Saturday, 24 February 2018


Jeremy Hunt, MP, wants to slip something through Parliament in April that will sell off the NHS to the highest bidder and it'll become a private company that we have to pay for.

I don't know about you, but there's no way I can afford to fork out hundreds a month just to get my prescription!  I don't want to have to decide between eating or taking a prescription that I need, but that's what could happen!

After all my bills, the electricity and groceries have come out, I'm left with a grand total of £4 a month!!  I don't know where they're expecting me to find an extra £750 a month just for a single prescription, then another £1000 to see my GP, £500 for a blood test and even more for smears and jabs and things like that!

Our NHS isn't perfect, but it's free at the point of service and there are millions of people who use it to help to keep them healthy every day.

In all seriousness, if the Accountable Care thingy goes through in April, I'll have to stop taking my prescription and I'd prolly jump under the nearest bus within a month 'cos I just couldn't cope!

For those that *could* cope and survive without their prescription, they may end up homeless just so that they could pay for the insurance.  We've already got way too many homeless people on the street who can't afford to eat but Mr Hunt doesn't seem to care about that!

Come on, Mr Hunt... take a pay cut and put the money into the NHS!  Same with all the MPs and especially our PM... take a 10% pay cut and use the money that suddenly appears to invest in our NHS.

You earn more in a week than I do in an entire year!  Be human and think about the whole country instead of lining your pockets with money that could be better used elsewhere!

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