Saturday 31 August 2019

Saturday 31st August 2019

Mornin' all!

Taken me OAB pill and supplements already and my body is getting excited about taking the Calcium at lunchtime... it doesn't seem to care about the one's that I've just taken, it's looking forward to the lunchtime pill 🙄😂

The puppy's home!!!!!!!!

She's back for the weekend which is awesome!!

Steve's already taken a photo of her on my phone, so I'll go and add it to my homepage now.


Three more photo's of the puppy to code and upload, then I'll take her for a walk.

OK photo's up on the site now, so it's time for Mitzi's walkies and her lunch.

She was pondering on doing 700% today but decided against it at the last minute so we came home and she had her lunch.

Gotta remember to add it to the spreadsheet, email it to myself then shut down while us humans have our lunch - grated cheese on toast today... haven't had that in sooo long!

Completely forgot that the spreadsheets are weekly, so I'll code and upload it tomorrow when I move the monthly photo's and video's of our senior puppy dog to it's permanent home.

Lunch today (cheese on toast) was quick, simple and yummy.  Thank you Steve!

Got 3 photo's of the puppy to code and upload after I've taken my Calcium.

Just taken me second Calcium in 3 weeks and while the celebration isn't as significant as yesterday, my body really is noticeably relaxing now that I've taken them all again.

Time to code the three video's I've taken since shutting down for me lunch.

That's sorted now and my mobile is charging up so there won't be any more photo's or video's for at least the next half an hour, but more likely an hour.

Gotta do a lot of moving around on my site tomorrow:  August's photo's and video's moved over to the puppy's 2019 page then there's the walkies spreadsheet to sort out both on the webpage and on my phone then sorting out the index page for the start of a new month as well as taking more photo's and video's of the puppy to put on the updated index page.  Might be a short blog post tomorrow 🙄... busy but worth it!

Just worked out that I've got enough in my account atm to cover all of September's bills as well as 3 weeks shopping, so I'll be able to put the majority of my September payment into my savings which is awesome and I've already paid for Steve's birthday gift too, just waiting for it to be delivered now, which is one less thing to worry about.

I'm sooo much better at managing my money now than I was a few years ago, which is a huuuuge relief 😌

Just done a survey but I can't remember how much the reward was... prolly 20p or something like that?

That's a second survey completed, so time to dose me and the puppy dog up with our prescriptions then feed her.

We're both sorted for the rest of the day now, so I'm just gonna wait until my evening prescriptions start kicking in then I'll shut down and head to bed.

Blimey that was quick!  They are kicking in already, so I'm gonna shut down and head to bed 🛏. 

Nite nite orl! 💤

Friday 30 August 2019

Friday 30th August 2019

Morning again everyone!

Time for me to have a banana and take my morning pills.  I think, touch wood, that I'm getting into a routine now with all the pills that I take... especially the morning ones, 'cos I come downstairs, boot up my laptop, take my pills and get on with my day.

Got a medical appointment today and I've gotta try and remember to ask her how to pronounce the first third of my diagnosis 'cos I don't like not knowing how to pronounce it... I know how to to pronounce the middle word and pretty confident about the third word, it really is just the first word.

Gotta ask her about taking the Calcium again too with the newest prescription 'cos the patient information leaflet said something about it raising my Calcium levels, so I don't want to accidentally OD on it so just want to get a medical opinion on it... my poor body is screaming out for it, I just don't want to take any risks with it is all.

All four morning pills have gone down nice and easily... I hope that's an indication that I'm in for another good day today!


Sorry to shout, but the last 3 weeks have been awful without it and my body is kinda screaming in excited relief!  I also know how to pronounce all three words of my diagnosis too.  The last 2 days have been awesomely good for my health.

I've gotta double the dose of my OAB pills from 1mg twice a day to 2mg twice a day and I've gotta go back and see the original doctor in 4 weeks time just to see how the new levels are going... but I'm sooo happy that things went so well with the appointment - such a huuuuge relief!!  😌

Just taken the first Calcium pill since the first week of August and my body kinda went "what the... I didn't realise we had lunchtime pills to take too... what are... oooooh!  That feels sooo good!  It'll take a while to build the supplies back up again, but it's good to have the full set of supplements being taken each day again!"  My body is relaxing now that it's got everything it needs again.  It's 8 pills (4 prescriptions and 4 supplements) a day in three sessions (3 supplements and first dose of the OAB pill first thing, Calcium at lunchtime and then 4 prescriptions at 7pm-ish) throughout the day, but it's soooo worth it for me!  I'm giving my body everything it needs to function so any amount of pills is worth that!

There's vitamin B1 in the multi I take every morning, but I wander if I should start boosting that every day too, like I do with the B12?  Or would that be too much??

Already bought a year's supply of all four supplements, so I'm gonna try and remember to order the Vitamin B Complex Tablets instead of just the B12 next year 'cos it covers B1 (Thiamin), B9 (Folic Acid) as well as B12 (Cyanocobalamin) which I was short of last time they were each checked and there's 100% of the NRV of each of 'em so it'll still be 8 tablets a day, but it will cover all 3 B vitamins instead of just the one.  There's no dairy in it and they are suitable for vegetarians too, so I'm covered with everything in just one pill again.  I could get used to this!

Steve's just said that I don't need to bribe him to cook any more... he said that the Jaffa Cakes are honestly starting to go off slightly, so he's finishing those off and he's got 3 Turkish Delight's left which'll take us to next Sunday and that's an empty container then.  I'll still treat him unexpectedly and I know how to encourage him to cook for us every day now too, but now that he's motivated to do it he said he doesn't need any more bribes... I just hope he keeps up his motivation and we don't go back to at least one take-away a day again.

So proud of you, Steve!

Having a reasonably early night tonight... my legs are telling me they need to rest so I'm off to bed.

Nite nite orl!

Thursday 29 August 2019

Thursday 29th August 2019

Mornin' all.

Still virus free and I reckon I'll use the option to shut down at the end of the virus scan each time from now on.  It takes longer to boot up but it saves electricity and keeps the battery nice and cool too.

The back-ups worked first time this week with absolutely no stress or anxiety or anger or frustration or anything too, which was a huuuuge relief.

Time for me supplements now.

Prescription and supplements down the hatch - they went down really easily too... could that potentially mean that today is gonna be a rare good day?  I certainly hope so!

Pazza and meat-free meatballs for lunch today.  Wanna have my bath, ready for tomorrow first though!

Nope, pazza bol instead as long as Steve can find the mince in the freezer.

Third time's a charm, we're having sweet and sour Quorn bits instead lol

The only flavour in the sauce was a small chunk of pineapple... no other flavour at all.  Very disappointing  😞

Goin' to have my bath now.  BBS!

Back now!  Other than the disappointing lunch, today is turning out to be a very good day for a change... I've achieved so much which may seem insignificant to you, but to me they are huge deals!  Started off being virus free still and my laptop having shut down properly, then the backups were done and dusted first time, then my OAB pill and supplements went down easily, then the lunch which has been the only downer of the day so far, then having a bath and getting dressed without getting at all stressed out about it and I remembered to add more bubble bath to the grocery shop too!  Very minor to most people, I realise that, but so many positives today is awesome for me and has done wonders for my mental health and motivation too!  😄

Been taking the OAB pills for exactly 3 weeks now and they've been working for 2 weeks of that.  The PIP lady yesterday said I should ask to be tested for an infection but I bet I'll forget tomorrow lol

Archaeologists have made a major breakthrough in Egypt ~ they have found a tomb of an ancient king embalmed in chocolate ~ His name is Pharaoh Roche!

I ate a clock 🕓 yesterday, 

it was very time consuming

I'm off to bed now... today has been a very good day and I appreciate every moment of it.

Nite nite orl!

Wednesday 28 August 2019

Wednesday 28th August 2019

Mornin' all!

Steve's cousin put up a couple of video's of the puppy last night and I've hopefully worked out how to put last week's video up too!  Just gonna code and upload the three video's then I'll take me supplements ready for the PIP lady coming out.  My anxiety levels have skyrocketed in the last 24 hours because I'm so worried about it!

Just remembered that there's a server migration until 8am so can't upload them yet... hopefully I'll remember when it's been sorted though!

Morning prescription and supplements taken.  Thankfully it was a reasonably easy morning to take them today.  Gotta remember to ask the doc about taking the Calcium with the OAB prescription too 'cos my body is screaming out for it since stopping it 3 weeks ago!

PIP assessor has been and gone and our internet connection has been down since about 9am so I'm using Steve's mobile data atm.  Not happy about it, but I'm gonna publish this and start a new post when our connection is back up.

BBS I hope!

Nobody read this blog post before our internet, phone and telly came back, so I'll just carry on where I left off.  Currently downloading almost 10 hours worth of emails lol

Taken me three nightly prescriptions, so just waiting for them to kick in now!

Taking bets on what time I'll wake up tomorrow morning.  I took my pills at about 7.30pm so I'm guessing I'll be up at about 7.30am 🕢 tomorrow... place your bets now!

I'm off to bed now.

Nite nite orl.

Tuesday 27 August 2019

Tuesday 27th August 2019

I'm still missing the puppy dog... the house doesn't feel like a home without her!

Time for me first prescription and me three supplements now.

All four pills went down pretty easily today, thankfully.  My anxiety is starting to increase about tomorrow though.  😟

Burgers and sauce for lunch today... yumsk.

Gonna shut down until I've had them.  BBS!

Back now... nice and full without being stuffed this time, so I think we've found the right combination for the burgers now.

Just had someone from the PIP assessment calling about tomorrow, just to check everything ready for tomorrow.  She told me the lady's name (that's coming tomorrow) twice, but I've already forgotten what it is!  Oops!

Gonna have a read of the PIP form again and I've gotta try and remember to give her my GP's letter and leaflet about my physical disability diagnosis and let her know about my new diagnosis (the OAB one) and extra prescription that I've started taking since the form was filled out and sent off.

My anxiety is going through the roof already... might have to resort to the coconut milk if this carries on and this lady doesn't come close to the earliest time of the appointment window!!

Clearing the browser cache's ready for tomorrow morning's virus scan.

That's my Tuesday evening routine done.  Just gotta remember to take my evening prescriptions now!

Prescriptions all taken, so I'm fully dosed up for the evening now.

Not tired yet, but I'm gonna shut down and head to bed now.

Nite nite orl 🛌😴

Monday 26 August 2019

Monday 26th August 2019

Mornin' all

Been awake since 2am 😮

Came down at 7am and booted up my machine, Steve dosed her up and I walked her... it's Monday so it was our weekly marathon today, she wee'd and poo'd for the first time since she's been home this week!!

Currently uploading a short, close up video of the puppy then I'll take me supplements.

Running total of the day, at 9am is four video's and a photo that are already up on my homepage.

Time for me supplements now.

Supplements done and dusted for the day.  Nice and easy again, thankfully.

That's the recycling been and gone, waiting for the rubbish to go now, then that's it for another week.  At least our street was remembered this week!  😄

Rubbish has just been collected and I've taken another 2 videos of the senior puppy so as soon as they've finished uploading to YouTube, I'll code them into my homepage again.

The puppy's just gone again!  😢

The love in the house is noticeably shrinking!! 😭

Missing her soooo much and she's only been gone for a couple of minutes 🐶💔

Having to resort to a Chocochino ☕ to stem the bleeding from my broken heart 💔... double my usual amount too!  She's been gone for about 20 minutes and my mood is back through the floor again  😞

Just bought another 4 domain names, to take the current total up to 11 domain names - that's the OCD for you though!

Shopping has been and gone already!  Steve thinks it was the same bloke that refused to help us last time Marie couldn't come over (a couple of Mondays ago) but he can't be 100% sure... if it *was* the same driver, maybe his boss had a word in his shell-like 👂 after my feedback to them on the Tuesday morning via their survey?

Time for my evening prescriptions now!

They all went down nice and easily!  Still got half a bottle of squash left too, which will hopefully see me through the morning dosing tomorrow!

Time to do the first receipt uploading now, before I forget.

All done!  I don't need to take a separate photo, only within the app and it's easy to do double-sided receipts too, thankfully!  One of the apps only does food purchases and consumption outside the home, so I'm gonna get rid of that one and just use Shoppix instead.

Heading to bed now... nite nite orl!

Sunday 25 August 2019

Sunday 25th August 2019

Mornin' all!

The puppy walked me 700% this morning, which is a weeks worth of walks in just one morning so Monday's usual marathon and yesterday's percents are all extra's!

Time to code the walking webpage then take me supplements now.

That's the webpage sorted, so time to have a cookie (for my prescription) and swallow my morning four pills.

That's the pills all down the hatch now, so I'm all dosed up until this evening now.

Just taken 5 photo's of the puppy actually looking at the camera in 4 of them, so they'll be coded and uploaded soon.

We've just taken the rubbish and recycling out.  Definitely one of our better, less stressful weeks this week.

Time to get on with the photo's now.

The photo's and video are up now... go and take a peek!

Gotta remember to write to the Neurologist I saw in hospital to see if there's any way to improve my cruddy memory and maybe repair even a tiny bit of the brain damage.  It's permanent, I know that, but I couldn't look at myself in the mirror if I didn't at least try!

That's the letter written and ready to post next week... hopefully either Marie or my FIL will post it for me next week, 'cos there's no way I can get to the postbox despite it being less than 50 metres away from the house 'cos even getting to the end of the street is impossible alone!


Taken, coded and currently uploading another 5 photo's of the puppy dog... she's actually awake in all of them again!! 🤣

Prescriptions taken already!  Having a plastic glass of G&T then heading to bed early tonight methinks.  Just hope I don't forget about already dosing myself up when my alarm goes off on my phone.

Heading to bed now.  🛌  Nite nite orl.  😴

Saturday 24 August 2019

Saturday 24th August 2019

The puppy's coming home for the weekend again today!  Yaaaaaay!  Can't wait!  She's got more Thyroid pills, but Steve's cousin (the vet nurse) thinks it's only about £10 so I'll phone up and pay that as soon as I've taken my supplements.

That's the OAB morning dose and me supplements swallowed, so I'm all set for the day now.

£9.37 ain't bad for her two prescriptions that's pennies over a single human prescription!

The puppy's homeeeeeeeee!!!!

She's really coming along in leaps and bounds! 

Steve's just taken a couple of photo's of her with my mobile, so I'm gonna add them to my homepage.

Got a 1:36 minute-long video that I'll put up too... brb!

Another video uploading.  I'll code and upload it as soon as I can.  Gonna take her for a walk after that... bless her little heart!

That's the puppy walked for the first time this weekend and she's had her lunch too.... just gotta remember to add it to the spreadsheet now!

Spreadsheet has been sorted and I've washed my hands.  Need to do it tomorrow too then do all the dappy admin on my phone ready for Monday's walkies.

That's me and the puppy dosed up and our senior baby girl fed her last meal of the day so we can relax now until the morning.

Just taken a third video of the puppy and she's awake again in this one!

And a fourth video.  She's awake in both of them, so I'll code and upload those then I'm thinking I'll publish this and head for bed... BBS!

That's today's updates sorted and I've had me pills and sorted out my remaining five cookies ready for the morning, so I'm gonna publish this then head to bed.

Nite nite orl!  🛌💤

Friday 23 August 2019

Friday 23rd August2019

Just asked Steve to get my OAB pills when we go and see the doc on Friday morning 'cos I just don't feel safe stepping on and off the bit and the slopey bit would be even worse.

I've also been asking him, since Tuesday, to move the "old" pop bottles to under his perching stool and the "new" pop bottles back in their place.  He didn't, so I did that myself too.  Even on a week where we leave the house (the ultrasound and hair cutting since the start of the month), we haven't made it in to double figures total this month, yet he's being paid for 35 hours of care a week.  Assuming the PIP assessment takes 5 hours (it won't, apparently it'll take an hour tops) and the doc appointment takes 2 hours (even though the appointment is only for 10 minutes), that'll mean I've had 10 hours of care in a month instead of 35 hours a week!!

OAB pill and supplements swallowed.  The OAB and Iron pills both went down really easily, but the B12 and Multi were slightly harder to get down, but all four of my morning pills have been taken now.

Been doing surveys all day.  Managed to finish a grand total of two of them again lol  Time for me prescriptions now though!

That's the prescriptions sorted and I want an earlyish night, so as soon as my mobile has finished charging I'll shut down and head to bed.  Just a short blog post today  😊

That's me phone charged up, so I'm shutting down and heading to bed now.

Nite nite orl 😴💤

Thursday 22 August 2019

Thursday 22nd August 2019

Still free of viruses, so time for the backups now.

Backups started.  Remembered not to back up the App Data folder so hopefully it'll all work first time this week!

Gonna take me supplements while that's going on.

Remembered to eat a banana before swallowing my morning prescription so that I don't throw up.  The B12 misbehaved, but other than that all four pills went down nice and easily again.

The external hard drive is getting "repaired" by Windows so I can't do anything with the backups while that's happening 😒😣

Gave up on the repair, started the back-up going again.  Currently 3 hours 45 minutes estimated for my documents folder to back up lol

Just waiting for my documents folder to back up now... gone up to 6 hours 30 minutes now though lol

Backups have finally finished!  Yaaaay!  All sorted for another week  😄

Burger patties and roast tatties for lunch today 😋  Gonna shut down now so that I can cool the battery down and put my laptop on the floor.


Waaaay too much lunch!!  lol

We both wasted food (Steve one potato and me two) and we're both totally stuffed now but at the beginning of the month we would have polished off the same amount and been nicely full so the physical organ of each of our stomach's must have physically reduced in the last three weeks!  So proud of us both for reducing our portion sizes and hopefully our internal stomachs too.  We both need to (I'm overweight and Steve's clinically obese) so we're definitely heading in the right direction now!

I love ginger beer!  Within 5 minutes of opening the can and drinking a couple of mouthfuls, I wasn't feeling like I was going to throw up any more!  Ginger beer is ace!

Just added tonic water with lime to Monday's grocery shop just to see what it's like.  I know for sure that I don't like G&T now!  Relieved that it was only £3.99 for the delivery of the G and 45p for the T!

Time to line my stomach and then take my prescriptions.

That's me prescriptions taken for another evening.  Just waiting for the second AP to disolve then I'm gonna shut down and head to bed for hopefully an early night.

Off to beddy-byes now... bet I'll still be awake at 10pm though lol

Nite nite orl 😴💤

Book review: "The whole world is under control of the Evil one" by Flaminio Ranzato

"The whole world is under control of the Evil one" by Flaminio Ranzato

⭐ out of 5

Oh dear me.

Literally the only reason I can find to give this book such a positive rating is that it's a quick (as in 20 pages), free read.

It's about Christianity and Satan to start with, it isn't very well researched and, I personally reckon, if it wasn't free then the author is all set for a criminal record 'cos they can't even get the basic way to address royalty correctly and this is copied and pasted straight from the book: Officer of the Order of the British Empire by the queen of the United Kingdom Elizabeth. and they've talked about Paganism as a cult rather than a religion, which offended me as a Pagan on top of quoting just one thing in Paganism completely wrongly.

If you want to waste a couple of hours and are prepared to be offended then don't say I didn't warn you.

Wednesday 21 August 2019

Wednesday 21st August 2019

Mornin' all.

I've just threatened Steve with Trading Standards yet again so he's got until 30th September to come up with the pages and software in 1 month and 9 days or I really will be contacting Trading Standards about it.  He quoted 10 weeks for £1500 and by the end of September, the reality will be over £2000 and 6 months which is taking the piss by anyone's standards.  I've also paid him in advance instead of on delivery like the other people, so I'm not happy about that either.  He's already said that he can't afford to refund the money so tough shit if he doesn't produce the goods at the end of September!  He'll have to take out a loan to pay me back or something!

Time for me morning prescription and supplements now.

All four pills are now down the hatch.  Reasonably easily this morning, thankfully.

The virus scan is progressing nicely.  It's at 5% atm, as always, but hopefully it'll be finished in the early hours of tomorrow morning then I can do the back-ups as soon as I come down.  Need to remember not to do the AppData folder so that I don't get stressed out again.

Just brushed me teeth and Steve replaced the brush for me 'cos I couldn't pull it off the electric toothbrush.  My mouth feels a lot cleaner and fresher now lol

Our recycling, cardboard and food waste is currently being collected... only 48 hours late lol

Just done a survey about a variety of crisp brands... can't remember what I was supposed to do today, so gonna keep doing surveys until I remember!

Spent all afternoon taking surveys and I've just taken my three evening prescriptions, so I'm gonna take one more survey that I started before taking them, then head to bed.

Completed a grand total of 3 surveys this afternoon and me prescription side effects are kicking in, so I'm off to bed.

See you all in the morning.

Nite nite orl!  💤

Tuesday 20 August 2019

Tuesday 20th August 2019

Mornin' all.

I miss our puppy!!  😧

Steve's cousin sent a photo and short video on Facebook last night and Steve said she's given me permission to put them up on my homepage, so I'm gonna go for a wee, take me pills then put them up!

That's me morning prescription and 3 supplements taken, so just need to find a way to save the photo and video from last night so that I can put it on the page now.

One evening, a bird-lover stood in his backyard and hooted like an owl and an owl called back to him!  They had a whole "conversation."  He tried it again the next night, and the next and the owl always answered.  He was fascinated.  Sometime later his wife had a chat with her next door neighbor. "My husband spends his nights calling out to owls," she said.

"That's odd," the neighbor replied. "So does my husband."

Just then it dawned on them.

Just paid for Mitzi's treatment again... she's back on the anti-biotics and the vet is happy with her progress so that's reassuring and it was under £20 for the anti-biotics this time which is £120 less than her last couple of bills!  lol

She's priceless to us though so we'd find the money no matter what the price was - she's worth every penny to me and it's all part and parcel of having a senior puppy with a thyroid that's going/gone wrong!

Love you Mitzi and thank you Helen and SPA vets!

Just reported the missed collection of recycling, cardboard and food waste and apparently someone will be out to collect it between 7am and 5pm tomorrow.  They are usually really good, but they're only human so things will slip through the net occasionally I guess, so I can forgive them  😉

That's my browser caches being cleared ready for tomorrow's virus scan... good job I set those reminders up in my email programme, 'cos I'd totally forgotten!

Evening prescriptions taken.  Run out 2 weeks today then I've got another month's worth too, so I'm sorted until the end of September now and I'm happy with the doses keeping me nice and stable and sane, so don't want to mess with them any more than is strictly necessary for a while at least.

Want an early night tonight though, so I'm gonna publish this and shut down for the night now.

Nite nite orl!  💤

Monday 19 August 2019

Monday 19th August 2019

Soooo unbelievably proud of our senior puppy dog!  In the 2¾ days that she's been with us, we've walked 1150% extra which is getting on for 12 days worth of walks in only two days!  That's last week's walks and the majority of next week's (I've already taken off the 700% for this week) already!  That's pretty much 3 weeks walks in only 2 days!!  For the very first time, she sat on request for her breakfast too!  She's 10 years old but is still making me proud of her every day!

Apparently she also wee'd last night (although Steve had to hold her paw even though it was still light, bless 'er) and poo'd on our walk this morning.  I picked it up of course, 'cos I'm a responsible puppy mummy but it was huuuuge and soft so it was kinda gross but she's worth it and I'm a law abiding citizen so needs must and it's to be expected too when you agree to take on a dog... just wish cat owners were so responsible too!

Just taken the longest video so far of the puppy... 4 minutes 20 seconds!!  I'm gonna use every opportunity I can to take photo's and video's of her now... being without her is agony so I want to be able to look back at her and miss her even more.  She's such an amazing puppy.

Video up and supplements taken.  Just remembered that I've taken a photo of her this morning too... brb!

Just had Mitzi's insurance renewal come through - gone up by £4.06 a month to make the new monthly amount to come out of my account, £23.39 which is less than a quarter of what her PetPlan was and she's a senior puppy now so I'm guessing it'd be well over £100 a month on PetPlan instead of less than £24 a month even though she's a senior girl now!

Definitely going to renew for another year!

Got an appointment on the 30th August to discuss how I've been getting on with the OAB pills.

Just had our Subway sarnies delivered... packed with veggies and mayonaise.  Yummy scrummy in my tummy.

The puppy is being picked up between 4pm and 6pm today and the shopping is due between 6pm and 7pm, so it's gonna be a busy evening!

The puppy has just (4.40pm) gone again!  😢  The puppy's love and devotion is already flooding away!  😭

Just added a photo of the puppy fast asleep on 9th April this year to my Google account, so hopefully you will see her photo in each of my blog posts and emails now!  🤞

That's me 3 prescriptions taken and I've tried the non-alcoholic gin with the tonic water and it does taste better, the tonic water is just waaaay too citrussey for me, but then I've never liked citrussey things so maybe I just need to find a less sharp-tasting tonic water?

Just edited the HTML on every single page of my homepage so I'm off to bed now.

Nite nite orl

Sunday 18 August 2019

Sunday 18th August 2019

That's the puppy medicated before I even came downstairs and found her box with yesterdays pills in so she's now got an entire day's worth of pills to go back to Steve's cousin with today.

Taken the rubbish, recycling, food waste (just the banana's this week) and the cardboard bag out then took her for her first walk of the week then did my site's weekly admin with the spreadsheet and took me supplements.

Steve's just taken a photo of the puppy with my phone, so time to do a bit more html coding to get it onto my page before she goes back with Steve's cousin.

Just found 2 more black bags next to the sofa from my huge clear out this last week so Steve took them out to put in the rubbish bag and apparently there's no room for anything else in it now, but that's OK 'cos we haven't got any more rubbish!  I hope!  lol

Apparently (according to Steve) I should write in here about eating the Smokey Bacon crisps yesterday 'cos they are suitable for vegetarians even though cheese and onion crisps aren't!

There you go Steve, I've done it now  😛

Just taken a short (30 seconds) video of Steve and the puppy and I'm uploading it to YouTube now then it'll be on my site as soon as it's finished.  You only usually get to see Steve's legs so make the most of seeing the full man this time!

That's my NaNo novel all planned out and ready to rock 'n' roll on 1st November.  I can relax for the next 9ish weeks now!

Prescription taken and Mitzi's still here so Steve thinks she'll go tomorrow instead of today... YAAAAAY!

That's the spreadsheet sorted ready for next week, so I'm gonna shut down and have a well-deserved early night.

Nite nite orl!

Saturday 17 August 2019

Saturday 17th August 2019

Our puppy's coming home for the weekend today!!!!

We've sorted out the recycling box out so that Steve can sit on his perching stool.  The pop is where the bin used to be and the recycling boxes are where the pop was before I moved it.  The cardboard bag is on top of the recycling boxes.

When we work as a team, we can move mountains!  lol

Taken my first OAB pill and me supplements.  They all went down reasonably OK this morning, thankfully.  Found the bottle top that went missing too... it was on top of the box, right at the back, in the middle lol.

The puppy's home!!!!!!!!  She wagged her tail when she saw me!

She's definitely got a waist on her now and apparently you can feel her spine too, so hopefully that means she won't be on the vet food for much longer!

Already taken 3 video's and 4 photo's after only an hour of her being home lol

Just taken another photo... awake again lol

Just tried my first ever taste of gin.  TBH, it just tastes like Steve's sparkling water that's gone flat.  Not good at all.  I'm not gonna review it yet 'cos I mixed it with tap water but I've just added tonic water to the shopping, so assuming it doesn't get substituted, I'll see what that's like then see how many stars to give it.  Right now it's struggling to get a single star but we'll know for sure on Monday/Tuesday... not a fan atm though 👎.

Gonna head to bed now, for a semi-early night.

Nite nite orl!  Sea ewe inn the mornin'.

Friday 16 August 2019

Friday 16th August 2019

Mornin' all.

The front door is gonna be busy today! lol  Got Steve's rollator going between 11am and 1pm, Amazon Pantry stuff being delivered at some point (it isn't even out for delivery yet so it'll prolly be a late delivery), someone coming for the shampoo at about 5.45pm and possibly the puppy coming home until Sunday, but that might not be until tomorrow.

Gotta take my morning prescription and supplements now... brb.

That's me morning pills swallowed so I'm all dosed up until bed-time now.  I accidentally dropped the Iron and it rolled, on the floor, to the other end of the sofa.  If I'd known that I wouldn't have spent so long looking for it at this end lol

Our internet connection was down for about 5 hours today, for the second time this week and apparently our router isn't supported by Virgin Media any more so they are sending out a new one that'll be here on Tuesday.  Steve's ordered a network cable to go from the router to his computer so that he can, in theory, still connect to it and reboot it if we have issues again.

Not good at all, Virgin Media!

Just posted to Facebook asking for other ISPs that are more reliable than Virgin, so we'll see what they come up with.

Steve's rollator has just been taken... only 3½ hours later than we were told yesterday!  Just waiting for the Freegle person to pick up the shampoo then that's it sorted.

Today has been a lot more stressful than necessary today.  Tsk.

I've managed to plan out 10 chapters so far today though!  👌

...and relax.  The shampoo has just gone so I'm gonna put that on Freegle before I forget then I can relax until it's time for my prescriptions!

The CAB lady has done a fantastic job with the PIP renewal form!  She's taken my notes and what me an' 'im told her and phrased it in a way that I never could!  She's told the honest truth about everything but has phrased it so much better than I did!  I feel much more confident about the assessment on the 28th now!

Having an early night for a change.  Sea ewe orl inn the morning.

Nite nite orl!


Thursday 15 August 2019

Thursday 15th August 2019

Virus scan has finished and I'm still virus free, so time for the back-up's now.

Need to reboot for my likkle laptop to "see" the external hard drive, so let's do that now.  BRB.

Back now and the back-ups are under way.  About 30GB to back up this week.

Time to take me supplements while the back-ups are being created.

That's me morning prescription and supplements taken.  The B12 was a little bit of a PITB but it wasn't the worst ever.  Still waiting for my back-up's to start processing... 45GB and counting.

Decided against doing the back-ups in such a huge chunk... gonna do it in 3 bits - documents first (already done) then up to OneDrive then after OneDrive.

Nope, that was over 22GB, so gonna try going up to DropBox first now lol

Nope, still over 22GB so I'm wondering which folder is so huge at the start of the directory?!

I'm wondering if it's the AppData folder maybe??

Yep, it's definitely the AppData folder 'cos the three sections are all under 7GB and they are speeding through, so I can back up the Visual Studio folder, but not the AppData one and it'll hopefully be painless and quick instead of getting stressed out about which folder is so huge.

Entire directory (other than documents and app data) was done and dusted in 10 minutes!  I always do the documents seperately because there are so many sub folders and pdf's and my sites and stuff but if I remember to NOT do the app data folder then it'll be done and dusted in under an hour each Thursday, which is awesome.  You watch me forget though lol 🙄.

They actually called us this time! 

Steve's rollator is being picked up tomorrow between 11am and 1pm, so Steve's gonna fold it up and put it down in front of the door ready for them.

Pazza and bolognase sauce for lunch today 💑.  Thank you Steve!

Just promised the Coconut shampoo to someone and given them directions to the house, so hopefully that'll be out of the house by the time I take me pills!

Just taken me prescription.  The OAB pills seem to be noticeably kicking in now and tonight is 7 days on them, so I've taken 14 of them.  I'd prefer them to work a little bit better but I'm far from complaining!

Going to beddy-byes now... nite nite orl, sea ewe inn the morning.

Wednesday 14 August 2019

Wednesday 14th August 2019

Just had my first posh (cafetierre) coffee for getting on for a week and my body is kinda going "woah!" at the sudden caffeine rush lol

Don't suppose any of my blog readers are left-handed are they?  If you are and you don't mind me picking your brain about it, could you let me know so that I can make sure that what I'm planning and intending to write for this years NaNo pretty please?  There won't be any kind of personal questions for a change, it'll just be about your left-handedness and how you've dealt with it is all.

Time to take me first prescription and supplements now... wish me luck that the four of 'em behave and go down nice and easily!

That's the biscuits eaten and my first prescription swallowed, so time for me 3 supplements now.

Almost forgot about the weekly virus scan!  😲  It's running now though, so I can get on with taking me supplements again 👌.

They all went down really easily this morning 👍.  That's me dosed up until about 7pm tonight now so I can get on with planning out my NaNo novel again now.

At last! 

Steve said he's just contacted his cousin about having Mitzi for her bath on the day I've got my PIP home visit so I can stop pestering him now!  👍  Just waiting for the webpage sorting for the software on my S4CG site that he promised would be finished by the end of July and is now 3 months overdue and he's refusing to pay back the money that I paid him for both back in March and he promised would take 10 weeks.  If he wasn't my husband I'd go to trading standards over it!!

From now on, I'll do like the other people and pay on delivery rather than in advance!

Steve's just had a reply from his cousin who has suggested that Mitzi 🐶 stays with us at weekends then goes back to her during the week so that she can keep getting her medicated baths.  That's fine by us 👌, Mitzi's health has to come first and if that means we only see her for a couple of days a week for a (hopefully little) while then so be it.  We have to do what's best for her now that we know how to treat her skin infection and thyroid and as a vet nurse, Steve's cousin knows exactly what she's doing which is the best for the puppy.  💟💕💗

Just done a huge tidy-up of the area down by the side of the sofa.  Totally filled 3 black bags and found a pair of glasses, a top, a jumper and pair of trousers!!  Need to line my stomach for one of my prescriptions then I'll take my 3 prescriptions and reeelax until they kick in.  It's amazing what I've achieved in the last 5 hours!

That's me 3 evening prescriptions taken and I'm sweating now, despite very rarely sweating usually!

Didn't get anything planned AGAIN today, so I'm really hoping I manage to plan out SOMETHING tomorrow 'cos each day I delay is a day closer to the start of NaNo which is a day additional pressure.

My mobile has just finished charging, so I'm off to bed now.

Nite nite orl 💤.

Tuesday 13 August 2019

Tuesday 13th August 2019

The decaf coffee didn't keep me awake and I woke up nice and early too, so time to try the decaff tea at some point today, then I will hopefully have two drinks I can have whenever I want, instead of being restricted to coffee in the morning and tea in the afternoon/evening.  My OAB doesn't approve of them yet though, but I think that was the same when I very first started having them.  Gonna give it a couple of weeks at least before I decide for sure and I'll try and remember to mention the results to the doc when I see her about it again.

Steve's just helped me sort out the spreadsheet so that I can put our walkies percents on it when the puppy comes home.

Just taken my first prescription pill and my supplements.  Last pill of the Iron and B12, so time to open the new bottles up... I find it pretty much impossible to do is all.

That's the OT been and gone.  Time, hopefully, for lunch now... cheese and brown sauce rolls for lunch today apparently.

Apparently the substitute rolls were the same size as the ones we ordered, so methinks we'll get them each week 'cos it was too much for both of us for lunch, having 5 rolls each!

Steve's emailed the CAB about the form now so I'm seriously hoping it'll be in the post tomorrow and here by the weekend which will give me 3 days to see what she said on the form.  Need to remember to tell the assessor about my new diagnosis and prescription otherwise I'll forget!

Put the last two bottles of the previous water multipack down in front of Steve's perching stool now and he's promised to make me another couple of bottles of squash next time he goes through the kitchen... why do I doubt that'll actually happen though?  😞

Prescriptions finished off for the day.  Accidentally dropped an open bottle of squash and lost the top of it and a good amount of squash too  😳

Shutting down for an early night now.

Nite nite orl 😴

Monday 12 August 2019

Monday 12th August 2019

That's me morning prescription taken.  Time for the supplements now.

Supplements have been swallowed now.  The Multi was a PITA to get down and I've got one more day left of the Iron and B12 before I need to open the new pots.

Going to get our hair cut today... hope I remember to ask for no fringe again 'cos she always seems to forget despite asking before she starts... that's why I hate having it done - 100% of the people haven't listened to my style requests.

It wasn't too bad thankfully!  Going to have it done again at the end of September then again just before Christmas then that's it for 2019.

Final treat "for a while" is to have a Subway sarnie each and the shopping is coming this evening so hopefully it'll be sarnies or something from the shopping so that Steve doesn't have to cook but still gets his reward on Friday, as long as we have food from here every day for the rest of the week.

That was easier than we were dreading!  Steve was about to call to make a Gynae appointment for me but he noticed that we could do it online, so I've just booked in for the end of February 2020 at 10am.  Just gotta hope that Steve's cousin/uncle/aunt can babysit the puppy on the 28th, between 10am and 3pm so that I can have my PIP assessment without worrying about the puppy misbehaving or whatever while the assessor is here.

That's the shopping been and gone.  Time for me pills now.

Prescriptions taken and caffeine free coffee ready to see if it keeps me awake.  Either way is totally fine - if it does, I'll use the opportunity to keep planning out my next NaNo novel that I'd totally forgotten about, so being paranoid did me a favour this time!

I thought the coffee was going to keep me awake, but I'm starting to get a touch sleepy now, so I'm off to bed!

Nite nite orl 😴

Sunday 11 August 2019

Sunday 11th August 2019

That's the recycling and rubbish out.  Need to take me first prescription of the day and all four of me supplements... missing our puppy soooo much!  😢

Put the bottle of shampoo on Freegle and added a sponge to the shopping for Steve... there's 8p left to spend now lol

Need to have a shower and wash my hair ready for tomorrow - bet I'll forget lol

Steve's just made us a cafetierre of coffee and dropped some of it onto his perching stool lol

Need to find something to eat to coat my stomach for my morning prescription... not hungry but don't want to throw up either.  Need to take my supplements too.

The OAB pills are working wonderfully well already.  It's not urgent any more and I get a few minutes warning now which I didn't have before I started taking them on Friday.  The leaflet said that it takes a while for them to start working and that it's not immediate, but I was thinking it'd take more than 5 pills... a week, minimum, not 2½ days!  Not complaining at all though... wish I didn't have to eat just before taking them, but it's a small price to pay and one I'm willing to put up with for as long as the pills keep working!

That's the supplements down the hatch for today.  Didn't take the B12 so that I'll finish that and the Iron on the same day.  Still haven't taken the Calcium, but that's OK, I'd rather not take them and the prescription not build up too much than taking them, the Calcium building up and making me even iller than I already am.  A small price to pay and that's totally OK with me.

Gonna be studying the Introduction to Being a Dog Trainer Certificate today.  It's a 10 module one so it'll take at least 7½ hours to study, which is going to be 5pm minimum but more like 9pm knowing my luck lol

Just finished with a final score of 90% which ain't bad going.  Gonna take my prescription now then take the rest of the evening as it comes.

Just a short blog post today, and prolly tomorrow too 'cos we're getting our hair cut.

Nite nite orl!  💤💤

Saturday 10 August 2019

Saturday 10th August 2019

That's the puppy walked, fed, medicated and video'd, so I'm gonna take my pills while the video is uploading.  The puppy is going for intense treatment with Steve's cousin (the vet nurse) again at some point today... my heart is already breaking 💔 and she hasn't even gone yet!

That's my prescription taken, time for me supplements now.

Supplements have been swallowed too.  Not gonna take the Calcium while I'm on the prescription for the OAB because it might cause a build-up of Calcium which can, apparently, be dangerous, so I'm not gonna take it until I've spoken to a doctor, assuming I remember to phone them, on Tuesday.

Our puppy is being picked up, for her intensive treatment, at 11.45am and I'm missing her already!  I'm sure she'll be OK over there, but my heart is breaking 💔.  We've got to do what's best for her and if that means intensive treatment with Steve's cousin then that's what has to be done 😟😞.

Just got a letter asking me to make an appointment for my coil to be replaced 😲.  Asked Steve to arrange it for me and he's said he'll call them on Monday after we get back from seeing his family and getting our hairs cut.  Wondering if it's for a preliminary consultation or the full replacement thing?  😧  We shall see on Monday I guess!

Got an appointment for a PIP home-assessment on 28th August too 😟  Wish me luck... I think I'll need it!

Our baby girl has just gone!  😭  My heart has shattered 💔.  Again.  😭  I'm sure she'll be fine and well looked after, but she's not here!!  With us!  Her parents!  I really am sat here in tears... it's worse than last time because we've had her for a week so it's agony letting her go again!  😢

Miss you already, even though you've only been gone for 5 minutes, puppy-dog!  🐶

Just bought another 2 courses (on sale that was offering 2 courses for £40) from the New Skills Academy so I've got 7 courses to do now and 5 of 'em have at least 10 modules lol  Gonna get stuck into studying at least one of the longer courses tomorrow so that it can take my mind off missing the puppy.

Third course of the day was a freebie 'cos of a reward for studying so many courses with them lol  Another long course (10 modules) but 3 courses/30 modules for £40 ain't bad going at all and it was so easy to do as well!

Just taken me 3 prescribed pills and I'm thinking I'll have an early night, so gonna publish this, shut down and head to bed.

Nite nite orl.  💤

Friday 9 August 2019

Friday 9th August 2019

Apparently the puppy wee'd and poo'd in the back yard overnight... yaaaay!  That hopefully means that she's starting to relax here again now... just as she's about to be doggy-napped again!  😢

That's the puppy medicated, walked and fed.  Such a good girl.

Supplements swallowed.  They all went down pretty easily this morning, thankfully.

My OAB pills have just arrived... they are tiny!  Need to take them twice a day so I'll take the first one when I take my supplements and the other when I take my prescriptions in the evening.  I'm taking 7 pills a day now and one of them has to be taken twice a day... definitely gonna get through the squash fast now!

Just done a bit more maffs and as long as we don't spend over £50 a week on the groceries, I'll be able to replace the £70 I lent Steve for the bills into my savings to take it up to £150 and still be able to put a bit more in Steve's car fund, depending on how much Mitzi's vet visit is next week, but it's such a relief to have even a small amount of savings instead of being totally overdrawn and heavily in debt like I was a few years back!  Yaaaay me!  👌😌👍

Bought a large cushion to put behind me to hopefully push my bum forward on here (the sofa).  It hopefully won't be too big to push me off otherwise it's money down the drain!

It's a good job I'm being paid on Monday and I double-checkered my maffs this afternoon! lol

I'm trying to re-train the puppy to sit and wait for her meals now until I tell her it's OK to start eating.  She reliably waits now but the sitting bit needs a lot more work.  Her bum sat for maybe a second or two this evening, which is an improvement on this morning, but needs more work.  Gotta keep her brain and obedience working in her senior years!  lol  No slacking off just 'cos she's an old lady now!

Time for me prescriptions now... it'll be weird taking 3 tonight, but that's what has been prescribed so needs must!  😟

That's them swallowed.  8 pills a day now!  😲

Shutting down for the night now then heading to bed 🛏.

Nite nite orl.  Sea ewe in the morning.


Thursday 8 August 2019

Thursday 8th August 2019

Mornin' all.

Still virus free, so time to make a start on the back-ups now.

Back-ups started for another week and apparently the puppy has already had her pills, so I'll take her for our stroll when I can move my feet (don't want to risk disconnecting the external hard drive accidentally lol)

Doesn't want to play ball again so I'm gonna give it one last try then try again later 'cos apparently "last worked leaving it 'til later worked magically" so it's got one last chance then I'll try shutting down while I walk the puppy and try again when we come home.

Just rebooted and it's still not behaving, so I'm gonna shut down and walk the puppy in the vain hope of being able to do the back-ups when we get home and I've fed her.

Just walked and fed our puppy.  Apparently she wee'd overnight too and she nudged my hand out of the way when I was putting her breakfast in her bowl, so she'll have a bigger lunch/tea than normal.

The backups have started so I can't move my legs for at least the next two hours lol

That's the back-ups sorted for another week.  Not entirely painless, but not frustrating agony either.  Need to remember NOT to back-up Visual Studio next week and go for a wee while I'm waiting for my laptop to see the external hard drive lol.

Just taken a video of the puppy and she's actually awake and moving around in this one.  Just uploading it then I'll do the admin on my site and upload it.

Need to remember to take me supplements too... hold on and I'll do that now while I remember.

That's the supplements swallowed and my appointment to see Brad has been moved forward by a couple of days for some reason.  That's totally OK though, just need to remember that it's on a Wednesday instead of a Friday this time is all.

That's the shopping sorted ready for Monday evening.  £50.32 this week and that includes my magasines, two sauces and a bag of banana's.  For a week's shopping, that's less than two take-aways so I'm really proud of us for mostly rejecting take-aways now and the take-aways we do have are a lot less frequent and a lot healthier choices than they used to be too!

I've just asked Steve if he still needed the twice weekly rewards for cooking and he's said he doesn't really, so when he's finished what's in the fridge atm I won't get him anything else unless we start relying on take-aways again.

So proud of you, Steve!  👍👍

I'll get him occasional rewards, they just won't be for bribes any more... they will be less frequent surprises to hopefully keep him motivated to cook for us.

Just had me lunch 🍴... spiced vegetable patties and loads of veg.  Totally yummy 😋.  I've always loved the flavour of fruits and veggies... the fresher the better 🤤.  Being able to pick, rinse and eat straight away is the ideal, but pre-packed fruit and veg is the next best, considering how tiny our back yard is.

After only a week at home, Mitzi is going again at the weekend 😭.  Apparently because she hasn't had any medicated baths since she's been home, she'll need to be treated intensively again 😭.  It's been great having her home again and it'll break my heart all over again at the weekend, but we need to do what's best for Mitzi's health not our hearts  💔.

Just bought Steve a watch for 1p (not a typo, amazingly enough) and £2.99 delivery as well as a pair of shorts for £19.99 the next size down, just to see if they fit.  If they do then that's fantastic, but if not then I don't reckon it'll be far off and it'll hopefully inspire Steve to keep losing weight.

Mitzi took both her pills off me this evening!  She's taken the small one off me once before but never the big one until this evening!

So proud of you puppy!

Just taken me pills and I'm gonna have an early night now. Think I deserve it.

Nite nite orl!

Wednesday 7 August 2019

Wednesday 7th August 2019

Mornin' all.  Just taken a video of our baby girl... gonna upload it now before I forget.

OK, that's the video uploaded, time to take our baby girl for her walk now.

Our baby girl poo'd on her walk!  Such a relief!

Maybe that means that she'll wee tomorrow 'cos it'll be 2 days since her last wee and today was 3 days since her last poo?

Time for me supplements now.

That's the supplements down the hatch.  I was wrong yesterday too... I only double-dosed once, not twice on the B12 and I'll be taking my last pill of the current two bottles next Wednesday.

Having issues with our internet connection... this is the third time I've re-started my likkle laptop and re-started the virus scan and it's only just gone 10am!!

There must be a bit of pollen floating around outside right now, 'cos my hayfever is really making me feel gross right now 😒.

That's our lunches ordered.  I'm going with the foot-long vegan, loads of salad, 2 sauces and we're sharing 12 cookies... yumsk hopefully!  🤤

Apparently it's "too far away to order" so we'll try again at about 12.30pm 'cos it was after 1pm that Steve ordered yesterday.  It's totally OK with us, but how about a more appropriate error message?  😉

There seems to be a problem with the Subway Steve originally went to, so we're going to a much more local one instead, but it doesn't seem to offer the 12 cookies 😢.  Ho hum.  Assuming that this Subway doesn't go splat... ah-ha!  They do offer the cookies 😃 it was just in a different section so we're getting what we had hoped to get from the original one and apparently "it's already gone to the 'we are preparing your order' page" and Steve's just got a text to tell him that too, so hopefully things will be delivered quicker this time 'cos they are a lot closer than yesterday's one 🤤.

Mmmm, very yummy.  Might stick to the one I had yesterday (without the patty) and load up on today's 9 veggies instead.  There's nowt wrong with the patty, just a touch dry and the bits get into my broken tooth a bit much for my liking is all.

Definitely recommend Subway sarnies though!


Just had an automatic acknowledgement from the council after the cat poo in the street report I made on Thursday morning... they've changed if from just simply "fouling hazard" to specify "cat fouling hazard" now!  I'll still keep reporting it as I see it but it's good that I can specify it's a cat doing it instead of a dog now!  WTG GCC!

Zoop for tea tonight.  Yumsk.

Just taken my prescription.  First of the 4 months supply that was delivered on Friday and I'm expecting another delivery on Friday for my OAB... wish me luck with taking them!

I'm having an early night tonight... 7.35pm and I'm heading to bed now.

Nite nite orl!

Tuesday 6 August 2019

Tuesday 6th August 2019

She weeeeeeee'd on her walk!!!!!!

I can now, officially, stop worrying!

She was also admired three different times too.  The second time was with a car-full of people who were amazed that she was 10 years old and they thought it was 6 doggy years to 1 human year so I corrected them that it was 7 which amazed them even more.

Going to feed her now.

She's finished off her bag of food too, so I'll open up her new bag tomorrow.

The puppy took her tablets really easily this morning too.  She just takes the small one off Steve and swallows it, but we have to disguise the big one in plastic cheese, but that's OK - she swallows that whole too, so we just reduce her food slightly with the approval of the vet nurse.

Time to get me dosed up now!

That's me supplements swallowed.  Must have accidentally double-dosed on the B12 twice 'cos I've got 5 B12 and 7 Iron left for some reason.  😯

We is having a Subway sarnie each for lunch and a mini portion of pasta 'n' sauce for tea so that we can use up the mini pasta sauce that came as a substitute in last week's shop and Steve can still get his Friday reward as long as we have home-prepared meals for the rest of the week.

Still as yummy as we remembered... time to do battle with the Dorito's now!

Because the delivery took longer than expected, Steve's got a voucher for £2.50 off our next order that's valid for the rest of this week so I can see us having another Subway sarnie this week, prolly tomorrow, instead of the zoop I usually have 'cos of the virus scan.  Steve's gonna have 2 sarnies and I'll have the footlong one though lol  Maybe carry on having bits'n'pieces or a cooked lunch on a Monday, burgers (to use up the fresh bread rolls that are delivered with the shopping on Monday evenings) on a Tuesday and Subway sarnies on a Wednesday so that I still don't have to worry about putting my laptop on the floor and risking unplugging it, so having to re-start the virus scan and possibly zoop for tea on a Wednesday.

My preferences for take-aways definitely go in this order:
  1. Subway sarnie
  2. Veggie lasagne
  3. Veggie curry
All pretty healthy choices, but they are honestly my preferences in order... never really liked a lot of fat in my diet... the occasional chippy chips or Chinese or whatever is totally OK, but once a week really is my limit for fatty things like that.

That's the two cache's cleared, ready for tomorrow.  Time for me prescription now... tonight is exactly 8 weeks of taking the new, lowered dose.  Gotta remember to bin the current boxes and unseal the first two boxes of the eight that were delivered on Friday.  I'm hoping to get the prescription that the doc did for me yesterday, delivered on Friday and that they are neither capsules or have dairy in them.  Wonder if I need to take them in the mornings, like me supplements or in the evening alongside my current prescription?

Just checked the online prescription thingy and it's one tablet twice a day, so I'll take the first one with my supplements and the second one when I take my other two prescriptions in the evening... I'll be rattling (assuming the tablets aren't too big of course) 'cos I'll be taking eight tablets a day for at least 28 days!!  I'm gonna be getting through the squash at a rate of knotts lol

Off to beddy-byes now.

Night night all... 💤

Monday 5 August 2019

Monday 5th August 2019

Took the puppy out for her first long stroll after she came home for good.  Completely confused her by not opening the door after 650%, or 800%... she waited by the door every 50% after that until we did 1250% and I opened the door for both of us.  She jumped in her bed and fell asleep almost straight away bless 'er!

Time to go to me doc appointment now... wish me luck!

Just got back.  I've been diagnosed with an OAB and she's prescribed pills and I've got to go back in 4 weeks to see how I'm getting on.

Time for me supplements now then I'll call the Benefits Agency to let them know about my newest diagnosis.  Gotta get my coil replaced again 'cos it hasn't been done since 2010 apparently and it should be done every 5 years so I should have had it done 5 years ago and again next year!!

Not gonna worry about that yet though.  Time to take me supplements and call the Benefits Agency before I forget.

Just taken me supplements, so time to call the Benefits Agency now so that they can hopefully add it to my decision file.

Steve's "going to drop an email to the CAB lady about the PIP form before you phone the Benefits bods, 'cos she said she was going to send us a copy" so I've asked that he says about my new diagnosis to her too.  I'm thinking that she's totally forgotten to send the form though, 'cos I haven't had a decision about it or the copy of the form she sent or anything yet, and the deadline was 7th July!!

Steve's sent the email now, thankfully, so we've just got to wait for her to get back to him now!

Steve's just had a delivery of his perching stool and new toilet seat but they take up most of the kitchen now and I bet it'll be my fault when M can't sit down or move the food into the cupboards!  I'm soo fed up with being constantly blamed for things that aren't my fault.

He's made me my squash!!  Yaaaay!

Just taken my prescription and I will have taken the lowered dose for 2 months (or more prescisely, 8 weeks) tomorrow with no ill effects whatsoever which is so totally awesome!

Absolutely exhausted after this morning's marathon walkies with the puppy then the trip to the doctor's less than an hour later!  Gonna have an early night methinks.

Nite nite orl.

Sunday 4 August 2019

Sunday 4th August 2019

That's the puppy walked and fed, spreadsheet updated so we've just got the rubbish and recycling to do then uploading the spreadsheet.  Still over 2,000% extra, despite the puppy not being here for the first 3 days of the week, which is awesome!

That's the rubbish and recycling taken out and over half of our carrier bags in one of the boxes too!  There's still more than enough for the puppy's poo potentially every day next week and another back when we clear up the poo's she does at home but they aren't taking up room in our kitchen now and we are helping the environment by not just binning them.

Time to do the spreadsheet and take me supplements now.

That's the laptop unplugged to run down the battery.  That's a monthly thing that I do... hope it's finished and plugged back in before I head to bed!!

Really is time to do the spreadsheet now lol

That's the spreadsheet sorted, just need to adjust it on my phone ready for next week, then I'll take my supplements.

That was easier and a lot less stressful than it usually... it's cos I didn't do the dates, d'oh!  I'll do that now while I remember  lol

OK, that's the dates done... that was stress-less too, thankfully.

Supplements went down surprisingly easily this morning... are all the positives so far this morning a sign that today will be a good day?  That Gaia and the Green Man want to give me a break from all the usual crap today?  I hope so!

Pazza Bake for lunch today... I'm drooling already lol  My mouthwash tablets are due today as well as the pup going for her medicated bath with Steve's cousin, so it's gonna be all go this afternoon lol

Yumsk.  The Pasta Bake was gorgeous today.  Just waiting on it going down then I'll have a bath and get dressed, ready for tomorrow.  I'm wondering what time, if at all, Steve's cousin is coming over for the puppy.  Have I got time to have my bath or should I wait?

Had a bath and the mouthwash tablets have been delivered, so just waiting for Steve's cousin now.  Steve doesn't think she'll come today "or we'd have heard by now" but I'd prefer to look on the positive side of things and think that she *will* come, maybe she's just enjoying a few hours off is all.

Just reviewed the mouthwash tablets.  Definitely not worth the money - you're paying for the Listerine brand name rather than the product.  I'll use what's been delivered, but won't buy any more.

Don't think the puppy is going to be picked up today after all, so I'm gonna down me prescriptions and head to bed.

I'm off to bed now in the possibly vain hope of getting up early in the morning so that I can take the puppy for her stroll before my medical appointment.

Nite nite orl!  😴

Product Review: Listerine Go Tabs

⭐⭐⭐ out of 5

These have just arrived and I couldn't wait to try my first one... would they taste chalky?  Would the liquid be too much for me to be able to hold in my mouth?

The answer to both of those questions is "no".  I didn't find it at all chalky and the liquid I was expecting it to transform into was non-existent.  More like a crumbly sweet than mouthwash.

You seem to be paying for the Listerine brand name rather than the product.  I'll keep one packet in my bag, one upstairs and the rest down here in the living room in case we have a curry or something or I'm going to see someone either medically or professionally or whatever, but, to me, they are a total waste of money.

Think I'll stick to using my usual mouthwash instead of these.  Huge waste of money.

Very disappointing.  I certainly wouldn't pay full price for them and while it's not a terrible purchase, it's definitely not one of my best either.

Saturday 3 August 2019

Saturday 3rd August 2019

Our senior baby girl has poo'd!!!  At last!

Apparently she did it last night and it stank and she needed her little paw to be held... but she did it!

So proud of you puppy dog! Just need to get her back to weeing more regularly now, 'cos 1 wee in almost 3 days can't be healthy!

We've just got back from our morning walk and she's had her breakfast and taken her morning pills with no problem at all!  The big one was wrapped in a tiny bit of cheese but she took the small one straight off Steve's hand.  So relieved that I didn't have to fight with her this morning and hopefully (as long as it doesn't go mouldy) one slice of "plastic cheese" will last her a week or even 10 days.  Need to remember to reduce her daily food portion when I weigh it out first thing though, but I've got Steve's cousin's (the vet nurse) to do it and it's only a tiny bit of cheese twice a day so that she can take her big pill.

Think I've worked out that we can spend an absolute maximum of £62 a week on the shopping for the rest of August.  It'll leave me with literally nothing in my account...

No.  Sod that.  The weekly budget is still £50 and I'll be able to put the other £50 into my savings, to mostly cover the £70 I lent Steve to cover the Virgin bill.  Same as with the software and webpage he's already been paid to do and promised delivery of "at the end of July".  I'm fed up of lending people money and never being paid back (looking at you Steve and Melanie) or paying in advance for something that was promised would be done in 10 weeks back in March (looking at you Steve) or being paid to care for me for 35 hours a week, but rarely get over 5 (looking at you Steve) or promising to come out on walks with the puppy "at the weekend" but not actually doing it (guess who I'm looking at).  He's promised to look at the webpages today but I don't believe him - he's already 2½ months past what he promised and he's barely made a start on it apparantly and he can't afford to give me the refund because he's already spent it.

From now on, I won't ask Steve to do anything for me and I'll advertise the job on Fiverr instead 'cos it's a lot cheaper, faster and more reliable as well as paying on delivery rather than in advance.

That's me supplements swallowed.  The Iron disintegrated in my mouth and the Calcium went everywhere, but other than that everything went down okayish.  👌

A wee and another poo from the amazing puppy dog... that's two wee's and 2 poo's in 4¼ days so she's obviously starting to relax and feel comfortable back with us now and I can stop worrying about if it's unhealthy for her to store it all up in her little body.  Hopefully she'll start producing more regular wee's and poo's now that she's started again.

So proud of you, Mitzi!

We're having a Jalfrezi curry for lunch today.  Neither of us have tried it before but it's apparently got the same amount of chilli's on the front of the jar as the Rogan Josh so hopefully it won't be too hot for either of us.

Yummy scrummy in my tummy. 😋

It was slightly spicier than the Rogan Josh, but it was a different kind of spicy.  We've agreed that neither of us want to go any hotter for a while - it's spicy without being so hot that you can't taste the flavour.  It made our noses run while we were eating it, but that's totally OK for us... it was only 20 years ago that I'd never had a curry in my life and Korma was too hot for me initially.  I've built up the spiciness level slowly and surely in the last 20 years so if I was working and a team-building curry restaurant visit came up, I would be happy to order a Rogan Josh or Jalfrezi now even though a Korma was too much two decades ago.  Three of those years I was too ill to eat and even tap water made me throw up, so I've only really been increasing the spiciness for sixteen of those years.

We'll definitely get it again though!  For sure.

I was wrong up there ⏫⏫.  Going by what I put up yesterday, she poo'd overnight then wee'd and poo'd a couple of hours after our daily stroll this morning, but just one wee a day for such a small senior puppy can't be healthy, can it?  She used to flood the street at least once on our morning strolls and several times every day and at least once at night too, so one wee every 24-ish hours can't be healthy, can it❓❓

I'm a tester with the Home Tester Club and the reviews for some kind of chew, swish, then swallow mouthwash tablets were mixed so the nosey parker that I am bought them and they'll be here tomorrow, so look out for a review from me on here, my site, Amazon and the Home Tester Club site soonish!

Just taken me two prescriptions and it might just be me taking 7½ weeks to realise it, but the 2.5mg seemed to be a lot smaller than I remember the 10mg tablets being!  Too late to worry about it now, considering I've got 4 months waiting for me to take that were delivered yesterday lol

Off to beddy-byes now.  See you all in the morning.  Nite nite orl!  💤

Friday 2 August 2019

Friday 2nd August 2019

That's the puppy walked and fed, she was such a good girl on her walk and met our next door neighbour as they were on their way to school as a family.  The little girl is sooo shy bless her, but Mitzi was in her element meeting new people.  We did our normal 650% this morning but there's already 750% in the bank after only two days.  Not gonna be a huge amount of extra's this week 'cos we are only going on 4 walks total in 7 days because she was staying with Steve's cousin for the first half of this week.

Time for me supplements now then check me emails and start studying my next course.

Supplements swallowed now.  Not the worst ever, but not far off!

Time for the puppies pills now.

After we persuaded her to get out of her bed to take her pills, it was really easy to get them down her this morning.  She hates having it done, but she needs to have it to help her to stay healthy.  It's only 4 times a day (2 pills, twice a day each) and both of us humans feel sooo guilty, but it's for her health so it's a necessary evil unfortunately.  😟

Just uploading a relatively short (51 seconds) video of our baby girl, was only intending to take a photo of her, but wanted to make the most of her being awake lol

That's our prescriptions just been delivered... got four months worth instead of 2 for some reason though!  Not complaining, just hugely confused 'cos I'm sure the prescription was only seeing me through to my next appointment in September, like the first prescription was!

Just phoned my GP surgery about it and they are going to talk to Brad about it then call me back.  I'm happy with 4 months supply, but I'm wondering if I should have so many is all.  I'm not gonna down them all at once or anything, but I just want to be sure that's OK with Brad too.

Brad has just called back.  He's happy for me to have 4 months supply as long as I don't do anything silly (ie overdose) with them.  That's very unlikely to happen so I'm sorted until November now, which is a relief.

Passed the course so managed to get both a certificate and a diploma.  Gonna do an Alison course next.  'Fundamentals of Marketing Your Business Online' methinks.  It is, in theory, a short course that lasts 1-2 hours so we'll see how I get on with it.

Passed the Alison course too... obviously highly sponsored by/written for Google lol.  Still, it's a free course so that's very forgiveable!

That's me prescriptions taken, so I'm just gonna finish reading my emails then head to bed for an early night, after a very late night last night.

Heading to bed now.  Nite nite orl!

Thursday 1 August 2019

Thursday 1st August 2019

Pinch and a punch for the first of the month and all that jazz.

The puppy walked me 800% today.  I was happy to come home after 650% but she carried on walking so I followed her until she was ready to come home.  If she's doing 800% as standard, maybe it'll be 1500% on Monday?  As long as we do 1250% on a Monday and 650% the rest of the time, I'll be happy with that, but I'll take my lead from the puppy if she wants to do more, now that she's lost weight and is on the right meds.

Time to take me supplements now.

That's the supplements down the hatch.  Got 11 days of the Iron and B12 before I do battle with the seal on the new bottles, then 120 days of all four of 'em before I run out and I've already got a years supply of all four supplements waiting for me to run out, so I'm sorted until the start of August 2020 which is great forward planning by me!

Still virus free and currently doing the weekly backup.  Fingers crossed 🤞 it'll work first time after initially backing up to OneDrive after issues backing up straight to the external hard drive.  Dunno why it misbehaves like that sometimes, but it's very annoying!

Been studying all afternoon, but I passed first time!!!

Need to do the admin on my sites then create and upload 3 video's to two of my sites in celebration!

That's the admin done.  Wanna put a couple of video's up on my sites

That's the one on my homepage done but Filezilla isn't letting me update the members area on my writing site for some reason!

I can now, officially, stop worrying about the pup.


Because she's just been out for a wee and seems to want to go for a poo too but doesn't want an audience!

She's been home for about 34 hours but she's finally relieved herself!  👍  Yaaaay!!!  😁

And it's up.  Just needed to close Filezilla then open it up from my Start menu again.  Need to update the writing blog then take me pills and head to bed.

That's my prescription taken and I'll do the writing blog now, before I forget.

That's the writing blog updated so I'll just catch up on my emails then head to bed.

That's the emails sorted, so I'm off to beddy-byes now.

Nite nite orl 😴