Friday 31 May 2024

Nite nite orl

That magic extra pill this morning was absolutely incredible!  I'm feeling half-way human again now, but it'll take a little while to replenish my stocks again.

I've popped my last two pills of the day and I'm heading off to beddy-byes now.

Nite nite orl.

Second and final update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Do morning laps
  • Do the news
  • Keep working on memorial site
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have lunch
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do afternoon laps
  • Download hospital notes
  • Download last 4 days of videos
  • Resize more of the videos
  • Rename compressed videos
  • Make vlog posts to my new blog
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Find crystal cabinet
  • Find more Pagany things
  • Read and review last book on my TBR pile
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile
  • Study my courses
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

Well, apparently... most recent MRI in 2022 and my consultation with the Neuro, showed that something or other and ataxia had worsened which potentially meant that my WKE had "potential detioration?" which isn't such good news and I wasn't told about it, so looks like I'm still slipping with my rare neurological/CNS (I know the difference and why some people refer to it as CNS now lol) disability is going the wrong way, but that's OK even though I thought I was doing OK with it!

I'm even more glad that I invested in the super-strength pills now then!

Today's (31st May 2024) lunch photo

Another late meal photo, but not quite as late as my breakfast photo lol

Today's lunch was the penultimate Quorn garlic & herb bites, a 6 serving packet of crisps, the last pear and a glass of water, all prepared by me because my carer plonked her bum down on the perching stool as soon as I closed the fridge door and didn't move a muscle or take her nose away from her phone until she signed out and left.

Here's today's lunch photo:

First update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Do morning laps
  • Do the news
  • Keep working on memorial site
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have lunch
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do afternoon laps
  • Resize more of the videos
  • Rename compressed videos
  • Make vlog posts to my new blog
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Find crystal cabinet
  • Find more Pagany things
  • Read and review last book on my TBR pile
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile
  • Study my courses
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

Today's (31st May 2024) breakfast photo

Veeery late with this photo, but I've been having techie troubles this morning and this is the longest I've been able to control my cursor for since 5am!

This morning's breakfast was the same as I've had for a little while now:  choccie Weetabix with soya milk and a 250ml bottle of orange juice.

Here's today's breakfast photo:

Today's (31st May 2024) to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Do morning laps
  • Do the news
  • Keep working on memorial site
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have lunch
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do afternoon laps
  • Resize more of the videos
  • Rename compressed videos
  • Make vlog posts to my new blog
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Find crystal cabinet
  • Find more Pagany things
  • Read and review last book on my TBR pile
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile
  • Study my courses
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

Mornin' all

First up, before I forget, can someone remind me to find out how to update my VPN after my morning carer has left please?

I've also taken my first magic pill for my neuro disability and I could feel it working within minutes of swallowing that pill.  It's a big pill, almost the size of my bladder pill, but for the first time in a loooong time I haven't got a cotton wool head any more and things are focussed instead of blurry!

I've popped my other 5 morning pills with my morning glass of water so I'm all set for the day now.

Gonna put up today's to-do list, hopefully before my morning carer arrives, then I'll make a start on it while I'm waiting for her.

I'll see you all in a bit hopefully.

The virus scan finished while I was adding the labels and that's reassuringly still clear, so that's good.

Thursday 30 May 2024

Nite nite orl

I've had a stressful week and busy day so I've taken my last two pills a bit early and I'm gonna take myself off to bed now for a well-deserved early night.

I'll see you all in the morning.

Nite nite orl.

Third and final update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Charge up FitBit
  • Put plaster on my toe
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Download FitBit image
  • Put FitBit image together
  • Code and upload FitBit image to my homepage
  • Do morning laps
  • Make vlog posts to my new blog
  • Do the news
  • Keep working on memorial site
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have lunch
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do afternoon laps
  • Bring in delivery
  • Shut down laptop
  • Put laptop on stairs
  • Meet up with C
  • Bring laptop back in
  • Resize more of the videos
  • Rename compressed videos
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Find crystal cabinet
  • Find more Pagany things
  • Read and review last book on my TBR pile
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile
  • Study my courses
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

Second update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Charge up FitBit
  • Put plaster on my toe
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Download FitBit image
  • Put FitBit image together
  • Code and upload FitBit image to my homepage
  • Do morning laps
  • Make vlog posts to my new blog
  • Do the news
  • Keep working on memorial site
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have lunch
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do afternoon laps
  • Bring in delivery
  • Shut down laptop
  • Put laptop on stairs
  • Meet up with C
  • Bring laptop back in
  • Resize more of the videos
  • Rename compressed videos
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Find crystal cabinet
  • Find more Pagany things
  • Read and review last book on my TBR pile
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile
  • Study my courses
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

I don't care, I've earnt it!

I don't care that I'll have a tougher job than ever on my hands, I've earnt the drinking choccie and sharing bar of chocolate!

My calories are through the roof and I'll have to be strict with myself for a long time to come to get through the other side of this slip-up with my addiction but I've managed to achieve something I haven't done since before I went into hospital back in 2003, I'm immensely proud of myself and I've earnt every mouthful!

First update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Charge up FitBit
  • Put plaster on my toe
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Download FitBit image
  • Put FitBit image together
  • Code and upload FitBit image to my homepage
  • Do morning laps
  • Make vlog posts to my new blog
  • Do the news
  • Keep working on memorial site
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have lunch
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do afternoon laps
  • Bring in delivery
  • Shut down laptop
  • Put laptop on stairs
  • Meet up with C
  • Bring laptop back in
  • Resize more of the videos
  • Rename compressed videos
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Find crystal cabinet
  • Find more Pagany things
  • Read and review last book on my TBR pile
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile
  • Study my courses
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

Today's (30th May 2024) meal photos

This is the last catch-up photo and it's of this morning's breakfast of choccie Weetabix, the last of the soya milk and, of course, my usual 250ml bottle of orange juice.

My carer arrived just as I was about to put my breakfast photo up so I'm putting them both up together again.  Lunch was Quorn garlic & herb bites, a pear and a glass of water.  My carer washed up the glass, filled it with water and brought it in for me, so I've had 2 good carers in 2 days - I'm being spoilt!

Here's today's meal photos:

Both meal photos for 29th May 2024

Both of yesterday's (29th May 2024) meals were the same as the rest of the week, but my carer washed up the glass and filled it with water for me yesterday, so she was one of the good ones!

Breakfast was choccie Weetabix with soya milk and a 250ml bottle of orange juice.  Lunch was a box of Quorn garlic & herb bites, a packet of apple slices, a packet of apple and grapes and another pear.

Here are both photos for 29th May 2024:

Both meal photos for 28th May 2024

My laptop wire decided it had had enough and needed replacing so I had to rapidly order a new charger, keep my fingers crossed that I was ordering the right one and shut down until it arrived yesterday afternoon.

My breakfast photo was taken in the kitchen and was my usual choccie Weetabix with soya milk and a bottle of orange juice.

My lunch was Quorn garlic & herb bites, a packet of apple slices, a packet of apple and grapes and a pear.

Here are both photos for 28th May 2024:

There are about to be...

...either 2 huge (if I do the last 2.5 days meals together), 3 large (if I put both meals for the day into the same post) or 5 normal (if I post each meal separately) blog posts so that I can get caught up on my meal photos for you all.

I've gotta resize the photo's first before I make the final decision but I wanna get caught up as much as possible today.

Gonna make myself another drink and give my FitBit a bit of juice first though lol


Today's (30th May 2024) to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Charge up FitBit
  • Put plaster on my toe
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Download FitBit image
  • Put FitBit image together
  • Code and upload FitBit image to my homepage
  • Do morning laps
  • Make vlog posts to my new blog
  • Do the news
  • Keep working on memorial site
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have lunch
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do afternoon laps
  • Shut down laptop
  • Put laptop on stairs
  • Meet up with C
  • Bring laptop back in
  • Resize more of the videos
  • Rename compressed videos
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Find crystal cabinet
  • Find more Pagany things
  • Read and review last book on my TBR pile
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile
  • Study my courses
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

Goood morning all

I've woken up with a yucky throat, but in a positive/relieved mood so I'm hoping for a good day today.

I've popped my morning pills with my morning glass of water and I've got a decaff instant coffee on the go too.

I'm meeting up with my best friend this afternoon which I'm really looking forward to and could be what is causing my positive mood lol

Just taken the first video of the day and I'm uploading it now... out of the 4 possible videos, how many will I remember to take today?

The daily virus scan was clear and this blog post is getting a bit long, so I'll publish it and put up my first to-do list for 3 days.

Toodle-pip for now.

Wednesday 29 May 2024

Nite nite orl

I've had a stressful couple of days so I'm gonna take my last two pills of the day and have an early night I reckon.

I'll see you all in the morning.

Nite nite orl.

Tomorrow's to-do list while I remember

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Charge up FitBit
  • Put plaster on my toe
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Download FitBit image
  • Put FitBit image together
  • Code and upload FitBit image to my homepage
  • Do morning laps
  • Make vlog posts to my new blog
  • Do the news
  • Keep working on memorial site
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have lunch
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do afternoon laps
  • Shut down laptop
  • Put laptop on stairs
  • Meet up with C
  • Bring laptop back in
  • Resize more of the videos
  • Rename compressed videos
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Find crystal cabinet
  • Find more Pagany things
  • Read and review last book on my TBR pile
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile
  • Study my courses
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed


I'm baaaaaaaaack!

It's been about 30-ish hours since I used my laptop last and everything is sooo slow now lol

I've managed to buy the right charger and the backups are zipping away now, so I can't download my emails until that's finished (or tomorrow if it finishes just before I head to bed, but things are back to normal for me now.

I think I've earnt a drinking chocolate as a reward for getting another technology thing and getting it right first time.

I've got a lot of catching up to do, but my main task for this afternoon is to get everything back to normal and celebrate that I really can cope on my own with technology issues.

Not sure if I'll put a to-do list up before tomorrow morning, but I'm gonna get used to using my machine instead of my phone again now.

Yesterday's monthly virus scan was clear and I haven't used my laptop since it finished, so there didn't seem any point in running the weekly scan when literally nothing had changed on my machine between the scans, so I just set the backups running as soon as everything had eventually loaded up.

The backups have got "about 1 hour" to go, but it was 20 hours 18 minutes ago, so I won't be taking a blind bit of notice of that lol

Time for my well-deserved drinking choccie now methinks.

Morning all

 Well today is my second day without my laptop and  I'm already stressed out lol  I have popped a Rescue Remedy gummy already and it is already kicking in, so that's good.

I've also popped my morning pills with my morning glass of water and made myself a decaffeinated coffee, so I am just waiting for my first carer of the day now.

Gonna publish this blog post and finish off my coffee now before my carer arrives.  Will she be as useless as usual or will she actually do her job this morning?

Tuesday 28 May 2024

Nite nite orl

Well, I have had a less than good day today so I am going to head off to bed now and I'm predicting that the charger won't be here early 'cos it hasn't even been dispatched yet!  Lol

I've popped my last 3 pills of the day and I'm heading to bed now.

I'll see you all tomorrow tomorrow.

Nite nite orl.

I've realised today that...

...I rely waaaay too heavily on food and drink when I'm lonely or bored - especially chocolate.  

I've currently got a drinking chocolate as well as a 5 serving bar of chocolate on the go because I'm bored out of my tree and I have already re-read a book today so tomorrow is gonna be a nightmare while I am waiting for the cable to arrive!

I've put my laptop on the floor so that I don't use up the battery but I'm bored silly right now lol 

Trying to post...

 ...from my phone 'cos I've definitely earned my creamy drinking chocolate after doing this mornings laps in the wet - I even conquered my fear of the plastic slopey bits at the back door!

I accidentally squished a snail though :*-(

Don't worry, but...

...I won't be around until some point tomorrow.  The charging cable for my laptop has given up the ghost and won't charge so I've just ordered a replacement that'll be here tomorrow, but until then I'll have to not use my laptop 'cos it's only holds charge for about 10 minutes when it's not plugged in, so I'm gonna log off now and won't be back until I've got the new charger.

See you all again as soon as I can.


Monday 27 May 2024

Nite nite orl

I've popped my last two pills of the day and I've gotta remember to add in the FA to my other 5 morning pills tomorrow.  It's also my monthly virus scan so I've gotta remember to set that going and not open my email programmes.  I'm also gonna completely discharge the battery after lunch too, so if I suddenly disappear, that's why.  On top of all that, my groceries are due tomorrow too, so it's all go!  lol

Time to head off for the night now.

I'll see you all in the morning.

Nite nite orl.

Fifth and final update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Check if I need any more deodorant
  • Check if I need any more toothpaste
  • Check if I need any more mouthwash
  • Charge up FitBit
  • Put plaster on my toe
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Weigh myself
  • Log weight into FitBit
  • Do morning laps
  • Make vlog posts to my new blog - 3 days down, 11 to go - 6 days down, 8 to go - 9 down, 5 to go
  • Do the news
  • Keep working on memorial site
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have lunch
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do afternoon laps
  • Give spread to Olio-er
  • Clear browser caches ready for tomorrow's monthly scan
  • Give DVD to Freegler
  • Resize more of the videos
  • Rename compressed videos
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Find crystal cabinet
  • Find more Pagany things
  • Read and review last book on my TBR pile
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile
  • Study my courses
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed


...managed to put up 9 day's worth of videos on my new blog over the last couple of days and I'm hoping I'll have it all up and ready by this time tomorrow.  It's almost pill-popping time now though, so I'm gonna stop there for the night.

Gotta remember that it's the monthly scan tomorrow and I'm gonna discharge the battery too, so I've gotta remember not to open my email programmes or start anything I don't wanna lose.

Gonna pop my pills now.

Fourth update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Check if I need any more deodorant
  • Check if I need any more toothpaste
  • Check if I need any more mouthwash
  • Charge up FitBit
  • Put plaster on my toe
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Weigh myself
  • Log weight into FitBit
  • Do morning laps
  • Make vlog posts to my new blog - 3 days down, 11 to go - 6 days down, 8 to go
  • Do the news
  • Keep working on memorial site
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have lunch
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do afternoon laps
  • Give spread to Olio-er
  • Clear browser caches ready for tomorrow's monthly scan
  • Give DVD to Freegler
  • Resize more of the videos
  • Rename compressed videos
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Find crystal cabinet
  • Find more Pagany things
  • Read and review last book on my TBR pile
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile
  • Study my courses
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

Third update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Check if I need any more deodorant
  • Check if I need any more toothpaste
  • Check if I need any more mouthwash
  • Charge up FitBit
  • Put plaster on my toe
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Weigh myself
  • Log weight into FitBit
  • Do morning laps
  • Make vlog posts to my new blog - 3 days down, 11 to go
  • Do the news
  • Keep working on memorial site
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have lunch
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do afternoon laps
  • Give spread to Olio-er
  • Give DVD to Freegler
  • Resize more of the videos
  • Rename compressed videos
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Find crystal cabinet
  • Find more Pagany things
  • Read and review last book on my TBR pile
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile
  • Study my courses
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

Today's (27th May 2024) lunch photo

Today's lunch was my usual Monday meal of leftovers from the day before.  It was 2 servings of Quorn family roast, 2 roast potatoes cooked in vegetable oil, runner beans and broccolini again.

Here's today's lunch photo:

Second update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Check if I need any more deodorant
  • Check if I need any more toothpaste
  • Check if I need any more mouthwash
  • Charge up FitBit
  • Put plaster on my toe
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Weigh myself
  • Log weight into FitBit
  • Do morning laps
  • Make vlog posts to my new blog
  • Do the news
  • Keep working on memorial site
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have lunch
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do afternoon laps
  • Give spread to Olio-er
  • Give DVD to Freegler
  • Resize more of the videos
  • Rename compressed videos
  • Upload videos to blog
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Find crystal cabinet
  • Find more Pagany things
  • Read and review last book on my TBR pile
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile
  • Study my courses
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

First update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Check if I need any more deodorant
  • Check if I need any more toothpaste
  • Check if I need any more mouthwash
  • Charge up FitBit
  • Put plaster on my toe
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Weigh myself
  • Log weight into FitBit
  • Do morning laps
  • Make vlog posts to my new blog
  • Do the news
  • Keep working on memorial site
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have lunch
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do afternoon laps
  • Give spread to Olio-er
  • Give DVD to Freegler
  • Resize more of the videos
  • Rename compressed videos
  • Upload videos to blog
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Find crystal cabinet
  • Find more Pagany things
  • Read and review last book on my TBR pile
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile
  • Study my courses
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

Today's (27th May 2024) breakfast photo

I started off the new week with the same breakfasts that I had most of last week - choccie Weetabix with soya milk and a 250ml bottle of orange juice.

Here's today's breakfast photo:

Just weighed myself and...

...I've lost about 50g in the last 7 days, so that's not too bad at all and I'll keep on doing my laps again this week.

Today's (27th May 2024) to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Check if I need any more deodorant
  • Check if I need any more toothpaste
  • Check if I need any more mouthwash
  • Charge up FitBit
  • Put plaster on my toe
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Weigh myself
  • Log weight into FitBit
  • Do morning laps
  • Do the news
  • Keep working on memorial site
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have lunch
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do afternoon laps
  • Give spread to Olio-er
  • Give DVD to Freegler
  • Resize more of the videos
  • Rename compressed videos
  • Upload videos to blog
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Find crystal cabinet
  • Find more Pagany things
  • Read and review last book on my TBR pile
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile
  • Study my courses
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

Mornin' all

I woke up at 4.15am 'cos I was sure someone was flicking my letterbox but when I opened the door there wasn't anyone there, so I went back upstairs and put my glasses on and got ready for a new day and week.

I've unofficially weighed myself already, before my breakfast and I'm the same weight as last week, so unless my official weight plummets after breakfast, I'll be doing my laps again this week.

I've also popped my 5 morning pills with my morning glass of water and put my FitBit on to charge so I'm good to go now.

Gotta remember that an Olio-er is coming for the vegan spread at 4pm, so I can't do my laps until after that if I get a late lunchtime carer.

I can't remember if the bedding was changed last week or not, so I think I'm gonna try and remember to ask my carers to help me change it on the weeks that I don't get paid.

The daily virus scan was still reassuringly clear, so that's a relief.

Time to put today's to-do list together then go and make myself my first hot drink of the day methinks.


Sunday 26 May 2024

Nite nite orl

I've had an active week this week and I'm absolutely cream-crackered now, so I've taken my last two pills of the week and I'm off to beddy-byes now.

I've gotta remember to weigh myself after I've had my breakfast tomorrow so that I know whether or not I can do my laps again next week.

I'll see you all in the morning for the start of a brand new week.

Nite nite orl.

Fourth and final update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Do morning laps
  • Do the news
  • Keep working on memorial site
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have lunch
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Refill dosette box
  • Do afternoon laps
  • Give DVD to Freegler
  • Resize more of the videos
  • Rename compressed videos
  • Upload videos to blog
  • Advertise fridge food on Olio so that I can don't lose so much food when the fridge freezer is defrosted
  • Adjust grocery order so that I can keep the peanuts and chocolate in preparation for the defrosting
  • Adjust menu so that I can keep the peanuts and chocolate in preparation for the defrosting
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Find crystal cabinet
  • Find more Pagany things
  • Read and review last book on my TBR pile
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile
  • Study my courses
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

Third update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Do morning laps
  • Do the news
  • Keep working on memorial site
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have lunch
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Refill dosette box
  • Do afternoon laps
  • Give DVD to Freegler
  • Resize more of the videos
  • Rename compressed videos
  • Upload videos to blog
  • Advertise fridge food on Olio so that I can don't lose so much food when the fridge freezer is defrosted
  • Adjust grocery order so that I can keep the peanuts and chocolate in preparation for the defrosting
  • Adjust menu so that I can keep the peanuts and chocolate in preparation for the defrosting
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Find crystal cabinet
  • Find more Pagany things
  • Read and review last book on my TBR pile
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile
  • Study my courses
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

Updated menu for next week's lunches

Monday:  Leftovers

Tuesday:  Quorn bites, 2 fruit packs, a pear

Wednesday:  Quorn bites, 2 fruit packs, a pear

Thursday:  Quorn bites, packet of crisps, a pear

Friday:  Quorn bites, packet of crisps, a pear

Saturday:  Quorn bites, packet of crisps

Sunday:  Roast dinner

Monday:  Leftovers??/packet of crisps

Tuesday:  packet of crisps

Second update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Do morning laps
  • Do the news
  • Keep working on memorial site
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have lunch
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Refill dosette box
  • Do afternoon laps
  • Give DVD to Freegler
  • Resize more of the videos
  • Rename compressed videos
  • Upload videos to blog
  • Advertise fridge food on Olio so that I can don't lose so much food when the fridge freezer is defrosted
  • Adjust grocery order so that I can keep the peanuts and chocolate in preparation for the defrosting
  • Adjust menu so that I can keep the peanuts and chocolate in preparation for the defrosting
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Find crystal cabinet
  • Find more Pagany things
  • Read and review last book on my TBR pile
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile
  • Study my courses
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

Today's (26th May 2024) veeery delayed breakfast photo

I'm 9 hours late with this photo, but my breakfast this morning was a 250ml bottle of orange juice.

Here's today's breakfast photo:

First update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Do morning laps
  • Do the news
  • Keep working on memorial site
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have lunch
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Refill dosette box
  • Do afternoon laps
  • Give DVD to Freegler
  • Resize more of the videos
  • Rename compressed videos
  • Upload videos to blog
  • Advertise fridge food on Olio so that I can don't lose so much food when the fridge freezer is defrosted
  • Adjust grocery order so that I can keep the peanuts and chocolate in preparation for the defrosting
  • Adjust menu so that I can keep the peanuts and chocolate in preparation for the defrosting
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Find crystal cabinet
  • Find more Pagany things
  • Read and review last book on my TBR pile
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile
  • Study my courses
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

Today's (26th May 2024) to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Do morning laps
  • Do the news
  • Keep working on memorial site
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have lunch
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do afternoon laps
  • Give DVD to Freegler
  • Resize more of the videos
  • Rename compressed videos
  • Upload videos to blog
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Find crystal cabinet
  • Find more Pagany things
  • Read and review last book on my TBR pile
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile
  • Study my courses
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

Mornin' all

I've had less sleep than recently but I'm feeling more awake this morning for some reason!

I've popped my 5 morning pills and started the virus scan off and worked out that, money-wise I wanna be my carer 'cos they earn over £104 an hour!!  Here's my maths:

I'll be charged £202 a week divided by 13 visits is £15.53 per visit, right so far?  They are supposed to be here for an hour a day, so times that by 2 for the 2 half hour visit makes the total £31.07 an hour, right?  Divide that by 60 to get the amount they are paid per minute is 51p a minute multiply that by the 8 minutes that they've got to actually do anything in means that I *should* be charged £4.14 per visit instead of the £15.53 that I'll *actually* be charged per visit.  They are basically earning £15.53 twice a day for using their phones.

Enough ranting lol

The virus scan has finished and was thankfully clear, so I'm gonna put today's to-do list up now.


Saturday 25 May 2024

Nite nite orl

I've just popped my last 2 pills of the day, so it's time to log the squash into FitBit then head off to beddy-byes methinks.

Can someone remind me to put my keys on as soon as my carer has gone tomorrow pretty please?

I'll see you all briefly in the morning.

Nite nite orl.

Sixth and final update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Refill bottle with squash
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Upload carer videos to One Drive and Google
  • Download videos to my computer
  • Do morning laps
  • Have reward for going outside this morning
  • Charge up watch
  • Do the news
  • Keep working on memorial site
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have lunch
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do afternoon laps
  • Have bath
  • Give DVD to Freegler
  • Resize more of the videos
  • Rename compressed videos
  • Upload videos to blog
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Find crystal cabinet
  • Find more Pagany things
  • Read and review last book on my TBR pile
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile
  • Study my courses
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

Menu for lunches next week

Monday:  Quorn bites, 2 fruit packs, a pear

Tuesday:  Quorn bites, 2 fruit packs, a pear

Wednesday:  Bar of chocolate, 2 yoghurts, a pear

Thursday:  Bar of chocolate, 2 yoghurts, a pear

Friday:  Bar of chocolate, 2 yoghurts, a pear

Saturday:  Bar of chocolate, 2 yoghurts, a pear

Sunday:  Roast dinner??/peanuts, 2 yoghurts, a pear

Monday:  Leftovers??/ peanuts, 2 yoghurts, a pear

Tuesday:  Peanuts, 2 yoghurts, a pear

Fifth update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Refill bottle with squash
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Upload carer videos to One Drive and Google
  • Download videos to my computer
  • Do morning laps
  • Have reward for going outside this morning
  • Charge up watch
  • Do the news
  • Keep working on memorial site
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have lunch
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do afternoon laps
  • Have bath
  • Give DVD to Freegler
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Find crystal cabinet
  • Find more Pagany things
  • Read and review last book on my TBR pile
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile
  • Study my courses
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

Fourth update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Refill bottle with squash
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Upload carer videos to One Drive and Google
  • Download videos to my computer
  • Do morning laps
  • Have reward for going outside this morning
  • Charge up watch
  • Do the news
  • Keep working on memorial site
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have lunch
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do afternoon laps
  • Have bath
  • Give DVD to Freegler
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Find crystal cabinet
  • Find more Pagany things
  • Read and review last book on my TBR pile
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile
  • Study my courses
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

Today's (25th May 2024) lunch photo

My last photographed lunch of the week was the same as it has been since Wednesday, i.e Quorn garlic & herb bites, a packet of apple slices, a packet of apple and (2) grapes and a pear with a glass of water to wash it all down with.  I made it entirely by myself again because my carer was more interested in leaning against the cabinet and sending texts or WhatsApp messages to someone 'cos I heard them come into her phone!

Third update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Refill bottle with squash
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Upload carer videos to One Drive and Google
  • Download videos to my computer
  • Do morning laps
  • Have reward for going outside this morning
  • Charge up watch
  • Do the news
  • Keep working on memorial site
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have lunch
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do afternoon laps
  • Have bath
  • Give DVD to Freegler
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Find crystal cabinet
  • Find more Pagany things
  • Read and review last book on my TBR pile
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile
  • Study my courses
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

Second update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Refill bottle with squash
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Upload carer videos to One Drive and Google
  • Download videos to my computer
  • Do morning laps
  • Do the news
  • Keep working on memorial site
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have lunch
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do afternoon laps
  • Have bath
  • Give DVD to Freegler
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Find crystal cabinet
  • Find more Pagany things
  • Read and review last book on my TBR pile
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile
  • Study my courses
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

First update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Refill bottle with squash
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Upload carer videos to One Drive and Google
  • Download videos to my computer
  • Do morning laps
  • Do the news
  • Keep working on memorial site
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have lunch
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do afternoon laps
  • Have bath
  • Give DVD to Freegler
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Find crystal cabinet
  • Find more Pagany things
  • Read and review last book on my TBR pile
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile
  • Study my courses
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

Today's (25th May 2024) breakfast photo

For my last solid breakfast of the week ('cos tomorrow will just be a bottle of orange juice) I had the same as I've been having since Wednesday - choccie Weetabix, soya milk and a 250ml bottle of orange juice.

Here's today's breakfast photo:

Today's (25th May 2024) to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Refill bottle with squash
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Do morning laps
  • Do the news
  • Keep working on memorial site
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have lunch
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do afternoon laps
  • Have bath
  • Give DVD to Freegler
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Find crystal cabinet
  • Find more Pagany things
  • Read and review last book on my TBR pile
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile
  • Study my courses
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

Mornin' all

Another weekend another blog post and another day of refilling a bottle with squash.

My mood is through the floor this morning and I've got a pounding headache which means I'll get a useless carer this morning, knowing my luck.

I've already popped my morning pills with my morning glass of water and I've decided to have my first taste of the vegan cookie dough instead of the fruit the week after next... just gotta remember to take it out of the freezer at 6am lol

Gotta remember to have my weekly bath today - I wanna try for this morning if my carer leaves early enough for me to have my breakfast and do my laps before I have it, otherwise it'll have to be after I've had my lunch and done my laps.

The virus scan was still, reassuringly, clear, so that's good.

This blog post is getting a bit long, so I'm gonna publish it and put today's to-do list up before my carer arrives.


Friday 24 May 2024

Nite nite orl

I've had a weird day today and I'm still totally cream-crackered, so I'm gonna head straight on up to beddy-byes.

I'll see you all in the morning.

Nite nite orl.

Fifth and final update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan - 1 advanced issue which is now resolved
  • Charge up FitBit - 88% at 5.57am - 90% at 9.57am
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom - there didn't seem any point 'cos she spent the entire time either at the bottom of the stairs or in the airlock!
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Do morning laps
  • Do the news
  • Keep working on memorial site
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have lunch
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do afternoon laps
  • Give laundry liquid to Freegler
  • Give DVD to Freegler
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Find crystal cabinet
  • Find more Pagany things
  • Read and review last book on my TBR pile
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile
  • Study my courses
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

Fourth update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan - 1 advanced issue which is now resolved
  • Charge up FitBit - 88% at 5.57am - 90% at 9.57am
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom - there didn't seem any point 'cos she spent the entire time either at the bottom of the stairs or in the airlock!
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Do morning laps
  • Do the news
  • Keep working on memorial site
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have lunch
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do afternoon laps
  • Give laundry liquid to Freegler
  • Give DVD to Freegler
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Find crystal cabinet
  • Find more Pagany things
  • Read and review last book on my TBR pile
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile
  • Study my courses
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

Third update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan - 1 advanced issue which is now resolved
  • Charge up FitBit - 88% at 5.57am - 90% at 9.57am
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom - there didn't seem any point 'cos she spent the entire time either at the bottom of the stairs or in the airlock!
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Do morning laps
  • Do the news
  • Keep working on memorial site
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have lunch
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do afternoon laps
  • Give laundry liquid to Freegler
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Find crystal cabinet
  • Find more Pagany things
  • Read and review last book on my TBR pile
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile
  • Study my courses
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

Second update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan - 1 advanced issue which is now resolved
  • Charge up FitBit - 88% at 5.57am - 90% at 9.57am
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom - there didn't seem any point 'cos she spent the entire time either at the bottom of the stairs or in the airlock!
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Do morning laps
  • Do the news
  • Keep working on memorial site
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have lunch
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do afternoon laps
  • Give laundry liquid to Freegler
  • Give DVD to Freegler
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Find crystal cabinet
  • Find more Pagany things
  • Read and review last book on my TBR pile
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile
  • Study my courses
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

Today's (24th May 2024) lunch photo

Today's lunch was the same as it has been since Wednesday - Quorn garlic & herb bites, a packet of apple slices, a packet of apple & grapes and a sweet pear.  My carer got me a glass of water again today, so that was good of her.

Here's today's lunch photo:

First update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan - 1 advanced issue which is now resolved
  • Charge up FitBit - 88% at 5.57am - 90% at 9.57am
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom - there didn't seem any point 'cos she spent the entire time either at the bottom of the stairs or in the airlock!
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Do morning laps
  • Do the news
  • Keep working on memorial site
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have lunch
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do afternoon laps
  • Give laundry liquid to Freegler
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Find crystal cabinet
  • Find more Pagany things
  • Read and review last book on my TBR pile
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile
  • Study my courses
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

Today's (24th May 2024) breakfast photo

Today's breakfast was the same as it has been all week - choccie Weetabix with barely enough soya milk and a 250ml bottle of orange juice.

Here's today's breakfast photo:

Today's (24th May 2024) to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan - 1 advanced issue which is now resolved
  • Charge up FitBit - 88% at 5.57am
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Do morning laps
  • Do the news
  • Keep working on memorial site
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have lunch
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do afternoon laps
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Find crystal cabinet
  • Find more Pagany things
  • Read and review last book on my TBR pile
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile
  • Study my courses
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

Gooood morning all!

I've woken up in a positive mood but I'm still absolutely knackered so I'm wondering if my B12 levels are through the floor again?  As an experiment I'm gonna use the spray to see what that does to my energy levels.

There we go, B12 boosted now... it doesn't help waking up before 5am each morning too of course lol

I've popped my morning pills with my usual 500ml glass of water and set the daily virus scan off... gotta remember that it's the monthly scan on Tuesday as well as the weekly scan on Wednesday next week.

My FitBit is charging up... it was at 61% just as I crawled into bed last night and was down to 59% when I looked this morning, but it still recorded my sleep, so I know that I can get it down to there safely now, which is a huuuge difference to the 75% limit it was 18-ish months ago!

This blog post is getting to be a bit long, so I'm gonna shut up now and put today's to-do list together before my morning carer arrives.


Thursday 23 May 2024

Nite nite orl

It's been absolute bedlum today but I can't remember why... all I know if that I'm absolutely knackered and I'm heading to bed feeling all warm and fuzzy after finishing yesterdays book.

I've taken my pills and I'm orf to beddy-byes.

I'll see you all in the morning.

Nite nite orl.

Fifth and final update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Do morning laps
  • Phone up about the solar panel earnings going straight into my electricity account - gotta fill in another flippin' application form lol - the installers are on the case 'cos apparently they should be filling it in, not me lol - I needed to do it after all, but I'm predicting I'll have to re-take the photo again
  • Do the news
  • Keep working on memorial site
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom - completely forgot
  • Have lunch
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom - there didn't seem any point 'cos I didn't take the before video
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do afternoon laps
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Find crystal cabinet
  • Find more Pagany things
  • Read and review a book on my TBR pilejust started my penultimate book - up to 52% and feeling really relaxed and squishy so I'm hoping I won't wake up at 4am again tomorrow lol - gonna start reading again after I've had my breakfast this morning - it's been absolute bedlum today so I'm gonna spend the next couple of hours until bedlum with my nose in the book again - just finished it and I've only got 1 book left to be read in my TBR pile now
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile
  • Study my courses
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

Book Review: "Accidentally in Love with my Best Friend's Brother" by Abby Greyson


If you've read any of my other recent book reviews, you'll already know how this first paragraph always starts, right?  If this is the first review you've read of mine, I always start them off by saying that each book starts off with the full team-load of 5 stars and that I'm always hopeful that they will all still be firmly in place by the time I close the back cover.  You'll also know that I'm not shy about removing stars if necessary, but I always give my reasons for taking each one off - they don't just vanish into thin air.

This is, by the looks of the front cover a teen book and it promises to be a RomCom which is always a tough nut to crack for me... the romance bit of it is usually fine, it's just the comedy bit is all.

Let's get going with the reading and reviewing now shall we?

Oooh!  That first chapter was a goodie!  It's definitely a teen novel, set in America, so there may be things that I haven't got a clue about, but my heart is already giving me warm squishies after only the first chapter, which is great going!

Wait, what?  9 years later?  How old are these characters supposed to be?  Is it a teen or grown up novel?

The second chapter is raising a small smile already which takes something extra special to achieve!

Oh yes, this is definitely my kinda book!  I'm smiling as I read it without thinking about it!  The comedy is gentle and spot-on so far!

I was wrong to doubt the comedy bit of the RomCom at the start of this book and the review... I'm still smiling and the stress is noticably less on my shoulders.  At 14% this is still a very much 5 star book.

I'm at 31% and still smiling!  Am I about to head into the Rom bit of the RomCom too?

I'm now at 40% and my heart is overflowing with warm squishies again... could Briosh be a real thing before the end of the book??

Oh.  My. Goddess.

It's very nearly what I was hoping for and I've even got a bit of a happy tear threatening to overflow, but I'm gonna leave that until tomorrow 'cos it's almost my bedtime lol.  I'm at 52% and I've loved every word so far!

Another awesome chapter to start the day off with... things are hotting up for #Briosh and they are taking me along with them, every single gorgeous step of the way.

Up to 57% now and the squishies have been activated again lol

69% now and I'm feeling a huuuge sense of relief about what's just happened... no spoilers, don't worry, just relief that it's finally happened.

Oh.  My.  Goddess.

What a perfect last chapter and the epilogue was the perfect ending.

I was wrong at the start of this review and I'm sorry for my mistake... this is definitely a grown up novel and you'll definitely need a good supply of tissues!  Especially if, like me, you just don't usually cry at anything, let alone books!

Fourth update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Do morning laps
  • Phone up about the solar panel earnings going straight into my electricity account - gotta fill in another flippin' application form lol - the installers are on the case 'cos apparently they should be filling it in, not me lol - I needed to do it after all, but I'm predicting I'll have to re-take the photo again
  • Do the news
  • Keep working on memorial site
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom - completely forgot
  • Have lunch
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom - there didn't seem any point 'cos I didn't take the before video
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do afternoon laps
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Find crystal cabinet
  • Find more Pagany things
  • Read and review a book on my TBR pile - just started my penultimate book - up to 52% and feeling really relaxed and squishy so I'm hoping I won't wake up at 4am again tomorrow lol - gonna start reading again after I've had my breakfast this morning - it's been absolute bedlum today so I'm gonna spend the next couple of hours until bedlum with my nose in the book again
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile
  • Study my courses
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

It's taken...

...over three hours, but I've finally managed to get the form filled out and the solar panel thing applied for but I'm predicting that the photo won't be clear enough and I'll have to take it again, but I kinda know what I'm doing now and I've just gotta do it with more natural light and less wobbly hands next time.

I've earnt myself a second creamy drinking chocolate today after all that though, so I'm not gonna feel guilty about it.

Third update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Do morning laps
  • Phone up about the solar panel earnings going straight into my electricity account - gotta fill in another flippin' application form lol - the installers are on the case 'cos apparently they should be filling it in, not me lol
  • Do the news
  • Keep working on memorial site
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom - completely forgot
  • Have lunch
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom - there didn't seem any point 'cos I didn't take the before video
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do afternoon laps
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Find crystal cabinet
  • Find more Pagany things
  • Read and review a book on my TBR pile - just started my penultimate book - up to 52% and feeling really relaxed and squishy so I'm hoping I won't wake up at 4am again tomorrow lol - gonna start reading again after I've had my breakfast this morning
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile
  • Study my courses
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

Today's (23rd May 2024) lunch photo

My lunch today was made by me and the 500ml glass of water was made by my carer.

The solid stuff was another container of Quorn garlic and herb bites, a pack of 8 apple slices, a pack of 5 apple slices and 3 grapes and another sweet pear along with a 500ml glass of water.

Here's today's lunch photo:

Second update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Do morning laps
  • Phone up about the solar panel earnings going straight into my electricity account - gotta fill in another flippin' application form lol
  • Do the news
  • Keep working on memorial site
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have lunch
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do afternoon laps
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Find crystal cabinet
  • Find more Pagany things
  • Read and review a book on my TBR pile - just started my penultimate book - up to 52% and feeling really relaxed and squishy so I'm hoping I won't wake up at 4am again tomorrow lol - gonna start reading again after I've had my breakfast this morning
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile
  • Study my courses
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

Just called about...

...the solar panels and it's no problem to get the money I earn from them put onto my electricity account but I will need to have the first payment made into my bank account first and there's yet more flippin' forms to fill in too lol

Quick rant alert

This morning's carer was one of the two who have been trained to hold the towel almost on my back "to give privacy" and I can barely move my elbows back without coming into physical contact with them which makes a tough job even harder.  How on earth it's supposed to give me privacy when they see me naked as I'm filling the sink up, seeing me naked as I get washed and dried, as well as when I'm putting my deodorant on and brushing my teeth then waddling over to the stairs to get dressed, I really don't know.

The 2 carers that hold the towel up to give me privacy do more than the other carers combined though, so I guess I should be grateful.

First update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Do morning laps
  • Phone up about the solar panel earnings going straight into my electricity account
  • Do the news
  • Keep working on memorial site
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have lunch
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do afternoon laps
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Find crystal cabinet
  • Find more Pagany things
  • Read and review a book on my TBR pile - just started my penultimate book - up to 52% and feeling really relaxed and squishy so I'm hoping I won't wake up at 4am again tomorrow lol - gonna start reading again after I've had my breakfast this morning
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile
  • Study my courses
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed