We did 600% though, so there's already 2000% in the extra walkies bank after only 3 days!
That's me supplements taken. They all went down pretty easily and with only a couple of mouthfuls of squash each, so that's OK.
That's the £5 moved back over for Steve 'cos my Top Cashback and Quidco payments have come through now, so that's most of Steve's shoes and slippers paid for too! Gonna work out how much more has got to come out of my account for the rest of the bills now though.
Just got £20 left to come out this Friday and next week then that's all the bills covered for the month! Totally awesome! I'll be able to move about £100 into my savings account which will be fantastic!
The £5 for the shopping as well as Steve's slippers and shoes that are coming today are all free because of the cashback payments and I'm £1.48 better off too! I could get used to this money management thing! I'm just glad I've got it all written down and can manage my current account online 'cos if I couldn't, I'd be in deep poo every month!
I'm gonna pay £65 into the joint account on Monday to totally pay for the electricity which'll be one less thing to worry about and I'll still be able to afford to put £50 into savings 'cos I'm paid again on Monday which'll cover the shopping.
I've also spent money on a friend's birthday card and gift this month, which I'll save on next month too. It's only small things - but they soon add up! I'm just glad that I'm not in debt any more... I'd be struggling every month if I was instead of being able to put money into my savings account!
That's me teeth brushed and prescription delivered... only took three days instead of the usual five!
That was harder than it needed to be then!! Just uploaded a short video of the pup to You Tube and it took longer to work out how to upload it than the whole video itself!!
This is our puppy and the video was taken just before 11am today:
And a photo to go with it:
Gorgeous girl.
That's the puppy gone for another play-date... she's got a better social life than me! lol
The shoes I got for Steve are too small around the toes for him to wear while his legs and feet are swollen 😞 He's got a pair of slippers on their way to him so hopefully they will fit better than the shoes 'cos they are "very wide fitting". Guess I'd better look for yet another pair of shoes for Steve to wear instead but make sure they are extra wide fitting so that he can actually wear them when he's outside. Why can life never he simple eh?
That's me prescription taken for another night. Back onto looking for other shoes for Steve now.
The slippers are too small too, so I've wasted a huge £50 on things that Steve can't wear and I can't return because I can't afford the postage back to Amazon 👎😞
Just ordered him 2 post op shoes for swollen feet so that's another £50 gone down the drain which means I won't be able to afford *anything* in my savings yet again. 😠
Gonna publish this then shut down so that I can have an early night.
Nite nite orl! 💤💤
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