Friday 3 January 2020

Friday 3rd January 2020

Mornin' all.

Gonna be another short blog post today, but now that I've got the first couple of chapters written, I'm hoping that it'll be faster, easier sailing now, until I get to the last chapter.

Aiming to write chapter 6 then take the puppy out for our daily stroll.  The counter clicker is due to be delivered today, so I'm hoping Steve will stay awake to get the door so that I can concentrate on my writing again.  It's only twice a year (January and November) that I ask him to do it as he's officially my carer, but he doesn't stay awake for longer than 30 seconds so I've given up asking him now.

Taken all me morning pills, so time to walk the puppy dog now then come home and get straight on with the writing again.  Feeling semi-hopeful that I'll get the 5 chapters done today, might even get 6 in, but I'm aiming for 5.  Wish me luck❗

Just got back from our daily stroll and we did our new lengths again.  I've walked and fed her so I'm all set for writing all day now... assuming Steve stays awake of course 🤣

Charging up my Fitbit now and Steve's asleep so I hope the delivery doesn't come until it's totally charged❗  Today is the test for the mini elastic bands that I bought... so far so good with them staying on when I took the Fitbit off my ankle, we'll see what happens when I put it back on and overnight too.  Keep yer fingers crossed 🤞 that I don't need to replace them until I've finished JanNo (approx 3 more charges) so that I don't get arsey instead of writing.  I'm totally OK with them breaking when I've written the 50,000th word, just not before then is all.

First chapter written in about 2 hours today, so assuming the next 4 chapters are as quick to write, I'll have written to target in the same time as it took me to write almost 2 chapters yesterday❗

Second chapter done in about an hour and a half, so I'm right on target for reaching my writing target and hopefully having an earlier night tonight... yaaaay❗

That's the Calcium taken and almost half way through my third chapter of the day and target.  The delivery has arrived too, so I'm gonna put my music on as soon as I've finished writing chapter 8.  Just waiting for my prescription to be delivered now, then that's it for a while at least.

Three chapters written in just over 5 hours, which means I'm gonna be able to write chapter 10 and possibly 11 and still be able to have an early night.  I'm hoping that I'll put the final full stop in chapter 10 at about 5pm 🕔 and anything after that is a bonus, but I'm hoping to have my J2O at 5pm instead of 10pm like last night❗ 🤣

Gonna open my delivery and try to work out how it works, ready for tomorrow now.

The delivery seems easy enough to use, but the real test will be tomorrow morning.  If it works on our stroll tomorrow and Sunday I will have more confidence using it on Monday morning on our marathon stroll but if it keeps working then, it'll be getting a 5 star review from me... just gotta remember to wear it instead of my keys tomorrow and pressing the button whenever we complete a length.  It'll mean that I can enjoy the walk, rather than worrying about keeping count.  Currently 5 stars though 👌

Four chapters written and the bullying has come to a head now.  This school really doesn't appreciate bullying, as the new student has just found out.

I'm hoping to have finished the 5th chapter of the day by about 5pm then I'll crack open the J2O as my reward and Steve said he'll order a last Subway sarnie for us for a while.

So proud of myself right now.

Just finished chapter 10, which is my fifth of the day and it's only just gone 5pm 🕔 so I'm gonna crack open my reward and see if Steve still fancies a Subway sarnie for tea 🍴.

Hoping to write at least one more chapter before I head to bed, but I'd love to make it to chapter 12 before I shut down, so that I've got them in the bank, just in case I need them later on in JanNo.

Just finished chapter 11, so I'll finish my Subway, write chapter 12 then head to bed methinks.

Taken me last two pills of the day, so I'll write chapter 12 while I'm waiting for them to kick in and I'll hopefully be asleep, or at least in bed, by 9pm 🕘 ready for hopefully an early start tomorrow so that I can try and write a chapter before I take the puppy out for our stroll, using todays delivery and keeping me fingers crossed 🤞 that it works in reality and counts more than 4 clicks 🤣  I've got to remember to use it each time I pass the door... bet I'll forget though, until it becomes routine.

The pills are kicking in really quickly tonight, so I'm gonna take advantage of that and head to bed now.  I'll hopefully be down as soon as I wake up tomorrow instead of turning over and going back to sleep.

Nite nite orl.  Sea ewe in the morning.

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