Sunday 31 March 2019

Sunday 31st March 2019

Mornin' all

Did you all remember to spring forward this morning?

I totally forgot until I came down here lol

Gonna take me supplements, check my email then take the pup for her daily stroll now, before I forget.

That's me supplements taken.  The B12 was a bit of a PITA this morning, but other than that, all four of 'em went down OK.

Mitzi and Steve have taken their meds too, so we are all set up and ready for the day now.  Time to walk the puppy now.

I think it was 600% on the puppy's walk, but because of the cat poo in the middle of the pavement and my memory being shot to pieces thanks to the brain damage, anything after the first two or three lengths I totally forget how many percents we've done!  My Higher Powers usually step in at that point and let me know how many percents we've done and the puppy lets me know when she wants to come home... the cat poo has made it even harder this weekend though!  Tsk!

That's the puppy gone for another play-date with Steve's uncle and his family.  We cleared up the poo and put the rubbish and recycling out just now, so we can relax for the rest of the day now... I'm already missing the pup though!!  😟.  I'm sure she'll be fine and have loads of fun there but she's the heart of this house and it already feels empty without her!  😞

Yep, our little girl is definitely at the heart of this home... me an' 'im have said less than 50 (not a typo) words to each other in the 3 hours since she's been gone.  Steve's sat in his chair with his headphones on and I'm sat here reading Facebook instead of talking to each other!

And just like that the house is back to normal.  She's only a small pup but her love fills ever corner of the house and it just feels empty without her here!

She's laying on the floor, sparked out now though, so I think she had a good if tiring time, bless her little furry paws!

Just taken my prescription and finished off the box so I've got exactly 4 weeks left now and I'll be putting in my repeat prescription request in exactly 2 weeks again.

Steve's just said I had a choice for my lunch tomorrow:
  1. cheesy chips
  2. chips and chilli
  3. curry and rice
  4. chilli and rice
I chose curry and rice 'cos it's been so long since we had curry.

I'm drooling already!  lol

 Just ordered the files for my 2 Mandy sites so when I've downloaded the files, they will be adjusted and added to my homepage too.

While I'm waiting, I'm gonna have an early night so I'll say nite nite orl now!

Saturday 30 March 2019

Saturday 30th March 2019

Virus scan took 21 hours this week and it showed that I'm still virus free.

Taken me supplements and they all went down pretty easily this morning.

Currently backing up my hard drive and I think I've found a newer, less stressful way to do it... documents folder first 'cos that's the biggest one, then select all the folders up to One Drive (making sure I don't include DropBox or my documents in the selection lol) and back those up while the documents folder is still plodding along, then all the other folders after that.  It still takes forever, but it means that there are only 3 backups going instead of my usual 7, so it's easier to keep track of how each one is doing.

Two down, one to go now and other than my blood pressure going through the roof when the USB lead kept coming out, I'm feeling a lot less stressed about it this week and there's only 2 minutes 30 seconds left to go too, instead of the usual 1½ hours that usually stress me out to the max.

Up to 11 minutes now lol  Gotta love the inaccuracy of the Microsoft timings lol.

35 minutes now, so it's obviously hit the Visual Basic part now.

Now, less than 10 seconds later, we're down to 2 minutes lol.

Up to 14 minutes and it's doing my manuscripts now.

21 minutes and 16.6mb to go.

9 minutes and 13.3mb.

6 minutes and 6mb.

4 minutes and 3mb.

And it's finished!  Far less stressful this week, so I think I'm gonna do that each week from now on.  Took less than an hour total instead of the usual 3 hours and significantly raised blood pressure.

Steve's just demanded a divorce in his sleep lol

Time to pack my external hard drive away, shut down and take the puppy out.

For the second time in 3 days, a cat has poo'd right outside our living room window, right in the middle of the path, so Steve's taken a photo again and I've just emailed the council about it.

Steve's just said that they prolly won't come out until Tuesday, but they know about it now so Mitzi can't be wrongly accussed again.

Chips for lunch today.  Just a bowl of chippies is all, nowt else.  At least next week's groceries are under £45 though... goes to prove that we don't *need* to spend £75 a week if we absolutely don't have to!

Almost forgot to brush me teeth today!  They are sorted now though and my mouth feels and tastes minty-fresh.

Shoulda known.  I've asked Steve to do 3 things for me today and he promised 2 of them before lunch and the third about 5 minutes ago but now he's refusing to do all three and denying that he promised to do any of them!


That's 2 of the 3 things done and dusted.  Took a grand total of 15 minutes and I'm gonna attempt the third thing now.  So much for being my carer for 30 hours a week eh?  I'm lucky, in reality, to get that in 6 weeks at a big push!

The third thing is definitely looking good and exactly what I want but Steve's going on about loops or something and I'm getting worried that it is just getting too complicated considering I only know basic html and I want to be able to update it, upload it and forget it without messing around with code I don't understand!  The current code is about my limit and I'm just getting paranoid that it's getting more complicated than it realistically needs to be.

I'm grateful he's sorting it for me, but I can't help thinking that he's showing off a bit too much and that it's gonna take me forever to get my head around what to put where and why.  I only want the basics right now... I'm hoping that I'll experiment a bit more this year, but now it's just too much, too quickly and too soon.

That's me prescription taken 👌.  Did I take my supplements this morning?  Hold on while I scroll up and check...

Yep, took them while my back-ups were being kind to me.

Want an earlyish night tonight... bet I'll still be awake at 10pm though lol

Heading off to bed now at 7.20pm... bet I'll still be awake at 10pm though!  lol

Nite nite orl!

Friday 29 March 2019

Friday 29th March 2019

Well Steve's promised day of working on my navigation page yesterday amounted to about 3 hours.  Not happy.  Means that I very much doubt that it'll be finished today like he promised yesterday morning so I moved the pages to the temporary file for no reason then.  I've just asked him if he's going to work on it today and he said "yeah, but prolly not 'til this afternoon" when he'll do maybe an hour then forget about it again.  He's just promised, and I quote "the navigation will be done by the end of the weekend, just like I said".  I'm taking bets that it won't be done by the time I wake up on Monday morning though.  Same as always.

Gonna take me supplements now, then take the puppy for our morning stroll.

That's the four supplements down the hatch.  Only the Calcium misbehaved today, the other three went down fine and dandy thankfully.

The puppy has been walked and fed.  We did 600% again, so we're still at 200% more than last week and she's going for a check-up on her skin and ear infection which is even more walking for her.  Bless her tiny furry paws... she's gonna be cream crackered when she gets home tonight!

Her seat belt has been dispatched now and is almost out for delivery, so I'm hoping it'll arrive before the puppy goes to her vet appointment so that she can try it out for the very first time.  Only 2 days late!  lol

The puppy is literally snoring away in her bed so she's already wiped out before she even gets to the vet and less than half an hour since we came back from her walk lol

Just brushed me teeth and changed the brush on me electric toothbrush (49% off atm) 'cos the bristles were really frayed so I'll be using the new brush head (out of the multipack) tomorrow.  Bought it almost 5 years ago so it's done me well!

Mitzi's car seat belt has just arrived and it's oneheckuva lot shorter than I was thinking but if it keeps her safe in the back of Marie and Helen's cars then it's worth it.  Can't see a medium let alone a large dog sitting up with it on though.

We shall see I s'pose.

Right now, purely because of the lack of length, it's getting a 2 star rating from me unfortunately.

The pup's gone to see the vet now and I'm already missing her!

That's another £93 a month now 'cos the pup is, potentially, on steroids for the rest of her life which means my bills go up to £244 a month, plus £75 a week for the groceries adds up to £544 so I'm gonna have to reduce my spending even more somehow 'cos that's more than I'm getting for ESA.

Steve knows that the absolute maximum for groceries each week, so that I don't get into financial difficulties again, is £50.  It'll be hard, but it'll leave me with literally £4 a month after bills and groceries.

Steve said that if he got a motability car, we'd be able to go to Lidl and Aldi to get our groceries so we could get more for less money.  We've got 2 freezers full of food though so why can't we use that food instead of just our usual stuff?  Just the wedges, chips and waffles would save getting on for a tenner a week which is almost a week's shopping free a month!

Goin' to bed now... nite nite orl!

Thursday 28 March 2019

Thursday 28th March 2019

Mornin' all.

I worked out this morning, while I was still in bed, what my argument will be about keeping the bath:  I have given up everything for Steve and he hasn't given up a single thing for me.

  1. Last time I saw my mum was 10 years ago this July.  The last time Steve saw his family was this Monday just gone and he'll see them again tomorrow.
  2. Last time I saw my brother was 21 years ago.  The last time Steve saw his brother was after Christmas.
  3. Last time my mum made a home-cooked lunch for us was 10 years ago.  The last time Steve's mum made us a home-cooked lunch was Christmas Day 2018
  4. Last time I saw my childhood friends for under 5 minutes was 10 years ago this May.  Last time Steve saw his childhood friends for under 5 minutes was never.
  5. Last time I saw my childhood friends for longer than 5 minutes was 21 years ago.  Last time Steve saw his childhood friends was about 5 years ago.
  6. Number of jobs I've loved and given up for Steve:  2
    Number of jobs Steve's loved and given up for me:  0
  7. Number of funerals for my family since 2009: 3
    Number of funerals for Steve's family since 2009:  2
    Number of funerals I've been to since 2009:  1
    Number of funerals Steve's been to since 2009:  2
  8. Number of weddings there have been in my family since 2009: 1
    Number of weddings I've been to since 2009:  0
    Number of weddings there have been in Steve's family since 2009:  1
    Number of weddings he's been to since 2009:  1
  9. Number of hours Steve's paid to care for me a week:  30
    Number of hours he actually cares for me:  2 if I have a bath
  10. Number of pieces of software I've already paid Steve to create for me:  3
    Number he's actually produced:  2
  11. Number of navigation pages I've already paid Steve to create for me:  1
    Number he's actually produced:  0
Hardly fair, is it??

Gonna take me supplements now, then take the puppy for her walk... I'm guessing it'll be a short walk after yesterdays play-date.

 That's me supplements swallowed and the cat poo picked up by the council, so it's time for walking our little senior pup now!

650% this morning so that's 200% extra on top of the standard extra in two days which is awesome!

Steve's either read my mind or seen this while I was out with the pup, 'cos he's just said "I wanna spend all day on computery stuff today" to which I replied "what sort of computery stuff?" and he replied "your navigation thingy, so can we just have crisps and cakey stuff for lunch pretty please?"  Fine by me!  Means I'll hopefully be able to put it on my pages soon, so I need to work out the validation dooberry, but as soon as it's done I'll be able to focus on each page at a time and upload the whole shebang when it's all sorted.  I know that he is going to give it a good go today though, so I'm hoping it'll be pretty much ready by tomorrow so that I can spend all weekend putting it on my pages ready for uploading as soon as possible!

That's all the pages moved into a temporary file, so I can't add to any pages before the new navigation is sorted now lol  I'm seriously hoping it'll be ready to go by Sunday night so that I can update my disability page with the spreadsheets first thing on Monday.

Me mum's Mother's Day gift is sorted now and I've just spent getting on for 40 minutes on the phone to her (which is a quick call by her standards lol) letting her know to keep the gate open because it's fragile.

I hope she likes it!

First survey of the day completed.

Second survey of the day done and dusted.

Third survey finito.

That's both cache's cleared, ready for the morning's virus scan to start.

Four survey's completed this afternoon... I'm on a roll!

That's me prescription taken.

Our little nephew is having a birthday in April, so I've just got him his gift from Wonderbly - I love the company so much... they offer truly unique children's books that are personalised for your little person and they are very good value for money too!  What's even better is that if you use that link I've provided, you get £5 off your first order with them.

Logging off for the night now... think I deserve an early night for a change.  Bet I'm still awake at 10pm though  lol

Nite nite orl!

Wednesday 27 March 2019

Wednesday 27th March 2019

This morning makes 4 days without the heating on - I keep forgetting to turn the heater on before I leave the bedroom!  There's supposed to be a heatwave soon though so maybe it's in preparation for that?  My body's way of saying "it'll be natural heat soon, so get out of the habit of turning it on now otherwise you'll get ill because of the combination of natural and artificial heat accidentally!"

Been awake since 3am (not a typo) and I've just been reminded to take my morning cocktail, so bear with me while I do that!

That's me supplements swallowed.  The Calcium was a nightmare, the Iron was difficult, as was the B12 and the Multi took 3 mouthfuls of squash to get it down. 

Not good. 

Not good at all.

Time to walk the puppy now.


That's me teeth brushed and I really am going to walk our little girl now lol

A cat has poo'd in the road outside our window, so I've taken a photo of it and reported it to the council.  That's three times a cat has poo'd in the street since the beginning of the year and I'm fed up of Mitzi being blamed for it when she's not even the same species!

Here's the photo.  Scroll past if it's around the time you eat or you don't want to see it.


Mitzi's just gone for her play-date again and I'm already missing her.  It's been less than 5 minutes but the house feels empty without her!  😢

This is why I love TSO Host... they help you to go from deciding to buy a new domain without hosting, buying it and redirecting the new URL to an already bought domain and hosting in well under an hour.

I bought 57 minutes ago, forwarded a new email address to one that is already set up on the site which was good in itself, but would I be able to redirect the new domain to the current one without buying un-needed hosting?

Under 15 minutes later and it's all working like magic with no stress or anxiety from me... just a quick message and it was sorted.  It took longer to code and upload the additional URL to my navigation page than to get the new domain bought and sorted out!!

If you want a really good domain and hosting place, sign up with TSO Host and you'll be well away.  If you want a bespoke website but haven't got a clue how to do it and are willing to pay for it, my hubby Steve can help you out and his brother can provide the graphics at a very reasonable price too. 

If you want something more basic and you're willing to look after it after it's online, I can help you out for free.  Just sign up with TSO Host, pay for your domain and hosting then send me your request and FTP details and I'll see what I can do.

Can't afford to get a domain and hosting but are willing to have ads on your site?  I've got a tutorial for how to do it on my site here.  If you want a blog, I've got a tutorial for that on my website too, just click here for that one.  I definitely recommend paying for a domain and hosting if you can afford it though!

Got a letter from the Benefits Agency about my PIP claim this morning.

I was dreading opening it in case it said that they were stopping my claim.

Just opened it and it says that from 8th April I'm getting a rise in my benefit of £1.04 a week.  I know that doesn't sound like much but it's more than I'm getting now, so I'm not complaining!  👍👍👍

That's my prescription taken.  Definitely the easiest of today's 5 pills.

The puppy's home!!!  Yaaaay!  🎉🎉🎉  It sounds strange but now the house feels complete again.  She's only small but she's a huge part of the family!

Just completed the first survey of the day.

Gonna head to bed now.  The Amazon order that was supposed to be delivered by 8pm today hasn't even been dispatched yet!  👎😞

Nite nite orl!

Tuesday 26 March 2019

Tuesday 26th March 2019

That's me teeth brushed and supplements taken.  ¾ of the pills caused problems... only the Multi behaved itself this morning  😔

Gonna take the puppy out for our morning stroll now then come back and that's me not being able to move for the rest of the day again then.


That's the puppy walked and fed.  600% this morning and I swear she can count 'cos she wanted to come home at 550% I said "one more up and down then we'll go home little girl" and she carried on walking just one more time then stood at the door to be let in.  She didn't do that on any other times past the door... she can count better than I can!

That's me sorted for the rest of the day now though.  My legs aren't as bad as yesterday so I won't be totally restricted to the sofa today, like I was yesterday, but there's 1500% in the bank already, after only 2 days which is great going I reckon!


Got 4 litres of squash now, which'll hopefully last me for my pill-taking (5 a day) until the weekend.

Thank you Steve!!


Just bought 2 dog seat belts for when Marie takes the pup to the vet and grooming and for Helen when she takes the pup for play dates... cost less than £6 for the pair and they'll be here tomorrow (thanks to our Prime membership), just in time for Mitzi's next play date and vet visit to check how her skin infection is doing!


Yummy scrummy in my tummy. 

Spinach and Ricotta pizza for lunch today.  Hopefully we'll have a plate/bowl of Rumbledethumps for lunch tomorrow then maybe pasta bake or something from Thursday to Saturday and a promised vegan Sunday lunch with the Quorn family roast and some much-craved-for veggies that have been promised and in the freezer for 8 days now!

Steve's not getting his Creme Egg again on Friday 'cos he had a take-away instead of something cooked here yesterday, but hopefully he'll cook both days of the weekend so that he can get his first one in 2 weeks on Sunday.

I much prefer home-cooked meals to take-aways, they are healthier and cheaper too so I'm hoping last week was just a minor blip in the cooking and we'll get back to eating home-cooked food this week.  Steve says he's into the habit and enjoys cooking for us so hopefully we'll get back to the home cooking again now.

That's me prescription taken.  The easiest to take of all 5 daily pills today... just a tiny mouthful of squash (by accident) and it went down!

Gonna head to bed now... nite nite orl!

Monday 25 March 2019

Monday 25th March 2019

That's the disability page updated with last week's spreadsheets so time to walk the pup.  It'll be a short walk 🐾 today 'cos I'm still wiped out after last week!


So much for a short walk!  The senior pup 🐶 forced me to do 1100% this morning.

I was happy with 600% but she kept walking.

750% came and went.  My OCD would have been happy to come home, but the pup kept walking.

1000% came and went.

By the time we got to 1100% my legs were going "seriously, go in and sit down so that we don't give way on you".

The pup wanted to carry on walking, but I knew by then that it just wouldn't have been safe.

Means that it's just 600% for the rest of the week now though.

I was also wrong last night about the pup not 💩ing on our stroll.  She squatted down and produced a good'un at 300% so maybe that lightened her body to want to keep walking extra this morning?

That's the rubbish been and gone so I've just bought the bag in.  Just the recycling to be collected and bring in now then that's it for the day until the shopping comes tonight.

Remembered to brush me teeth this morning.  Used too much mouthwash again though.  I'll try and remember to use less tomorrow though... you watch me forget lol

Steve's just made me a celebratory chocochino, but I won't be moving for the rest of the day now, other than bringing the recycling boxes in and going for wee's... it just won't be safe.

Just made myself a second chocochino after the water thingy ran out half way through the cortado I was making myself!

That's me supplements taken.  They all behaved today and it was only the Calcium that needed more than a single mouthful of squash to swallow which was just for the last few crumbs that had been swished around my mouth with the first mouthful was all.

The recycling is just being taken, so I'll go and grab the boxes, take them into the kitchen then not move a muscle for the rest of the day.

That's the recycling brought in and taken back to it's home and my left knee especially is going "sit down and don't move or I'll give way.  Seriously." so the only time I'm leaving the sofa for the rest of the day now is to go to the bathroom and even that will be a struggle to do safely.

Assuming I'm very tight with my spending for the rest of the year, I'll be able to pay a nice chunk off the mortgage by January.  I know it won't be a huge amount to a lot of people, but it's more than we're paying atm so it means that the mortgage'll be paid off a bit quicker and still have £600 for gifts and domain names and Patrick's insurance and my prescription prepayment certificate and things like that.

As long as I keep my monthly bills to £151 a month and the groceries to under £75 a week, Patrick's insurance doesn't go through the roof at renewal (£87 every July), SCBWI membership stays at $80 a year and the prescription thing under £110 a year, then it's definitely do-able!

Hold on a sec... my maffs was wrong again.  I'll have £100 less than I was thinking a month, but that's still £2500 a year which ain't too bad and it'll be £3000 a year starting from January so d'ya see what I mean about it not being a lot?

I don't wanna be tight with me money, but I don't want us to still be paying the mortage for longer than we really have to either.  After our money problems a few years ago, Steve added £12,000 onto the mortgage that I didn't know about until a couple of months ago, but I want to do what I can to help pay the extra off now that I know about it.

Just moved the £100 into my savings account so that I'm not tempted to spend it.  Got £151 left in my account now, after today's groceries have come out which is £10 for my last March bill on Friday, which takes me down to £141.  Next Monday's shopping is another £75 which leaves me with £66 then that Friday's bill is £10 is £56 that I can, in theory, put into my savings account too 'cos the Monday after that is pay day as well as the groceries so I'll be left with £211 if I don't add the £56 and take off the groceries.

Getting confuzzled again.

I've currently got £151 in my account.
This weeks groceries have already been taken out.
I've got one last bill coming out on Friday which takes me down to £141, right so far?
Monday (1st April) comes along and the groceries cost £75 which leaves me with £66 yeah?
That Friday (5th April) another £10 comes out, which takes my balance down to £56.
Monday after that (8th April) is another payday so £56 + £230 = £286 yeah?
Take off £75 for the groceries leaves £211 yeah?
Friday (12th April) comes along and another tenner coming out leaves me with £201 yeah?  It's also my monthly payday of £229 so that's £430 in the bank, still right?
Monday (15th April) comes along and it's an expensive day 'cos there's £75 for the shopping and £111 for the bills (I took the tenner a week off twice last time I did the calculations) which adds up to £186 yeah?  £430 - £186 leaves me with £244 right?
Friday (19th April) skips along and out comes another £10 leaves me with £234.
Monday (22nd April) sneaks up on us and there's another £75 for the shopping leaves me with £159 plus the £230 for my fortnightly pay is £389.
Friday (26th April) comes along and another £10 waves goodbye so that I'm left with £379.
Monday (29th April) comes by and another £75 for the shopping leaves me with £304.
Friday (3rd May) pops along and another £10 waves bye-bye, leaving me with £294.
Monday (6th May) comes along and it's another £75 for the groceries is £219 plus my fortnightly pay day is £449
Friday (10th May) pops up and I wave goodbye to another tenner.  I'm left with £439.  Plus my monthly pay day of £229 is £668
Monday (13th May) comes and I say goodbye to another £75 for the groceries which leaves me with £593.
15th May pops up and another £111 leaves me, so that's £482 in the bank.
Friday (17th May) comes around and another tenner leaves my account which totals £472
Monday (20th May) is another £75 grocery shop and my next fortnightly payday of £230 is £627 in the bank, so lets put £400 into my savings, leaves me with £227
Friday (24th May) is another tenner out which is £117
Monday (27th May) is another week's groceries at £75 which leaves me with £142
The final Friday of May (31st) sees me wave goodbye to another tenner.  That takes me to £132.

Is all my maffs right this time?

That's me prescription taken... just waiting for the shopping to be delivered then I can go to bed.

The shopping has just turned up, so when it's been put away and Marie's gone home I'll head to bed for an early night.

Just completed a survey that took an hour to do when the invitation said it'd take 35 minutes!  Not happy.  😠😣

Shutting down now... nite nite orl!

Sunday 24 March 2019

Sunday 24th March 2019

That's the puppy walked, fed and watered.  Another 600% this morning, so there's a huge 4000% in the walkies bank again.

Brushed me teeth nice and early, so it's time for me supplements now.

That's me supplements taken.  Not too bad but not the easiest it's ever been either.  The Iron disintegrated and the Multi took two mouthfuls of squash to swallow... the B12 was the only truly easy one to swallow this morning!

Rubbish and recycling taken out and the puppy's poo binned for another week.  All by myself this week!

That's more rubbish and our second recycling box out for another week.

There was very little rubbish and a huge amount of recycling this week and all the puppy's poo was already bagged up so I could manage it without help this week.  I can do the recycling boxes alone 'cos I can lean on the lids to steady myself as I take them out, but the bin bag is usually too heavy for me to lift out of the kitchen doorway, let alone down the hall, over the step and outside.

Because there was only one black plastic bag that, in itself, was pretty light, I managed it all on me own this week for the first time since we've had the big rubbish bag to replace our wheelie bin.  The less rubbish we have each week, the more able I am to do it alone... if there's more than one black plastic bag I won't be able to do it alone but the recycling and a light rubbish bag.

Considering we've had three (Monday, Wednesday and yesterday) take-aways this week (and therefore absolutely no Creme Eggs for Steve) I was expecting a lot more rubbish, but I was wrong.

Not gonna change the Stories site... it was written in html5 which apparently the validator doesn't like.

Ho hum!

Just got to wait for the navigation to be sorted for my homepage then I'll run that through the validator too.

Egg and chips for lunch today, so need to shut down before then.


Back now. 

Waaay too much food and I think I've caught Steve's cough now too.  Not good.  Not good at all.  👎 😒

Gonna spend the afternoon applying for product testing things now that I'm not studying or working on either of the sites.

Just taken my prescription and I've got exactly 5 weeks left now that last weeks prescription has been delivered... it was delivered on Tuesday rather than Thursday again so maybe the pharmacy check their systems more often or something?

Our favourite puppy has just been out for her fourth poo 💩 of the week (three on our morning strolls then this one in the back yard).  Hopefully that means she won't do it on our morning stroll now, but if she does I'll pick it up like the responsible puppy parent that I am!  Hopefully Steve'll have a quiet night too 'cos she wee'd too, just before the poo.

Goin' to bed now... nite nite orl!

Saturday 23 March 2019

Saturday 23rd March 2019

That's me free of viruses and malware and the backup is in progress now.

Took the puppy out for her walk and she didn't 💩, despite her tail and waddling telling me that she was about to 💩.  We did 600% so the bank is at 3500% atm so we're still on track for another 4000% bank balance tomorrow, assuming the puppy wants to do another 600% of course.  I never force her over 100% unless we get to 500% then I gently encourage her to do an extra 100% so that it makes for easy calculations for me.  She only wanted to do 300% yesterday and that was totally fine with me, but she wanted to go out for another walk later in the day so we did the 600% in two parts yesterday which is totally cool and groovy for me.

She's asleep on the back of the sofa atm, but she'll have to wake up in about half an hour 'cos she's going for another play-date with Steve's cousin who will be here between 10 and 10.30 this morning... she's still wiped out from last time she went there!  lol

That's the back-up finished for another week.  Time to unplug the external hard drive and put it back in its little home until next weekend now.

Hopefully I'll persuade Steve to do the OpenLearn course with me today, but I won't pressure him.  It could really help him but I've given up trying to motivate him now.  I've already paid him to do another piece of software for the Stories site and for the new navigation on my homepage but he hasn't done anything on either of them yet so I've given up now.  I'll give him until the end of March then ask for my £1100 back that he's already taken.

Steve's just said the course sounds interesting but his cold has made him feel yucky atm so he wants to do it because "it sounds interesting" just not today is all.  That's fine and dandy, I'll make a start on it when the pup has gone for her play date this morning.

I also asked him to do the navigation at least by the end of the month or I want my money back, so he knows where he stands now.

That's me teeth brushed... time for me supplements now.

Supplements are down the hatch now too.  Shouldn't have finished off those 4 mouthfuls of squash before taking them though... should've saved it for the Calcium and possibly the Iron!

Just done some adding up and in the last 4 months I've paid Steve £2110 and he's produced just one piece of software, so if he doesn't get the navigation sorted by next weekend I want £100 back and if he doesn't get the software sorted soon after I'll be wanting the £1000 back too.  He can keep the second thousand 'cos he eventually produced what that paid for.  It's shocking that he's been promising the last bit of software for the last 4 months and the navigation for the last 1 month but he's already taken payment for both when he is paid on delivery by the other people he's made websites for!

That's my navigation page sorted out and pretty much error free now.  Just need to sort out the Stories site and my homepage now.  I'll leave the homepage until Steve eventually sorts out the new navigation for me and I'll hopefully get the Stories site sorted tomorrow 'cos it's so much bigger than my navigation page, which has taken all afternoon just to sort out those few pages.  It'll get done, it'll just take a lot longer and need more concentration so that I don't change something then not be able to get it back again.

I know how to use the site now though, so I'll get started on it as soon as I've got back from walking the pup tomorrow morning.

Just taken me prescription.  Want an early night tonight if I can.  Steve suggested a take away lasagne for tea tonight, but I'm too cream crackered, so just gonna finish watching Masterchef then head to bed for the night.

Gonna shut down now... I think my likkle laptop deserves it after being on for 34 hours again!  lol

Nite nite orl!

Friday 22 March 2019

Friday 22nd March 2019

That's the puppy walked and fed.  She poo'd at exactly 100% so I dutifully picked it up and did the other 500% with her being a right royal cowbag the whole time.

I've taken me supplements and thankfully they all went down OK.

Steve's shoes will be delivered today between 11.14am and 12.14pm by DPD.  I just hope these actually fit otherwise I've wasted getting on for £100 in 5 days!  Still, I'm paid again on Monday (25/3) so I'll be able to put some of that into my savings 'cos I'll be paid again (8/4) before most of my bills come out in April then again on the Friday (12/4) which'll be for April's groceries then I'll be able to put my third April pay day (22/4) in the bank too... you watch me need to spend more than I save though!  I'm so fed up of having to buy things that aren't appreciated.

Let's do some maffs.

I've got £95 in my account atm.  I'll get £230 on Monday (25/3), so that's £325 yeah?  Take off £75 for Monday's groceries takes us to £250 - right so far?

Fast forward to the next Monday (1/4) and take another £75 off for the groceries is £175 yeah?

The next Monday (8/4) is another £75 off for the groceries leaves me with £100, right?  It's also pay day, so another £230 in, plus the £100 that's already in there is £330.  That Friday (12/4) is another pay day is another £229 in which adds up to £559 yeah?

Monday after that (15/4) is expensive 'cos there's £151 for the bills leaves me with £408, take off £75 for the groceries is £333.

Monday after that (22/4) is another pay day so that takes my bank balance up to £563.  Take off another £75 for the groceries is £488.

There's one final Monday in April so £488-£75 for the groceries is £413 yeah?

In theory I'll have £400 in my savings by the end of April but I bet I'll barely have £100 in there in reality!

Is my maffs right though pretty please?


Pasta bake for lunch today... yummy!  Totally stuffed now though!

Just brushed me teeth.  Got enough mouthwash left for tomorrow then I'll need to find a way to reach the other bottle that Steve put out of my reach and I bet he'll make excuse after excuse not to reach it for me - same as always.  He's being paid to care for me for 30 hours a week but I'm lucky to get that a month and most of that time is cooking for us both!!  It adds up to just over 4 hours a day but I'm lucky to get that in a week!

Gonna take an OpenLearn course now - it's an interactive thing as opposed to reading, watching video's and maybe taking tests.  I'm hoping I'll get a statement of participation from it to add to my navigation page, but it doesn't say anything about that so I dunno if I will get one or not.

We'll find out when I've worked through it!

Finished the course with a score of 75% and no kind of statement or badge or anything like that.

Not to worry though, got 4 more courses I want to take (2 on Alison and 2 more OpenLearn courses) then it's all finished!

There's an updated Entrepreneurship – from ideas to reality course that I want to do alongside Steve that I'm hoping we can do together tomorrow, while Mitzi is on another play-date with Steve's cousin again... she's got a better social life than me lol

That's my prescription taken and Melanie out of contact for a week... I'm missing her already!

Gonna have a really early night tonight - think I deserve it!

Nite nite orl!

Thursday 21 March 2019

Thursday 21st March 2019

The puppy only wanted to do 300% after she went on her play-date yesterday.  I'm hoping to take her out for the other 300% when she's recovered a bit.

Bless 'er little furry paws, she's exhausted!

Had a computer issue this morning but Steve, my in-house tech support, fixed it for me.  Apparently Windows Explorer forgot to run so after waiting for it to load up for getting on for half an hour, he brought up task manager then went to the file menu, chose to start a new task, typed in Explorer.exe and it magically logged me in.

He's my genius!

Just brushed me teeth so it's supplements time now.

That's the supplements taken.  The multi was a real PITA this morning for some reason but the other 3 went down fine and dandy.

Finished me first mug of "posh coffee" (our way of saying cafetierre coffee as opposed to Dolce Gusto or instant coffee) and it was stronger than I remembered, but like Steve said, we haven't had it in the cafetierre for a few days so I'd prolly forgotten.  Yup, that's prolly it!

That's the other half of the walk done so there's 2500% in the bank and an exhausted little puppy in her bed.  Apparently she was put on an extending lead when she went to visit the horses yesterday, so no wonder she's so tired!

First survey of the day completed.

That's both browser caches cleared, ready for the morning.

Prescription taken and I'm gonna be listening to a podcast before I head to bed tonight.

Same old stuff that was in the previous podcast and a total waste of my time unfortunately.

I'm gonna shut down and head to bed feeling overly disappointed now 😞.

Nite nite orl!

Wednesday 20 March 2019

Wednesday 20th March 2019

That's the puppy walked, fed and watered.  She poo'd and my quad cane fell over and I struggled to pick it back up so I almost fell over twice this morning.  If I had, I wouldn't have been able to stand up and walk home, I would have had to crawl which is what I constantly dread on our walks.

We did 600% though, so there's already 2000% in the extra walkies bank after only 3 days!

That's me supplements taken.  They all went down pretty easily and with only a couple of mouthfuls of squash each, so that's OK.

That's the £5 moved back over for Steve 'cos my Top Cashback and Quidco payments have come through now, so that's most of Steve's shoes and slippers paid for too!  Gonna work out how much more has got to come out of my account for the rest of the bills now though.

Just got £20 left to come out this Friday and next week then that's all the bills covered for the month!  Totally awesome!  I'll be able to move about £100 into my savings account which will be fantastic!

The £5 for the shopping as well as Steve's slippers and shoes that are coming today are all free because of the cashback payments and I'm £1.48 better off too!  I could get used to this money management thing!  I'm just glad I've got it all written down and can manage my current account online 'cos if I couldn't, I'd be in deep poo every month!

I'm gonna pay £65 into the joint account on Monday to totally pay for the electricity which'll be one less thing to worry about and I'll still be able to afford to put £50 into savings 'cos I'm paid again on Monday which'll cover the shopping.

I've also spent money on a friend's birthday card and gift this month, which I'll save on next month too.  It's only small things - but they soon add up!  I'm just glad that I'm not in debt any more... I'd be struggling every month if I was instead of being able to put money into my savings account!

That's me teeth brushed and prescription delivered... only took three days instead of the usual five!

That was harder than it needed to be then!!  Just uploaded a short video of the pup to You Tube and it took longer to work out how to upload it than the whole video itself!!

This is our puppy and the video was taken just before 11am today:

And a photo to go with it:

Gorgeous girl.

That's the puppy gone for another play-date... she's got a better social life than me!  lol


The shoes I got for Steve are too small around the toes for him to wear while his legs and feet are swollen 😞  He's got a pair of slippers on their way to him so hopefully they will fit better than the shoes 'cos they are "very wide fitting".  Guess I'd better look for yet another pair of shoes for Steve to wear instead but make sure they are extra wide fitting so that he can actually wear them when he's outside.  Why can life never he simple eh?

That's me prescription taken for another night.  Back onto looking for other shoes for Steve now.

The slippers are too small too, so I've wasted a huge £50 on things that Steve can't wear and I can't return because I can't afford the postage back to Amazon  👎😞

Just ordered him 2 post op shoes for swollen feet so that's another £50 gone down the drain which means I won't be able to afford *anything* in my savings yet again.  😠

Gonna publish this then shut down so that I can have an early night.

Nite nite orl!  💤💤

Tuesday 19 March 2019

Tuesday 19th March 2019

That's the puppy walked, fed and watered.  She poo'd on her walk for the first time in 3 days, so I dutifully picked it up and the pup kept walking... we did 1100% today, so there's already 1500% in the bank after only 2 days so as long as we do at least 600% a day for the rest of the week, we'll make 4000% in the bank for the second or third week in a row!

Our little girl is 10 years old at the end of June. We rescued her 9 years ago and in those almost 9 years, I've never seen her doing the terrier pose...

... until this morning!

Not once.

Or twice.

Or even three times.

But 4 times she did the terrier pose you see on Crufts.

Front legs straight down, back legs standing back slightly, tail right out and head exactly straight up and facing forward with full concentration.

We've never taught her to do it or even taken her to any show rings, she wouldn't have even seen it on the telly because it's too high up for her to see it, it was all totally natural and instinctive to her.

No matter what I tried, I couldn't get her to move out of the terrier pose until *she* was ready each time. It was like she was hunting something that she'd got the scent of and wasn't gonna move until she got it!

Bless 'er little furry paws!


Taken me supplements, so it's time to go and brush me teeth now.


Back now!  That's me teeth brushed so the day is all mine now!

I'm exhausted already though!

Just bought Steve a pair of slippers and a pair of sandals after him complaining that he didn't have any slippers and wishing he could change footware like I can with my boots.  £50 for both of them and they'll be here tomorrow.

Having pizza for lunch again today but he won't be getting his Creme Egg this week 'cos he didn't cook for us at all yesterday.  He's expecting to get ⅘ of it on Friday, but the deal was that he has to cook every day to get it so he's not getting one on Friday, but he will on Sunday if he cooks both days of the weekend.  Harsh but fair!

Burpin' like a good'un now lol.  The pizza was yummy and the puppy helped me to finish off the crusts.

Also, someone on Freegle was looking for things to make raised planters with in their bare garden so I've just replied offering the toilets and cisterns as unique planters for them... it'd be good if they *do* want them 'cos then the only thing left to go is the pouffe!

Steve's parents said to give the doggy jumper to his cousin to maybe use at the vets or even on their own dogs... just gotta remember to ask her when she comes to pick Mitzi up tomorrow now and ask Marie to give the 2 bags of plastic bags back to the Sainsbury's driver on Monday... you watch me forget though lol

Wearing one of my freshly washed and dried cardies so I'm not feeling cold any more, especially now that Steve's put the fan on!

Prescription taken and photo taken of our sleepy senior puppy:


Steve's just made me a couple more bottles of squash, so hopefully that'll keep me going until the weekend.

The puppy wants *something* but neither of us know what it is... we've asked her if she needs a wee, or a fuss or to play but she doesn't seem to want any of it!  She's in her bed now, so maybe she was just tired?

Me phone has just completely died on me for the first time since Steve gave it to me, so it's charging up now... hope I haven't lost anything by letting it completely die!!  😱

Phone's back to being charged now so I'm gonna have an early night now.

Nite nite orl!

Monday 18 March 2019

Moday 18th March 2019 part 2

Just got back.  The hair has been cut as opposed to trimmed again, but by the time I found out how much she had taken off it was too late again!

Decided against getting another pedometre after the other one broke so quickly.  I'm just gonna record my walking percents with the pup every morning along with the amount of side steps I do, although thinking on it, I don't need to count the side stepping any more now that I haven't got the fitness tracker around my ankle!

Steve's mum dosed him up with Covonia cough medicine while we were there and it seems to be working miracles on him so I'm gonna put it on next week's shopping in case I catch Steve's cold too.

Blimey that went down easily!  Just taken me prescription and it went down with just a tiny mouthful of squash this time!  If only all pills went down that easily!

That's the shopping been and gone.  No health and safety excuses this week, thankfully.

I know it's only 7.30pm but I'm gonna shut down and head to bed, so I'll say nite nite orl now!

Monday 18th March 2019

That's the puppy walked and fed.  No poo's so far today but hopefully she will go out the back before we leave to get our hair cut this morning.

Brushed me teeth and I'm about to take me supplements.

That's me supplements taken.  Not the easiest ever, but not the worst either 'cos they each took at least 3 mouthfuls of squash each to get 'em down.

The fitness tracker decided to break just as I was putting all the information into the spreadsheet last night.

Less than 3 flippin' months since it was delivered!

Gonna put the information I managed to get from it before it eff'd up onto my disability page, then just have the side stepping and walk percentages again.

Not happy at all.  😡

The info is up on the disability page now and I'm gonna publish this and shut down so that I can go and get my hair cut.


Sunday 17 March 2019

Sunday 17th March 2019 part 2

We shared the rest of the bag of chips and left enough room for our chippy chips for tea.

That's 3 full weeks of Steve cooking for us every day, which is so totally awesome!  Thank you Steve!

Can someone remind me that I owe Steve a fiver for next week's shopping... it's just over the £75 budget because of the toilet rolls and sauces that needed to be added this week.  I've asked for the cashback money I've earned from Top Cashback and Quidco so as soon as that arrives in my account I'll be able to pay him back, I just want to try and avoid going overdrawn for a week again is all.  I've worked so hard to stay in credit that I don't want to go overdrawn by literally £1.67 for literally 7 days is all.

'avin' a cone of chips, ketchup and Fanta for me tea.  I'll keep me laptop switched on this time so there won't be a part 3 to this, you'll be glad to hear!  Want an earlyish night tonight 'cos I is cream crackered after my 5am wake up call a few days ago!

Back now... the chips were nice but there was waaaay too much vinegar in the ketchup.

Thankfully take-aways have gone back to being treats now instead of an every day thing.  The chips were my second take-away and Steve's third since I bribed Steve to go back to cooking rather than buying in which saves about £150-£200 a week which is 2-3 WEEKS worth of groceries and a saving of about £600 a month on that alone, before even getting started on the health benefits and everything else!

We're also mostly buying supermarket own-brand groceries instead of paying for big brand names which means we can fill up our fridge, both freezers and the cupboards every week and still being able to afford brand names for things like the pasta bake sauce and chocolate mini rolls and mustard for Steve and things like that!  We also buy toilet rolls in bulk packs of 16 twice a month which is £12 a month instead of paying double that by buying them in smaller packs every week.  Means I don't feel guilty about getting myself magasines with the shopping whenever I want to as well!

Goin' to bed now.  Think I deserve an early night.

Nite nite orl!

Sunday 17th March 2019

The puppy has been walked and fed, done the weekly backup, I've brushed me teeth and taken me supplements and the puppy is going for another play-date in the next couple of hours, so it's a busy morning this morning!

That's the rubbish and recycling gone out and Mitzi's poo sorted ready for the morning.  Had a minor argument again, but it's only once a week, thankfully.  We've had to put both the recycling boxes out 'cos there was so much of it this time!

We're having chips for lunch again, but that's totally OK with me... it just needs to be cooked to get his Creme Egg and today is 21 days of cooking on the trot which is awesome!

Thank you for cooking for us every day for three whole weeks, Steve!

Apparently I was blue-lighted into hospital on Christmas Day 2002.  Never knew that and it's only taken Steve 17 years to tell me too.  lol

The pup has just gone for her play-date so I'm gonna jump in the shower and wash me hair ready for getting it cut tomorrow.  I'm missing her already and it's only been a couple of minutes since she left lol.

Just got out of the shower and I'm wiped out now!  Still, at least I'm not smelly any more and my hair is clean.  My hair band is in the wash so that'll be clean too.

What I don't understand though, is why my fingers shrink in the shower but swell in the bath?!

Me clothes are bagged up and ready to go upstairs with me tonight.  I want to get back into the habit of hanging my clothes up when they've been washed instead of Steve just bunging them onto the pile that I'm not tall enough to reach the top of.

I've got out of the habit of biting my nails, into the habit of brushing my teeth, we eat at home every day instead of take-aways, so the next habit to get into is hanging up my clothes when they've been washed and dried.

By changing one thing at a time, it feels a lot more achiev(e)able and gives me just one thing to focus on instead of a huge to-do list that seems too big to even start.  Same with the tidying up - now that my part of the living room and the majority of the bedroom is tidyish, it's so much easier to keep on top of.

Same with the carrier bags in the kitchen, now that they are all bagged up I'll give the majority of them to the driver tomorrow evening, so that it's easier to keep on top of and we just have enough for clearing up the pup's poo on her morning walkies, another bag for clearing up the poo from the back yard on a Sunday and a few for the bins in the bedroom, living room and bathroom.  So much easier to keep on top of than a never-ending mountain of bags that we're unlikely to use.

We'll never be the tidyest house in the world, but doing enough to keep on top of the mess is all that we really need to do.

The puppy's home!  The puppy's home!  The puppy's back home at last!  It's only been 2.5 hours but they were the longest 2.5 hours in the world.  I had to 😮 talk to Steve and not the puppy!  😇

Shutting down now, for the first time in 3 days, just to give the battery a chance to cool down a bit.


Saturday 16 March 2019

Saturday 16th March 2019

That's the puppy walked and fed.  Back to doing 600% on her walk.  There's 3500% extra in the walkies bank so if we manage 600% tomorrow as well, there will be 40 days worth of walks extra in the bank after 7 days which is good going for the pair of us.  Want to keep doing at least 600% every morning and 1000% just once a week, but if the pup really doesn't want to then I won't force her.

Brushed me teeth too.  Think I've got an infection in it so need to see the dentist and have the tooth taken out.  I'm a lot better about brushing my teeth now though, so hopefully that'll be the only other one that needs to come out now.  Really need to get back to going back regularly to treat my phobia though... haven't gone for too long so I'll have to start from scratch again... I just hope it doesn't cost a fortune 'cos I really can't afford that!

The supplements have just gone down the hatch.  Nice and easy this morning, thankfully!

Virus scan is at 64% so hopefully it'll be finished by the time we have our lunch of waffles and eggs today.

I was wrong... had me lunch about an hour ago and we're still only at 71% with the virus scan, so it'll prolly finish just after I head to bed or summat now knowing my luck lol

It seems to be doing 1% every half an hour so it'll be about 4am that it finishes... maybe I was getting too complacent about how quickly the last few have been?  Should have realised that maybe I'd done something accidentally to speed them up.  Life is never that easy for me lol

Just taken me prescription and Steve's ordered a can of Tango for me... hope I'm still awake when it arrives 'cos I was awake at 5am 'cos I was desperate for a wee lol

Oooh!  The virus scan has sped up to 82% now!!  Only 18% left to go so it'll prolly be finished just as I'm about to head to bed now lol

Goin' to bed now.

Nite nite orl.

Friday 15 March 2019

Friday 15th March 2019

Just taken me supplements.  Easy enough to take this morning, thankfully.  Hope I didn't take too much of the Iron and B12 though!

Having issues with AVG since the update so gotta restart for the second time now!  *frustrated sigh*

Working again now so I'm gonna take the pup for her morning stroll.  BBS!

That's the puppy walked and fed.  We only did 500% this morning so that it makes for easier calculations for me after she forced me to do 700% yesterday and totally effed up my calculations lol.  We are now at 3000% extra in the walkies bank and assuming we do 600% each day of the weekend, there will be 4000% in the bank again, so that's quite cool and groovy for my OCD!

Having a chocochino to celebrate something or other and we're having "chips or wedges with something so that I can just bung it in the oven for a while" for lunch today.

Today will be 19 days of home cooked meals which is awesome!  That also means that he'll be having his fifth Creme Egg for puddin' to celebrate no take-aways again.

So proud of you Steve!  Those first few days of finding the motivation to cook were tough going but it's back to being a routine again now - I walk the pup every morning and Steve cooks for us every day so it's all divided up nicely.  We work as a team to get the rubbish and recycling outside on a Sunday too, so we've found a routine that works for us now, thankfully.

A Facebook friend posted this overnight and yep, that's mental illness for you!

'tato wedges for lunch today... could have done with a few more to really fill me up but it wasn't too bad.  Steve's got his fifth Creme Egg to have after he's had his lunch and there are seven left in the box so there's one hopefully on Sunday, then 3 weeks left before the box runs out.

He's just said that he'll cook anyway, even without the Creme Eggs so I hope he means it 'cos the home-cooking has been wonderful.  I'll still get him occasional Turkish Delight's and Toblerone's to keep encouraging him, but they will be rewards instead of the current bribery lol.

The first week-ten days was the biggest amount of bribery but after that Steve seemed to settle into a routine and he can motivate himself now.

Just brushed me teeth 'cos I couldn't remember if I had this morning or not and I figured it was better to brush them twice than not at all!

That's my prescription down the hatch.  Nice and easy tonight, thankfully.

Steve's just made me a mug of tea too, so hopefully my late lunch will soak up at least some of the liquid/caffeine so that I'm not constantly up and down the stairs all night!

I'm wiped out so gonna have a really early night for a change.

Be back tomorrow though!

Nite nite orl!

Thursday 14 March 2019

Thursday 14th March 2019

That's the puppy walked and fed.  She forced me to do 700% this morning, so there's now 2600% extra in the walkies bank which'll make for difficult calculations for me now lol

That's me supplements taken.  They weren't brilliant at going down the hatch this morning, but at the same time it was far from the tough days too, thankfully.

Just brushed me teeth... almost forgot!  lol

Pasta bake for lunch today.  Yummy, scrummy, in my tummy!

The pup is going for another play-date with Steve's family soon... assuming she wakes up before then of course lol

That's the puppy gone again... missing her already!

Just cleared both cache's ready for tomorrow's virus scan.

She's baaaaack!!  She's baaack!  My favourite senior pup is home!  The house is filled with love and happiness again!

I is cream crackered so I'm heading to bed for a really eary night.

Nite nite orl

Wednesday 13 March 2019

Wednesday 13th March 2019

The supplements went down incredibly easily this morning!  Just a single mouthful of squash each!

Just brushed me teeth, so it's time to take the senior puppy out for our morning stroll again now!  I hope she doesn't poo, or at least, if she does, does it a bit closer to the wall than she usually does so that I don't fall over.  Yes, I do realise that I haven't fallen over while picking her poo yet, but I still get anxious about it just in case it happens for the first time!

600% on the puppy's walk this morning, so the extra walkies bank is at 2000% already, so hopefully we'll hit 4000% again by the end of the week.

I saw a cat pooing and burying it's poo as soon as we left the house this morning and I saw it being let into it's house but I bet I won't be allowed to take legal action against it, purely because it's a cat!  Hardly fair, is it?

Just reported the cat to the city council and I bet they'll say that because it's a cat, the public fouling laws don't apply!  I'm fed up of being accused of not clearing up the puppy's poo when it isn't even hers though, so if the council say they can't do anything, I'll still keep reporting it so that it's on record that it isn't our pup.


Had a major cleanup of the bathroom sink yesterday afternoon after Steve re-found the wipes that I got with last week's grocery shop.  Was totally gross slime and hair that had congealed and turned into black slime and welded itself to the basin so I decided that enough was enough and got to work clearing it all up.

The sink is gleaming and almost like new again now!

When I get into the clearing up kinda mood, I have to go with it while it lasts 'cos it's motivating myself to get started that's the hardest part!

Next up will be sorting out all the carrier bags that have grown to be almost a mountain.  I won't bin them 'cos we need them for the bins and dog poo clearing up as well as taking out with us every morning to clear up the poo if she decides that she needs to go right then.

Short, sharp, cleaning bursts are the way for me to go instead of an entire house tidy-up once a week I reckon.  👌 😇

That's the bagging 75% done.  All the ones I could reach are now in bags ready to go into a black bag to go back with the Sainsbury's driver on Monday, there's 12 in a separate bag for a week's worth of poo collection, one for the weekly yard poo collection and emptying 3 small bins in the house, but the others are all collected up and ready to go so that we've got a bit more space in the kitchen.  It only took maybe 5 minutes but I'm all tidied out now!

Lunch today is lasagne and chips... yummy!

Ohh boy, that was more than I was thinking.  You'd think that I'd know by now it's either chips or lasagne, not both together!  Very yummy but also very filling.  Not going to move off the sofa other than to go to the bathroom before bed now.

Taken me prescription and worked out that while this week and next week are going to be tight, money-wise, I'll be able to put £150 into my savings after all the bills and 2 weeks of shopping have come out.  If I don't do that, I'll be able to afford the groceries until mid-April too, so I could put my entire PIP payment into my savings and still be able to afford my bills too then it's back to normal from the middle of April onwards. 

I can so do this!

Having an early night tonight... just gone 7pm and I'm off for the night now.

Nite nite orl!