Saturday 25 May 2024

Mornin' all

Another weekend another blog post and another day of refilling a bottle with squash.

My mood is through the floor this morning and I've got a pounding headache which means I'll get a useless carer this morning, knowing my luck.

I've already popped my morning pills with my morning glass of water and I've decided to have my first taste of the vegan cookie dough instead of the fruit the week after next... just gotta remember to take it out of the freezer at 6am lol

Gotta remember to have my weekly bath today - I wanna try for this morning if my carer leaves early enough for me to have my breakfast and do my laps before I have it, otherwise it'll have to be after I've had my lunch and done my laps.

The virus scan was still, reassuringly, clear, so that's good.

This blog post is getting a bit long, so I'm gonna publish it and put today's to-do list up before my carer arrives.


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