Monday 31 December 2018

Monday 31st December 2018

I've just uninstalled and reinstalled the fitness tracker app 'cos I thought maybe installing the app before the tracker was charged.  We'll soon see!

The pup doesn't want to go for our morning stroll yet, so I'll take me supplements first then see if she wants to go out for our walkies.  Hopefully she'll want to come out with me when I've stopped getting fakely excited about it so that I can get her out of Steve's chair and onto the floor, so I'm gonna take me supplements then get Steve to put her head through the harness to get her to realise that she ain't going without a walk now that her nails have been sorted out!

That's the supplements taken.  Everything was fine and dandy until it got to the Multi... that wouldn't go down at all, so I had to crunch that one up too.  *sigh*

350% on the pup's walkies this morning!  She poo'd after 175% which, thankfully, was right next to a car, so I leant against the car while I picked it up and followed the pup's wants until she decided to come home.

It's the start of another bank balance and today's long walk means that there's already 250% in there!  There's no way I can do that every day this week though, but as long as we do 100% then that's fine by me.  I'd love to get it up to 1000% extra in the bank by the end of the week again, but if the pup doesn't want to then that's OK too.

The fitness tracker is still saying 0 steps so I'll give it until I've recharged it then if it still hasn't updated itself I'll take it off my ankle and put it down to being a total waste of money and give it a single star on Argos too.  What a waste of money.  😠

As of yesterday, Steve's seen his family the same amount in 6 days as I've seen my mum in exactly 9 years.  I saw my mum 3 times in 2010 and not since then yet Steve's seen his family equal the number in under a week.

So much for going over regularly!

Just taken me prescription so hopefully I'll be asleep by 9pm tonight... wish me luck that that's what happens!

Scratch that, I'm heading to bed now and hoping that I'll fall asleep before I feel sick!

Sunday 30 December 2018

Sunday 30th December 2018 - part 2

Just got back from the in-laws again.  We weren't invited up for New Year's Day, so the running total is seeing Steve's family the same amount of times in 6 days as I've seen my mum since the start of 2010.  If we're invited over for New Year's Day, we'll have seen Steve's family more in 8 days than I've seen my mum in 8 years!!  Hardly fair, is it?  👎

The recycling box is now officially too full for the lid to fit on it, so despite being out of the house for 3 days this week, our pop consumption has far from reduced for some reason!

Had to put a drain unblocker on the shopping that's coming on Thursday 'cos the bath plug takes literally hours to fully drain, so I've put the own brand unblocker on the shopping that's less than half the price of the brand name products and had the majority of positive reviews for it, so hopefully it'll work for us too.

Just pre-ordered my lil nephew's first two birthday pressies ready for next year and had me tea (Knorr minestrone soup... much prefer Sainsbury's own brand minestrone soup though!)

That's me prescription taken.  Not planning on getting up early tomorrow... in theory I'll be awake by 7.30am but I'm not going to get up until I feel ready.  We aren't going out anywhere and it's just the rubbish bag and recycling box to bring in and the pup to walk and feed so they can wait for an hour longer than usual, considering it's the last day of 2018 tomorrow.  Can almost guarantee that I'll forget about not needing to get up early tomorrow though!  lol

Logging off now... not tired but I need an early night for the first time in a while so I'm publishing this then shutting down.

Nite nite orl!

Sunday 30th December 2018

I've achieved so much already today and it's not even 9am yet!  Took the recycling box and rubbish bag out, binned the walkies bags of poo and scraped up the two bits that were in the yard, binned those, had a bath then took the pup out for her morning stroll, she poo'd before we even got to 15% of the walk so cleared it up and binned it in the rubbish bag then we carried on walking.  250% today, so add the 150% extra to the 1050% in the bank means that we've done 1200% extra so far this week which is good going I reckon!

Going to see Steve's family yet again today which means that by the time we get home today we'll have seen Steve's family the same number of times as we've seen my mum since the beginning of 2010.  You can bet Steve wouldn't agree to seeing his family 3 times in 8 years, yet that's exactly what he's forced me to do and continue to do!

Anyway, enough of that.  Time to check my email and Facebook then shut down until we get home from the in-laws... again.

Supplements taken.  The Calcium crumbs went everywhere and the Iron was a bit of a PITA but the B12 and Multi were OK-ish, thankfully.

Gonna publish this then shut down now.


Saturday 29 December 2018

Saturday 29th December 2018

The virus scan totally finished after only 21 hours this week, so I can back up my likkle laptop and turn it off while I take the pup out.

The fitness tracker still isn't working though, annoyingly, so I'm gonna give it until Monday and then email the manufacturers to try and find out why it's not working.  😞

...aaand the back-up is finished with absolutely no stress at all this week!  I could get used to this!

The pup forced me to do 400% today, but poo'd after only 75% so I was left with the bag swinging from my wrist for most of the walk... gross but necessary.  Today's 300% extra takes us up to 1050% in the bank after only 6 days, so I'm not going to be doing much moving around today 'cos I need to recover!  lol

That's the plastic bottles bagged up, ready to be taken out to put into the recycling boxes and I found 2 more bras and a pair of trousers while I was bagging up the bottles too!  Bonus!

That's the bottles boxed, ready to go out tomorrow.  Gotta move the boxes from in front of the wardrobe next, so that I can hang my clothes up tonight.  Steve's being paid to be my carer for 30 hours a week yet in reality I'm lucky to get an hour a week out of him!

That's the boxes in the bedroom sorted out too.  I asked Steve for his help and he said "maybe later" which is his way of saying no, so I've just been up and risked doing it myself.  Thankfully I managed it, but I really can't do anything else today now.  I'm exhausted, shaking, in pain so anything other than sitting on the sofa is totally no-go for the rest of the day.

I'm gonna take my prescription then go straight upstairs to hang the clothes up then straight into bed to hopefully recover.  Might have a bath and get changed later on, but there's no way I can do anything else today... it just won't be safe if I do!

We're having a home cooked lunch!!!  First time in at least a month, maybe closer to 6 weeks, so I'm shutting down and putting my laptop on the floor now, just while I remember to!


Yummy, scrummy, in my tummy!

The cheese was more mature/strongerer than I remembered but it was great to have another home cooked meal.

Just heard from the OU too.  The module I want to start with starts in October so if I can study and still get ESA I'll not be able to take part in NaNo each year that I study and they go through until June, so I won't be able to do JanNo either, but I'll set up my own personal challenges in the break between modules, so I'll do 50k words in July or August instead of November/January... disappointing but it'll be worth it if/when I get the degree!

Means that there isn't so much of a hurry to hear about the ESA thing, so I'll give 'em next week off, to get back into the working routine again then try and remember to call them the week after about it.  It doesn't open for applications until April, so I've got 4 months to get things ready and sorted.

It's all down to what the Benefits Agency say now.  They were fine with it when I tried soon after coming out of hospital so hopefully they'll be OK with it this time too, I just want to find out for sure one way or the other then take it from there.  According to the site I'll be able to study and claim at the same time, I just want to be 100% sure is all.

That's me supplements taken.  Far from easy today and I feel a little bit bloated after such a big lunch then multiple mouthfuls of squash for each of the supplements!  😔

Gonna watch Watership Down now, despite it prolly "destroying me"... I'm 41 and I've never watched Watership Down or read Lord of the Rings in my life before  lol

Didn't destroy me as much I was lead to believe.  Star Wars was faaar more upsetting... I was in tears in a public cinema and I couldn't stop crying for hours afterwards!

I'm going to head to bed now to find a clean top and trousers ready for tomorrow so that I will hopefully be awake while it's still dark then I can have a bath to make use of the darkness, pick up the pup's poo ready to go into the bin bag, take the pup for her morning stroll, then take the rubbish bag and recycling box out and wait for my FIL to take us over to theirs for the 4th time in 6 days.

I give up with ever getting to see my mum while she's still alive now... I'm honestly dreading the next time us going over there being for her funeral  😢

I'm off to bed now... nite nite orl, I'll update you all when I get back tomorrow.

Friday 28 December 2018

Friday 28th December 2018

That's the virus scan started so I'm hoping that it'll be finished by bed time tomorrow but if not it'll be finished in the early hours of Sunday so that I can do the back-up while it's still dark outside.

That's the puppy walked and fed.  We did 300% today, so add the 200% extra from today to the 550% total that's already in the bank and we're at 750% after 5 days so we're right on track for doing just over 1000% this week.

Time to take me supplements now, then read the instruction booklet and charge up the fitness tracker then put it on and hope it fits around me ankle!

That's the supplements taken - not too badly this morning... not the easiest ever but far from the worst, thankfully.

Gotta sort out my fitness tracker now.

Charging the fitness tracker up now and I've got the app installed, so hopefully I'll remember how to use it when it's fully charged at about 11am!

Just waiting for the hangers to arrive so that I can hang up all my clothes in the wardrobe instead of leaving them in a pile on top of the washer/drier.  In theory, all that will stay down here, is are my bra's, knickers and socks which can live at the bottom of the stairs, just like they do now.

Getting house-proud in my old age lol.

That was harder than it needed to be, but I'm tagged now and ready to rock and roll.  Definitely a two person job to get it to sync though!!

Fortunately it fits under my sock without stretching it too much and my boot seems to fit OK with it on too, just gotta remember to dry it off after every bath and shower, but other than that and charging it up every 5 days, I'm ready to rock and roll now!

It'll be interesting to see what a full day's walking with the pup and being asleep with it on tonight will add up to!

I've hopefully set the alarm to wake me up at 8am every morning so we'll see what happens tomorrow morning now!

Steve's nurse is running at least half an hour late so I've just made myself a chocochino and opened the door for the pup.

That's the hangers just arrived, so that's it now until the middle of January, when my last two jumpers will arrive then that's it until I get Steve's valentine's gift.

First survey done and dusted.

We live in a mid-terrace house and our neighbour on one side of us has been growing grapes this year.

It's very rare that we see smaller garden birds but this morning a wren-sized bird flew off out of our back yard and Steve said he saw a blackbird and a sparrow feeding off them this afternoon too, which is awesome!

A couple of very young seagulls got trapped out there in Summer but out of the 20 years we've been here, this year has been the most wild bird attractive year in total!  We've had more birds in 9 months than the whole of the rest of the 20 years combined!!

We live on the outskirts of a city and our back yard is tiny (8 foot by 12 foot kinda size) so it's to be expected I suppose, but we both enjoy watching wild birds, so the mess that is our back yard, combined with the grapes from next door is a welcome habitat for smaller wild birds and if it keeps them alive then so much the better!

The virus scan is still only at 5% even after 9 hours, so it'll prolly be an early hours of Sunday morning kinda time before it finishes again.  😞

Ho hum.  As long as I'm down before 8am I can back up the files while it's finishing getting light, take the pup out for her walk and then shut down ready for going over to the in-laws for the third time in 5 days.  Again.

Second survey completed

Third survey done and dusted... the pup either wants to go outside or attention, so I'd best give it to her!

That's me prescription taken, and I'm intending on spending the next 60 minutes swooning over Take That.

Take That are definitely missing the deepness that Jason gave them, but they've been going for almost 3 decades and he needed a break.  I still love them dearly, but I will always miss Jason not being there now  😢

Gonna read the last 20-odd pages, put the review up and go to bed for an earlyish night.

Just finished the book so it's time for the review then heading to bed.

It's taken 1.5 months but I'm finally half way through the pack of J2O cans that Steve bought for me at the start of NaNo lol

I've reviewed the book so I'm heading to bed now.  Nite nite orl!

Thursday 27 December 2018

Thursday 27th December 2018

Was up at 5am today, so I'm thinking that I'll take my prescription at about 7pm every evening 'cos 7am is a more civilised hour to get up lol

Got 2 t-shirts, a jumper and a cardigan arriving today from Amazon, my fitness tracker this afternoon and the groceries coming this morning, so it's a good job I got up early... bet Steve will be asleep the whole day though so I'll have to get the door each time!

Just walked and fed the pup.  Only 200% today and no poo, thankfully, but there's now 550% in the bank after 4 days which is good going I reckon!

The pup is having her breakfast then will come back in here and fall asleep for most of the rest of the day 'cos that's pretty normal for her now that she's an old lady.

That's me supplements taken for the first time in 3 days and Steve's replenished my squash and made me a chocochino too... dunno what I've done to deserve it, but he's done more as my carer in the last few minutes than he has for the rest of the festive season put together!

That's the groceries been and gone, just waiting for my fitness tracker from Amazon to come between 2pm and 6pm and the first part of my clothes from Amazon to arrive by 9pm now, then I can head to bed again.

That's the first survey of the day completed.

Second survey done and dusted.  Gonna read another couple of chapters now, then try more surveys etc etc.

Third survey finished.

Fourth survey of the day finito.

That's part one of three of the Amazon order, just waiting for the Argos order to turn up at some point before 6pm then I can go to bed!  Gonna take me prescription at 7pm tonight so that, in theory, I'll be awake at 7am tomorrow, set the virus scan running and wait for the hangers to turn up at some point, then I can have a bath and an early night for a change.  Got no plans for tomorrow or Saturday, but we're going back over to the in-laws on Sunday and Tuesday then that's it for another year.

So so tired already!  😲

Time to carry on reading for the time being though!

That's my clothes bagged up and ready to go upstairs when I head to bed tonight.  Just waiting on the hangers that'll be here tomorrow and a couple of jumpers that'll be here mid-January... not bad going for under a tenner!  The fitness tracker will be interesting... apparently the rechargable battery charges up in 3 hours and lasts for 5 days with the feedback being sent straight to my phone then I'll hopefully be able to transfer the info to my likkle laptop and keep a track of how I'm doing!

Gonna maybe get a pair of shoes instead of boots to wear with it though, just in case the boots are too tight around me ankles.

Having a mug of soup for me tea then taking my prescription, doing a few more surveys and heading to bed.  I'm over half way through the book now, so I'll finish it off tomorrow and leave a review for it on my writing blog and Amazon!

6.46pm and I'm taking my prescription.  That means, in theory, I'll be down at about 7am tomorrow - much better than today's 5am!  lol

Blimey that went down easily tonight!!  Just a small mouthful of squash and  it's gone!  If only all my pills went down like that!

7pm and I'm off to bed.  Nite nite orl!

Wednesday 26 December 2018

Wednesday 26th December 2018 - part 2

Just got back from the in-laws.  We were there for 5 hours today, so add that to yesterdays 8 hours, makes 13 hours in 2 days.  That's less than I spent with my mum at my father's funeral and the last time I saw her combined and 3 hours still in the bank.  It'll be another 5 hours minimum on Sunday and another 8 on New Years Day which will be 26 hours over four days in a week.

I haven't seen my mum for 8 years, but come Tuesday we'll have been with the in-laws in a week for the same number of days as I saw my mum in 2010 combined.

Hardly fair, is it?

Just bought a fitness tracker that'll be here tomorrow between 2pm and 6pm then made a £6 donation to Children In Need. Not bad going for a days shopping!

Time to go shopping on Amazon with C's kind gift now!

That's me prescription taken and it's not even 5pm yet, so hopefully it means I'll have an early night tonight after a couple of late ones and a very late night last night (11pm before I even got to take me prescription and midnight before I was asleep, then up before 7am this morning for the second time in 2 days) but I've got no reason to be up before 9am for the next 3 days, thankfully.

12 hangers, 2 jumpers, 2 t-shirts and a cardigan cost a grand total of less than a tenner thanks to C's generous gift... thank you C!  I'll be able to hang my clothes up now instead of leaving them in a pile on top of the washer-drier - just gotta move the boxes from in front of the wardrobe now!  lol

Quick virus scan completed.  Still virus and malware free so I'm heading to bed now.

Nite nite orl!

Wednesday 26th December 2018

Just got back from taking the pup for her morning stroll.  She poo'd again and I cleared it up again.  We did another 250% so there's 450% in the walkies bank now.

Update on going to the in-laws too.  My little nephew is ill so they're not going over today and we're going over on Sunday too, as well as New Year's Day, so we're now seeing them 4 times in 7 days, which is double what I've seen my mum since 2010.

Hardly fair, is it?

Also means that, assuming we spend 8 hours with his family on each of the three additional days as we did yesterday, Steve will see his family for the same length of time in 7 days as I saw my mum throughout 2010.

Shutting down for the day again now.  As long as we get home and I'm not too tired, I'll post part 2 when I get home, like I did yesterday.

Toodlepip for now!

Tuesday 25 December 2018

Tuesday 25th December 2018 - part 2

Back from spending the day with the in-laws and in just one day with them is equal to nearly (as in about 2 hours short) the entire time I've spent with my mum since the end of 2009, 'cos we spent 8 hours with Steve's family today and I spent 6 hours with my mum on the day of my father's funeral and almost 4 hours with her after we'd re-homed the pup. 

Nothing since.

We're in for another 8ish hours again tomorrow and another 8 hours or more on New Year's Day, so in one week we'll have spent 24 hours with his family which is the same as I've spent with my mum since mid-2009.

So much for going over to see her regularly now that she's on her own, eh?

Got a gift card from her that I was doing battle with before we left and I'm about to do battle with again after I've written this, an Amazon voucher from C and a variety box of hot chocolates from Marie so I've been spoilt!  Gonna look for an opal ring from Argos with the gift card from me mum, but haven't got a clue about what to get from Amazon lol

Gonna get myself a fitness tracker from Argos with me mum's voucher... still haven't got a clue what to get with the Amazon voucher though!  lol

It's gone 11pm so I'm having a very late night tonight!

Hope you've all had the best day possible today... nite nite orl!

Tuesday 25th December 2018

Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it!

Just taken the pup for her walkies and we did another 250% this morning so that's 300% in the bank after 2 days which ain't bad.  She poo'd almost up against a car that's parked on the pavement instead of the road, so at least I could lean against that as I picked the poo up.  I had to go past it sideways each time though, so there's no way that Steve'll be able to squeeze through when we go to his folks in about half an hour!!

Not good at all.


Not gonna take me supplements today otherwise I'll be too bloated for lunch which'll piss off everyone and I might throw up in the car on the way over too, so I'd rather not risk it today, tomorrow and New Year's Day.

Monday 24 December 2018

Monday 24th December 2018

Just got back from taking the pup out... we did 250% and she produced a poo, so I dutifully picked it up, but there's already 150% in the walkies bank after just one day!  I'm hoping to make this a minimum every day, but I won't force her if the pup doesn't want to.

Time for me supplements now!

That's the supplements swallowed.  The Multi was a nightmare to swallow but the other 3 weren't too bad, not perfect but not the worst either.  That's me sorted for the day now though, thankfully.

That's the bag tied around the top of the pup's lead again, ready for the next time she poo's on her walk.  I asked my carer to do it and he said "maybe later" which usually means no, so I had to do it.  He's being paid to be my carer for 30 hours a week but I'm lucky if I get that out of him in a year!

Been a long, boring day today that I've done b***ar all with, except having a shower to wash me hair, then a bath to relax in, bought the Christmas pressies down and I've just taken my prescription, so hopefully I'll be up by 8am tomorrow.  Got 5 weeks and 6 days left of my prescription, which will, in theory, take me up to the start of February so I'll put my repeat request in at the end of January.

Wish me luck tomorrow... got a black bag and carrier bag of gifts to take with us tomorrow - just got to remember to take 'em with us!

Still virus and malware free.

Not sure when/if I'll be posting tomorrow, so if I don't, I hope you have a good Christmas and Boxing Day!

Sunday 23 December 2018

Sunday 23rd December 2018

I don't know why it's suddenly happened, but I'm in double figures for visitors reading this blog in the last 12 hours!  Thank you so so much to every single one of you!  I really do appreciate your visits and reading my posts!

I usually struggle to get over 4 readers which I was happy with anyway and I loved and appreciated every single one of them, so imagine my shock this morning to be met with low double figure number of views of every single blog post!

I haven't done any marketing or advertising of my blog or anything, just the same link on my sites, same as always, so I haven't got a clue about how quadruple the number of people have suddenly found my blog overnight, but you've lifted my mood and motivation waaaay up!

Thank you so so much!  💜💜💜

The virus scan finished at about 2am so it was a good job that I didn't stay up to wait for it!  lol

Doing the backups now and, as always, it's the documents that are taking forever to back up lol  Up to 45% atm and it's been going for almost half an hour so it's dragging through as just over 1% per minute.  It's only once a week though, thankfully.

Blimey Charlie!  The backing up has done 42% in 4 minutes!!  That's soooo much quicker than I was thinking and means that I'll be able to take the puppy out for our morning walkies before 10am then I can come back and relax knowing that I'm protected for another week.

Today is the last day of our walkies break.

Starting tomorrow I'm gonna increase the distance we walk again... I won't pressure her as long as we do the 100% every morning, but I'm hoping for around 250% every morning if she wants to and anything more than that will be an awesome bonus... not going to force her, but she's an eager puppy again now that we've got her nails sorted!

...And the back-up is finished!  45 minutes to back up just my documents though!  lol.

Gonna unplug the external hard drive and put it away then take the pup out for her walk.


The puppy is comfortable in her bed and refusing to get out so I'll keep trying throughout the day *sigh*.  Knew it wouldn't last.  👎

That's the pup walked and fed now.

She decided to mess with my head today though and go the opposite way to where we usually go!

We usually head left out of the door but the pup forced me to go right this morning, which I don't think we've ever done before.

We walked the same distance and to the same places so we still did 100% this morning, but we did it backwards!

Tomorrow is the start of longer walks again, but I'll take my lead from the pup again and as long as we do 100% I won't force her to do any more than that.

Time for me supplements now.

And they're done and dusted for the day.  The Calcium crumbs went everywhere and the B12 fell apart in my mouth, but the Iron and Multi behaved themselves and went down with just a single mouthful of squash, thankfully.

First survey of the day completed and I'm having strawberry jam sarnies for me lunch .

Steve's changed his mind about the sandwiches so we're having cheesy bean slices and mince pies for lunch instead  😞

Just taken me prescription and I'm hoping to have an early night, but knowing me I'll still be awake at my normal bedtime.  😔

Going to bed now... the prescription is kicking in already, so I might just about catch the end of the Top 40 today, to see who is Christmas Number 1!

Saturday 22 December 2018

Saturday 22nd December 2018

That's the pup walked and fed.  She poo'd on her walk this morning, so, like the responsible owner that I am I, I bent over to clear it up.  Almost fell over 5 times and I'm shaking like a leaf in a storm now!

Doubt I'll be able to do anything at all for the rest of the day now, which Steve won't like, but tough!  He's being paid to care for me for 30 hours a week but I'm lucky to get that in a year!  He's also already been paid for making a bit of software for me that he's barely looked at yet!

Not a happy bunny at all.

The supplements went down really easily this morning... just 2 drinks for the Calcium and 1 for each of the others!

I could get used to that lol

Virus scan is at 62% now so it'll be finished late tonight, so it's a good job that I had an early night last night after all, despite still being awake 2 hours later!

£100.20 for the next 2 weeks of shopping and I can count on the fingers of one hand, how many things are mine.  I'm still expected to pay for it though!  Hardly fair, is it?  For the last month I've been spending getting on for £60 a week and all that has been for me has been 10 bottles of pop that I've been sharing with Steve anyway and comes to under a tenner in total, so Steve's been getting £50 of food a week that is for him alone 'cos it's meat and stuff and all I'm left with is 5 bottles of pop a week, 4 bottles of water and a bottle of squash a month.  Literally. 

Virus scan is at 65% now.

Marie is bringing over the shopping after lunch which I can almost guarantee that Steve will pay Marie for then I'll have to pay Steve back so that he gets credit for paying for it and I get forgotten despite being the one to actually pay for it, just like the vets... Steve paid £75 with his card and I paid him £100 into the joint account without him even saying thank you.

That's the chocolate and two of the three pairs of jeans just arrived, so I'm just waiting for one more jeans and three bra's now then that's it until Valentines Day 2019!  Haven't got a clue what to get for Steve though lol

Thank you for bringing the shopping over for us, Marie!  Had some of the crisps for our lunch... thank you for making sure they were all suitable for vegetarians and thank you to Walkers for making a meaty multipack that vegetarians can now have too.

Virus scan is at 70% now, so it's done 10% in... hold on... 6 hours, so it won't be anywhere near 95% done at 10pm, so I'm gonna have another early night and do the back-ups as soon as I come down tomorrow morning, before taking the pup out for her walk, then turn the laptop off for an hour or so to cool the battery down a bit after being on for 3 days without a break!

Heavenly have just found themselves a new customer in me.  The heavy reduction in sugar (less than 4%) is noticable, but other than that, it's gorgeous!  Definitely give it a go with the chocolate lover in your life - especially as each one is made by hand by a family!

First survey of the day completed.

Just had me tea - another take-away of chips and sauce from a Chinese place that delivers so I'm stuffed, exhausted and I'm about to take me prescription 'cos there's no way the virus scan will do 25% in 3 hours, considering it's taken 10 hours to do 15%!  I'm gonna take me pill, wait for my tea to settle then head to bed for an early night again.  Hopefully I'll be down by 7am tomorrow morning so that I can make an early start on the back-ups while the hubby and puppy are still asleep.

That's the puppy let out for a desperate wee and my prescription taken, so hopefully I'll be in bed by 8pm and asleep soon after.

Pennies away from being a £70 order on Thursday, but £6 of that is for washing powder and about £10 for magasines, so it's not so bad I s'pose.

I'm off to bed now... nite nite orl!

Friday 21 December 2018

Friday 21st December 2018

I'm wishing everyone a Blessed Yule and hope this New Year is everything you want it to be!

The puppy has been walked and fed now, still only 100% because of walking several kilometres every week for the last few weeks, so we're just having an easy walkies this week and possibly next week... we'll see.  I'm gonna take my lead from the pup again starting Monday and as long as she does at least 100% every day, I won't force her to do any more than that.

Virus scan is at 26% after about an hour and a half, so hopefully it'll be finished by the time I come down tomorrow.  If it's anything like last week, it'll be finished at about 5am... we shall see!

Just taken me supplements.  Not the easiest ever, but slightly better than yesterday (not hard!  lol).  Took 9 mouthfuls of squash today as opposed to yesterdays 14.  The Calcium crumbs and the Iron behaved and only took 1 mouthful each, but the B12 took 3 before it melted and made me gag before I swallowed it and the multi was the worst of the lot with 4 mouthfuls of squash.

Not a happy bunny 😞

First survey of the day completed.

Second survey done and dusted.

Third survey of the day finito.

Fourth survey out of the way.

Me prescription is kicking in already so I'm off to bed now... nite nite orl, see you in the morning!

Thursday 20 December 2018

Thursday 20th December 2018

Onto my second glass of chocochino without milk already!

There's still nothing in the bank with the pup's walking 'cos we did 100% again and she flooded the street with her wee again.  She's a lot happier now that her claws have been sorted out!  Maybe that's why she was reluctant to go on her walks with me every morning - her claws were maybe irritating her pads or something?  Now that they've been sorted she shoots to the bottom of the stairs as soon as she hears me picking up her lead and shoots to the front door when I've fastened her into the harness!

More like a puppy than ever now that she's no longer in pain.  She eats most of her breakfast straight away too instead of grazing on it all day like she had been.

Those eyes though!  She uses them to her full advantage and I have to do what she wants the whole time now!

Apparently she took both pills really easily this morning 'cos Steve wrapped them up in cake.

That's my prescription been delivered, so I'm all set until the end of January now!

Just waiting for Mitzi's jumper, the chocolate and bra's to turn up now.  The jumper isn't out for delivery yet so it'll prolly be an evening kinda time when it turns up, the chocolate will hopefully come with the post either today or tomorrow and the bras turn up whenever they turn up!

Just sent a quick enquiry about the bra's considering they've already taken the money but the order has been pending for 4 days now!

Time for me supplements now... hold on!

Took 17 mouthfuls of squash and I had to crunch up the Iron.  Not a good day at all!

1.25 litres of liquid already and I've only been up for 2 hours!  No wonder I'm feeling bloated!!

Just heard about the Income Related ESA - I've been turned down for it again because Steve works for more than 24 hours a week.

It's been the same every time I've been sent the form, so I was expecting to be rejected for that one anyway.

As long as I'm still getting the contribution based one like I have been since I moved over from IB, I'm happy with that.  Just gotta re-apply for the PIP each year, which is a PITA but needs must and it's not so bad in the grand scheme of things because I can scrape by on just the ESA and anything more than that is just a very welcome bonus.

Forgot about me jeans too... 3 pairs of 'em due between now and the New Year!

That's the pup's jumper just arrived, so just waiting for me 3 jeans, 3 bra's and 6 bars of chocolate now!

Prescription taken... totally opposite to this mornings supplements, it went down with just a single mouthful of squash!

First survey of the day completed

Having an early night for a change so that I'll hopefully be up before sunrise so that I can welcome Yule in tomorrow morning.

Nite nite orl!

Wednesday 19 December 2018

Wednesday 19th December 2018

That's the puppy walked and fed.  Another 100% so there's still nothing in the bank, but I wasn't planning there to be for just this week after the last few weeks we've been walking multiple kilometres a week, so we're having a well- deserved break from it this week and just doing 100% every morning.

She took her 2 pills without even thinking about it this morning so it's her humans' turns now!

That's me 4 supplements taken.  Pretty easily, but not the easiest ever.

First survey of the day completed

Second survey completed.

My chocochino pods for the Dolce Gusto machine are 3 stops away now... hope Steve can find the small glass mugs (as opposed to the big ones that I reckon water it down to much, that's just my personal opinion though) so that I can try and make my own hot drinks again!

Third survey done and dusted.

Fourth survey finito now... still waiting for the chocochino pods though lol

That's the chococino pods delivered and Mitzi's jumper dispatched, so it'll be here tomorrow, then that's it until Valentine's Day!

Means I can do survey's that need me to watch video's and interact by pressing certain letters on the keyboard now!

Prescription taken, time for my next survey and I reckon I'll be awake at around 8am tomorrow.

Malware and virus free still, so I'm shutting down and heading to bed now... nite nite orl!

Tuesday 18 December 2018

Tuesday 18th December 2018

That's the puppy gone to get her paw sorted out.  I hope she'll be OK - she means everything to me and I don't like her being in pain.  Hopefully it'll just be a quick clip of her nail and possibly a couple of stitches in the cut then she'll be back with us.

Haven't taken her for her walk yet, but I will when she gets home as long as she feels up to it.  I just want the pup to be OK!

She's only been gone for half an hour and the house feels soooo empty without our senior pup in it!  I've got zippo motivation and I'm missing her so much!

Even taking my supplements and getting a bottle of coconut out of the fridge is too much effort right now  😟

Found a smidgen of motivation so I've taken me supplements.  I'm missing the pup sooo much and she hasn't even been gone an hour yet!  🐶

Got my second cold of the year now too  😷

Steve's just had a text about the pup.

She's fine now, going in for a grooming session then she'll be home later on.  Dunno how much it'll cost but she's worth every penny to me.  Steve reckons that the grooming costs about £30 so it'll be about £100 all in which is fine and dandy... she's worth every penny to me and then some.  I would have been happy to pay thousands so even if it's £250 it's still less than I was thinking!

She's on anti-biotics and steroids for her paw and she'll have a lot less fur when she comes back so I'm thinking of getting her a doggy jumper so that she doesn't get cold. 

I'm just relieved that she's OK!

She's hooooooome!!!  'Twas just over £75 for the claw sorting out and the grooming which is awesome!  I've just ordered her a jumper that'll be here by the end of the week and found two bones for her to have on Christmas Day and Boxing Day and discovered another gift for my lil nephew that isn't wrapped up, so I'll sort that tonight then that really is it for this year.

One of my pairs of eBay jeans has just arrived and I only won them on Sunday afternoon, so that's awesome!

First survey of the day completed.

Second survey of the day done and dusted.

Third survey sorted.

Still virus and malware free, thankfully.

That's me prescription swallowed.  Got 2 weeks and 5 days left now.

Fourth survey completed.

Gonna see if I can find a gift bag or box for my nephew's final gift, so that I don't have to worry about my hideous wrapping lol

Nite nite orl!

Monday 17 December 2018

Monday 17th December 2018

Just bought meself 3 bra's for £88 and 6 bars of chocolate for £22 - both from small companies but whose products seemed to be made for me!

Bra's and honey have a sale on some of their bra's atm so I bought 3 bras for the price I'd usually get 1⅗ bras for, so I snapped them up as soon as I came down this morning.

The chocolate is from Heavenly, so as long as it tastes good then they've found themselves a new customer too 'cos their chocolate is dairy free so I can have whichever bars I want on the entire site!

Not bad going for £110 and it's all for me for a change!

There won't be anything in the walkies bank this week, so that my body can recover from walking 5km in 7 days last week.  I'll still take the pup out every morning, but we're coming home after 100% every day instead of doing extra.  I think we both need to take it easy to recover just for the next 7 days.

That's the supplements swallowed.  They were all a nightmare to get down today for some reason!

First survey of the day completed.

One of the pup's nails has grown into her pad so she's going to get it sorted out tomorrow at the vet.  I'm sure she'll be OK, but this is the exact reason I asked for her nails to be trimmed the last 3 times at the groomers... I wanted to avoid exactly this situation!  😒😟

That's me prescription taken.  Got 2 weeks and 6 days left and I'm hoping that the new one will be delivered at the end of this week so that I can be sure I've got enough for Christmas and New Year.  In theory it'll be here on Wednesday or Thursday 'cos it was issued on Friday and it takes 5 days from the day it's issued to the day it's delivered... occasionally it's quicker than that, but 5 days is the usual time frame.

Second survey completed and I'm going to bed now... nite nite orl!

Sunday 16 December 2018

Sunday part 2

That couldn't have been more gross if it tried... waaaay too greasy for my liking and Steve bought way too much for himself.  If he'd got just one large chips and 2 sausages instead of four then not only would he have saved himself at least £5 but there wouldn't be food going to waste either!

I had a small chips and portion of onion rings which has made me bloated, but at least I didn't waste any food.  Steve had 2 large chips and four sausages and has wasted half of it!

Gonna open me can of cherry Coke now

That's me prescription taken.  Got exactly 3 weeks left now but I put the repeat request in on Thursday evening and it got issued on Friday, so hopefully it'll be delivered by the end of next week so that I've got enough to see me through to the end of January.

Off to bed now... nite nite again orl!

Sunday 16th December 2018

Just got back from walking the pup.  She forced me to do a record-equalling 500% today so there's 1750% after 7 days, which is totally awesome but I'm totally wiped out now so any walking I do with C today will have to be very short and fully supported 'cos my knees are aching and my legs feel weak now so don't want to walk too far, my legs to collapse and be stuck sitting on the wet pavement for several hours, getting pneumonia in the rain and/or snow because I just can't move any more.

Steve's just worked out that we walked 1¼ kilometres this morning alone, so it's no wonder that I'm cream crackered!!  It also means that we've walked 3½ kilometres extra in the last 7 days too!  I'm thinking we'll come home after 100% all next week so that we can recover from this week lol

That's the supplements taken... they were a nightmare to swallow today!!  😞

Won't be seeing C until after the New Year now... I miss him already and he's only been gone a couple of hours!

There's a new chocolate bar company on the market that sounds ideal for me, but is it a bit expensive though?  If I'm paid tomorrow I'll be buying myself the bras and the chocolate just to see what they are both like, then I'll take it from there!  I'm gonna go with the six pack and take it from there I reckon.  Under £20 for 6x80g bars isn't too bad.  Just hope the P&P isn't extortionate is all!

Yet another take away for tea  

Gonna publish this then shut down for the night.  Dunno if I'll be back after I've eaten so I'll say nite nite orl now, just to be sure  👌

Saturday 15 December 2018

Saturday 15th December 2018

That's the virus scan finished in about 20 hours and I'm still virus and malware free so I can back everything up and take the pup out for her walk now.

The pup poo'd in the house while I was asleep so of course I trod in it on my way through to the bathroom and apparently it was my fault that she'd done it in the house without asking to go out.  👎😒

Gonna do the backups now and I bet something will go wrong with that too now  😔

Blimey Charlie!  I back up onto a 4tb hard drive every week and I've only used 2.5tb after 2.5 years  I was thinking it'd be nearly full capacity and I'd need to buy a new one soon, but nope!

I've got my eye on an 8tb external hard drive on Amazon, but I've still got 18 months worth of backups to do in the space available!  There will also, hopefully, be a 10tb version then, that'll keep me going for TEN years!!

Maybe today won't be pooey after all?

Gonna shut down now and take the pup for our morning stroll to let the battery cool down a little bit.

We did 250% on our walkies this morning, so there's 1350% extra in the bank after 6 days.  Just gotta do another 250% tomorrow and we'll be at the target of 1500%.

Supplements time now!

All four supplements went down pretty easily, thankfully.  I can now veg out for the rest of the day.  Might have a bath later on so that I don't stink when I see C tomorrow.

Goin' to have me bath now... toodle pip for now!

Back now and I've found somewhere that does bra's in my size, at reasonable prices and they've got a sale on atm too, so if I'm paid ESA again on Monday, I'm gonna invest in several of 'em... you watch me forget though!  lol

First survey of the day done and dusted

Second survey completed - this one gave me the chance to feed back to medical bods!!

Just taken me prescription.

Goin' to bed when I've published this... nite nite orl!

Friday 14 December 2018

Friday 14th December 2018

I'm loving AVG even more now!

I set it up to automatically start the virus scan as soon as I booted up every Friday.

Today was the first Friday after I set it up.

Got a bit worried that it hadn't started so opened up the icon to set it going manually.  When it had loaded up, the green button said 'scanning' so I clicked it and it was already at 5%!  Hopefully that means it'll be finished soon after I come down tomorrow, or Sunday at a push.

The only criticism is that I wish it had opened up the programme or popped up with a dialogue box or something so that I'd known it was running without opening it up... just a little taskbar active icon indicator thing or summat?

I'm loving it despite that though... it's one less thing for me to remember to do and I've got a reminder that comes up to remind me to clear my cache's on a Thursday too.

I like being organised and having computer programmes doing things to help me to remember!

Easily pleased, me.  lol

That's the puppy walked and fed.  Only 250% today but that's still 1200% after 5 days though, so I'm not too worried... I think we both needed to walk a relatively short distance today after walking over 1000% EXTRA in only 4 days this week though!

I'm hoping for a grand total of 1500% by the time we come back on Sunday 'cos that's only 150% extra a day, which is what we did today... I'm not gonna pressure either of us though - if the pup doesn't want to walk any further than 100% a day, that's fine by me!

That's me supplements swallowed.  The B12 was a PITA and wouldn't go down whole, so it disintegrated like the previous Iron sometimes did, but other than that, they all went down fine and dandy again.

That's all the gifts wrapped and ready to give to everyone now.  C and H's gifts are downstairs ready for when C comes over on Sunday.  His gift is such a weird shape that it's only partly wrapped lol

Good job I invested in another 2 pairs of trousers when I did 'cos there's a huge hole between the legs that I could easily get 1.5 arms through with no problem at all!  It's been binned now though, so if I'm paid my ESA on Monday, I'll get another few tops and trousers/jeans just to see me over the winter and spring.

Just bought a pair of jeans for £9 on eBay.  Bidding on 2 other pairs of jeans so hopefully by the end of next week I'll have 3 jeans and 2 trousers to wear!

First survey of the day completed.

Second survey done and dusted.

Having internet connection issues so I'll hopefully publish this then have me tea (yet another take-away) then head to bed.

Nite nite orl!

Thursday 13 December 2018

Thursday 13th December 2018

That's the pup walked and fed.  Another long walk this morning... 400%!  That means there's 1050% in the bank after only 4 days.  That means there's a reasonable chance of getting it to be 1500% in the bank by the end of the week which is awesome!

She's just been out for a really smelly poo too!  😇 🐶

Time for me supplements now... hold on!

Took 8 mouthfuls of squash to get 'em all down but it wasn't too bad this morning, thankfully.


First survey of the day completed.

That's both cache's cleared, ready for the deep virus scan as soon as I turn me laptop on tomorrow morning.

Second survey of the day done and dusted.

Third survey done.

Fourth one sorted.

Cream crackered now so I'm heading to bed now... nite nite orl!

Live in the UK? Want 25% off?

There's a sale on at Simply Supplements - 25% off until midnight on Sunday.  The email about it said:

*Offer excludes sale products. No minimum spend required to qualify for 25% off. Offer valid until midnight on Sunday 16th December 2018. Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer code. Products subject to availability and product prices subject to change without prior notice. All products are delivered using our free 2-3 day delivery service as standard, UK orders only when placed before 12pm. Other delivery options available; for full details see Terms and Conditions.

Go and stock up - they are a really good supplements company that I wouldn't go anywhere else for now!

Wednesday 12 December 2018

Wednesday 12th December 2018

That's our senior pup walked, fed and watered.  Did 300% today, so add that to yesterday's bank balance and we're at 750% after only three days!

I wanted to come home after 100% but, like normal, the puppy forced me to walk even further once she'd got going... I'm just sooo relieved that it wasn't any longer than that!  It just wouldn't have been safe!

Gonna take me supplements now and hope I don't throw them up 'cos I'm already feeling sick  👎

Just taken me supplements and they all went down really easily, thankfully!

First survey of the day completed.

Second survey done and dusted.

Still free of viruses and malware so I'm heading to bed... nite nite orl!

Tuesday 11 December 2018

Tuesday 11th December 2018

That's the puppy walked and fed.  Did a record-equalling 500% today!!  😃 That means that there's an incredible 550% in the bank after only 2 days!

I had to force her to get started and do the first 100% but she forced me to do the other 400% after that... getting started is usually a problem but once she's got started she's well away and has to force me to walk further then.  I'm not going to be able to walk further than the bathroom today now lol

That's the supplements taken... they went down really easily this morning, thankfully!

First survey of the day completed.

Second survey done and dusted.

Third survey sorted.

Just taken me prescription and having a veeeery early night... I think I deserve it after this morning's marathon lol

Nite nite orl!

Monday 10 December 2018

Monday 10th December 2018

That's the puppy walked and fed.  We did 250% today so there's 150% in the bank after the first day.

Just taken me supplements and they went down OKish this morning, didn't drink as much squash to get 'em all down as I did yesterday so I'm not bloated yet.

Steve made 4 litres of squash for me so that should keep me going until hopefully Thursday or Friday this week, but if the supplements behave every day then it's a week's worth!

That's the rubbish and recycling been and gone with everything bought back into the house and back into their little storage spaces, so I can relax for the rest of the day now... gonna make a start on all the survey's waiting for me in my inbox first!

First survey done and dusted.

Second survey completed.

Third survey completed and it only had one single question this time!!

Fourth survey done and dusted... another one with just a single question!

That's my prescription swallowed.  Steve got the water/squash ratio perfect this morning so hopefully it'll be easier to swallow my four supplements tomorrow too.

Fifth survey sorted.

Still free of viruses and malware, so I'm gonna publish this then head to bed.

Nite nite orl!

Sunday 9 December 2018

Yet another take away for tea, but...

... this is a relatively healthy take away for me 'cos I'm having potato twisters and a vegetable lasagne, so it's not quite as unhealthy as it could be, despite it being a take away.

Steve promised that we'd have pasta and sauce or pasta bake next week too  😋

Gonna shut down now though, so that I don't have to get stressed out about it when the food arrives, so, just in case I don't turn my laptop back on before I head to bed, I wanna say nite nite orl to everyone and thank you for reading my posts each day... I really appreciate every visit you make!

That's the supplements swallowed

Only the Iron went down easily this morning 😞

The Calcium crumbs/paste went everywhere and took 3 mouthfuls of squash to get it all down, the B12 kept avoiding my throat and the Multi made me throw up the squash I'd just swallowed.

Not a good day today  😣

Gonna try summat... bear with me!

I dunno what Steve did to Firefox, but not only is it working but it's saving without coming up with an error message again!

I'm gonna save this post as a draft, re-start Firefox and add to it before I publish it.  If it behaves itself then I'll go back to doing one loooong post a day like I did last week.

Bear with me!

OK, it's working so far, so I'll do the multiple posts again today and go back to the once a day tomorrow then 


Walkies bank balance is at...

...1300 after 7 days which is fine and dandy by me 'cos that's 13 days extra walking we've both done this week.

WTG puppy dog!

She's been walked, fed and watered so it's time for me 4 supplements now!

Had me weekly home cooked meal last night

Hash browns.


I was totally knackered so went to bed without eating anything, but as soon as I got into bed I was wide awake, so came down and had my weekly home-cooked meal.  Yummerama!

Saturday 8 December 2018

The thing that I was dreading happening has now happened

I'm a short arse and have always struggled to reach the furthest cupboard over by the freezer.

Was dreading something falling out of the cupboard and behind the freezer.

I went to get my lunch and exactly that happened.

There's no way I can even reach the back of the freezer let alone the back of the freezer then to the floor 'cos I just ain't tall enough.  Even Steve's grabatron wouldn't reach it.

Sooo, we're gonna be getting mice and spiders in the kitchen now because Steve won't go and even try to pick it up.

I just wish I was a foot taller so that I could even attempt to reach it is all... we wouldn't get mice then!


Walkies bank balance

Took the pup out for her morning stroll and we did 250% so there's 1150% in there after 6 days which is good going I reckon.

I'd love to get it up to 1500% tomorrow, but there's no way I can walk that far, so I'm thinking we'll walk 200% tomorrow so that there's 1250% in there after a week.  As long as we do at least 100% though, I won't force her to walk any further.

Going back to multiple posts a day now :-/

There has been a problem with saving my blog posts as I go for some bizarre reason, so I'm gonna go back to doing several posts a day until I can work out what's causing it to happen.

The virus scan took less than 24 hours to do my whole machine, so I've set up a scheduled scan every Friday now so we'll see what happens in 6 days time!

My supplements arrived too, so I'm taking four every morning again... I had to crunch up the multi as well as the calcium this morning 'cos I just couldn't get it to go down whole  😕

Friday 7 December 2018

Friday 7th December 2018

That's the virus scan started at 5.12am... gotta try and find a way to activate my AVG account and combine the laptop and phone account into a single account 'cos they're not recognising each other atm.  Might just ask on the AVG site instead of getting stressed out about it.

Just had a chat to one of the AVG bods and the reason my laptop and phone can't see each other is because it was removed in one of the updates so I can relax now and know that it's totally normal for my two devices not to see each other.  Gonna start the tune up software too now that I know that I don't need to worry about it any more  😃

Am having to re-start the virus scan but I can't find the freakin' way to get to the deep scan now!  Aargh!

7.02am and the virus scan has been started for the third time in three freakin' hours.  I've excluded my email programmes from the scan so hopefully I'll be able to save this post now.

Let's see, shall we?

Yay!  It saved it successfully so hopefully that's all I need to do now.

Taken the multi and no negative effects at all so far, unlike yesterday, so I'm 98% sure that it was the lactospore thingies that caused the severe nausea.  It was a nightmare to swallow the pill though... possibly from fear that I'd feel sick again, but it went down after three mouthfuls of squash and I know it won't affect me negatively now, so hopefully I'll be able to swallow it easier every morning now.

Up to 19% with the virus scan... if it goes over 26% before bedtime I'll know that it got stuck on 26% because of my emails.

Just taken the pup for her morning walk, she poo'd and I almost fell over 3 times picking it up.  We did 150% though, so there's 1000% in the bank after 5 days.

I've had to re-start the virus scan for the third time, so I'm gonna publish this then not use my laptop until I come down on Sunday morning to see if that helps it scan quicker.


See you all on Sunday morning!


Thursday 6 December 2018

Thursday 6th December 2018

The pup forced me to do 350% of her walk this morning, so add today's 250% extra to yesterday's 700% means we're at 950% already this week.  There's no way I can keep doing long walks like yesterday and today but the pup refused to come to the door until we'd gone as far as she wanted to go this morning!

Gonna take my new Multi this morning... it's got lactospores in it but is that the same as lactose?  Will my body embrace or reject them?

Total grossness.  Just taken it and it tastes as bad as it smells so I've swapped multi's with Steve (he's taking mine and I'm taking his as of tomorrow) and Steve's multi is smaller than my AP and about the same size as the previous multi, so, in theory, I'll be able to swallow it whole instead of crunching it up.

The lactospores have affected me the same way as Lactose does too so I've just cracked open my first can of ginger beer of the day.

Not good at all.

Just gone to get my second can of ginger beer 'cos I'm still feeling sick.  I know now not to get those ones though!

Just bought a year's supply of Calcium, Iron and B12 again, so I'll be back to taking multiple pills every morning, but at least I won't feel sick within seconds of taking them.  Just over £77 is expensive, but it's only once a year for optimal health so I reckon it's worth it.  I reckon I made the same mistake last year as well, which is why I finished the Multi first a few days back.

I'm gonna go back to reading the ingredients on supplements now though and avoid anything that has lacto anything in it because that's milk so I need to avoid it at all costs if I want to not throw up.

I ordered it just before the 12 noon cut off time though, so they will, in theory, be dispatched today and be with me either tomorrow or Saturday with the post which ain't bad going at all.

If you're looking for some great value supplements and you want a discount on your first order, go to Simply Supplements and put my name (Amanda George) and possibly my email address ( in as the referrer at the checkout and we'll both get 10% off our next order with them!

Wouldn't go anywhere else now.

I'm liking Simply Supplements even more now!  They've just called to say that although the supplements had been dispatched soon after 12, I may not get them tomorrow, it may be Saturday instead but that I could save 10% by signing up for the Auto-dispatch thingy which is even better!  The lady didn't pressure me to take it up and accepted it when I said I wanted to try them out first... she just wanted to make sure I knew about it was all!  I'll have a ponder on it when I've swallowed them and decide between saving the 10% on auto-dispatch which is getting on for £8.50 saving or if I should go with the 10% cashback through Quidco.  Either way, I'm getting the multi for free every year and it's one less thing to worry about!

What do you think I should do?

Steve thinks I should go via Quidco so that I only order it when I need it... do you agree with him or think I should do the auto-dispatch?  I genuinely can't make up my mind about it!

Ooooh!  AVG has just secured a threat for me so I'm doing me daily quick scan - things like that make the subscription for 2 years sooo worth it for me... expensive but it keeps me and my contacts free of viruses and malware!

Thank you soooo much, AVG!!

That's me prescription taken and my cardigan washed and dried now so I'm doing a tune-up scan of my PC now, to see what happens... gotta remember to activate it when the scan has finished though... you watch me forget lol

Beddy-by's time now... nite nite orl!

Wednesday 5 December 2018

Wednesday 5th December 2018

That's the puppy walked and fed.  It's the first 100% that she struggles with 'cos she forced me to do 500% today and wanted to do more but I just couldn't... it wouldn't have been safe.

Yesterday's bank balance was 300%, added to today's 400% makes 700% in only three days so it's gonna be another huge marathon in the bank this week.  I just hope the pup doesn't mind going slower for me and coming in when I want to come home instead of her 'cos there's no way that I can do another 500% walk safely this week... no way in heck!  It just wouldn't be safe!

Time to take my last Iron now then start on the new multi tomorrow.

That's the Iron gone down the hatch.  T'was a bit of a nightmare this time but it's been swallowed now and the bottle binned so I'm gonna get the multi out of the box and put it in the drawer now, ready for tomorrow.

They are huge, capsule-shaped things that look gross and stink so I'm not looking forward to taking the first one tomorrow  😟  I just hope I don't break my teeth on them when I crunch them up!  Wish me luck for tomorrow!

The Amazon Pantry order has just left Swindon and is "1 stop away" so mine must be the first/only order!  I've got the map up, so I can follow the route of the order lol

There was one delivery before me, but "the driver is on the way to you" now and is currently in Cirencester, so it'll hopefully arrive within the next hour or so - yaaaay!

It's just arrived and it took both of us to drag the box through to the kitchen because it was so incredibly heavy.

We've both cracked open a can of cherryade each and it's gorgeous and sweet and at about 50p a can we really can't complain!

I've got 2 boxes of Strepsils to hopefully ease this cold away a bit quicker, 14 Bounty bars (Steve complained that they weren't the dark chocolate ones, even though I got him a huge Toblerone in with it all... cheeky swine lol) 16 Pepsi Max cherries, a box of cocoa coconut Nakd bars that I've never tried before, 2 litres of coconut milk and a can of deodorant for Steve.  Not a bad haul for under £35 and delivery the next day!

We'll both look like cherries and coconuts by the time we've got through it all!  lol

Dunno if it really is the coconut, but after 2 Bounty bars and 2 mouthfuls of coconut milk, my mood does seem to be slightly lighter than it was before I had it.

I'm not on top of the world or anything, but I've gone from a 4 to a 5 on the mood scale type thing so it's working for me within seconds.  You'd need to eat and drink a lot of it every day for it to have the leveling effect of ADs, but for a temporary pick-up that you can get with your groceries and is almost instant as opposed to weeks for ADs, it's a definite improvement in my opinion!

The coconut milk tastes strong and weird to me, but so would cow's milk now 'cos it's been almost 20 years since I last tasted it, but I reckon I'll add it to next week's shopping order and take it from there!

Give it a try, just don't expect miracles from just a sip of it... have full mouthfuls instead of just tiny sips!

First survey of the day completed.

Second survey done and dusted.

That's tea ordered and the quick virus scan started

Still free of viruses and malware, thankfully

I is full of chips and squash now 'cos I've just taken my prescription so I'll be heading to bed soon... just hope that Chrome starts responding soon!

Apparently there isn't enough memory to open the page, so I'm gonna publish this then reboot my likkle laptop.  BBS!

Tuesday 4 December 2018

Tuesday 4th December 2018

The puppy forced me into doing a huge 300% today, so that's today's 200% extra plus yesterday's 100% extra, makes 300% in the bank after only two days!!

Gonna take my Iron now, then make a start on the surveys.

One more Iron left to take tomorrow then onto the new Multi on Thursday.  Not bad going I reckon!   Hope it makes me more wide awakey and gives me more energy and motivation and stuff!

Spent the whole day setting up lists on Twitter for my writing site and they are sorted now... I just don't know how to link to the list in the HTML is all... is it just a direct link to the page or something more complicated?

I've just taken my prescription so I'll work on it until bedtime then try and remember to work on it again as soon as I come down and walked the pup tomorrow - you watch me forget though!  lol

Off to bed now... nite nite orl!

Monday 3 December 2018

Monday 3 December 2018

Still free of viruses and malware and it finished at about 5am so I'm backing everything up now then I'll take the pup out for her morning stroll while the battery is cooling down.

I'm still getting ESA 'cos I was paid overnight so that's a huuuuge relief.  Means I can relax and not have to worry until PIP comes up for renewal next year.  It's a struggle getting through each month already, so if it had been taken off me I wouldn't have been able to afford to eat, let alone the mortgage so we'd be homeless and starved to death if it had been taken off me!

Thank you for continuing with my claim, Benefits Agency!

We did 200% on our walk today then she came home and poo'd in the hall.  Steve's had to clear it up because there's no way I could have done it safely.

All she had to do was ask to go out and I'd have opened the back door for her!

Little monkey!

Just taken the Iron, but it made me heave today for some reason.  There's two days left so I'll be taking me first new Multi on Thursday... hope they aren't as big as the Calcium was!!

That's me clothes in the machine for washing and me changed... already feeling cold without my cardigan lol

Just put the washing machine on too... left me cardigan out though 'cos it needs to be washed at 30 degrees and on the wool cycle so I'll put that in on it's own when the current wash is finished and hope that it doesn't fall apart lol

That's the rubbish and recycling been and gone within a couple of minutes of each other!  The box and bag are back in the kitchen now and we don't need to do anything else until the shopping gets delivered tonight.  Hopefully Steve will remember to ask Marie about posting the form back for me when she arrives tonight!

That's me first Amazon Pantry order placed.  Steve's Toblerone is coming in a box all on it's own and I'm paying more for the p&p than the product itself (£2.99 P&P and £1.79 for the product lol).  Might take it off the order and save meself getting on for a fiver!  lol

I is muchly confused Donald!  The basket summary said that the Toblerone was separate but it's in the same box as everything else and the P&P has been taken off as a "promotional discount" so am I getting one box or two on Wednesday??

First survey of the day completed.

That's me prescription taken, so I'll be up at around about 7.15am tomorrow and I've decided to put my repeat request in on the 15th which is 9 days earlier than the prescription says but I want to make sure I've got enough to keep me going over Christmas and New Year - better to be safe than sorry and all that jazz!

Second survey finito.

Having a mug of soup for me tea tonight... will that be our weekly home-cooked meal though?  I hope not!

Gonna go and get a black bag so that I can bin the read magasines and tidy up a smidgen before I head to bed.

Nite nite orl!

Sunday 2 December 2018

Sunday 2nd December 2018

I was right.  I do wake up 12 hours after taking my prescription instead of after I go to sleep.

I've just put in a request for a refund on Jacki's gift too and her other gift will be here between the 13th and 18th of December which is waaaay off the 3 or 4 days it said in the description!!

The virus scan is at 58% so hopefully it'll be finished by bed time tonight.

Gonna take the pup for her morning stroll now.  Wanna try and persuade her to do 200% so that my OCD is happy but I won't force her if she really doesn't want to, same as yesterday.

I'm really noticing not having taken the multi yesterday... I'm cream-crackered, no energy, no motivation, feeling pretty glum etc etc so I obviously need it to keep me healthy!  Hopefully the new Multi will keep me ticking over without too much effect from the lactose.  Maybe I should put in a request to Simply Supplements to see what they say?

The pup is being a stroppy madam this morning and just sitting in her bed scratching herself.  I'm not going to force her, but her harness and lead are here if she changes her mind.

The virus scan seems to be doing 1% every half an hour or so and it's at 59% now so, in theory, it will be finished in about 20 hours, which is frustrating but better to have my machine on for 4 days and be sure that I'm free of viruses and malware than to not do it and be at constant risk, I reckon.

That's the rubbish and recycling out of the house in preparation for tomorrow without us having a go at each other... just gotta clear up the pup's poo and put that in the bag too then that's it for the day.

The pup made a new friend on her walk today... one of our neighbours was out and she came up to the pup, asked if she was friendly then made a huge fuss of her!  Apparently Canestan trush cream works wonders for skin issues like the pup had when we first got her and it's so much cheaper than the prescribed shampoo we had to wash her with when we first got her!  Good to know!

That's the pup's poo cleared up and binned now, so I can spend the day catching up on survey's now!

The virus scan is speeding along now... 62% so it's done 3% while I was out with the pup, which is awesome!  Hopefully it'll be finished before I go to bed tonight after all!

That's the Iron taken... just 3 days left before I can try the new Multi!

6% in 3 hours so far today with the virus scan and it's at 64% now so there's 36% left to do so it'll be finished in about 18 hours which is about 4am tomorrow morning... which is pretty much normal considering that I had to start from scratch again early yesterday morning.

Steve's just said that he hasn't turned his laptop off for getting on for a week so four days isn't so bad after all!

Up to 67% now, so it's done almost 10% in almost 5 hours... shall I shut up about AVG?  Am I boring you?  lol

First survey of the day done and dusted.

Second survey completed.

Third survey done.

Fourth survey done and dusted.  The virus scan is at 76% so it's almost guaranteed not to be finished by the time I head to bed so I'll take me prescription at 7pm so that I'll be up at 7am and I can do the backup then turn the laptop off to cool the battery down for a couple of hours then turn it back on when I get back from walking the pup.

That's me prescription taken, so I'll be up at about 6.45am tomorrow so that the virus scan will only have finished a couple of hours before that, then I'll back up and turn off, then take the pup for her morning stroll as soon as it becomes light enough to see outside.

I'm certainly noticing the difference the multi made to me now after only 2 days of not taking it so I've had enough for the day now and I'm going to bed at just gone 9pm.

The virus scan is at 81% so it's got 19% left to go which, at 2% an hour, is 9.5 hours which makes it 6.30am so that's about 15 minutes after the virus scan finishes.

Nite nite orl!

Saturday 1 December 2018

Saturday 1st December 2018

I paid off one of Steve's credit cards yesterday.  There was some kind of offer where he could completely pay it off as long as he paid a certain amount immediately.

I had that amount in my savings so I moved it over for him to use and he paid it yesterday afternoon.  I've now got £2 in my savings but it's one less thing for Steve to pay every month.

Also, I hope I've made the deep virus scan run through a bit faster by hopefully stopping it from scanning every single email.  My screen went totally black - no cursor or task bar or anything, just a totally black screen so I had to power it off with the power button and Steve helped me to put an exception into AVG that will hopefully mean that it ignores my emails now when it does the deep scan, but still scans them as they come in and go out.  I've got literally hundreds of thousands of emails so it will hopefully be considerably quicker now!

I also discovered that I wake up 12 hours after I take my prescription, rather than 12 hours after I go to bed.  I took my pills at 5pm-ish yesterday and I woke up at 5am-ish today.  Gonna take my prescription at 6pm-ish today so that I'll hopefully be awake at 6am-ish tomorrow.

Keep your fingers crossed for me!

17% after half an hour on the virus scan... when it gets to 26% will be the real test 'cos that's where it stayed for most of the day, if it does over 26% by lunchtime then I'll be a happy bunny!

26% after about 45 minutes, so as long as it does one more percent by lunchtime I'll know that it's quicker than it has been since starting the weekly scans!

I love AVG!

Our little puppy only wanted to do 150% today so there's only 650% in the bank, which means that it's 200% tomorrow to make my OCD happy but if the pup doesn't want to do that then as long as she's done the 100% I won't force her to walk any further than she wants to.

Time to take the Iron now.  BRB.

It went down really easily this morning!  Four days left to take just the Iron, then I can open up the new Multivitamins and minerals!

That's one of the Freegle things gone... just waiting for someone to want the other things now.

First survey of the day completed.

Jacki's gift hasn't turned up so I'm gonna put in a refund request in the morning and got her an alternative gift instead that'll be here by the end of next week, unless that goes missing too!

Just taken my prescription so, in theory, I'll be awake at about 7.15am tomorrow - we shall see!

Going to beddy-byes now, nite nite orl!

Friday 30 November 2018

Friday 30th November 2018

That's the virus scan started at 7.45am... hope I don't accidentally stop it tomorrow like I did last week!  lol

We did 275% today, so take off the 100% that is required, then add today's extra 175% to the 425% that's already in the bank, gives us 600% after 5 days which is great going and means that there's just 175% extra over the whole weekend to take it up to 750% which is an OCD number for me.

Hopefully the pavement will be cleared of scaffolding by the weekend so that we can go back to counting in 50%'s instead of 25%'s again.

Time to take me morning cocktail then make a start on the survey's now!

All 3 of me supplements went down pretty easily this morning and I took my last Calcium and Multi, so it's just the Iron for the next 5 days then it's time to try the new Multivitamins and minerals to see if my body wants to take it or if it's got lactose in it.  I'm really seriously hoping that it's lactose-free so that I can just take one pill every morning instead of three!

Wish me luck!

Virus scan is at 26% now and it'll prolly stay there until some time overnight when it'll go up to 30% and it'll gradually increase until it finishes in the early hours of Sunday morning.

Just had to fill in another form for ESA and it wasn't a self-seal envelope so I had to lick it and it tastes sooo gross!   Yuckerama!

That's me prescription taken and I've got 9 days left before I start the new box now.

First survey of the day completed... can't wait to see which one hits the shelves!

Going to bed for an earlyish night tonight... nite nite orl!

Thursday 29 November 2018

Thursday 29th November 2018

That's the puppy walked and fed.  We did 275% this morning, so let's add that to what's already in the bank... 250 + 175 = 425% after 4 days which ain't as good as last week, but it's just over 100% extra a day which is groove and cooly!

Gotta phone my GP for a telephone appointment to ask about taking St John's Wort along with me AP.  Gonna take me morning cocktail first though!

That's them swallowed then.  Take my last Calcium and Multi tomorrow and the Iron in 6 days time.  I'm thinking that I'll finish taking the Iron before I try the new Multi so that I don't accidentally OD on it 'cos the new Multi has got Iron in it, so don't wanna be taking 200% of the RDA for almost a week in case it does something nasty to my body.

Better safe than sorry and all that jazz!

That's the call made about St. John's Wort.  The Advanced Nurse Practitioner is gonna call this afternoon at some point to talk about it.  It only needs a yes or no answer, but I'd prefer to play it safe so that the AP keeps working and I don't die from mixing them up.

Better safe than sorry and it'll only be a short call... I just hope my voice holds out!  lol

That's one delivery that I was expecting today... still waiting for Jacki's gift that should have been here by 8pm at the latest yesterday!  Apparently it's been sent by Royal Mail who have already delivered post to the street today and still nothing.  Gonna give them until the weekend then I'll phone to see where it's got to  😒

First survey of the day completed

Just heard about taking the St. John's Wort... no go unfortunately 'cos it interacts with loads of prescriptions including my AP and "it does nasty things to your liver" so I'll have to find some other way to go through the darker months without any kind of support 😟  I'm thinking I'll need extra sprays of the B12 to see me through, but I'm glad I asked for advice rather than just assuming it would be OK!

My GP surgery has saved me from future problems again!

Just taken my prescription and set the daily quick virus scan going... gotta remember to clear both cache's before I head to bed tonight, so that I can set the deep scan going as soon as I come down in the morning.

Second survey done and dusted.

Still free of viruses and malware.

Third survey out of the way... that one only had 3 questions!

Fourth survey done... just a single question on that one!

And the fifth one of the day is done and dusted!

I is cream crackered so I'm having a well-deserved early night.

Nite nite orl!

Amazon customer? Live in the UK? Want free delivery for the next week?

From 29th November to 5th December, all Amazon customers can enjoy free standard delivery, with no minimum purchase amount, when they use promotional code FREEDELIVERY at checkout. The promotion applies to all items listed as "dispatched” or “fulfilled” by Amazon on the product detail page and is available for millions of items with no minimum order amount, including top gift ideas like toys and electronics, as well as home items, fashion and more. The promotional code can be used multiple times throughout the Free Delivery Week promotion.

Wednesday 28 November 2018

Wednesday 28th November 2018

The phone uses up about 1% an hour if it's not used so I'll get 2 or 3 days out of a full charge I reckon 'cos I don't use it that much so it's better than Steve got out of it when he used it but still not as good as the independent phone I used that I could get 4 or 5 days out of a full charge for using it the same amount.  I still prefer independent phones, but if they had more storage then I'd never look elsewhere 'cos they would be perfect then!

That's the puppy walked and fed.  150% today, purely because our neighbour is blocking the entire path with scaffolding so could only do half the length and Mitzi must have been counting the number of times we went past our front door 'cos we went past it 6 times which is usually 300% but because the path was blocked today, the same number of times is half the length.

So we only banked 50% today, added to yesterdays total gives us 250% in the bank after 3 days.

Hopefully we'll do 250% tomorrow to take the bank balance up a bit more to 100% extra a day.  I'm not going to force her though, if she only wants to do 100% a day then that's fine by me!

Time for me morning cocktail now.

The supplements were a nightmare to get down this morning!  Took 3 mouthfuls of squash to get each of 'em down and the Iron disintegrated again.

Not good at all.


That's my prescription delivered already!  It only took 2 days after being issued by my GP and 3 days faster than I was thinking too!  WTG Rowland's Pharmacy!  Next issue date:  Christmas Eve!    I'm thinking I'll have to put the request in a week before I usually do so that I can be sure I've got to cover me over Christmas and New Year!

First survey of the day completed.

Second survey done and dusted... I'd have loved to do a product test for the thing this survey was about!

Three survey's completed.  Could this be another opinionated day maybe?

Four survey's now!!

And another makes five!  After a very slow start, I'm speeding along now!

Six so far!  Still waiting for the final gift and Amazon says that some companies deliver up until 10pm so it looks like another late night for me  😞

That's 7 so about 10% of the survey invites I've had today... not bad going considering I usually struggle to answer half that many!

Given up with the survey's and waiting for the delivery so I'm off to bed now... nite nite orl!

Tuesday 27 November 2018

Tuesday 27th November 2018

The pup was eager to go for her walk this morning... only needed to call "walkies!" once and she trotted to the bottom of the stairs to get her harness on.

We did 250% today, so that's 150% in the bank, added to yesterday's 50% means there 200% in the bank after 2 days.  I'm hoping that it'll just be 200-odd% every day this week 'cos it just won't be safe for me to do any more marathons after the last 2 weeks!

Gonna take me supplements now.

They all went down amazingly easily!  Even the Calcium crumbs pretty much stayed together!  Got 3 Calcium, 8 Iron and 3 Multi's left now so I obviously started taking the Iron 5 days after the other two for some bizarre reason.

First survey of the day completed

That's the labels just arrived, so just waiting for Jacki's gift to arrive now then I can start the wrapathon!

That's the CAB form filled in about 3... apparently I should hear back within 3 working days, so that's Friday yeah?  Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Second survey completed... a very unique way of getting my opinion on that one!

My Samsung has just started flashing red at me so I've plugged it in to charge it up.  Doing some quick sums and going by the phone's estimate of how long it'll take, it should be finished charging at about 8pm, then we'll see how many days of full charge it lasts.  Steve said he charged it up every day when he had it, but it's lasted a couple of days for me, between charges!

That's the squash sorted until the end of the week... thank you Steve!!

Third survey done and prescription taken.

7.15pm and it's fully charged so let's see how long the charge lasts, shall we?

Still virus and malware free.

Going to bed now!  Nitey nite nite!

Monday 26 November 2018

Monday 26th November 2018

I think the pup is feeling the last 2 week's worth of marathons 'cos we only did 150% today.  Hopefully we'll just do short walks this week to recover!

That's me supplements taken.  Nice and easily this morning, thankfully!  Got four Calcium, twelve Iron and three of the Multi left so I'll be opening up the new bottle by the weekend and I'll know for sure if they've got lactose in them or not within a couple of minutes of taking the first one if I can keep taking them or not.  I seriously hope I can!

That's the rubbish, cardboard boxes and recycling gone now so we're all set for another week.

That's Marie's second gift just arrived, so just waiting for Jacki's gift and the labels now, then I can wrap it all up and relax until Valentines Day 2019.

We're having a home-cooked meal for the first time in months!  Yaaaay!  Means I can stop pestering Steve about it for the rest of the week now!  Yaaaay!

First survey of the day completed.

Second survey done and dusted.

Virus and malware free for another day

Third survey completed and it's only 3pm!

Fourth survey done... a very opinionated day as opposed to yesterday!  lol

Fifth survey completed, but I may not get credit for that one either 'cos the session timed out on me for some bizarre reason!

Had enough for the day and me pills are kicking in, so I'm orf to beddy-byes now.

Nite nite orl!

Sunday 25 November 2018

Sunday 25th November 2018

Back to normal with our Sunday routine - arguments again.

Steve thought he was being helpful by taking the rubbish out before I got up, but in reality, by doing that, he made everything worse and so much harder.  I take things out in the order I do for a reason and Steve trying to be helpful just added extra stress that I really didn't need.

I then asked for his help with the cardboard recycling and he made that harder than it needed to be too.  I wanted him to put the biggest, heaviest box in the bag so that I could sort the rest of it out.  He started putting the smallest boxes in first so that there was even less room for the bigger boxes.

When that had been taken out, I asked Steve if he'd cleared up the pup's poo before he put the rubbish out.  He hadn't, so yet again it was left up to me.

I then had to walk the pup and she was showing me all kinds of Westitude.  Steve asked her if she wanted "to go for tats" when I call "walkies" which must confuse the poor pup to no end.  When we eventually got out we only did 100% again so there's still 1100% in the bank after 7 days.

Steve's getting Carer's Allowance for caring for me for 30 hours a week but I'm lucky to get an hour's support out of him.

He's also gone back on his promise of cooking at home and walking the pup with me once a week too, even though it was him that brought it up and said he wanted to get back into it last weekend.

I'm seriously not going to be able to move for the rest of the day now though... it just won't be safe!

I really have pretty much given up on it all now.  I really have.

That's me supplements taken... another pretty easy today again, thankfully!

First survey of the day sorted... only took a couple of minutes too which is even better!

That's my repeat prescription ordered again so hopefully it'll be here by the end of the week but I've got 2 weeks left just in case.  That's what I always do, just to make sure I don't run out.

It's only 4.50pm but it's pitch black outside now!  😞

Still virus and malware free, thankfully

Going to bed now, for an early night.

Nite nite orl!

Saturday 24 November 2018

Saturday 24th November 2018

Thankfully the pup only wanted to do 100% of the walk today so there's still 1100% in the bank after 6 days.  She's also been fed and watered so I'm not gonna move from the sofa other than to go to the bathroom for the rest of the day now.

I accidentally stopped the virus scan first thing too... it had only managed 4% in 8 or 9 hours though, so I wasn't going to start it again.  Did the backup instead and discovered that it's my documents that take the longest to back up. 

Gotta try and remember to email AVG to ask about adding the de-clutterer to my subscription 'cos that's what comes up every time I do the daily virus scan and I trust that it won't eff up my machine, but it'd be good to have the full protection now that I know my ESA is continuing.  I'm protected from malware and viruses until 2021 and I just want the full protection so that I know I'm keeping myself and my contacts free from nasties.

Gonna take me supplements first though!

That's the three supplements all swallowed for another day, not too bad to swallow... not quite the easiest, but far from the worst!

Yet again, Steve's gone back on his promises - he promised to walk the pup with me one day this week and he hasn't.  He also promised that we'd have a home-cooked meal today and we haven't.  He's being paid to care for me for 30 hours a week but I'm lucky if I get that in 6 MONTHS!!

Taken me prescription and haven't needed the ginger beer so far, thankfully.  Gonna put in my repeat prescription request tomorrow.

First survey of the day finished.

Gonna listen to one more song on Spotify then head to bed for an early night.

Nite nite orl!