Friday 26 April 2019

Friday 26th April 2019

That's the puppy walked and fed.  She made it difficult for me twice this morning 'cos she poo'd right at the edge of the pavement so there was nothing for me to lean on when I picked it up.  She also decided to do an extra 50% this morning which'll make for difficult calculations on Sunday evening!  Grrrr!

Back to studying today though... got 17 courses to get through  lol  Might start off with the touch typing and shorthand one 'cos I already know both... depends on which shorthand it is though 'cos I know Teeline and don't want to get it confused.

That's me supplements taken.  They all misbehaved this morning, but especially the Calcium (still got crumbs all over my mouth) and Multi (it took 3 gulps of squash before I could swallow it).  The Iron and B12 were the best, but only just 'cos they took 2 gulps each.

It's done for the day now though, so I can start studying.

That's another course done and dusted.  One down, 16 to go lol  Gonna catch up with Facebook and my emails until bedtime now though.

2 surveys completed this evening.  Got 31 more invites so I'm just gonna mark them all as read and read my other emails then head to bed.

Goin' to bed now.  Nite nite orl!

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