Monday 27 May 2024

Mornin' all

I woke up at 4.15am 'cos I was sure someone was flicking my letterbox but when I opened the door there wasn't anyone there, so I went back upstairs and put my glasses on and got ready for a new day and week.

I've unofficially weighed myself already, before my breakfast and I'm the same weight as last week, so unless my official weight plummets after breakfast, I'll be doing my laps again this week.

I've also popped my 5 morning pills with my morning glass of water and put my FitBit on to charge so I'm good to go now.

Gotta remember that an Olio-er is coming for the vegan spread at 4pm, so I can't do my laps until after that if I get a late lunchtime carer.

I can't remember if the bedding was changed last week or not, so I think I'm gonna try and remember to ask my carers to help me change it on the weeks that I don't get paid.

The daily virus scan was still reassuringly clear, so that's a relief.

Time to put today's to-do list together then go and make myself my first hot drink of the day methinks.


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