'm all sorted until this evening now and can concentrate on the photos.

Still virus free, so time to make a start on the weekly back-ups now, then I'll spend the rest of the day reading and reviewing a book 👍.

Back-ups have finished now, for another week, so time to get on with the reading and reviewing for the rest of the day now.

That's my last two pills of the day taken - went down nice and easily this evening.  I'm hoping I'll have finished reading and reviewing the book by the time I head to bed... just another 34 pages left to read then I can get the review sorted and head to bed.

That's the book read and reviewed now.  I've taken a couple of photos of the sleepy puppy, so I'll code and upload those then head to bed.

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