Thursday 12 September 2019

Thursday 12th September 2019

Mornin' all 🌞.

Virus scan finished off and shut down my laptop again overnight, so I assume it didn't find any nasties on my laptop 👍.  Time to do the backups now.

Documents failed 👎 for some reason, but the rest of the backups finished, so I'm gonna go for a wee and restart the documents backup now 👌.


Documents started again 👍, so I'm gonna take me morning pills while it starts off then take it from there... says it'll take "more than a day" atm so it'll really take about an hour or so, assuming it keeps working this time.

Taken me supplements, all 5 of 'em, so I'm rattling every time I move now❗ 😃

The documents backup is at 48% and 4 minutes to go, so waaaay less than the day that it originally told me lol

57% and an hour and 50 minutes now... it's all over the place❗  lol  Not complaining though❗ lol

65% and 3 minutes 30 seconds now lol

It's changed its mind again... still at 65% but it's now saying 4 hours 45 minutes lol

Steve's prescription has just come to the door and Steve slept through it, so I had to answer the door and the lead became disconnected, so I'm having to start the backing up for the third time this morning.  Not happy 😠.

74% now so nearly there now... just hope no-one comes to the door and I don't need a wee again before it finishes lol

The backup's have finito now so I'm sorted for the next 7 days.  I can stretch my leg out now, for the first time today - my knee will appreciate that.  It's only taken 4½ hours to get it finished this week.

I'm having strawberry jam sandwiches for my lunch today 'cos Steve hasn't got the energy to cook today... appparently he was still awake at 4am!  😲

Just had the yummy scrummy in my tummy sarnies and taken the Calcium, so that's me sorted until bedtime now... just 3 more of my 9 daily pills left to take now.

That's the review of the 5 HTP on Simply Supplements, here on my blog and I'll upload it to my site as soon as my FTP programme opens up.

It's up on my site now.  Blogger threw a mini strop on me, but a hard refresh of this (the post writing) page and it was all hunky dorey again.

Just dosed myself with my prescriptions, so just waiting for them to kick in now, so that I can head to bed.

Not tired yet, but I'm gonna head to bed as soon as I've finished my cuppa, so I'll say nite nite orl 🌛 now 😴

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