OK, that's the video uploaded, time to take our baby girl for her walk now.
Our baby girl poo'd on her walk! Such a relief!
Maybe that means that she'll wee tomorrow 'cos it'll be 2 days since her last wee and today was 3 days since her last poo?
Time for me supplements now.
That's the supplements down the hatch. I was wrong yesterday too... I only double-dosed once, not twice on the B12 and I'll be taking my last pill of the current two bottles next Wednesday.
Having issues with our internet connection... this is the third time I've re-started my likkle laptop and re-started the virus scan and it's only just gone 10am!!
There must be a bit of pollen floating around outside right now, 'cos my hayfever is really making me feel gross right now 😒.
That's our lunches ordered. I'm going with the foot-long vegan, loads of salad, 2 sauces and we're sharing 12 cookies... yumsk hopefully! 🤤
Apparently it's "too far away to order" so we'll try again at about 12.30pm 'cos it was after 1pm that Steve ordered yesterday. It's totally OK with us, but how about a more appropriate error message? 😉
There seems to be a problem with the Subway Steve originally went to, so we're going to a much more local one instead, but it doesn't seem to offer the 12 cookies 😢. Ho hum. Assuming that this Subway doesn't go splat... ah-ha! They do offer the cookies 😃 it was just in a different section so we're getting what we had hoped to get from the original one and apparently "it's already gone to the 'we are preparing your order' page" and Steve's just got a text to tell him that too, so hopefully things will be delivered quicker this time 'cos they are a lot closer than yesterday's one 🤤.
Mmmm, very yummy. Might stick to the one I had yesterday (without the patty) and load up on today's 9 veggies instead. There's nowt wrong with the patty, just a touch dry and the bits get into my broken tooth a bit much for my liking is all.
Definitely recommend Subway sarnies though!
Just had an automatic acknowledgement from the council after the cat poo in the street report I made on Thursday morning... they've changed if from just simply "fouling hazard" to specify "cat fouling hazard" now! I'll still keep reporting it as I see it but it's good that I can specify it's a cat doing it instead of a dog now! WTG GCC!
Zoop for tea tonight. Yumsk.
Just taken my prescription. First of the 4 months supply that was delivered on Friday and I'm expecting another delivery on Friday for my OAB... wish me luck with taking them!
I'm having an early night tonight... 7.35pm and I'm heading to bed now.
Nite nite orl!
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