Tuesday 30 April 2019

Tuesday 30th April 2019

Just taken me supplements.  They all went down pretty easily today, thankfully.

Gonna take the puppy for our morning stroll then start studying one of the longer courses today.  Wish me luck that I pass!

600% this morning.  Steve's got someone calling him at 9am so I'll make a start on my next course, but pause it just before then if it's a video course in case someone comes to the door or whatever.

The call has finished now, so I can start studying.

I'm pretty sure I've already done this course... can't remember the answers to the assessments though, unfortunately 😞.

Steve's just made some posh (cafetierre) coffee for us while I was brushing me teeth.

That's the course finished - 3x100%'s and 2x80%'s.  2 questions wrong out of 25 ain't bad though!

Onto the first writing one now then I can have me lunch.

Just finished the Writing Skills certificate with a score of 100% and updated the pages - just got one more course to go then I'll have finished the 15 course bundle that I bought at the weekend.  It's a looooong course though, so I'm hoping it's just short video modules with an assessment at the end of each module to pass it, rather than full of text and a huge assessment at the end 'cos I'll never remember the answers tomorrow of things I study this afternoon!

I was wrong. 

It's 4 modules, rather than the 10 I thought I remembered.  Assuming I pass the course it'll be the certificate for that as well as hopefully another certificate for passing all 15 courses in the bundle then I can concentrate on the two remaining childcare ones and hopefully pass those too.  If I pass those 3 courses, I'll have shelled out £155 for 26 courses instead of £299 for just a single one!

Not bad going by anyone's standards.

I'm hoping I'll get another marketing email with at least one heavily discounted course that I want to do.

I've saved getting on for £7000 just by clicking on that Facebook ad and taking advantage of each marketing email they've sent!

The s'getti and meat-free meatballs was yummy for lunch today, but we're both stuffed after having a rare breakfast first thing lol

Time to get back to studying now though... four more modules then the bundle of courses is finished!

That's the last course of the bundle completed, so I've just updated and uploaded the pages then make a start on the Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Certificate course 'cos that's only got four modules then do the bullying one, which is the one with 10 modules that I was thinking of earlier on, tomorrow.

That's both cache's cleared, ready for tomorrow's virus scan.

Third course of the day finito so it's time for me prescription now.

That's me prescription down the hatch now so it's time to catch up with me emails and Facebook until it kicks in now!

Gonna have a really early night for a change... bet I'll still be awake at 10pm though lol

Nite nite orl!

Monday 29 April 2019

Monday 29th April 2019

Brushed me teeth already this morning and it's only 7.36am!  Gonna take the pup for an early morning stroll then get straight on with studying again.  I think they are all longer courses left to do now, so I need to get started on 'em early so that I remember everything for the end of course tests!

1100% and only 3 side steps today!  I'm absolutely exhausted and hot and achey and tired now though.  Not gonna be able to leave the sofa except to go to the bathroom today now!

Time to take me supplements and recover a bit.  Really need the B12 boost now!

That was gross.  I crunch up the Calcium every morning 'cos it's capsule shaped and I've never been able to swallow capsules, but for the second time in the last couple of weeks, the crumbs formed a paste and slid down my throat before I'd even taken the lid off the squash!!

The B12 is starting to kick in but I'm gonna boost it with the B12 spray too, to help me to recover from this morning's marathon walk.  Need to get some more soon!

I'd forgotten how quickly the B12 kicked in!  Under 2 minutes and it's already noticeably kicking in!!  Just need something to support my knees now lol

First mug of coffee of the day and it's the posh (cafetierre) one.  Still waaay too hot to drink without burning me tongue atm and we're trying some new-to-us biccies too. I'll let you know what I think of them.

We approve.

Steve said if there was a caramel one they would be splendid.  There are, so maybe we'll get them next time?

100% on the first module.  One down, four to go.

The bin bag collectors have been and gone, just waiting for the recycling now then it's all sorted for another week.

100% on the second module too.  Two down, three to go.

100% on the third module.  Two modules left to study then that's another course finished.

Another 100% on the fourth module.  One more to go then it's finished.

100% on the fifth module too, which means I scored 100% on the entire course!

Gonna update the pages and upload them now.

Really enjoyed me lunch today - pasta bake but with more sauce and softer cheese than usual 😋.  Went down a treat.  Definitely one of Steve's best dishes that I've had in a loooong time... they are usually great, but this was definitely in the top 5!

Thank you Steve 💕 😘!

Got the appointment now, but it's not until June!  Like Steve said, they prolly put the request on all the repeat prescriptions for MH patients like me or he's a new addition to the team or something.  It's done now though, I just hope I don't forget about it between now and then! 

I'd love to drop to the next dose down from what I'm currently on but not if it's at the expense of my sanity!  I'd rather stay on my current dose and be sane rather than dropping down and being loopy again.  My health is more important than the dose I'm on being reduced!!

Time to see how long the GDPR course takes to study now.  If it looks to be under 6 hours then I'll do it, but if not then I'll do it tomorrow instead.

Takes about 35 minutes for the first module, so if I err on the side of caution and give myself an hour per module, that's 3 hours so I'll be finished by the time the shopping has been and gone and I can reward myself with an early night.  Sounds good to me!  👌

Another course done and dusted with pages updated and uploaded.  Not gonna do any more today 'cos the shopping will be here soonish and I want an early night when it's been and gone.  Got 5 more courses to do and apparently I'm now 80% of the way through the bundled course which ain't too bad goin' for less than a week!

That's me prescription taken and I've just burped a burp that tasted like dandelion, burdock and berries 'cos I had the two drinks so close together lol

The shopping has just been and gone.  Apparently he was "a lovely chap.  I only got as far as saying 'would you mind...' and he finished by saying 'want me to take them through for you?' and he took all the boxes through to the kitchen for me!" according to Steve.  Last week's driver refused to take them through to the kitchen so what changed other than the driver this week?!

Can anyone say gender discrimination last week?!

The pills are kicking in so I'm heading to bed now.

Nite nite orl... C U in the morning!

Sunday 28 April 2019

Sunday 28th April 2019

Just taken me supplements.  They all went down pretty easily this morning.  I accidentally swallowed some of the Calcium crumbs before opening the squash which was unpleasant at best, but it only lasted a few seconds before I could have a mouthful of squash so it wasn't too bad, thankfully.

Gonna walk the puppy dog now then she's going for another play-date at some point today then we'll do the rubbish and recycling while she's there.  Apparently the leaves on the butterfly bush are already dying so I'll try and persuade Steve to cut it up a bit more while the pup's out too, so that we don't need to hold on to the saw for very long.

Just got back from our morning stroll and we met another new neighbour today, just as he was wheeling his suitcase down the road.  Mitzi's lil tail was a blur and he seemed friendly so the puppy has three friends in the street now... potentially two toddlers if we can help them over their fear of dogs and their mum would make four neighbours who are friendly towards the puppy!  There's a fifth house in the street that we know but I don't think they've ever met the pup.

Not bad going for a senior little puppy!

That's the puppy gone for her play-date.  Yet again she raced off without even so much as a glance back at me!

The rubbish, recycling and cardboard is sorted now too, without any kind of grumbling at each other... go team! 

The rubbish is barely ⅓ full, the recycling is in two boxes and the cardboard bag is out there full of pizza boxes from Steve's pizza and garlic bread and cookie doughes last night.  We've done well with the rubbish this week... it's usually a full bag and just the one recycling box but not this week!

100% on that course the second time around!

100% on the second course of the day... first time I tried it this time, which is good going by me I reckon!

90% on the third course... it reminded me that I need to brush me teeth too, so I'll update the pages on my site then do it before starting the next course.

That's me teeth brushed, so it's time for me fourth course of the day - Communication Basics.

90% on that course too!  Four courses completed, pages updated then uploaded, walking the puppy and brushing me teeth ain't bad going for a morning's work.

The puppy's back home!!  She was only gone for maybe 2 or 3 hours this time but I missed her soooo much!  The house felt so empty without her here!  She's the smallest member of family in this house but oh boy do I miss her when she goes for her play-dates!

100% on module 1... just one more module to study before I hopefully pass the course!

100% on module 2 so either that's another certificate or there's another assessment... we shall see.

Nope, no third assessment, so I can update my pages now with my fifth certificate of the day!

90% on that course and after I've updated the 2 pages on my site that's it for studying today.  Gonna work on making my pages easier to read for the rest of the afternoon.

That's the pages broken up a bit with lil icons in front of each course.  Not gonna do any more studying or website editing for the rest of the day and I'm hoping for an early night.

Just taken me prescription and I've gotta remember to phone for an appointment at my GP tomorrow... you watch me forget though!  lol

I is absolutely shattered so I'm shutting down and hitting the hay now.

Nite nite orl!

Saturday 27 April 2019

Saturday 27th April 2019

That's me teeth brushed.  Need to take me supplements now, before I forget.

Our senior pup has been walked, fed and watered now and I'm about to take me supplements now, before I forget again.

Supplements went down OK, the Iron took three gulps but the Calcium, B12 and multi all went down with one gulp, so I can't really complain!

That's the tree cut up and ready to be bagged up and taken to the tip.  Not yet though, we need to recover from chopping it up and moving it first.  The branches still need to be chopped off and each bit needs to be a third of the size so that it'll fit into bin bags but it's been started now so everything else will be easier now.

We're having another take away for tea, but I think we deserve it after the last half an hour in the yard!

Finished the first course of the day with a score of 90% which ain't bad going at all!

90% on the second course too.  Three down, fourteen to go.

Just taken my prescription.  The third course of the day has got 5 modules and it's not a video one, like the first two so it's taken oneheckuva lot longer to do.

That's the third course of the day passed even though I only studied half of it and didn't even glance at the last 2 modules at all so that's not bad goin'!

Gonna watch the Sainsbury's video then head to bed.

I'm orf to bed for an early night.

Be back tomorrow morning though.

Nite nite orl!

Friday 26 April 2019

Friday 26th April 2019

That's the puppy walked and fed.  She made it difficult for me twice this morning 'cos she poo'd right at the edge of the pavement so there was nothing for me to lean on when I picked it up.  She also decided to do an extra 50% this morning which'll make for difficult calculations on Sunday evening!  Grrrr!

Back to studying today though... got 17 courses to get through  lol  Might start off with the touch typing and shorthand one 'cos I already know both... depends on which shorthand it is though 'cos I know Teeline and don't want to get it confused.

That's me supplements taken.  They all misbehaved this morning, but especially the Calcium (still got crumbs all over my mouth) and Multi (it took 3 gulps of squash before I could swallow it).  The Iron and B12 were the best, but only just 'cos they took 2 gulps each.

It's done for the day now though, so I can start studying.

That's another course done and dusted.  One down, 16 to go lol  Gonna catch up with Facebook and my emails until bedtime now though.

2 surveys completed this evening.  Got 31 more invites so I'm just gonna mark them all as read and read my other emails then head to bed.

Goin' to bed now.  Nite nite orl!

Thursday 25 April 2019

Thursday 25th April 2019

That's me teeth brushed, supplements taken, virus scan finished and back-ups in progress.  Just gotta walk and feed our senior baby girl and wait for the enabler to come back again.

Just bought 3 more courses for £53.99 instead of almost £1600 (not a typo) so that'll keep me busy for a while again... it's amazing what a bit of patience can get you lol

That's the puppy walked, fed and watered and the back-ups finished and me external hard drive put away for another week.  Steve's making a cafetierre of posh coffee and has sent me a style thingy to change the style of the listing items on my courses pages to be square instead of circular, so I'll sort that out then surf the internet for more free (or at least very cheap) courses to take.

You watch me forget though lol

One of the courses was a 15 course bundle and I'd assumed it was going to be the same as the other bundled course I did... just a single course with all of the courses included.

I was wrong.

It's 15 individual courses so it's even better value for money than I was thinking!

Assuming I do one course a day, starting tomorrow, it'll be 11th May that I finish all of them!!  All for under £55 too, which is more than 80% off just a single course costing £299!!  Or is my maffs wrong?  Either way, I'm saving £299x14+£244 which is a huuuuge saving.

I've already done 8 courses which cost a grand total of less than £100 (I'm rounding up for ease of calculations for me lol), plus today's 17 courses (the 15 course bundle and the 2 I was going to get anyway) for £55 is £155 for 25 courses which is just over half the price of a single course usually, so I'm basically getting 24 of the 25 courses for free!

Clicking on that Facebook ad has saved me several thousand pounds... hold on while I bring up the calculator.


Take off the video courses which would have cost £49 instead of the £299 and I've still saved over £7000 'cos there weren't anywhere near 9 video courses that I've taken... it's maybe 3 or 4 but to make my OCD happy, lets say it's £7000 saved 'cos it's a nice round number which my OCD likes lol

So true:


That's the enabler been and gone. 

She had another look in the kitchen and said about tidying up the bit just in front of the microwave and bringing it forward so that I can use that for ready meals for us when Steve doesn't feel up to cooking and getting rid of his rollator and replacing it with a perching stool so that he can use that when he cooks, instead of the rollator which he hasn't used for anything other than sitting on either while he's cooking or waiting for the shopping since he got it, which would save a lot of room, then we'd just need to tidy up the sides ready for the food processor and pasta machine and bread machine that we've got but are still boxed up because there's nowhere to put them right now.

I *want* to cook, I'm just not steady enough to be able to reach down to put things into and take things out of the oven, but if I could get to the sides we could work as a team where I would do the preparation then Steve puts it into the oven and dishes up!

I just need to find a way to motivate Steve to do it first, like with the Creme Eggs and cooking?  I occasionally get into these "must tidy up" moods but there's very little I can do with the rollator in the way right now.  If we can get the perching stool for Steve then I'll be able to get most of it done on my own in a couple of hours when I'm feeling particularly house-proud/motivated, there's just very little I can do right now 'cos I can't reach past the rollator!

Just taken me prescription.  Found a couple of stools that have potential for Steve, but he wants to wait and see what the OT comes up with first.


Just asked Steve if the software will be finished in 5 days and he said "don't see why not!" - you'll have to forgive me for not believing him 'cos it's taken at least 6 weeks so far, despite it being promised in under 10 days!  If it's not in my hands by the end of April, I'll be wanting my £1000 back which he's already admitted he's spent and can't afford to refund it!

He's been promising the software since 28th November 2018 and I've paid him £1250 for it in advance but he hasn't even started on it so I've been waiting for it since he promised it nearly 6 months ago and I've paid him in advance instead of on delivery like the other people he's been creating sites for!!

He complained about being paid 3 weeks late so I think I've got a right to get arsey when I've waited 8 times that long for something that was promised within 10 days!!

Well I've had enough.  When I eventually get the software I'll be paying on delivery like everyone else!

I'm absolutely exhaustapayted so gonna shut down, finish me mug of tea then head to bed.

Nite nite orl!

Wednesday 24 April 2019

Wednesday 24th April 2019

That's me supplements swallowed.  They were all a PITA this morning 😒  Not a single one went down without any problems and they all took 3 mouthfuls of squash each before they went down.  Not happy at all.

Steve found a video on YouTube overnight about someone who survives on just the shops own brands of food.  Apparently he bought at least one of everything in the Sainsbury's Basics range to live on for a week for £77 and Steve said he fancies giving it a go.  Sounds good to me!

Gonna walk the puppy then watch the two that are currently up.


600% today and she met the lovely man over the road, was talked to and stroked... she seemed to like him almost as much as the man next door!

Just made use of the Pet Psychology course I did last Thursday on one of the Facebook groups I'm with, for the first time since starting to study online again!  I just hope that the suggestions I made help the pet in question!

Pizza for lunch today - yummy and very filling... better than the ones that cost more I reckon!

That's me prescription swallowed... a lot easier than me supplements this morning, thankfully!

Our butterfly bush in the back yard has totally taken over the whole yard and there's no way of breaking off the individual branches 'cos they are just too thick so I'm hoping that Steve will ask his dad if we can borrow a hand saw to hack away at it and hopefully get it cut right back again so that we can use our back yard again at last and it'll give Mitzi more places to poo too!

Steve's just emailed a company about coming out to clear the entire back yard.  He reckons it'll be too expensive and I can do it myself if his dad's got a hand saw we can borrow... it'll take a few hours to do but it will save so much money!

Going to bed now... nite nite orl!

Tuesday 23 April 2019

Tuesday 23rd April 2019

Shouldn't have done that. 

The puppy forced me to walk 1200% today and wanted to keep walking but my knees would have given way so we had to come home when we did for my own safety 'cos if my legs had given way I wouldn't have even been able to crawl home and the puppy would have been like "WTF??"

Wanna try and very gradually increase our daily walks to 750% and our weekly marathon to 1500% by the end of the year.  Gonna have to take things reeeeeally slowly though and there's still 7 months to do it in, so maybe we could increase it by 50% a month for the long walks and just slowly add in the distance for our shorter walks?  It'll build up my confidence and muscles so that I only need to work on the slopes and kerbs then.  It's gonna take me a looong time, but we'll get there in the end... just need to forget about my falls as easily as I forget how many lengths between our neighbours that we've done lol

That's me supplements swallowed.  The Iron was a bit of a PITA this morning and took 2 mouthfuls of squash to get down, so the B12 and multi followed suit, but other than that it was OK.  Not the best ever morning, but far from the worst too.

Just contacted a company in Somerset about getting rid of our two desktop computers and monitor so that it's three less things that we don't need cluttering up the bedroom.  The other companies I've tried contacting (their forms didn't go through) seemed to mainly focus on organisations but seemed willing to do individuals for the right price too... their forms just didn't work so they've lost at least one customer there!

I just hope this place is willing to help individuals too!

The shopping has just been and, yet again the driver refused to take the boxes through to the kitchen because he was either male and/or his size (he's clinically obese) so Steve's going to email Sainsbury's about it again because it always happens when Steve answers the door to our groceries but doesn't happen when his sister does!

That's Steve's mini Toblerone's just been delivered and put into the fridge.  We're having Angel cake and fruit pies for lunch apparently, so he'll only be getting one Creme Egg this week, assuming he cooks both days at the weekend!

He's just put the SPF50 kids sun cream on Mitzi's bald patch of fur and it didn't bother her in the slightest so we've just got to remember to put it on before we go for our morning stroll and when she goes on her play-dates too so that she doesn't get burnt again.  Bless her little furry paws!

That's me prescription taken, hoping for a relatively early night tonight... will I get it???

Just clearing my cache's ready for tomorrow's virus scan... totally forgot, despite the reminder!

Just had me lasagne so it prolly won't be an early night after all 'cos if I go to bed too soon, I'll feel sick which will make me paranoid about throwing up in my sleep and choking on it then dieing which would put a slight crimp in the day!

Shutting down now... not going to bed straight away but I'm definitely logging off now.

Nite nite orl!

Monday 22 April 2019

Monday 22nd April 2019 - part two

Just back from seeing Steve's family.  He's seeing his dad again on Friday and they're going for a family day out in late May which I wasn't even invited to.  It means that in only 5 days this week, he'll have seen his family the same amount of times as I've seen mine since the Summer of 2010.

Hardly fair, is it?  😞

Just taken me prescription, an hour later than usual but hey ho!  Hopefully I'll be asleep by 10pm and awake by 7am so that I can be ready for when the post comes with Steve's Amazon delivery.  I've gotta walk, feed and water the pup before the groceries arrive between 10am and 11am too!

Gonna try putting my jeans on tomorrow... they are the right size, as long as I haven't just got out of the bath, and I've lost hopefully enough of my belly to fit in to them this time!

Haven't worn jeans since I was at college and I miss them!  😃

Me prescription is kicking in so I'm orf to bed now.

Nite nite orl.  Sleep well and, as always, I'll be back tomorrow.

Monday 22nd April 2019 - part one

That's the puppy walked, fed and watered as well as me supplements swallowed so now I've just got to put the spreadsheets online before we go and see Steve's family again.

I'm gonna post this just before we go and potentially put up another one when we get back, depending on when that is and how I'm feeling.

OK, it's up on my disability page now.

What would you prefer me to do with the spreadsheets from now on though?  It's just text and links on the page now with just one graphic within it... is that OK and you want me to keep linking to the spreadsheet images or do you want me to put smaller images within the text, linking to the spreadsheets?  Lemme know in the comments 'cos I honestly don't know which to do from now on!  If you aren't comfortable leaving your name, just make one up so that I can use it in future children's books that I write 😉

Had a marketing email from the New Skills Academy where I did all bar one of the courses last week or the week before or whenever it was, with a bundled course that sounds like something I want to do, but at £647 for the three courses, I just can't afford it right now unfortunately  😞

Gonna publish this then head outside now.  TTYL!

Sunday 21 April 2019

Sunday 21st April 2019

That's the puppy walked, fed and watered now.  We did 600% and the poor senior girl fell off the kerb bless her.  She's unhurt, just worried now which is totally understandable.

Time to take me supplements then jump in the bath ready for going to see Steve's family tomorrow.

That's the supplements down the hatch.  They behaved themselves this morning, thankfully, so I'm gonna go and jump in the bath now so that I don't need to get worried about Steve's cousin coming while I'm either in there or naked either just before getting in or just after I've got out.  I'll hopefully be out and dressed by 9am-ish if I get in now.

It's 9.20am now and I'm bathed and dressed for the day and ready for tomorrow now.  Just waitin' for the pup to be picked up for her play-date then we can do the rubbish and recycling and clear up her poo from the back yard.

I can feel the pup's ribs now, so hopefully she won't need to be on the vet food for much longer!  I'm thinking we'll try her on the tails.com food first - the hypoallergenic one and see what she thinks, then we'll take it from there.

That's the puppy gone for her play-date so we've put the rubbish and recycling out now and we're having crisps and cake for lunch, so Steve's not getting either of his Creme Eggs again this week.  He won't be getting his week-day egg next week either 'cos we're going to see his family again tomorrow for lunch, so unless he cooks for tea we'll only be having 4 cooked meals instead of the required 5.  Bet he won't cook at the weekend either though  😒

We're having Chinese for tea - again!  😔  Just gonna have onion rings 'cos I'm not hungry in the evenings.

The puppy is back home!!!

I missed her so much and the whole house felt empty without her here!

Just taken me prescription so hopefully that'll kick in soon.

Goin' to bed now for a reeeeeally early night.  Nite nite orl!  See you at some point tomorrow!

Saturday 20 April 2019

Saturday 20th April 2019

That's the puppy walked and fed, brushed me teeth and now it's time for me supplements then a video course for a change!

Supplements went down OK just now.  The Calcium crumbs went everywhere again, but that's pretty normal now though, so I had a good morning taking the pills today.

Time to study now!  How do you reckon I'll get on?

3600% extra walkies so far this week, so we're well on target for hitting 4000% again tomorrow.  Not gonna force the puppy though... as long as we do 100% every day, I take my lead from her.  I love doing 600% each of the 6 days for easy calculations and I take my lead from the pup about doing 1100% once a week but I appreciate us getting to 4000% extra a week.  The puppy is a senior girl now though, so I don't force her to walk any further than she can cope with each day.

On to watching the video now!

Blimey!  That's the Safeguarding Children course finished already and I finished on 100% right too, which is awesome!

The Nursery Assistant Certificate is finished now too.  Got 2 questions wrong over the entire course!  Mental wellbeing in kids and young people now then that's all the courses finished that I've already paid for and I just need to save up for the next one.

3x100%'s and 1x80% on the mental wellbeing course so just one single question wrong out of 20, which ain't bad going!  Gonna do the Diploma in Mental Health Studies on Alison.com now then finish it off tomorrow.  Hope I pass it!

Just scraped through the first assessment - the score I needed to get to pass was 80% and I got 80%!

84% on that assessment!  At least I passed, so I'm not complaining lol

That's me prescription taken and I'll hopefully finish the course and take the final entire course assessment before I head to bed... wish me luck!

Another 80% so I'm just scraping through.  I'm hoping to finish the course and take the end of course assessment before I head to bed tonight.

Passed the entire course assessment with another 84%!!


I'm gonna celebrate with chocolate mini rolls then head to bed with a huge grin on my face.  Gotta update the pages on my site first though lol

Goin' to bed now.  Nite nite orl... C U in the mornin'!

Friday 19 April 2019

Friday 19th April 2019

All the supplements were a nightmare to get down this morning - ⅓ of a 2 litre bottle of squash to get 'em all down this morning which has made me bloated and nauseous now.  😞👎

Gonna take the puppy out for her morning stroll now then start studying module 2.

That's the puppy walked, fed and watered and Steve said he's gonna make me a chocochino when he comes out of the bathroom so time to start studying again now!  I'm 10% of the way through the course after the first module, so, in theory, I'll be finished by 6pm-ish then I can reward myself with an early night.

Just brushed me teeth - almost forgot again!

Steve's just brought the chocochino in so time to start studying now!

Completed the course with a score of 86% and I only got 4 questions wrong, so I'm feeling particularly proud of myself right now!  😁🏆

Time to update the pages then we're having Yummies for a celebratory tea apparently!

OK, the pages (first page and completed courses page) are updated.  Steve reckons I should do the safeguarding children course next.  The nursery assistant one should hopefully be a breeze 'cos I'm already qualified to do it, but I want to update my skills and knowledge just to keep myself current and the mental wellbeing in children will just be in addition to the child psychology courses I've already taken and purely out of interest so I'm gonna do that one last.  Hold on while I re-order them now, before I forget!

Done and dusted and burger eaten so I just need to take my prescription now and wait for it to kick in before I head to bed for the night.


That went down nice and easily tonight!  I'm hoping it'll kick in quickly too so that I can have an early night.

Charging my mobile up a touch (only to maybe 15%) then I'm orf to bed for the night.

Nite nite orl!

Thursday 18 April 2019

Thursday 18th April 2019

Yep, from now on I'll be doing the virus scans and backups on Wednesday-Thursday from now on.  Absolutely nothing went wrong with the virus scan, my blood pressure stayed stable and it was finished in 17 hours too.

Gonna do the backups in 2 stages instead of 3 as well 'cos that's 87% complete in less than an hour too, instead of the hour and a half minimum and blood pressure through the roof, so just gotta remember that and get into a new routine now.

I've also already taken me supplements.  The Iron was a bit of a PITA this morning, but the other 3 were fine.

Also learnt last night that Mitzi prefers positive reinforcement training 'cos she gets lots of praise and a biccie when she poo's in our back yard but nothing if she does it on our morning stroll.  Got 9 more modules to study and an exam to take today then I'll have me third diploma under me belt and a fourth ready and waiting for me to start it!

That's the virus scan (which took 18 hours to do instead of 2 days previously) and back up done for the next week and my blood pressure and mood as well as the internet connection and battery lead have all remained steady for the last 24 hours 😌 so it's gonna definitely be a mid-week thing instead of a Friday-Saturday/Sunday thing from now on.  👍👍

Gonna take the puppy for our morning stroll now, then get on with the studying again.

That's our senior baby girl walked and fed, teeth brushed so now it's time to study.

Just bought another 3 courses for £60 instead of very nearly £900 and 2 of 'em were on my list of courses that I want to take too, which is even better!  They are certificate courses so will, in theory, be done and dusted in a day.

There are 5 courses that I've paid to take so it will hopefully keep me out of trouble until the end of the month lol.  Not going to pay for any more until I've finished those 5 though lol.

That's all the modules studied.  Gonna wait until Steve gets home from his nursey appointment before I take the end of course test just in case the phone goes or someone comes to the door or even both, like yesterday!

I passed the course first time!!!

Only by 2 right answers but I still passed!

I obviously need to NOT revise and go with my first answer instead of second guessing myself 'cos I'd totally forgotten yesterdays 16 modules as well as most of todays remaining 9 because there was a gap of getting on for an hour between finishing the course and taking the exam.

That calls for a celebratory veggie lasagne for tea.  Gonna adjust the 2 webpages and upload my diploma then start on the canine communication course then continue that tomorrow and potentially take the test at bedtime tomorrow.

There are only 10 modules on the canine communication diploma course, which is the same amount as the first course I took with the New Skills Academy so, in theory, it'll be done and dusted tomorrow if I start it first thing!

Gonna make a start on it now though... see how many modules I get through before bedtime in about 4 hours.

Just finished the first assessment of the first module and Steve's ordered my veggie lasagne, so I'm gonna put my laptop on the floor and wait for it to arrive now.

I'll prolly come back after I've eaten to hopefully do another module to let the lasagne settle and then shut me laptop down before I head to bed.


Back now and I'm cream crackered so not going to do the second module tonight.  Gonna watch a bit of telly for a rare change before I head to bed.

Nite nite orl!

Wednesday 17 April 2019

Wednesday 17th April 2019

Happy birthday H!  You're growing up so fast!  Love you loads!

The first mid-week virus scan is under way now.  Be interesting to see when it'll finish... in the early hours of tomorrow or will it still be going at bed-time tomorrow?

The puppy's just had her ears done and got a biscuit as a reward.  Steve's taken his pill so it's my turn now then all three of us are drugged up for the day and I can take the puppy out for her morning stroll then make a start on my pet psychology course!

That's us all drugged up until this evening now, so it's time for our senior puppy's walk... assuming I can persuade her to get off the back of the sofa, of course!

That's the puppy walked, fed and watered.  600% this morning so we've done 2100% extra already this week!

Time to get on with learning about pet psychology now though.

Gotta brush me teeth first, before I forget.

That's me teeth brushed now, so I can start learning about what goes on inside a pet's head now!  lol

My repeat prescription has just turned up and I've got to make an appointment with the HCA (Health Care Assistant??) and Brad to discuss my AP prescription... you watch me forget though lol

Veggie chilli for lunch today... lovely and spicy with just the occasional mouthful that was verging on being too spicy.

Gonna take the plates into the kitchen then get back on with studying.

Just finished studying module 12 so I've got an assessment to do and then I'm half way through the course.  It's only taken 10 hours to get to this point whereas the description said it'd be completed in 10 hours... either their maths is waaay off or I'm a slow learner lol

That's module 16 sorted so I'm going to bed now.  9 more modules and a test tomorrow then I'll have my third diploma under my belt... yaaaay!

Nite nite orl!

Tuesday 16 April 2019

Tuesday 16th April 2019

That's the puppy walked and my teeth brushed, so it's time for my supplements next and then I'll try the test again!

That's the supplements swallowed.  It was the B12 that misbehaved this morning.

Time to try the test again now... wish me luck!

Passed first time this morning lol  My diploma is now up on my completed courses page.  I'm lost now though... what do I do with the next 14 hours in the day??  lol  😄

Pizza for lunch... 100% cooked at home meals so far this week, so we're still on track for Steve getting another Creme Egg on Friday and hopefully on Sunday too.

I'll need to invest in the mini Toblerone's soon cos I think there's only 3 or maybe 4 left in the box and they aren't available on Prime either so I dunno how long it'll take for them to get here!

They are only £7 so I'll go and order 'em now lol

That's the Toblerone's ordered and they'll be here between Tuesday and Thursday next week, so as long as there are 2 Creme Eggs left for this week and they turn up when they've promised, Steve'll be getting 2 of them on a Friday and 2 on a Sunday 'cos they is only small and there will still be enough for 5 weeks worth of bribery before I have to find something else to bribe him with lol

Got a 2kg tub of fudge and 21 bars of Turkish Delight saved in my basket ready for when the Creme Eggs then the Toblerone's are finished which will hopefully take us to Summer and I can bribe him with ice cream then lol

Sainsbury's do 8 choc ices for £1.10 in both milk as well as dark chocolate, so that's a month's worth of bribery in a single box there too!

Just taken my prescription and cleared both cache's ready for tomorrow's first mid-week virus scan.  We shall see what happens when I log in tomorrow morning.

Just paid for another 2 courses with the New Skills Academy that'll keep me out of trouble for a few more days.

I'm going in yet another new direction with these courses - pets instead of humans!  The first course is a Pet Psychology diploma and the second is a Canine Communication Diploma so hopefully I'll have another couple of diploma's under my belt by the weekend and I'll be able to use what I learn on the pup lol

Gonna shut down and head to bed for a really early night now.

Nite nite orl!  😴

Monday 15 April 2019

Monday 15th April 2019

Mornin' all.

Just brushed me teeth so I'm gonna take my supplements then get straight on with finishing off studying in between bringing the rubbish and cardboard bags and the recycling box in.  Gotta put the walkies spreadsheets up too.

That's me supplements swallowed and the pup has jumped on to the back of the sofa, so I'm gonna work on the spreadsheets until she decides it's time for her morning stroll.

That's the spreadsheets sorted but the WiFi connection has gone down so can't upload them yet.  😞

Gonna walk the puppy while the WiFi is down and hopefully it'll be fixed by the time we get home.  If it's not, I'll revise the course ready for the exam at the end it... it's taken 3 days to study it and I've already forgotten it all!

We beat our personal best this morning 'cos the recycling bods came to collect the recycling while we were out there and Miss Nosey Parker wanted to show off so we walked double what we usually do this morning!  Not going to be able to move for the rest of the day now though lol

The WiFi is still down so I'm gonna revise until it comes back up.  That's twice in four days that it's been down for over an hour.  Like Steve said though, maybe the improvements they were doing on Friday didn't improve enough.  👎👎

It's only taken 8½ hours to fix, but our internet connection is finally back and stable so I can carry on studying!  Just got 3 more modules and an end of course test to do now!

That's me prescription down the hatch and I'm currently studying module 21 so hopefully I'll get the end of course assessment done and dusted by the time I hit the sack tonight.  👌

Failed the test 3 times, so I'm gonna read through my notes again tomorrow and try again.  😞

We're having a Burger King meal for tea so I'm gonna shut down now.

Nite nite orl!

Sunday 14 April 2019

Sunday 14th April 2018

Teeth brushed, puppy walked (in two parts) and fed, rubbish and recycling out and I'm about to take me supplements.


Supplements swallowed.

Time to study for the rest of the day now I reckon.

That's Steve's shoes put on Freegle... I hope I get a better response for those than I have for the toilets, cisterns and pouffe lol

Just finished module 7 so onto module 8 now and hopefully I'll finish it before we have lunch.  Wish me luck!

Up to module 18 now!!  I've got 5 modules then the end of course test to do then I'll have another diploma!

Finished modules 18 and 19 so I've studied a huge 13 modules today and I've only got 3 modules left to study tomorrow then the exam and it's finished.  Assuming I get over 71% I'll have my second diploma under my belt in 5 days and I think I'll deserve a J2O!

Gonna publish this then head to bed I reckon.

Nite nite orl!

Saturday 13 April 2019

Saturday 13th April 2019

Just taken my supplements.  It was the B12 that misbehaved this morning, which is a rare occurence.

The virus scan is at 46% so it prolly won't be finished by the time I go to bed tonight  👎😔

Gonna take the puppy out for her morning stroll now, then start studying again.

That's our senior puppy walked and fed.  We did another 600% this morning, so we're currently at 3500% extra for the week.  Just need to do another 600% tomorrow and my OCD will be happy.

Time to start studying now I reckon.

Having a Chocochino to celebrate passing last night's course and encourage me to pass this one too.  It's gonna be sooo hard 'cos it's in 3 parts so will take about a week to finish it.  If there's an exam after each part then I'll be OK but if there's just one huge one at the end I'll prolly fail it because of my brain damage.

Not going to study today after all... don't want to get the previous two courses muddled up with it and there's no way I'll remember what I learn today on Friday.  Gonna email the support bods to see if it's 3 tests (one after each level) or one huge one at the end or even both (4 tests).  I'm hoping that it'll be 3 tests so that I'm not put at an unfair disadvantage because of my memory.  They've already said I can use my notes, so I hope there's enough time to find the appropriate bit and answer for each question.  If it's anything like the last 2 courses it'll be 30 question to answer in half an hour, which is only 1 minute per question!!

It's 30 questions in 30 minutes "at the end of the course" and I've discovered a way to download each module so I can put those in one folder and my notes and end of module tests in another folder so that I can search for the answers in there at the end of the entire course which will put me on a more even level with all the other students!


First survey of the day completed.

6 restarts and a reboot as well as being blue screened in 26 hours and I'm finally backing up my hard drive.  The blue screen obviously stopped the virus scan at about 60% but I'm gonna try and change the full scan to a Wednesday instead of a Friday now, to see if that's less stressful.

Hopefully changed the day within AVG and I've set up another reminder to clear my caches on a Tuesday instead of a Thursday now so we'll see what happens next week!

That's Mitzi's poo scraped up 'cos someone has just said that they are interested in one of the cisterns so I didn't want them standing in it and traipsing it through the house lol

As long as she doesn't poo overnight or tomorrow morning, it's just 2 bags of poo to go in with the rubbish tomorrow that just need to be picked up and put in the canvas bag tomorrow now.

Just brushed me teeth.  I've been forgetting until late afternoon recently whereas I used to do it as soon as I got back with the pup first thing in the morning.  It's done and dusted now though, thankfully.

That's me prescription swallowed and me tongue burned after a particularly hot sip of tea.

Up to module seven now, so I'm gonna publish this then go and wrap up my lil nephew's third birthday gift then head to bed.

Nite nite orl!

Friday 12 April 2019

Friday 12th April 2019

Trying something new with the puppy today.  I'm giving her until 9am to see if she poo's here before I take her for a walk.  By the look of her tail she'll need a poo soon.

I'm 73% of the way through the course and AVG needs to reboot my likkle laptop, so I'm gonna do that now then carry on with the studying.

The house opposite us is having some kind of building work done so the whole of the pavement is blocked by building supplies and there's a van outside our window.

The puppy wanted to meet and play with a cat that was hiding under the van and one of the builders said hello to the puppy so she had fun.  We're at 3000% extra walkies so far this week, so she just needs to walk me 600% both days of the weekend and my OCD will be happy.

The virus scan caused all kinds of issues after it updated itself, but it's at 9% already so hopefully it'll be finished in the early hours so that I can back everything up before I take the puppy out tomorrow.

Time for my supplements now though.

That's the supplements down the hatch.  Been taking them for 120 days 'cos I took the last Iron and B12 today and Steve had to open the next quarter's bottles for me.  It'll be the Calcium running out in a couple of months then that's it for 100 days when I'll go through the same rigmarole all over again.

On with studying now though.

Virus scan is already at 26% and it's only been going for about half an hour!  If it keeps up this speed, it'll definitely be done by the time I come down here again tomorrow, which I always prefer.

That's me teeth brushed and "posh coffee" poured so I'm all set for the day now.

Definitely time to start studying!

It's taken 4 reboots and a total loss of internet connection but hopefully the virus scan is going until it's finished now.  I'm seriously considering moving the deep scan to Wednesdays instead of Fridays 'cos the same thing happened last week too.  I'll give it one more week and if it does it again then, I'll try and remember how to set up the weekly scan within AVG and set it to go on a Wednesday.

You watch me forget though lol

I'm at the end of the course, just gotta take the test but Steve's Amazon delivery "is 3 stops away so can you not do the test until it's been and gone"... why can't he go to the door to the delivery... why does it have to be me??

Gives me more opportunity to revise I suppose.

"Two stops now" he says as he puts me mug of tea on the table for me, so I'll do a bit of revision just to make sure I've got all the information at the ready for the test.

They've arrived now, so I'll take my prescription then do the test and hopefully pass it.  Wish me luck!

That's me prescription swallowed, so time to take the test now!

76.67% on the test with a score of 23 out of 30 but considering it was done over two days with two meals and about 10 hours of sleep and my brain damage too, I'm feeling really proud of myself!

Means Steve can breathe easy until tomorrow now then there's a 3 part course which'll take about a week to do in total so that'll be a real test for me!!

Me prescription is starting to kick in, so I'm having a well-deserved early night.

Nite nite orl!

Thursday 11 April 2019

Thursday 11th April 2019

Just taken me supplements.  They all went down fine again, thankfully, so it's time to walk and feed the puppy then start studying again!

We did 600% again, which means we've done 2500% extra so far this week which ain't so bad.  We just need to keep doing 600% every day from tomorrow until Sunday and my OCD will be happy.

Signed up for an affiliate account with the New Skills Academy that I did that course with last night and I've written them a review on their site too.  They are pretty expensive considering that the courses only last hours rather than months, but yesterday proved just how worth it the expense is.

Onto the Child Psychology course today.  Need a wee first though lol

Righty-oh, gonna make a start on it now.

That's the last ⅔ of our little nephews gifts just arrived so I've just got the one that is already upstairs left to wrap up then it's all sorted!

Just taken me prescription and I'm up to module 11 out of 22 with me studies, so I doubt I'll get it finished before I head to bed tonight, but never mind!

Just finished module 16 so I've got 6 modules and potentially a test to do tomorrow then I'll have finished the course and be able to start on my other 3 courses.

Nite nite orl!

Wednesday 10 April 2019

Wednesday 10th April 2019

Just brushed me teeth, gonna take me supplements then start studying the courses I bought last night.

Steve ordered a mountain of crisps yesterday and I'm assuming he'll expect me to get the door, despite the delivery being for him and him being my carer, instead of the other way around!

Taken me supplements now.  The Multi was a nightmare to get down and I'm now bloated with squash  😞

Time to walk the puppy now.

That's the puppy walked and fed.  700% and two poo's this morning.  I'm a responsible puppy parent so picked both poo's up and binned them when we came home.

Time to study now.

Up to module 7 already.  Got 3 questions wrong out of 36 questions, which ain't bad going at all!

Ahem.  I've just finished the course and taken the final test on the whole of the course and got a score of... drumroll 🥁 please...

Only 2 questions wrong in the entire test!!!  📯👍👍👍😁😀

I can go to bed happy and I've got a certificate and qualification to add to my CV now!  Yaaaay!!!!!

Just taken my prescription.  An hour and a half later than usual, but not to worry.

Going to bed now for an early night.  Not tired yet, but I'm gonna read magasines for a bit to try and switch my brain off.

Nite nite orl.

Tuesday 9 April 2019

Tuesday 9th April 2019

That's me pills popped for the morning.  The Calcium misbehaved again, but the other 3 went down fine and dandy, no probs at all.

Gonna go back up and turn the heater on in the bedroom 'cos the weather will be 0⁰c overnight, so I'm definitely gonna need the warmth tonight otherwise I won't be able to sleep!

That's the heater on and it's peeing it down out there, so the puppy and I are gonna get soaked through on her walk this morning!

1100% and a poo today with the potential of her needing to go out the back for a second poo at some point today 'cos she was still waddling after her poo, which usually means that she still needs a poo, it just hasn't worked it's way far enough down her bowel yet is all.

We shall see.

Hoping for a 700% just once this week so that the extra 100% can be added to yesterday's 500% so that my OCD is happy and it'll make for easier calculations for me next weekend.

First Cortado of the day.  Yummy way to wake me up... if it was infused with vitamin B12, so that I could take one less pill a day, it'd be perfik lol

Advertising alert!!!

If you're in the UK and looking for an awesome supplement supplier and you want a bit of money off your first order, I can't recommend Simply Supplements highly enough.  Personally been using them for getting on for 20 years now and wouldn't go anywhere else any more.  You simply browse and order what you want, then put my email address (amanda.k.george@googlemail.com) into the referral box thingy and we'll both get money off your first and my next order.

You can get cashback from Quidco if you've got an account with them too!  If you follow the Quidco link, we'll both get additional cashback when you've earned £5 in cashback.  I'm literally 99p off having earned £200 and it's only an extra couple of clicks.  If you sign up for their browser extension you never need to miss cashback on your online shops again!  I'm using the free version and haven't got a clue about the Premium version, so can't answer any questions about that for you... sowwy!

End of advertising lol

Pizza for lunch today 'cos it's Tuesday and it's recently become our Tuesday lunch to have a pizza each, so I'm gonna save this post then put me laptop on the floor.


I was wrong.  I heard Steve start to wash up, not put the pizza's in the oven so I'm around for a few more minutes still.

OK, he's just confirmed that he's about to put my pizza in the oven, so it obviously takes a little bit longer than his for some reason, so I'm gonna save this post then shut down the whole laptop.

Really will BBS this time!

Back now!

Steve puts my pizza in first then his in when he's taken mine out and plated it up so maybe there isn't enough room in the oven for both pizza's at the same time?

Just seen an ad on Facebook for a Level 3 Child Psychology diploma with the New Skills Academy which lasts 12 hours and is all done online and is currently on sale for £25 instead of £299 so I've just emailed them to see if I'll be allowed to use my notes in the exam because of my brain damage.

If they let me use my notes in the exam and it's still £25 tomorrow then they've just found themselves a new student and I've found my next course to study!  I'll need to do the whole thing in one day 'cos there's no way I'll remember what I've learnt the next day, but it'll give me a diploma to put onto my CV!

Just heard back from Brett... I can definitely use my notes on the tests so as soon as I know how long it is between paying and being able to start, I'll sign up either today if it's not instant or tomorrow morning if it is!

I love studying and the New Skills Academy have found themselves a new student!

Just paid a grand total of £42.99 for two (one of which combines 3 courses into one) courses instead of 2p off £600.  Assuming that the courses are any good they will be getting a good rating from me... just gotta remember that I've signed up for them now!  lol

Oooh!  I get a third course (Interview Skills & CV Writing Certificate) as well! I've got three courses available to start right away then, so that's totally awesome!  You watch me forget tomorrow morning though  lol

That's me prescription taken and I'm updating my navigation site too.

Just finished coding the new page on my navigation site, so I can go to bed happy now.

Nite nite orl!

My mobile has just died on me so I'm charging that up now.  Gonna try taking some surveys while I'm waiting.

Gonna shut down now to try and get my brain to turn off while my phone finishes off charging.

Nite nite orl for real this time.

Monday 8 April 2019

Monday 8th April 2019

That's the puppy walked and fed.  It started peeing it down with rain so the puppy only wanted to do 500% this morning.  😞  If it stops raining I'll take her out again later on 👍... might be better for both of us to do it in 2 parts so that we can both recover a bit between walkies sessions.

The puppy has finally finished off her bag of food, 2 weeks after we got the new bag lol  Oops!  lol

Totally forgot to email the walkies and side-stepping spreadsheets to myself last night so I've just done that and I'll code them into the disability page now.

Gotta take me supplements and brush me teeth before I forget again... supplements first I reckon.

That's them down the hatch.  It's a good job Steve filled up the bottle with squash last night 'cos I had to drink more than was left to get them all down, especially as the Calcium took 3 mouthfuls on it's own to get all the crumbs down!

Time to brush me teeth now, before I forget again. 


That's me teeth brushed for another day.

Pasta 'n' sauce for lunch today 😍.  Drooling at just the thought of it!  😋

 Yummy scrummy in my tummy!  😍  That pasta 'n' sauce we had for our lunch was sooo good - especially because it's been so long since we last had it!

Done next week's grocery shop online already too.  Added 16 toilet rolls and 2 packs of grated cheese then took off the 3 Rumbledethumps 'cos they cost £6.75 for the three which is £1.50 more than the toilet rolls which have reduced to £5.25 for 16 rolls which is a saving of 75p from the last time we bought them!  WTG Sainsbury's!

Just scored 100% on a word definition test thingy online...

That's me prescription swallowed... nice and easily this evening, thankfully.

Goin' to bed now for an early night for a change... bet I'll still be awake at 10pm though  lol

Nite nite orl!

Sunday 7 April 2019

Sunday 7th April 2019

That's me supplements swallowed... nice and easy again this morning, thankfully.

The virus scan has finished too, so I'll set the backup going then walk the pup.

That's the puppy walked and fed and the backup dialogue box is at 98%, so as soon as that's finished, I'll put it all away and unplug the power lead to let the battery completely run out for the first time ever then hopefully I'll remember to do it every 4 weeks (as opposed to monthly) from now on.

Backup's have just finished so I've put the external hard drive away and unplugged the power lead.  Steve reckons it'll take 2-3 hours to completely run it out "but don't get stressed out if it's still going after 4" to quote him just now.  In theory it'll be finished by the time I've had me lunch then I'll plug it back in and re-charge the battery which'll hopefully be done and dusted by the time I head to bed tonight.

That's the rubbish, cardboard and recycling out ready for tomorrow and my likkle laptop has just gone to sleep (it's running on the battery) so I'm gonna close everything except Chrome down now, including these blogs, just so that I don't lose things when it eventually dies... not gonna publish it yet, just gonna save it and close the browser is all.

BBS hopefully!

Just brushed me teeth and we're having waffles for lunch, the pup is going on her play-date at between 3-4pm so it's all go today!

Really am gonna close the browser again now!

Just over 4 hours of being unplugged before I got the battery warning thingy, so it's plugged back in now and I'm gonna have me lunch. Thankfully it wasn't as painful as I was dreading!

Time to get on with doing my emails and stuff now.

The puppy has gone for her play-date with Steve's extended family... I'm the only one in this house without a social life lol  Steve sees his family at least twice a week, Mitzi goes on play-dates twice a week and I haven't seen any friends since before Christmas or my mum for 9 years!!  😞

She's home!  She's home!  Our favourite puppy dog is home!!  Missed her sooo much today... the house definitely feels empty without her snores and kisses!

That's the last of the squash bottle finished off so I've got 2 litres of it to see me through until tomorrow evening now which is definitely do-able as long as my my squash turns up with shopping tomorrow evening and my supplements decide to behave.  Apparently I've got three bottles of flavoured water out there as well though, just in case it doesn't turn up.

 Gonna head to bed now.

Nite nite orl, I'll see you in the morning!

Saturday 6 April 2019

Saturday 6th April 2019

That's me supplements swallowed.  Not too bad this morning, thankfully!

The virus scan is only at 43% though, so it's gonna be this afternoon at the earliest before it finishes and I do my backups and then let the battery run down... all because I didn't restart it until after lunch yesterday when Steve came home  😞

Ho hum, time to take the puppy for her morning stroll and we'll see what the virus scan is up to when we get home and I've fed her.

The puppy poo'd on her walk so I cleared it up, like the responsible puppy parent that I am and the pup carried on walking so I followed her.

600% came and went.

As did 750%.

And 1000%

By the time we got to 1100% my legs were going "we really can't cope with much more" so I listened and we came home, even though the puppy wanted to keep walking.

Came home, fed her and brushed me teeth then changed the batteries ready for tomorrow's brushing.

I'm really not going to be able to move off the sofa other than to get me lunch and go to the bathroom for the rest of the day now.  My legs just won't be able to cope with it.

It's only once a week that we walk so far though and we hadn't done it during the week so it was either going to be today or tomorrow.

The virus scan is at 47% now, so it'll be the either very late tonight or early hours of the morning that it finishes, so I'll do the backups and emptying the battery tomorrow instead of today.

You watch me forget though!  lol

Something I woke up pondering on this morning:  when and who decided that Homo Sapiens should be called humans and why?  Discuss.

Same with dogs - who changed them from being Canines to dogs and why?  Discuss that too.

That's me prescription taken and my mobile charging up after it died on me an hour ago without me realising lol

Me phone has finished charging now, so I'm off to bed.

Nite nite orl!

Friday 5 April 2019

Friday 5th April 2019

That's me supplements taken.  They all behaved this morning, thankfully.

The virus scan has started too, so it's time for the puppy's morning stroll now.  Apparently she hasn't been out for a wee since her walk yesterday morning, so if she doesn't flood the street today either, I'm thinking it'll be another expensive vet visit, but she's worth it!

That's the puppy walked and fed.  She was so desperate for a wee that she squatted down before I'd even closed the front door and totally filled a small dent in the road with wee!  Her normal morning wee's fill it to about ⅓ish but there was maybe a millimetre left before it overflowed this morning!

I'm so proud of the puppy for not weeing in the house, considering how totally desperate she was!

First survey of the day completed

Just done some basic maffs and I'll be able to put about £150 into my savings ready for Steve's car at the end of April, which ain't bad going.  I'll be able to put pretty much all of my end of April ESA payment into my savings too 'cos I'll be paid again on 6th and 10th May which'll cover all my bills and most of May's groceries too so that there will be £350 in my savings and I'll still be able to get Steve's brother's birthday gift without going overdrawn too which is such a huge relief!  Just gotta not spend more than £50 a week on groceries is all!

Had issues with me laptop today - the power decided to stop working, which stopped the virus scan dead in its tracks and no matter what I tried I couldn't get it working again.  Steve eventually said that it might be because the laptop was desperate to discharge the battery for the first time in the 18 months that I've had it.

Apparently, like with mobile phones, it needs to completely discharge then recharge occasionally, which I've never done.  Soooo, once a month, after doing my backups on a Saturday I'm gonna unplug the power lead thingy and let it completely run out of power then recharge it again, just like I do with my phone.  In my decade of using laptops I've never done that before, but then again, it's only been a couple of months that I've been totally discharging that too.

I've set up a reminder to do that every month in my email programme, just like I'm reminded about clearing my caches on a Friday so hopefully it'll become routine soonish, just like with my phone.

After being on for less than 15 minutes since the battery issues, the virus scan is up to 19% which is getting on for 4 times more than it achieved all morning!

Maybe the battery/power thingybob was some kind of weird sign from the techy-minded spirits or higher powers or something?

26% now, so it's gone up 7% in the couple of minutes or so that it took me to write the last bit!!

Maybe the battery/power thingy really was some kind of sign?  Some kind of message for me to learn from?

Just taken me prescription and Steve's getting a take-away for his tea, so yet another week without a Creme Egg.  Apparently lunch tomorrow is curry and rice so if he cooks on Sunday too then he gets an egg but tonight's take-away means he won't get one despite cooking every day for the past 4 days.  Them's the rules though, and he knew that right from the start.

Gonna see if I can get a pack of mini Toblerone's from anywhere as a change from the Creme Eggs, 'cos Steve likes those too.

We shall see.

That's my little nephew's gifts ordered and paid for.  Estimated delivery date of 11th to 15th April and he's already got one upstairs just in case they aren't here in time.

I'm off to bed now 'cos me prescription is starting to kick in and I want to see if the gift is already wrapped up or not while I remember to look.

Nite nite orl!



Thursday 4 April 2019

Thursday 4th April 2019

Just taken me supplements and I've officially got a cold.  Touch wood it's not the constantly coughing one that Steve had, but my nose is constantly streaming so it's gonna be red raw and painful again soon 😞

Time to take the puppy out for her morning stroll now then someone from the CAB is coming at 3pm to see if we are entitled to any other benefits.

Apparently it's peeing down with rain out there and I've given up counting the percents, so I'm gonna count the number of times we go up and down - needs to be 12 times for 600% and hopefully it'll be easier to keep adding single figures rather than 50%'s.  We shall see.

Brushed me teeth and spat out a lot of blood so maybe my tooth decay is advancing into my gums or something?

Gonna take the puppy for her walk now though and forget to worry about it until I brush them again tomorrow morning.

It took a lot of encouraging to even get her out of her bed and she wanted to come home after 100% but I kept walking so she followed me to 600%.

We are both soaking wet now though!

First survey of the day completed.

Second survey done and dusted with the potential of earning £7.50 if I do it for 6 weeks!

That's the CAB bod been and gone.  She was really helpful and supportive.  We're getting all the benefits we're entitled to but when I need to re-apply for PIP she's going to help and support me to fill in the forms to hopefully get me the money I'm entitled to next time.

We won't be going to see my mum any time soon though, 'cos to get the motability car would mean Steve using his PIP money to get it  😢  If I get the mobility part next time though, I'll take on paying the mortgage and Steve can get the car then.  The only other option is to save up and get a non-motability used car but if we did that I wouldn't be able to go to the Open University which I really want to do, just not at the expense of seeing my mum is all.

Having another earlyish night again to recover from the 2 hours sleep I had a couple of days ago.

Nite nite orl!

Wednesday 3 April 2019

Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd April 2019

That's me supplements taken.  They all behaved reasonably well this morning, thankfully.

Time to take the puppy out now.

It's hammering it down out there so we've only done 100% so far today.  If it stops raining this afternoon I'll take her out again, but I don't want either of us to catch colds so if it's still peeing it down after lunch then I won't take her out again.  Doubt our weekly percentage'll get past 2000% this week 'cos there's only 450% in there so far.

Gonna work on putting my Mandy pages onto my homepage today so that they are ready to rock 'n' roll when Steve's got the navigation sorted for me

Just taken the pup out again to finish off the 600% and she forced me to do an extra 50% too so there's 1000% extra in the walkies bank so far this week.  I'm hoping she doesn't want to do a long walk this week... my legs need a rest!

Steve's just sent me the new navigation for my homepage so I'm gonna work on that for the rest of the day now.

Steve's just reminded me about the posh coffee he made for me first thing - good job I like cold tea and coffee!  lol

It's almost 1am and I'm not tired yet so I'm thinking it'll be a night without any sleep or maybe snoozing here on the sofa for a few hours tonight/this morning.

5.20am and I've only just started yawning!

Gonna shut down and hopefully get a few hours sleep... I'll be wiped out by this evening!!

Mornin' mornin'!

Two and a half hours sleep.

My supplements need to seriously kick in today and I'll be heading to bed very very early.

I know that posh coffee definitely keeps me awake now though lol

That's the supplements taken.  Gonna definitely need the B12 spray today!

The B12 tablet is kicking in nice and quickly... I'm more awake already!

650% this morning and the council came to pick up the cat poo just as I closed the door so I could direct them to it.

The new navigation on my homepage is up and running now... took 2 days instead of the 4 weeks that Steve was showing off with.  Means he's entitled to the £100 I've already paid him now.  Just needs to create the software for my children's author site now then that's it!

It's amazing what he can achieve with a deadline and requesting the money back if he doesn't deliver in time for it!  lol

That's the site completely re-jigged and brought up to date... just waiting for the re-enabler to turn up now... only 20 minutes late!  😟

The re-enabler has just gone... she's going to chase up all kinds of things for us and she's said about someone coming in to help us tidy up... that's 3 professionals and his sister as well as me who has said about it now, but I bet Steve still won't do anything about it!

Having to delay taking me prescription 'cos Mitzi is going for another bath with Steve's uncle tonight and after only 2 hours sleep overnight/this morning, I'm desperate for me pills and bed!

I'm gonna publish this then shut down for the night.

Nite nite orl!

Monday 1 April 2019

Monday 1st April 2019

Walked the puppy 550% this morning... I would have preferred 600% for easy calculations, but the pup was having none of it!

The rubbish has already been and gone and I've just brushed my teeth, so I just need to take my supplements and put last week's spreadsheets on my site then I'm all set for the day.

As predicted, I still haven't got the navigation for my site, despite Steve promising multiple times last week that it'd be sorted by Wednesday, then Friday then Sunday.  He's got until Wednesday to get it to me or I want my £100 so that I can find someone else to do it.  I'm fed up of paying for something and several months down the line I'm still waiting, yet he creates a site for a stranger in about a week and still isn't paid for it a month after it's completed.

Well, I'm gonna work like a customer not a wife from now on - I'll ask Steve to do something for me and pay him on delivery rather than in advance.  He's got until Wednesday for the navigation to be in my inbox and until the end of April for the software or I want my £1100 back.

That's me supplements taken.  The Calcium and Multi misbehaved but the Iron and B12 went down first time!

Just told Steve that he's got absolute deadlines now so I'll either have my £100 or the navigation ready for when I wake up on Thursday and either the last piece of software or my £1000 back by the end of the month.  He said he might have to do something different with the navigation as he's only got 3 days now... why not freakin' do it like that in the first place then??  😠

That's the disability page updated with last week's spreadsheets, which means I've got precisely nothing to do for the rest of the day now lol

He's just found a javascript navigation that is exactly what I want as long as he can add a second drop-down to the bits within the drop-downs.  It'll take him a couple of days to come up with it, rather than faffing around with lists within lists within lists like he was apparently trying to sort out with the original navigation he was doing for me. So much easier all round.

That's the recycling boxes brought in and put into their little hole.  We've been doing so well with our rubbish and recycling since Steve's been cooking for me... barely a third full rubbish bag and 2 nearly-full recycling boxes this week!  Today's groceries are under £50 too so it can be done if it needs to be!

I'm having cheesy chips and brown sauce for my lunch today and Steve's having chips, cheese and chilli for his, so not the curry after all.

There are 3 things being delivered tonight that are either fresh (baking potato's) or chilled (pizzas and rumbledethumps) so that's four meals sorted out of the seven already lol

Considering 6 weeks ago we were having take-aways for every meal, I'm so proud of us for turning that on its head most of the time!  We used to spend £150 a week on take-aways, but that's 3 weeks groceries for us now which is not only cheaper but it's healthier for us too!

I'd like to think that it was the box of Creme Eggs that helped to motivate Steve to start with, but now he cooks most days out of enjoyment and without me nagging him!  👌  WTG Steve!  👍

That's my mum's Mother's Day gift and my nephew's birthday gift dispatched now, so that's it until the middle of May for both our brother's birthday gifts then the end of June for our anniversary gift and my mum's birthday pressie.

First survey of the day completed - only 5 questions so it was nice and quick!

Second survey of the day completed - another short and therefore quick one!

Out of the 154 survey invitations I've had today 148 of them have wanted either my IP address (which ain't gonna happen) or my full post code.  I've got no problem giving them the bit before the space, but I don't want them to be able to narrow it down to just our likkle street!

That's me prescription swallowed.  3 weeks and 6 days to go before I run out and 1 week 6 days to go before I put in my next repeat prescription request.

100% of those 16 invites wanted my IP address too, so I closed the tabs.

Going to bed for a really early night now.

Nite nite orl!  💤😴