Thursday 14 May 2020

Thursday 14th May 2020

Mornin' all.

Just got back from walking the puppy and she was a naughty girl throughout, then we came home (obviously 😉) and my pill-taking went wrong too, which is usually another indication that it's gonna be a bad day... hope I'm wrong though❗

I've now completed a course that was supposed to take 15-20 hours about ⅕ of the time and in less than half the time of the course I took yesterday (it was supposed to take 3-4 hours but it took me all day 🤣).

Gonna put this morning's photos of the puppy dog up on my site now, pause for lunch (cheese on toast) then start studying my next course (Microsoft Digital Literacy - The Internet and the World Wide Web) which is supposed to take 3-4 hours, but so was yesterday's course that took literally all day❗ 🤣

That's the puppy walked for the second time, the photos up on my site and our lunch eaten 🍴, so it's time to charge up my Fitbit before today's shop comes and I can carry on with the course while I'm waiting then.

My Fitbit is now fully charged and the shopping slot starts in 8 minutes but Steve's asleep, typically.  Gonna start on the course now and take it from there.

That's the shopping been and gone, the puppy fed, and my 3rd course of the day completed so that's it for the day now... I can catch up with Facebook and my emails and stuff now, then have an early night hopefully.

Taken me last two pills of the day, so that's me done for the day now.  Gonna shut down as soon as I've finished my mug of coffee and head to bed and hopefully be asleep before 8.30pm 🕣 tonight.

Just finished my coffee, so I'm off to bed now... nite nite orl❗  💤

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