It's been a looong day today and I'm totally wiped out so I'll keep this short and just say...
Nite nite orl.
It's been a looong day today and I'm totally wiped out so I'll keep this short and just say...
Nite nite orl.
...only take and upload photos of the meals that my carers made for me - if I made it and they brought it in, then that would be classed as them making it and there would have been a photo.
There were no photos from Tuesday morning to this morning because my carers didn't even bring my meals in for me - they were usually sitting and relaxing/socialising/sleeping in the living room while I was making my lunch in the kitchen and bringing it through.
Things will be back to normal again tomorrow though, so the photos will be back, no matter who makes it.
I've woken up feeling like a block of ice, but my carers are happy with this temperature so I've just gotta put up and shut up.
When I took my blood pressure it was raised for me but still low.
I've popped my morning pills and run the daily virus scan which found 2 advanced issues but haven't had my breakfast yet... today is the last day of the experiment so I'll try and remember to let you know more about it after my carer has left.
Time to put today's to-do list together now I reckon.
It's been a long, exhausting, stressful week this week and it's showing up as more exhaustion than normal, so I've popped my pills and I'm heading to bed.
I'll see you all in the morning.
Nite nite orl. put the recycling (but not the rubbish, glass or food waste) out tomorrow 'cos the bag and box are very full so they won't last another week, so I've gotta put my key on before I open the door in case the wind blows it shut while I'm outside.
...a very busy and expensive day because I'll be disconnecting my current printer, boxing it up, advertising it on Freegle and buying one that's almost double the price and the inks are very expensive, but paying more will hopefully mean that it lasts longer than 6.5 months... will it be third time lucky? I'm also gonna be buying another 1.1kg of broken chocolate biscuits to try and get my weight back up up after this week's experiment that I'll spill the beans on tomorrow too, as long as I remember!
I started my day at 3.15am by rushing to the bathroom for an emergency wee and went back to bed, then got up properly at 4am, took my blood pressure, went for another wee then my morning pills (including a happy pill) then my third wee of the morning.
The virus scan found an advanced issue which is now resolved and my breakfast of a banana and drinking chocolate have been eaten/drunk, so I'm just waiting for my carer now.
Need to remember to charge up my watch and FitBit, pull the water heating switch on, have a bath and shave with my crystal bath bomb then turn the water heating switch off.
This blog post is getting a bit long so I'm gonna shut up and put today's to-do list together now before I forget
Yeah, yeah, I know that it's only 5.20pm and that shops are still open, but I'm cream-crackered so I've popped my last two pills of the day and I'm heading on up to beddy-byes.
I'll see you all in the morning.
Nite nite orl.
...catching up on some of the housework I've missed since Tuesday. I've cleaned the kitchen and bathroom, vacuumed the downstairs carpets and sorted out the boxes that have been piling up for the last 3 months. I've got crystals charging in the moonlight ready to be moved in here at sparrow's fart tomorrow and I've sorted out the things that were in the middle tray of the trolley so that's looking a bit tidier now.
The bananas are all ripe now, so I'll be able to have those for my breakfast and lunch tomorrow if the experiment keeps going in the same way as it has since Tuesday. Sunday morning, when my carer leaves, will be the day I hopefully remember to spill the beans about the experiment and hopefully things will be back to normal as of Monday.
I'm grateful that I've remembered that this has been my experimentation week and I hope it opens people's eyes on Sunday when I tell you all about it (assuming there's time of course lol).
1. there are crystals in the kitchen that need to be moved into their permanent home before my carer gets here in the morning
Well, I've found a wakey-uppy breakfast that my body needs - a banana! I wanted to crawl back into bed before I ate it, but I'm awake and ready to go now!
I've taken my blood pressure, popped my morning pills and run the daily virus scan, then made myself a drinking choccie (without cream) and a banana for a very early breakfast. The drinking could have done with a third spoonful of powder this morning 'cos there's barely any flavour to it, but never mind.
When it's a more sensible time and my two neighbours are up and about, I'll replace the ink cartridges and attempt to print the letter off again.
This blog post is getting a bit long so I'm gonna shut up now and put my day's to-do list together.
It's been a looong day today and I haven't taken my last two pills of the night, so I'll prolly be struck down by insomnia again as soon as I lay down.
I'll see you all in the morning.
Nite nite orl. delivery arriving only an hour past my usual bedtime.
...I won't be able to take my last two pills of the day and have an early night now because my delivery is due between 4.30pm and 7.30pm. It also means that I won't be able to use it tonight 'cos my printer is way too noisy and I've got young families on both sides so I don't want to wake them up.
I've just taken my lunchtime pill and turned my playlists off so that I can give my neighbours a bit of peace in case they are trying to get their children off to sleep.
I've also booked the Anglo collection of the bra and trousers for Wednesday 12th between 8am and 5pm and they are gonna send me an estimated delivery time the evening before... you watch me forget though lol
Can someone remind me to put my undies bag in with tomorrow's laundry 'cos I forgot both times today.
I've woken up in a fairly decent mood this morning and I've taken my blood pressure, popped my morning pills, started the virus scan and made myself a creamy hot choccie so far today.
I've gotta remember to sort out the photos and put them onto my health site today and I've gotta remember to keep my ear out for the door for the delivery of the ink cartridges.
Time to publish this and get today's to-do list together first though. The virus scan has just finished and... it was reassuringly still clear, so that's a relief.
Gonna put today's to-do list together while my email programme is opening up then I can carry on with my day.
I'm absolutely cream-crackered and tomorrow could be an extra long day if my delivery doesn't get here until 10pm but I've had an email from Anglo so I know when they are in this area which means I just need to find the appropriate trousers, wash and dry them then put them into a bag with the bra and then book the collection... Loki and/or Gaia have been in action for me today lol
I've popped my last two pills of the day and opened two new boxes so it's time for me to hit the hay.
I'll see you all in the morning.
Nite nite orl.
...expecting a delivery of two more ink cartridges for my printer so that I can try and print out the letter to my GP and send it off to her.
I think I remember this happened last time the cartridges needed changing... no matter what I tried, the paper always got jammed but as soon as the cartridges were replaced, magic happened again! If that doesn't work then I'll try and find a way to contact the support team at the manufacturer to see what they say... keep your fingers crossed that the new cartridges are all that's needed though! Can someone remind me to print out the letter if I get it working again tomorrow please?
...a very chocolatey, very hot, very creamy hot chocolate after what I've already been through today.
Gonna relax, calm down, drink my hot choccie then phone my GP surgery about a couple of things that just need yes or no answers but I bet it'll be more complicated than that lol Maybe a letter is the way to go instead??
I need to come up with a magical name too, that could be any gender and isn't Alex ('cos I've already used that name in a manuscript) so that I can plan out my NaNo25 manuscript and give it enough time to fester before I write it in November.
Need to charge up my FitBit too, but first I need to calm down lol
My long and potentially stressful day starts now!
I've already started the weekly virus scan and it's at 30% already, I got a text from the central heating bods after I'd fallen asleep last night to say that I'm booked in for the AM slot which is between 8am and 1pm so it's a good job that I cancelled both of today's carers really!
Breakfast today will be fruit bread and me-friendly spread and lunch will be 4 vegan cupcakes, which will be the first solid things I've eaten since Monday so my body will be in for a shock! lol
Time to get today's to-do list together then take the fruit bread out of the freezer methinks.
I've gotta remember 3 things tomorrow:
...have an early night I reckon.
My carer noticed this morning that my waste disposal was a bit whiffy but I couldn't smell a thing and the book I'm re-reading about my WKE has just mentioned that the loss of smell is part of WKE which I didn't realise before and it's put my mind at rest about it not being Covid too.
I realise that it's only 5.15pm but I'm absolutely worn out so I'm gonna pop my pills and head off to beddy-byes.