Sunday 26 May 2024

Mornin' all

I've had less sleep than recently but I'm feeling more awake this morning for some reason!

I've popped my 5 morning pills and started the virus scan off and worked out that, money-wise I wanna be my carer 'cos they earn over £104 an hour!!  Here's my maths:

I'll be charged £202 a week divided by 13 visits is £15.53 per visit, right so far?  They are supposed to be here for an hour a day, so times that by 2 for the 2 half hour visit makes the total £31.07 an hour, right?  Divide that by 60 to get the amount they are paid per minute is 51p a minute multiply that by the 8 minutes that they've got to actually do anything in means that I *should* be charged £4.14 per visit instead of the £15.53 that I'll *actually* be charged per visit.  They are basically earning £15.53 twice a day for using their phones.

Enough ranting lol

The virus scan has finished and was thankfully clear, so I'm gonna put today's to-do list up now.


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