Friday 12 April 2019

Friday 12th April 2019

Trying something new with the puppy today.  I'm giving her until 9am to see if she poo's here before I take her for a walk.  By the look of her tail she'll need a poo soon.

I'm 73% of the way through the course and AVG needs to reboot my likkle laptop, so I'm gonna do that now then carry on with the studying.

The house opposite us is having some kind of building work done so the whole of the pavement is blocked by building supplies and there's a van outside our window.

The puppy wanted to meet and play with a cat that was hiding under the van and one of the builders said hello to the puppy so she had fun.  We're at 3000% extra walkies so far this week, so she just needs to walk me 600% both days of the weekend and my OCD will be happy.

The virus scan caused all kinds of issues after it updated itself, but it's at 9% already so hopefully it'll be finished in the early hours so that I can back everything up before I take the puppy out tomorrow.

Time for my supplements now though.

That's the supplements down the hatch.  Been taking them for 120 days 'cos I took the last Iron and B12 today and Steve had to open the next quarter's bottles for me.  It'll be the Calcium running out in a couple of months then that's it for 100 days when I'll go through the same rigmarole all over again.

On with studying now though.

Virus scan is already at 26% and it's only been going for about half an hour!  If it keeps up this speed, it'll definitely be done by the time I come down here again tomorrow, which I always prefer.

That's me teeth brushed and "posh coffee" poured so I'm all set for the day now.

Definitely time to start studying!

It's taken 4 reboots and a total loss of internet connection but hopefully the virus scan is going until it's finished now.  I'm seriously considering moving the deep scan to Wednesdays instead of Fridays 'cos the same thing happened last week too.  I'll give it one more week and if it does it again then, I'll try and remember how to set up the weekly scan within AVG and set it to go on a Wednesday.

You watch me forget though lol

I'm at the end of the course, just gotta take the test but Steve's Amazon delivery "is 3 stops away so can you not do the test until it's been and gone"... why can't he go to the door to the delivery... why does it have to be me??

Gives me more opportunity to revise I suppose.

"Two stops now" he says as he puts me mug of tea on the table for me, so I'll do a bit of revision just to make sure I've got all the information at the ready for the test.

They've arrived now, so I'll take my prescription then do the test and hopefully pass it.  Wish me luck!

That's me prescription swallowed, so time to take the test now!

76.67% on the test with a score of 23 out of 30 but considering it was done over two days with two meals and about 10 hours of sleep and my brain damage too, I'm feeling really proud of myself!

Means Steve can breathe easy until tomorrow now then there's a 3 part course which'll take about a week to do in total so that'll be a real test for me!!

Me prescription is starting to kick in, so I'm having a well-deserved early night.

Nite nite orl!

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