Monday 27 November 2023

Mornin' all

How's everyone doing this morning?


I'm bitterly cold, exhausted, in a great deal of pain and my mood is through the floor, but as long as I'm there for everyone else, that's OK right?

I haven't taken my Iron for the last 7 days so I'm wondering if that's why I've been struggling so much?

I've had my morning pills with my morning glass of water, so I'm all set until lunchtime now.

I can't put the heating on today 'cos my carers will open the door as wide as possible and I've got my first visit with a physio assistant so she'll want the door open too then by the time she's gone it'll be pointless putting it on because the room will only be starting to heat up by the time I go to bed.  It'll be the same tomorrow 'cos of my groceries, Wednesday has the potential to be OK depending on when the foodbank come, Thursday I've got a medical appointment so won't be able to put the heating on then either, which takes us to Friday which is the other day that the foodbank might be coming.  Saturday I'll have my weekly bath so it's pointless putting it on then and Sunday is pointless, so I've potentially got a week of being bitterly cold ahead of me.

The daily virus scan found an advanced issue, so I'd best get it resolved.

This first post of the day is way too long so I'm gonna publish it and make a start on putting together the first to-do list of the week.

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