Sunday, 7 April 2019

Sunday 7th April 2019

That's me supplements swallowed... nice and easy again this morning, thankfully.

The virus scan has finished too, so I'll set the backup going then walk the pup.

That's the puppy walked and fed and the backup dialogue box is at 98%, so as soon as that's finished, I'll put it all away and unplug the power lead to let the battery completely run out for the first time ever then hopefully I'll remember to do it every 4 weeks (as opposed to monthly) from now on.

Backup's have just finished so I've put the external hard drive away and unplugged the power lead.  Steve reckons it'll take 2-3 hours to completely run it out "but don't get stressed out if it's still going after 4" to quote him just now.  In theory it'll be finished by the time I've had me lunch then I'll plug it back in and re-charge the battery which'll hopefully be done and dusted by the time I head to bed tonight.

That's the rubbish, cardboard and recycling out ready for tomorrow and my likkle laptop has just gone to sleep (it's running on the battery) so I'm gonna close everything except Chrome down now, including these blogs, just so that I don't lose things when it eventually dies... not gonna publish it yet, just gonna save it and close the browser is all.

BBS hopefully!

Just brushed me teeth and we're having waffles for lunch, the pup is going on her play-date at between 3-4pm so it's all go today!

Really am gonna close the browser again now!

Just over 4 hours of being unplugged before I got the battery warning thingy, so it's plugged back in now and I'm gonna have me lunch. Thankfully it wasn't as painful as I was dreading!

Time to get on with doing my emails and stuff now.

The puppy has gone for her play-date with Steve's extended family... I'm the only one in this house without a social life lol  Steve sees his family at least twice a week, Mitzi goes on play-dates twice a week and I haven't seen any friends since before Christmas or my mum for 9 years!!  😞

She's home!  She's home!  Our favourite puppy dog is home!!  Missed her sooo much today... the house definitely feels empty without her snores and kisses!

That's the last of the squash bottle finished off so I've got 2 litres of it to see me through until tomorrow evening now which is definitely do-able as long as my my squash turns up with shopping tomorrow evening and my supplements decide to behave.  Apparently I've got three bottles of flavoured water out there as well though, just in case it doesn't turn up.

 Gonna head to bed now.

Nite nite orl, I'll see you in the morning!

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