Thursday, 28 March 2019

Thursday 28th March 2019

Mornin' all.

I worked out this morning, while I was still in bed, what my argument will be about keeping the bath:  I have given up everything for Steve and he hasn't given up a single thing for me.

  1. Last time I saw my mum was 10 years ago this July.  The last time Steve saw his family was this Monday just gone and he'll see them again tomorrow.
  2. Last time I saw my brother was 21 years ago.  The last time Steve saw his brother was after Christmas.
  3. Last time my mum made a home-cooked lunch for us was 10 years ago.  The last time Steve's mum made us a home-cooked lunch was Christmas Day 2018
  4. Last time I saw my childhood friends for under 5 minutes was 10 years ago this May.  Last time Steve saw his childhood friends for under 5 minutes was never.
  5. Last time I saw my childhood friends for longer than 5 minutes was 21 years ago.  Last time Steve saw his childhood friends was about 5 years ago.
  6. Number of jobs I've loved and given up for Steve:  2
    Number of jobs Steve's loved and given up for me:  0
  7. Number of funerals for my family since 2009: 3
    Number of funerals for Steve's family since 2009:  2
    Number of funerals I've been to since 2009:  1
    Number of funerals Steve's been to since 2009:  2
  8. Number of weddings there have been in my family since 2009: 1
    Number of weddings I've been to since 2009:  0
    Number of weddings there have been in Steve's family since 2009:  1
    Number of weddings he's been to since 2009:  1
  9. Number of hours Steve's paid to care for me a week:  30
    Number of hours he actually cares for me:  2 if I have a bath
  10. Number of pieces of software I've already paid Steve to create for me:  3
    Number he's actually produced:  2
  11. Number of navigation pages I've already paid Steve to create for me:  1
    Number he's actually produced:  0
Hardly fair, is it??

Gonna take me supplements now, then take the puppy for her walk... I'm guessing it'll be a short walk after yesterdays play-date.

 That's me supplements swallowed and the cat poo picked up by the council, so it's time for walking our little senior pup now!

650% this morning so that's 200% extra on top of the standard extra in two days which is awesome!

Steve's either read my mind or seen this while I was out with the pup, 'cos he's just said "I wanna spend all day on computery stuff today" to which I replied "what sort of computery stuff?" and he replied "your navigation thingy, so can we just have crisps and cakey stuff for lunch pretty please?"  Fine by me!  Means I'll hopefully be able to put it on my pages soon, so I need to work out the validation dooberry, but as soon as it's done I'll be able to focus on each page at a time and upload the whole shebang when it's all sorted.  I know that he is going to give it a good go today though, so I'm hoping it'll be pretty much ready by tomorrow so that I can spend all weekend putting it on my pages ready for uploading as soon as possible!

That's all the pages moved into a temporary file, so I can't add to any pages before the new navigation is sorted now lol  I'm seriously hoping it'll be ready to go by Sunday night so that I can update my disability page with the spreadsheets first thing on Monday.

Me mum's Mother's Day gift is sorted now and I've just spent getting on for 40 minutes on the phone to her (which is a quick call by her standards lol) letting her know to keep the gate open because it's fragile.

I hope she likes it!

First survey of the day completed.

Second survey of the day done and dusted.

Third survey finito.

That's both cache's cleared, ready for the morning's virus scan to start.

Four survey's completed this afternoon... I'm on a roll!

That's me prescription taken.

Our little nephew is having a birthday in April, so I've just got him his gift from Wonderbly - I love the company so much... they offer truly unique children's books that are personalised for your little person and they are very good value for money too!  What's even better is that if you use that link I've provided, you get £5 off your first order with them.

Logging off for the night now... think I deserve an early night for a change.  Bet I'm still awake at 10pm though  lol

Nite nite orl!

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