That's me morning prescription taken. Time for the supplements now.
Supplements have been swallowed now. The Multi was a PITA to get down and I've got one more day left of the Iron and B12 before I need to open the new pots.
Going to get our hair cut today... hope I remember to ask for no fringe again 'cos she always seems to forget despite asking before she starts... that's why I hate having it done - 100% of the people haven't listened to my style requests.
It wasn't too bad thankfully! Going to have it done again at the end of September then again just before Christmas then that's it for 2019.
Final treat "for a while" is to have a Subway sarnie each and the shopping is coming this evening so hopefully it'll be sarnies or something from the shopping so that Steve doesn't have to cook but still gets his reward on Friday, as long as we have food from here every day for the rest of the week.
That was easier than we were dreading! Steve was about to call to make a Gynae appointment for me but he noticed that we could do it online, so I've just booked in for the end of February 2020 at 10am. Just gotta hope that Steve's cousin/uncle/aunt can babysit the puppy on the 28th, between 10am and 3pm so that I can have my PIP assessment without worrying about the puppy misbehaving or whatever while the assessor is here.
That's the shopping been and gone. Time for me pills now.
Prescriptions taken and caffeine free coffee ready to see if it keeps me awake. Either way is totally fine - if it does, I'll use the opportunity to keep planning out my next NaNo novel that I'd totally forgotten about, so being paranoid did me a favour this time!
I thought the coffee was going to keep me awake, but I'm starting to get a touch sleepy now, so I'm off to bed!
Nite nite orl 😴
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