Saturday, 29 December 2018

Saturday 29th December 2018

The virus scan totally finished after only 21 hours this week, so I can back up my likkle laptop and turn it off while I take the pup out.

The fitness tracker still isn't working though, annoyingly, so I'm gonna give it until Monday and then email the manufacturers to try and find out why it's not working.  😞

...aaand the back-up is finished with absolutely no stress at all this week!  I could get used to this!

The pup forced me to do 400% today, but poo'd after only 75% so I was left with the bag swinging from my wrist for most of the walk... gross but necessary.  Today's 300% extra takes us up to 1050% in the bank after only 6 days, so I'm not going to be doing much moving around today 'cos I need to recover!  lol

That's the plastic bottles bagged up, ready to be taken out to put into the recycling boxes and I found 2 more bras and a pair of trousers while I was bagging up the bottles too!  Bonus!

That's the bottles boxed, ready to go out tomorrow.  Gotta move the boxes from in front of the wardrobe next, so that I can hang my clothes up tonight.  Steve's being paid to be my carer for 30 hours a week yet in reality I'm lucky to get an hour a week out of him!

That's the boxes in the bedroom sorted out too.  I asked Steve for his help and he said "maybe later" which is his way of saying no, so I've just been up and risked doing it myself.  Thankfully I managed it, but I really can't do anything else today now.  I'm exhausted, shaking, in pain so anything other than sitting on the sofa is totally no-go for the rest of the day.

I'm gonna take my prescription then go straight upstairs to hang the clothes up then straight into bed to hopefully recover.  Might have a bath and get changed later on, but there's no way I can do anything else today... it just won't be safe if I do!

We're having a home cooked lunch!!!  First time in at least a month, maybe closer to 6 weeks, so I'm shutting down and putting my laptop on the floor now, just while I remember to!


Yummy, scrummy, in my tummy!

The cheese was more mature/strongerer than I remembered but it was great to have another home cooked meal.

Just heard from the OU too.  The module I want to start with starts in October so if I can study and still get ESA I'll not be able to take part in NaNo each year that I study and they go through until June, so I won't be able to do JanNo either, but I'll set up my own personal challenges in the break between modules, so I'll do 50k words in July or August instead of November/January... disappointing but it'll be worth it if/when I get the degree!

Means that there isn't so much of a hurry to hear about the ESA thing, so I'll give 'em next week off, to get back into the working routine again then try and remember to call them the week after about it.  It doesn't open for applications until April, so I've got 4 months to get things ready and sorted.

It's all down to what the Benefits Agency say now.  They were fine with it when I tried soon after coming out of hospital so hopefully they'll be OK with it this time too, I just want to find out for sure one way or the other then take it from there.  According to the site I'll be able to study and claim at the same time, I just want to be 100% sure is all.

That's me supplements taken.  Far from easy today and I feel a little bit bloated after such a big lunch then multiple mouthfuls of squash for each of the supplements!  😔

Gonna watch Watership Down now, despite it prolly "destroying me"... I'm 41 and I've never watched Watership Down or read Lord of the Rings in my life before  lol

Didn't destroy me as much I was lead to believe.  Star Wars was faaar more upsetting... I was in tears in a public cinema and I couldn't stop crying for hours afterwards!

I'm going to head to bed now to find a clean top and trousers ready for tomorrow so that I will hopefully be awake while it's still dark then I can have a bath to make use of the darkness, pick up the pup's poo ready to go into the bin bag, take the pup for her morning stroll, then take the rubbish bag and recycling box out and wait for my FIL to take us over to theirs for the 4th time in 6 days.

I give up with ever getting to see my mum while she's still alive now... I'm honestly dreading the next time us going over there being for her funeral  😢

I'm off to bed now... nite nite orl, I'll update you all when I get back tomorrow.

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