Saturday 31 March 2018
Friday 30 March 2018
29 in 14
28 in 14
27 in 14
Thursday 29 March 2018
26 in 13
25 in 13
24 in 13
Just heard back from the tribunal
22 in 13
After I've done all the OpenLearn courses I wanna study, I'm gonna look into modules instead of full courses, just while I'm re-training my brain to remember again!
Wednesday 28 March 2018
21 in 12
Book review: How To Live: To Live is Hard; Never Give-up by Trina Jordan
☆☆ out of 5
I had high hopes for this book, given the title.
I thought it'd give me ideas of how to improve my life and inspire me to make my life better than it had ever been before.
It's full of lecturing and made me constantly feel that the author was talking down to me. Made me feel like she knew me personally and knew what was best for me so kept going on about how you can do this and you can do that, which sounds inspirational but after the first few times it gets to be really annoying.
There's all sorts of spelling and grammar mistakes, on top of hypenating random words that have never been hypenated outside this book.
There are small bits that are kinda OK, but the content of the book isn't anything like the title promises.
There's a title image at the top of every page that takes up at least a quarter of each page and the font is huge as well as being double line spaced so it's more like 75 pages than 209 if you take the image and double line spacing out!
There are way too many characters who make an appearance for a couple of pages then are never mentioned again.
I appreciate that the author put a lot of herself into the book, but it needs oneheckuva lot of proof-reading and editing as well as a lot less lecturing in the content of the book.
Save your money on this book. Sorry.
Tuesday 27 March 2018
17 in 11
It's done and dusted now though, thankfully, and I know for sure that I can't handle University level maths so I'm not even going to try unless it's a necessary part of a different course... no more maths only courses though!
Just had the telephone tribunal
I very much doubt I've been awarded PIP 'cos I couldn't answer a lot of the questions and the doctor said that Korsakov is mainly Dementia instead of physical and I need to ask my GP about why my mobility problems aren't in my notes either.
Ho hum. If I don't get re-awarded the ESA in November then I know exactly how I'm going to take my life at the start of 2019. I'm not suicidal but if I don't get the ESA then I will have exactly £0.00 a month to live on, which isn't realistic, so it's better all round for me not to be here.
Monday 26 March 2018
Sunday 25 March 2018
Facebook data
I refuse to open the zip file with my info in it though, 'cos it's got malware in it!!
If it weren't for AVG's constant vigilence, I'd have opened it without a thought!
Thank you for protecting me, AVG!
15 in 9
14 in 9
13 in 9
There were little bits of new information, but most of it was word for word the same as one of the other courses!
Saturday 24 March 2018
12 in 8
Just finished studying the child psychology course and it was totally fascinating!
I was dreading it being pages full of theories and I was imagining a child psychologist sitting in a room with a child and their parent/carer/adult sitting next to them just talking and talking but it's not like that at all! There are so many settings a child psychologist can work in that I never realised before!
It's reignited my love of childcare and it's something I want to study more of for definite!
Child psychology course next
The key skills courses
I'll take the key skills courses off and find a different course to do instead.
50 hour course next
11 in 8 - that was a hard course!!
The first page, the introduction of all things, had maths as well as science in it and a few of the activities involved maths as well - if there had been marked quizes like the previous 10, I would definitely have failed the course!
If you enjoy science and maths then definitely enrol on the course, but if they freak you out then take things really slowly and make lots of notes!
Next course is a science course!
Just to see what it's like!
It's about nutrition, vitamins and minerals and it's only an introductory (level 1) course so I'm not expecting to get anywhere near passing it, it's just to see what biology course at university level are like is all!
You watch, I'll be doing a history or geography course next! ROFL
No I won't! lol
10 in 8
9 in 8
Virus scan and backup done and dusted
Friday 23 March 2018
8 in 7 now!
Another hour
If my maths is right, he sees his family the same amount in just over 2 weeks as I've seen my mum in almost 8 years.
So much for seeing me mum regularly eh?
Hopefully, from now on...
I took the first one at 7pm yesterday to see if it sent me to sleep as well as keeping the psychosis at bay.
I was still awake at 10pm and didn't wake up until 7am this morning so it keeps me asleep for 12 hours since I took it.
It's lactose free so I didn't get an allergic reaction which was awesome.
The pill was teeny tiny so was easy peasy to swallow even for me.
I feel more awake and energetic this morning and there isn't even a hint of a psychotic episode which is fabulous!
Just phoned the pharmacy and asked for them to order in yesterday's pills and they said that was no problem, but it would need to be named on the prescription, so I phoned my GP and explained what the pharmacy had said. She made a note of the name I was requesting and said she'd ask a doctor to update my records so hopefully it's sorted now!
The pharmacist said that it'd take 3 days to get it from the manufacturer after they'd got the prescription, then they'll deliver it as soon as they get it, so, in theory, my next lot will take slightly longer because it'll be the first named prescription, so I'll order it 2 weeks before I run out, but after that it'll be back to getting my prescription 5 working days after requesting it from my GP.
The pills are generic instead of brand name, so they can't complain about the cost any more, but hopefully, starting from my May prescription, I'll be having my pills within a week again!
We shall see!
Thursday 22 March 2018
Just had a...
It seems to have been more like the Windows ME blue screens that happened several times a day though, 'cos I haven't lost anything other than the time it took to report the blue screen to Microsoft and log back in, thankfully!
Even if I *had* lost everything with this blue screen, I would only have lost the stuff that I've used and saved in the last 5 days 'cos I back everything up every Saturday as routine "just in case" paranoia is all. Things like this make me grateful for my paranoia... it's why I run a deep virus scan of my entire laptop every Friday too!
Part of my prescription has just been delivered
A few months later, because of my dairy allergy, I was told it'd be 7 working days for delivery because they had to order them in from the manufacturer because they were lactose free.
That was fine too, I just phoned through the order a few days sooner.
This time though, I was waiting for two weeks with no updates so Steve phoned them last week to find out what was going on. The pharmacy had "lost the script" and were waiting for a new one from my GP so that they could contact the manufacturer but I'd definitely have them on Tuesday.
It got to 4pm on Tuesday and they still hadn't been delivered so Steve phoned the pharmacy who said they were waiting for the prescription from my surgery but that they "had the pills waiting" for me and they would try and get them out on Wednesday if they could, or definitely Thursday.
They've just been delivered.
But only 10 days worth.
The pharmacy put an IOU form on the front saying that they owe me 16 days so I hope they arrive in the next 12 days.
I'll order my next lot when I've got 14 days left instead of the 5 I was promised when I signed up to get them delivered.
Not a happy bunny.
Wednesday 21 March 2018
Almost forgot
Not a happy bunny.
7 in 5 now
Tuesday 20 March 2018
6 courses in 4 days now
Updates on Steve's contact
His sister was here for an hour yesterday.
He saw his dad for 2 hours today.
That's 6 hours in 3 days, so he's 10 hours short of seeing his family more in a week than I've seen my mum since 2010.
No, that's not a typo. Steve sees his family the same amount in 7 days as I've seen my mum in 7 years!!
Hardly fair, is it?
Monday 19 March 2018
That's the third course finished
Just gotta upload my badge to my navigation page then I can go to bed!
2 in 3 days
Saturday 17 March 2018
Andrew left at 5ish, so...
Spent about 10 hours with her for the funeral, 3 hours for the betweeny visit and about 3 hours when we went over with Mitzi so a grand total of about 16ish hours in 2010 and nothing since. Steve's spent part of that with his brother today so there's about 13 hours to go this week and he'll have spent the same amount of time in one week with his family as I have with my mum since 2010.
The only reason I agreed to move to Gloucester was Steve promising that we could go and see my mum regularly... I don't call 16 hours in getting on for 8 years regular visits, do you?
Andrew's just arrived, so...
PPI and Citizen Financial
I've already paid them £875 which is over £250 more than I got from the claim (£616) so Steve's going to call them on Monday and say that I'll pay £50 a month for the next 7 months 'cos there's no way I can afford it all in one go.
I've had to reduce my payments to BC from £75 a month to £25 to be able to afford that £50 and if I get any more PPI awards the entire amount will go to Citizen as soon as it reaches my account.
I'm so fucking fed up of them. I've had 2 PPI payments and this is the second time they've said I haven't paid when I have - 100% of the time they've done it and I'm fed up to the back teeth of it!
If you think you've been mis-sold PPI then do it yourself instead of going through a PPI company! Especially not Citizen Financial Advisory!!
The next 7 days
I've seen my mum for less than 24 hours since 2010 and Steve was with me each time.
I'm relegated upstairs to the bedroom when Andrew comes over and I'm stuck in the living room while Marie's here. The only time I come into contact with Steve' family is when I open the front door for Steve and his dad waves at me from the car and when we get our hair's cut is when I see his mum.
Hardly fair, is it?
Friday 16 March 2018
Supplements taken
I ordered me AP 9 days ago and I still haven't got it and I've had to take one every other day for the last week. I've got 2 left which means that I've got enough to last me until Monday evening then that's it.
If I don't have the prescription by Monday I'm gonna go nuts and there's nothing anyone can do to stop me going totally fruitloop again.
If I go fruitloop I'll become suicidal because of the paranoia.
If I get paranoid I just won't see any reason not to take my life and I've got enough supplements to succeed this time too.
I'm not suicidal and won't be until the middle of next week, but I'll not be responsible or sensible come Wednesday.
I'm safe right now, but come Tuesday I'll have been waiting for my prescription for 2 weeks instead of the 5 days I was promised.
Thursday 15 March 2018
Supplements taken
Wednesday 14 March 2018
Chips for tea and no pills tonight
Steve saw a programme about fish being caught and offered to get us chips for tea, so we're waiting for them to be delivered then I'll eat 'em and be forced to have a late night and early morning.
I really don't like missing doses, but better that than taking the full 28 days, going fruitloop while I'm waiting for the manufacturer and pharmacy to get the pills to me then have to start the cycle again... yadda yadda yadda.
I'm gonna phone the pharmacy next week and give them a 3 week window instead of the 2 weeks they've been having for the last decade or so... they promised 5 working days and everything was fine and dandy for years and I wrongly got used to it, then things started going tits up and haven't got any better *sigh*
Tuesday 13 March 2018
Supplements taken
Monday 12 March 2018
So tired tonight!
Sunday 11 March 2018
Just want to apologise in advance, in case...
My wooziness is coming out as sudden bouts of anger and I go from placid to full of rage then back to placid literally within seconds, so I just want to apologise in advance for any sudden bursts of anger for seemingly little or no reason.
For example, I've just had a bath and was fine until I went to get a towel, a couple of things in the pile started to slip off and my rage went from zero to 10 immediately and back to zero just as quickly. I yelled at the top of my lungs in anger as soon as the clothes started slipping down, the hubby called through to find out what was going on and by the time he'd finished his sentence, my anger had disappeared again.
The way that Steve described my wooziness was by saying I'm like a steam train at the hands of someone with no training... I plod along fine until the coal is thrown into the firebox in just the wrong place and the safety valve thingies start blowing off steam. Everything is about steam trains with Steve! lol
Apparently I'm like a cartoon character... walking along fine and dandy one minute and the next there's steam coming out of my ears! lol
Anyway, I just want to apologise in advance for any posts I make that seem rude or angry or like I'm having a go at you... that's really not my intention at all, I just can't control my anger for a while is all... it'll get better and I do still care, I just need you to be patient with me for a while is all.
Saturday 10 March 2018
Money differences between me and Steve
I asked Steve how much he had left after all his bills have been paid every month.
"Barely anything" says he.
"How much is that though?" I asked.
"About 20 quid" says he.
"That's 5 times the amount that I'm left with" says I.
Steve sighs and shakes his head in frustration.
"See why I don't want you to spend more than £50 a week on shopping? Even if you spend £51 a week, I'm left with precisly nothing.
He's left with the same amount in one month as I am in five yet he says he struggles to pay for things and have any money left for himself.
What about me then?? I wanna see how you cope with having £4 a month to survive on instead of your current £20!
See why I buy very little for myself with the weekly groceries? It's because you've already spent most of it on cake and crisps and drinks!
Monday's shopping is exactly £48. I've got 3 bottles of pop on it, costing a grand total of £2.10. The rest of it is Steve's stuff. I'm trying to save money and Steve goes and adds more cake "because we've got more money to play with this week"... erm, no we haven't!!
If you think we've got more money to spend on the shopping, how about moving £16 a month over for the shopping? Then and only then will we have "more money to play with" and it'll put us on a more even monthly budget too.
Doubt that'll happen though.
Steve can afford take aways and books and stuff every month that it takes literally months for me to be able to afford, assuming that none of the shopping has cost over £50 a week for the entire five months! The only way that would happen is if I got 3 bottles of pop a week for myself and literally nothing else.
That'll never happen though.
8 years, compared to 1 week
Three times to be exact.
Once at my dad's funeral, once when we got Mitzi and the last time was December so that we could exchange Christmas gifts.
I haven't seen her since.
Last week Steve saw his family four times and next week it'll be three.
In 8 years I've seen my mum less than Steve saw his family last week.
Hardly fair, is it?!
Friday 9 March 2018
31 months and counting
Totally awesomesauce!
In less than 3 years I'll be totally debt free for the first time since I was 18! I can count down the months now for the first time in over 20 years!
Family walkies this morning!
The pup poo'd in the road right outside the house so Steve picked it up and carried on walking the pup with me following them on the way and them following me on the way back.
Thursday 8 March 2018
Wednesday 7 March 2018
Supplements taken
If you're looking for an amazing online company to get supplements from, I definitely recommend Simply Supplements and you can get a discount off your first order if you use my name in the referrer thingy too... I've been buying off them for years and wouldn't go anywhere else now!
Tuesday 6 March 2018
O2 yet again
I've cancelled the contract I never wanted 5 times so far, so why is my credit score still showing a default?
Why are they still saying I owe money on a contract I cancelled within 24 hours?
I've just spoken to someone at O2 yet again and she said she's going to email the credit reference agency, equifax and the O2 accounts bods to say that because I cancelled within the cooling off period, the defaults are wrong and she's refunded the missed payment that caused the default.
This evening is the fifth time I've contacted them in less than a year and each of those 5 times I've been told that the contract is cancelled and I don't owe them anything.
Apparently it can take 60 days to show up, so I'm giving them until the first week of May to get it sorted, when it'll be a year of when I cancelled the contract and if it's still not sorted by then, I'll want to speak to a manager at O2... my credit rating was only poor before this default and because of O2 it's back to being very poor now, so I'm not a happy bunny.
They've got 60 days from today to sort it out then I'll take it as high as it needs to go and move my number over to 3 and strongly discourage anyone and everyone from using O2.
They were an amazing company until a year ago... I couldn't recommend them highly enough - not any more though!
Supplements taken again
Monday 5 March 2018
The navigation is more organised now, thankfully
The navigation is more organised now and I've given up on the slidey outy navigation for now... caused too many problems this morning, so I'll just stick with what I know works for my personal site.
Means that I can concentrate on other things now that the navigation is sorted on both sites!
See what I mean?
He's looking at post-it notes too now!
If he can afford pens, post-it notes and take-aways in less than a week then he can afford to pay for the electricity I reckon!
Supplements taken
The affect isn't as noticeable as yesterday yet, but it'll happen I'm sure... I just need to do it every day to get the most benefit!
3 years and counting
Just gotta keep up the payments to CO and BC for those 3 years then I can work on improving my credit score!
Right now, after all my bills and the shopping have come out, I'm left with £4 a month. We spent £50 on this week's shopping and £45 of it is Steve's stuff... literally the only things of mine on the entire order are 7 bottles of pop, the rest is for Steve.
I'm paying for the electricity too at £50 a month that I'm moving over to Steve, yet he can afford take-aways and things we don't need... I survive on £4 a month so why can Steve afford more than that? He buys stuff from Amazon too... I haven't bought anything from Amazon since Christmas when I had to get gifts for both families and Steve didn't put a penny towards it.
Not this year though. As of next week, Steve can spend exactly half the weekly grocery budget on food for him (£25) and half the electricity payment too... that'll save me £125 a month that I can put aside for gifts for my mum, C, H and D.
I'm fed up of getting £460 a month and being left with £4 yet Steve gets more than that and he can still afford take-aways!
Hardly fair, is it!
Sunday 4 March 2018
Supplements taken
Wanna try and remember to take them every morning but the brain damage has really affected my memory unfortunately 😟
Saturday 3 March 2018
Creative afternoon today!
I've taken me AP already, so just waiting for it to kick in then I'll head to bed, feeling really proud of myself.
Friday 2 March 2018
Well that were simple enough, even for me!
Not any more though!
I just had to find, copy and paste a couple of dll's from one folder to 3 others, et voila! Sorted! I can now send emails straight from websites instead of going 'round the houses!
Yaay! 😀
Thursday 1 March 2018
The little voices take on huge companies
In January and February, thousands of little voices took on Google and Apple and got them to remove an anonymous pro-bullying app from their stores.
In February we took on PG Tips about removing plastic from their teabags so that they could be used then composted. They've agreed to remove the plastic.
In 2 months, the consumers have spoken to 3 huge companies and made requests of them... and won!
I emailed my MP about privatising our NHS too and he backed himself into a corner... the email he sent me was talking about his personal life and what he'd achieved as a person as well as telling me how many emails he replies to a year without even mentioning the NHS and without any prompting from me. I just hope he takes his constituents concerns into Parliment and fights for every one of us... that's his job after all!
Apparently Sainsbury's have our custom for another 3 months.
Supplements taken
Sainsbury's delivery pass
I said that to Steve, then added "wanna renew the delivery pass with Sainsburys or do you wanna go back to Tesco?"
His reply, and I quote, was "see how they do throughout March and decide later, but they're doing OK right now aren't they so we can stay with them if you like?"
Never thought Steve would agree to that... he's been a Tesco boy the entire time I've known him, so Sainsbury's must have impressed him over the last couple of months!
I've always been a Sainsbury's gal because I've had a Nectar card for decades, but I've got a Tesco loyalty card now too so I'm genuinely not bothered either way! I like that you pay in advance with Sainsbury's then you don't need to worry about it, but you pay monthly at Tesco but that's all!