Saturday 20 June 2020

Saturday 20th June 2020

Good morning all.  How are you doing today❓

I was awake early enough to get my 6am blob today, so that makes up for yesterday's missed blob and I've got the two blobs after it too, so I'm going well so far today.  I've taken my daily pills, including the Calcium because I don't take the FA at weekends, so I'm all sorted until this evening now.

The daily virus scan has finished and I'm still clear of nasties.  Had a couple of privacy issues that are fixed now, but don't know why they were picked up today and not yesterday❗

Almost time for my fourth blob of the day, so I'm gonna put the blue curly bits on this post, save it, check my email and go out the back for this hours blob.  BBS.

That's the fourth blob achieved, time to put the nightly exercise spreadsheet on my site now... hold on and I'll do it now before I forget.

OK, that's done but I'm gonna ask Steve to help me put anchor tags into the page so that you don't have to scroll down to get to each of 'em each week.

Done❗  It's all up on the page now and it's almost time for me to hopefully achieve the 5th blob of the morning.

Blobbed up for 10am now, so time to try putting the back to the top of the page dooberry into the exercises and Fitbit pages now... BBS

OK, that's sorted and a lot more visitor friendly instead of having to scroll back up and I did it all meself too❗  Yaaaaay❗❗

That's this hour's blob done and dusted.  Steve's given me a 5 minute warning for lunch, so I'm gonna put my laptop on the floor now.

Back now and I've managed to catch the puppy dog on film that's currently being uploaded to YouTube then I'll code and upload it after I get back from taking the plates out, then I'll go out into the back yard again.

The video is up and I've done the now-standard backyard stroll and achieved the 1pm πŸ• blob, so I can relax now until 2pm πŸ•‘.

That's the 2pm πŸ•‘ blob achieved... didn't remember until almost 2.30pm πŸ•though❗  Oops❗  My memory is definitely worst between about 11am πŸ•š and 4pm πŸ•“ for some reason.

The 3pm πŸ•’ blob has just been earned and I'm 119 active minutes in and still got 4 hours to go, so I'm hoping I'll make it to 160 active minutes by the time I climb into bed, which will be totally awesome 'cos I'll hopefully have a totally blobbified semi-circle by then too.

Another blob earned and I've had 130 active minutes in the last 11 hours.  Got 3 more hours to go which, in theory, is another 30 minutes at least which'll take me to my most active minutes since getting the Fitbit at the end of last year.  Feeling particularly proud of myself already 😁

Steve said I "looked like a tiny blue Darlek when you were doing one of your laps earlier on" because I'm wearing a blue top and was concentrating on not falling over πŸ˜„

I've given up trying to stand up for myself and get advice on things I don't fully understand, so as of right now, 6.55pm on 20th June 2020, I'll go back to constantly doing things for other people and being a pushover.  If someone asks me to do something for free then I'll do it immediately, without question or complaint, 'cos apparently my thoughts, feelings and opinions are worthless.  As of now, I come last in everything - Steve can take as long as he likes with the things I've asked him to do, I will do things for free with my own needs going right to the back of the queue until it's completed for the person who has requested it, I'll continue to pay for the groceries and I'll move every penny I have left over to the joint account to help with the other bills too.

As of now, I'm back to being worthless again 😒

I've taken my last pills of the day and have decided that as far as the groceries go, we'll get what Steve wants each week and I'll survive on water if necessary.  If Steve wants sausage rolls and beef burgers and stuff like that then that's what we'll buy.  I've got no right to request anything any more.

I've got life insurance that will pay out the full amount when I've had it for a year, so I'll survive until then, then take an overdose of all my pills.  I've got 4 high-strength prescriptions as well as 6 months supply of 4 supplements and it's easy to buy more, so that's what I'll do.  Need to get a Will sorted before then though, to make sure Steve gets the life insurance money when I've kicked the bucket and I think the mortgage is paid off when one of us dies too, so that'll be one less bill for him to worry about.  I've just gotta keep going for another few months is all.

That's all my prescriptions requested.  Got 3 weeks of the FA and 2 weeks of the other three so decided to put in the request for all of them at the same time.

I'm starting to yawn now, so I'm gonna head to beddy-byes.  Nite nite orl πŸ’€

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