Wednesday 29 May 2024


I'm baaaaaaaaack!

It's been about 30-ish hours since I used my laptop last and everything is sooo slow now lol

I've managed to buy the right charger and the backups are zipping away now, so I can't download my emails until that's finished (or tomorrow if it finishes just before I head to bed, but things are back to normal for me now.

I think I've earnt a drinking chocolate as a reward for getting another technology thing and getting it right first time.

I've got a lot of catching up to do, but my main task for this afternoon is to get everything back to normal and celebrate that I really can cope on my own with technology issues.

Not sure if I'll put a to-do list up before tomorrow morning, but I'm gonna get used to using my machine instead of my phone again now.

Yesterday's monthly virus scan was clear and I haven't used my laptop since it finished, so there didn't seem any point in running the weekly scan when literally nothing had changed on my machine between the scans, so I just set the backups running as soon as everything had eventually loaded up.

The backups have got "about 1 hour" to go, but it was 20 hours 18 minutes ago, so I won't be taking a blind bit of notice of that lol

Time for my well-deserved drinking choccie now methinks.

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