Thursday 31 October 2019

Thursday 31st October 2019

Mornin' all

Time for me flu jab today and apparently my FIL is bringing the bin bags... hopefully they are stronger than the current ones - can't be weaker after all❗

Gonna take my 6 morning pills now.

OK they are all down the hatch now... pretty easily this morning, thankfully❗  The Folic Acid took an extra mouthful of squash to be able to swallow, but the other 5 were totally fine and dandy.

Gotta try and remember to ask to be weighed again and ask what I need to try and get my weight down to... I think it's 60kg, but I just want to be sure.


Nice and early in the day so I'm gonna take her for a stroll and start taking loads of photo's of her... yaaaay❗❗❗

That's the puppy walked.  Was hosing it down when we first went out but it had almost stopped by the time we came home.  Need to update the Fitbit app with the exercise I did with her just now.

Puppy's been fed and we're having potato chunks for lunch after I accidentally dropped them off the side... woops❗

NaNo starts tomorrow and I'm hoping to be finished with it just after the 12th, 'cos that's 48,000 words and I'll just have 2,000 left to write in more than 2 weeks then.  Keep yer fingers crossed 🤞 for me please❗

The human's have been fed too now and I've gotta take my Calcium before I forget again.  BBS❗

That's the Calcium taken, so I'm all sorted until this evening now.  Got my jab in the next hour or so 😟.  Gotta try and remember to ask to be weighed too.

Back now.  There wasn't time to get weighed so I'll try and remember to ask next time I go.  I've left 2 letters for my GP so maybe I'll see if he can weigh me if he needs to see me about either of them.  Don't think there were any doctors there at all this afternoon, just 3 nurses doing the jabs!  Done now though, so I can get ready for NaNo tomorrow.

Puppy's just had her tea and pill, so I'm gonna have some Swiss roll for me tea then take my last 3 pills of the day and head to bed for a very early night.  😴

Just taken me last three pills, so there haven't been any photo's or video's of the puppy today, but that's purely because it's been such a busy day.  There will definitely be photo's tomorrow though, 'cos none of us are going anywhere, so I'll take as many photo's of the puppy as I can while I'm writing.

Gonna head to bed in a bit I reckon... taken the pills 15 minutes earlier than normal so I'll head to bed earlier too.  Not got anything else to do online, so I'll publish this then shut down.

Nite nite orl!  💤

Wednesday 30 October 2019

Wednesday 30th October 2019

Mornin' all

Just worked out that the total amount of money that I've moved over to Steve since 1st January this year has been £4,070.  £1,500 was for the software and 2 webpages, so why have I moved over £2,570 on top of that❓❓  On top of the groceries at £200 a month which is another £2,000 so far this year, takes it up to £6,070 and I've totally paid the mortgage and electricity this month, yet apparently I don't help with the house bills❗

Gonna take my 6 morning pills now... BBS❗

OK, all swallowed (even the 5 HTP this morning 🤣) and I'm not feeling sick yet, so there's an allergen in the Iced Buns that I had yesterday.  Not happy, but I'm just a single customer, out of thousands, so they won't take any notice of me.

Steve's mum has just called him (he's still speaking to her now 🤣) and he's requested more bin bags when she goes shopping so hopefully they'll only need one per usage instead of the three that I'm currently using and replacing them every 2-3 days.  Think I worked out last night that a roll of 40 bags would last for 12 uses and if the bin is changed every 3 days, that's 2½ weeks to use all 40 bags in, which, if taken a month at a time, is £1.30 a month for 80 bags but it's much better value to pay the same price for half the amount if they are stronger!

Gonna still run the weekly full virus scan during NaNo, but instead of backing my laptop up to the external hard drive, I'll put it on One Drive just until I've typed the final full stop then move the lot over while I'm celebrating with the last J2O until JanNo... gotta come up with an idea of what to write for that first though 🤣

Just had me lunch - tomato and veg zoop and meat free sausage rolls again.  Yumsk.  Over budget on the Fitbit calories according to the app though  😔

Virus scan has finished and I'm still free of viruses so time for the weekly backing up then I'll have a bath, ready for tomorrow's flu jab.  Steve had his flu jab yesterday so I've just gotta wash away the smelliness and shave me pits for tomorrow then start on NaNo on Friday.  Hoping to get it done in 12 days again 'cos that's just over 4 chapters a day which is just about achievable, assuming I don't get interrupted.  Gonna wear my headphones and listen to Take That so that I can concentrate on getting it finished, then I'll have a delivery from Amazon on the 15th and I can try and work out what to write about in January then.

Backups have just finished, so I'm gonna shut down and jump in the bath now, ready for tomorrow.  BBL❗

Had the bath and paid for the puppy's blood tests - apparently they are looking good now, they just want to increase her weight a little bit more, but as soon as she's finished the obesity food bag she's onto the senior food now, so hopefully the bills are pretty much over and done with, just got her food and thyroid meds, which will only be about £30 a month now which is awesome and easily affordable now and I'll hopefully be able to save even more money by getting her food online.  She's worth every penny she's cost me and so much more though!  She's invaluable to us and I'd find whatever it cost to keep her safe, happy and healthy!  The puppy is with us for life and I'll be in pieces when she goes to Rainbow Bridge, but she's had a good life with us for the last 9½ years and has given me so much love and comfort when nobody else would❗

I'll keep loving you forever Mitzi-moo!

That's me 3 nightly prescriptions taken so I'll head to bed as soon as I start feeling sleepy.

Yule gift shopping has officially started.  Just bought Steve, Melanie and my MIL their gifts so it's officially started and I know what I'm getting for everyone else too, thankfully.

Heading to beddy-bye's now... nite nite orl❗ 💤

Tuesday 29 October 2019

Tuesday 29th October 2019

Morning all.

Still can't connect to my site for some reason, so I'm gonna take my morning pills then contact my webhosts 'cos I'm waaaay out of my depth❗

It was sorted ✔ in under a minute - took longer to find my PIN and explain the issue than to resolve it 🤣  Yesterday's photo's are online now and I've taken my supplements, so I'm all set for the day now.

Accidentally put the same photo up twice though, so time for a quick bit of editing of the code to take the duplicate out.  Hold on❗

All sorted and I've just been given the 5 minute warning for my lunch, so I'll go and have that then I'll be back this afternoon.

Forgot to take the Calcium at lunchtime - woops❗

It's gonna be a very short blog post today 'cos it's only just 4.30pm 🕟 and it's only just started scrolling❗  Not to worry though, I obviously haven't had much to say today 🤷

Watching the final of Masterchef Australia and taking my evening prescriptions.  It really is a short blog post today❗❗

Just replaced the bags in my bin here in the living room.  Already used 9 bags since Sunday lunchtime because they are so thin and cruddy.  Means I'll be using another six by the weekend which is just under half the roll in a week.  I really did get what I paid for with them.  Not happy at all.

Pre-ordered a DVD that's being delivered on 15th November (it's release day) so that'll be my reward for completing NaNo... I won't even let myself open the addressed box until I finish my NaNo novel.  I'm hoping to write a minimum of 4,000 words (aka 4 chapters) a day so that I can reward myself with a J2O every day, but this DVD will be the ultimate celebratory reward for finishing it again.

Shutting down now 'cos my Fitbit app has reminded me that I need to start winding down, so I'm shutting down for the night now.  Really short post today.

Nite nite orl 💤

Monday 28 October 2019

Monday 28th October 2019

Morning all.

How are you doing today?

Time to take the puppy out for our morning stroll then come home, take my morning prescription and supplements, then sort out the Fitbit spreadsheet and page.  BBS.

The puppy did well on her walk this morning... we did the whole walk with pretty much perfect behaviour❗  Time for my 2 morning prescriptions and 4 supplements now.  Gotta remember to do the Fitbit stuff too, so I'll do that first I reckon.

After a mini argument with Steve about having to edit the CSV file 3 times (I didn't know it had to be saved as .xlsx to keep the formatting and read-only protection on it), it's up on my site for another week now.  Just waiting for the email to come through so that I can put that up too.

Time to take me pills now.

OK, they are all swallowed and the new Multi unsealed... almost forgot the 5-HTP again 😆

Steve's just said that he's overdrawn again so the website stuff was sent back to him as unpaid so that's £15.  Now he's saying he hasn't got enough to cover the mortgage so I've moved another £400 over to him which makes £1000 in October alone.  I've given him one final extension - if he gets the webpage sorted by the end of October and the software by the end of November then he doesn't have to pay me back, despite being quoted 10 weeks and £1500 back in March, it's now cost me getting on for £5000 and it's almost 6 months overdue, but he still hasn't started on it yet.  If I ask him to do anything else for me, I'll do like his other customers and pay on delivery rather than in advance.  I'm absolutely fed up of bailing Steve out and him doing buggar all to earn the bailing out.  He says it's just because of the Carer's Allowance stopping, but he was still getting it back it March  😒

Now he's fucking asleep again❗  So much for getting on with it "straight away"❗❗  I've had as much as I can take of Steve's lies now.  He either does what he says he'll do or he can refund the full amount and I'll find someone else.  I'm going through my accounts since March and writing down everything I've paid Steve and when so that he can see exactly how much I've paid so far.

He's not getting away with it any more.  I've had enough.  😠

Don't think the puppy is feeling very well atm - she's barely touched her breakfast and she's just laying down feeling sorry for herself now.  I hope she'll be OK soon - I'm such a worry wort about her.

She's just finished off her breakfast and is pretty much back to herself now 😌

She's back to pottering around and being undecided about getting up on the sofa, bless 'er, so totally back to herself now 🤣

Got a couple of photo's of her to put up on my site... brb❗

Photo's are up and I've just read that I haven't been awarded PIP.  Again.  I knew the decision before I even opened the letter because of how thick it was.  Steve's phoning the CAB lady straight away, so hopefully she'll be able to sort something out for us.  This happened last time and I was eventually awarded it so hopefully I will be this time too.  I'm just so angry that I still have to go through this every year, even after claiming it since 1999 😠.

Calmed down significantly now... still pissed off, yes, but we've done all we can now, so we've just got to take each day as it comes now.  I'll go to appeal again if I really have to, but really don't like doing that.  My anxiety is through the roof already but I need that money so that I can keep charging up my wheelchair and buying dairy free things and even cans of ginger beer for when I have an allergen by accident.

I'm not going to give up.

That's me three evening prescriptions taken so we're just waiting for the puppy to go back now.  Might get a few last photo's of her then try and upload them all again... like I've been trying to for the last 2½ hours and I'm about ready to give up now.

OK, got another 4 photo's of the puppy dog in her harness and I'm starting to feel quite low about her going this week, even though she'll be back again on Thursday❗

The puppy's just gone❗❗  I'm seriously on the verge of tears 😢 now 'cos I'm missing her already and she's been gone for less than a minute❗  Can't wait for Thursday now... can't come soon enough❗

Gonna try rebooting, 'cos I still can't to my FTP for some bizarre reason and I've tried everything else.  BBS.

None of my programmes are loading now so I'm writing this on my phone then heading to bed.

Nite nite all.

Sunday 27 October 2019

Sunday 27th October 2019

Morning all.

How are you all coping with the first day of darker mornings and evenings?  I'm doing OK with it so far... got an extra hour in bed this morning after all 🤣.  It's officially the start of the SAD season, which I'm not looking forward to, so I'm guessing I'll be leaning heavily on the 5 HTP (you can get a discount if you use my name (Amanda George) and email address ( in the "referred by a friend?" box at the checkout) until the clocks change back in Spring.

Gonna take the puppy out for our daily stroll then come back and take my supplements.  It's not raining, thankfully, so hopefully the puppy will be a good girl this morning.

Just got back and it's bitterly cold out there❗  The puppy was barely OK, but if my fingers were so cold, I can't imagine how cold her poor, bare feet and especially pads were❗

Time to take the 6 morning pills now then I'll see if my Fitbit has decided to behave for the first time since Thursday morning.  Really not happy with it right now and it'll be getting a ⭐⭐ review from me on Amazon if it doesn't sort itself out.

That's the pills taken.  They all misbehaved this morning 😒.  Asked Steve, as my carer, to get me the bottle of squash that he made for me and he refused yet he still expects to be paid for 35 hours of care a week but in reality I'm lucky if I get that a month.  If you include the cooking he does for both of us, I've had well under 10 hours of care in the last 7 days.

Gotta update the spreadsheet before I forget... hold on, I'll BRB.

OK, that's updated and emailed to myself here on my laptop.  Gonna code and upload it now before I forget, then I'll do the weekly admin on my phone's spreadsheet.  BBS.

The spreadsheet is up on my site now, so gotta do the admin on my phone's version ready for next week, then I've got some photo's of the puppy for today too.
Photo's of the puppy dog are up now.  I've changed the Fitbit back to wrist because it was on clip for some bizarre reason.  If it doesn't start tracking my sleep by the middle of next week then it'll get ⭐⭐ on Amazon but if it does it'll get ⭐⭐⭐ or maybe ⭐⭐⭐⭐ if it all works well from now on, it's certainly not getting 5 stars though❗

Just taken the Calcium.  It went down reasonably easily and a lot easier than this morning's pills!

Left a single star review for the bin bags we got last week... had to use four of 'em to stop the rips constantly happening❗  Got 3 in the rubbish bin now, but that's 7 bags used instead of 2... not happy 'cos it means that all 40 bags will be used up by the time I finish NaNo.  It was 65p for 40 bags and you certainly get what you pay for with them❗

That's me totally dosed up for the day and I'm cream crackered, so I'm gonna head to bed as soon as I start yawning.  Hoping for an early night again, but bet I'll still be awake at 10pm, same as always 🤣

Right, that's the first yawn of the night, so I'm off to 🛌 now.  Night night all❗

Saturday 26 October 2019

Saturday 26th October 2019

Mornin' all.

It's wet an' 'orrid out there atm, so I'm gonna take the puppy for a stroll and hope it doesn't improve as soon as we come home❗ 🤣  Gotta remember to charge up my Fitbit when we get back too 'cos it didn't track my sleep again last night and it's currently at 41% charge, so I'm thinking it doesn't track anything if it's under 50% charge of the battery, which is sooo annoying 'cos it was sold as holding charge for 5 days instead of 2-3❗

If it tracks my sleep tonight then I won't be happy 'cos I'll have to charge it up more often than it was sold to me as.  It does hold the charge for 5 days but it doesn't track anything when it's below 50% charge.

It's gone from 5 stars down to 3 and it won't be getting a glowing review from me on Amazon and if it goes wrong before the end of January, it'll be a single star.

9 photo's of our senior baby girl ready to code and upload... need to remember to take my Calcium too.  Lemme do the site admin first, then I'll take the Calcium after that.

OK, photo's are up now so time for the Calcium... BRB.

That went down amazingly easily today... easy to crunch up and it was pretty much all gone after one mouthful of squash❗  I could get used to this 😀 👍


Veggie chilli for lunch today.  Nice, just a touch spicier than I was expecting is all.  Totally full now so won't have much to eat for the rest of the day.  Gonna read my forums and emails and stuff now.  I've asked Steve to contact his mum about making sure that his dad is coming to pick me up and take me for my flu jab on Thursday and also to ask his cousin about alternatives to Sardines for the puppy.  Bet he'll forget though, so I'm gonna give him until 3pm then do it myself... he's supposed to be my carer for 35 hours a week, but I'm lucky if I get that in a month FFS!

I've been having a look on Amazon and found some dried sprats and sent the URL to Steve to ask his cousin about.  He's got 2 hours to do it in or I'll do it myself.

He's asleep again so I'll ask Helen myself then call his mum about Thursday.

OK, Helen said to stick to sardines or pilchards instead of sprats, so I'll keep getting the tin of them with the groceries on a Monday to send back with the puppy.  Might add several tins at a time 'cos apparently they last until the use by date in the cupboard.  The shopping is only £42 so far this week, so now would be a good time to add a few tins methinks.  I'll go and do it now before I forget.

OK, there's three tins of sardines coming with Monday's shopping now instead of the usual single one.  I hope they've all got decent use by dates on them 🤣

Already taken my evening prescriptions, so I'm hoping I'll be able to have an early night tonight and that my sleep will be tracked again.

Taking the opportunity to log off early and head to bed before 10pm, so I'll say night night to you all now.  See you all in the morning.

Friday 25 October 2019

Friday 25th October 2019

Mornin' all.

Just taken me morning pills and the Iron was a PITA to get down, then I almost threw up because I had a teeny tiny bite of an apple before the Folic Acid.  Not good.  Not good at all.  Got 3 days of the multi left, so I'll take me last one on Monday.  Can't remember where I put the new ones though, so I'll have to find them over the weekend 🤣

Fitbit replied to our issue exporting to XLS and said that they are aware of it happening but won't be fixed for a while, annoyingly, so I guess we'll just have to put up with just that single sheet CSV file until it's fixed.  Not happy 😞.

Our little puppy doggy is home now❗❗  Yaaaaaay❗❗

Got a 3 minute-long of the puppy dog up on my homepage now.  She's fast asleep in her bed now though 🤣

Got a photo of the puppy that I'll put up in a bit (assuming I don't forget of course).  Gotta take the Calcium first though.

That's the Calcium crunched up and swallowed, so I'll code and upload the photo now... BBS.

Got 3 photo's up on the site now... I had my lunch mid-way through coding them though.  They are up and ready to be seen now though and I've put a review for my lunch written so I'll go and upload it now... hold on❗

All the photo's and the food review are online now.  The photo's of the puppy in her bed are taken by Steve 'cos he's sitting opposite her bed and I'm by her bum 🤣 Taken another photo of her, so just lemme download it, then code and upload it.

Six photo's and a video ain't bad for 6 hours of the puppy being home❗

Absolutely exhausted now though after 3 walks so far this week... need to get back to walking 7 days a week otherwise my legs will complain when the puppy is home for good.  If I add in a stroll on Wednesday each week then add another day every few weeks or so, that might be the best idea methinks.

That's the last 3 of my pills taken, so I'm gonna head to bed in a bit, hopefully for an early night.  Gonna publish this now though, so I'll say night night all... I'll be back again in the morning.

Thursday 24 October 2019

Thursday 24th October 2019

Mornin' all.

I was wrong yesterday, the nausea wasn't because of hunger, it was because of the cookies.  I've just had the last two cookies and felt totally fine before having them but I've had to crack open a can of ginger beer already this morning after having them because I felt sick within seconds of swallowing the first chewed up bite.  I'm guessing they've got milk or cream in them and I just didn't read the ingredients closely enough.

Just had a look at the ingredients for the cookies and it's got an allergen in it twice, so it's my own stupid fault for not reading the ingredients properly before ordering them.  Have to find another bakery treat that I can have instead now that I know I can't have the cookies... just need to remember to read the ingredients more carefully next time though 🤣

Didn't even manage half of my steps target yesterday 👎 🤣  That's OK though, 'cos I was feeling sick for most of the day.  Hoping to get to the target today though 🤞.

Nutterbut (© Steve, today) squash for me lunch 🍴 today

Not gonna be able to manage half of my target steps again today, 'cos I've only done 734 steps today and it's already 5pm!

Taken the last 3 pills of the day and I'm gonna shut down and head to bed straight away now... have the early night I've been promising myself all week long 🤣

Nite nite orl!

Wednesday 23 October 2019

Wednesday 23rd October 2019

Morning again all.  How are you doing today?  My weekly virus scan has started today, so I'm hoping that it ignores the app data folder again so that it'll be done and dusted in 5 hours like last week, instead of the 20 hours like it has been in the past.  🤞 Cross yer fingers for me❓  Please❓

Time for my pills before I forget again... hold on. OK 👌, all 6 are down the hatch.  The Iron took two swallows of squash to get down, but the other 5 went down nice and easily.

Still can't export the Excel spreadsheet from FitBit, which is annoying, but there are at least two others too, so hopefully it'll be fixed soon.  Gonna watch the recording of Masterchef Australia from last night now.

Had a posh (aka cafetierre) coffee so I'm wiiiiide awake now lol

The virus scan has just finished.  Only 4 hours today so it really was the App Data folder that was taking so long.  Means I can have something solid for lunch today instead of my usual cuppazoop which is awesome.  Time to do the backups now that it's finished, which is one less thing to do tomorrow and one less thing to stress me out.  Just need to keep checking the exclusion is still sorted every Tuesday evening now, but I know that it's totally sorted in a single day now though, rather than leaving it churning away overnight each week.

Gonna do the backups now, hold on - I'll BRB❗

It's all totally done and dusted in about 5 hours, which is awesome and so much less stressful than it was a couple of weeks ago!  Means I can turn off and unplug my laptop tonight and relax in the knowledge that I don't need to do battle with the backups tomorrow morning now❗  We've gone back to having zoop, just for one more week 'cos we didn't know how long the backups would take to finish completely, but now that we know it's about 5 hours from start to finish, we can go back to having solid food instead of cuppasoups on a Wednesday lunchtime now.

Time for me to take the Calcium now, then I can relax until tonight.

That's the Calcium crunched up and swallowed, so I can relax until I take my last 3 pills of the day now.

Been feeling sick for some reason all morning.  I'm not pregnant, it's not hunger or thirst, it's not an allergic response to anything I've eaten or drunk and I haven't done anything different today than I did yesterday other than the virus scan and backing up.  Got a can of ginger beer to crack open but I wanna know what it is so that I can adjust/stop whatever it is so that there's less chance of it happening again❗

I was wrong up there 🠝🠝 - the nausea was hunger 'cos I've just had an apple and I'm fine now❗  Potentially a vicious circle though - I'm nauseous because I'm hungry, but I'm reluctant to eat in case I throw up❗

Taken me prescriptions, so I'm off to bed 🛌 as soon as I start yawning 🥱.  Definitely going to be an early night after a few really late ones recently.

OK, just started yawning so I'm off to bed.  Nite nite orl❗  Sea ewe in the morning❗

Tuesday 22 October 2019

Tuesday 22nd October 2019

Mornin' all.

The puppy walked me an extra 50% this morning, so the rest of the exercise I do with her this week is a bonus, including yesterday's stroll.  A cat has poo'd on our neighbours blue cardboard recycling bag, so I've reported it to the council.  2.5 months since they last poo'd in the street, so I hope it's not regular again.

I'll hopefully have my Fitbit email to add to my site soon.  Gonna code and upload some photo's of the puppy while I'm waiting.

I was wrong, the email has already come through, so I'll sort that out first then take some photo's of the puppy before she goes back with Helen at some point today.

All coded and ready to upload, but FileZilla doesn't want to play nicely, so I'm gonna reboot.  BBS❗

A couple of reboots and lots of patience later and FileZilla is finally connecting to my site so I'll upload everything now... hold on❗

OK, everything is now up-to-date and uploaded so I can relax until lunchtime now when I take my Calcium and our weekly burgers.  Zoop tomorrow while the virus scan is running then butternut squash for me and bacon, eggs and home-made potato squares for Steve so Thursday is gonna be a yummy veg-fest❗  Gotta go and give the puppy her ½ of a sardine with her lunch now though... BBS.

The puppy loved 💖 and absolutely devoured her ½ sardine, within seconds of it hitting her bowl❗  She's being picked up between 4pm 🕓 and 7pm 🕖 today so we really do have a whole extra day with her, which is awesome❗

Steve's just started cooking our burgers so I'm gonna finish off my mug of tea, take the Calcium then put my laptop on the floor in preparation for our lunch 🍴 being ready.

That's the Calcium crunched up and swallowed.  Did I take my other supplements this morning❓  I don't think I did, did I❓  Or did I❓  I'm gonna take them now, just in case I didn't.  Surely one single double dose won't hurt me will it❓❓  It'll be my own fault if it does❗  😟

I've definitely taken all four supplements now... just gotta take the 5 HTP then it's all sorted for the day.  Hold on.  OK, they are all definitely taken now so that's it until I take my 3 prescriptions tonight.

Gonna put my laptop on the floor then go out and get my burgers.

Back now❗  Need to put my lunch into the FitBit app before I forget... hold on.

That's done and dusted... 200 calories over target already today though - oops❗  🤣

The puppy's just gone again 😭  We had her for 24½ hours longer than usual and she was excited about seeing Trevor so she's obviously happy with her few days a week there but she didn't even look back❗  😢  The love is already shrinking and we'll have no choice but to talk to each other between now and Friday... she's the smallest member of the household but the biggest personality and expressions of love by far❗  Missing you already Mitzi❗❗

Taken me prescriptions and want an early night, so I'm off to beddy-byes now.  Back tomorrow though, as always.

Nite nite orl!

Monday 21 October 2019

Monday 21st October 2019

Morning all

Three things before I forget what I want to say in this first part of my daily blog:

  1. We've got the puppy for an extra day this week❗❗❗
  2. My Fitbit logged my disturbed night
  3. I've taken me supplements
  4. Don't read this bit when you're about to eat, 'cos it's about poo 💩
I was wrong up there 🔺🔺 about how many things I wanted to cover 😆  Let's do them in order.  First up the puppy isn't being picked up today after all, but she is at some point tomorrow instead, so we've got her for an extra day... yaaaaay❗  We don't know why it's happening like that, but I'm sooo glad and excited and relieved that we'll get her for an extra day and it makes the day a lot less stressful and having her for the extra day means the house has more time to soak up her love too❗

Next up, the Fitbit thing.  I woke up in the early hours and came down for a wee then couldn't get back to sleep for a couple of hours, so was thinking that the Fitbit would say I woke up and stayed awake but when I came down for good at 8am, it amazingly logged the twice I went to sleep and the twice I woke up, which is so totally awesome!

The third point is just my daily sentence to say I've taken me supplements.  Felt very sick after taking the Folic Acid, even though I hadn't eaten anything so I don't know what happened with that, but they're all taken now.  Even remembered the 5 HTP first time this morning 🤣

The last bit is about poo 💩 so don't read this paragraph if you're not prepared for that❗  Both of us had floppy botties this morning (Steve apparently about 5am 🕔 and me about 3 hours later 🕗) and we reckon it was either the zoop or the meat free sausage rolls that we had for lunch yesterday.  Steve's just gone for another 💩 at 🕘.  Our poo's are still solid, just very soft for some reason.  Maybe the zoop or sausage rolls were past their best or something❓

OK, grossness over with now 🤣  Time to walk and feed the puppy.  It's our "Monday Marathon" today, so I hope my bum behaves while we're out and the puppy doesn't poo either 'cos I'm really anxious about picking it up at the best of times... I'll do it, of course, but my anxiety will be through the roof. BBS❗

That's the puppy walked and fed.  She was greeted and admired twice on this morning's stroll.  23 Active Minutes and 2,103 steps already today and it's not even 10am 🕙 yet!  Managed 3,068 steps by the time I got into bed yesterday, so I'm hoping for getting on for 4,000 steps by bedtime tonight❗  Gonna do the site admin for last week's Fitbit now... It won't be accurate 'cos apparently there weren't any active minutes at all last Monday, despite having a record of 28 minutes on the puppy's stroll.  That's OK though, it must still be sorting itself out after the Firmware screw-up.

 My rings (these and these) have just arrived and they fit a lot better than the original rings 🤣  Purely my fault for ordering the wrong size though.  There's absolutely nothing wrong with any of the silver rings and they will get a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review from me... there are a lot more gold rings than I was expecting - I knew that there were 48 in the pack but was thinking it'd be 2 rings per finger, but more than 4 per finger is even better value for money❗  Assuming they don't leave a green or black mark around my fingers (because they are cheap), they'll be getting ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'s too❗ 

Just waiting for the jewellery shield liquid to paint on the inside of them to hopefully stop them leaving marks on my fingers then that's all the birthday vouchers spend and I only paid 55p for it all❗  Amazon have done well out of me for my birthday this year - £150.55 in under a month... I've been spoilt rotten thanks to Chris and my mum❗  Steve's family got me smelly stuff which was awesome too❗

That's the recycling, food waste and cardboard been and gone.  Just waiting for the rubbish now, then that's it until I take the Calcium at lunchtime and feed the puppy then we can breathe until the groceries come this evening.  Gotta cut up the sardine's ready to go back to Helen's tomorrow.  It'll be the first time we've ever given her sardines of any sort and I think they stink don't they❓❓  We've got an airtight container for them though, so it'll just stink the house out while Steve cuts them up and puts them in the box, then each time we open the box after that.  It's only once a day though and we can open the kitchen window and back door just before I open the container so that hopefully 🤞 most of the smell will go before it reaches the rest of the house 🤣

Not even 12.30pm 🕧 yet and I'm already over my daily steps target... next goal is to reach 3,000 steps by this afternoon and hopefully 4,000 by bed time❗  Today is gonna be a good steps day, I can feel it in my 🦴 bones 🤣  I've walked 26 miles since I've had the Fitbit too which is about a mile a day just from walking the puppy and wobbling around the house!

Having issues downloading the Excel version of my Fitbit stuff.  I've got it with no problem at all as a .csv file that I'll use if my account still doesn't want to play nicely after I've restarted, I'd just prefer the Excel version 'cos it's in a sheet for each day which I much prefer.


Nope, still can't download the Excel spreadsheet, so it's the .csv file this week.  Steve said there's prolly something wrong on their end so I'll just keep trying throughout the day.  Gotta love 💜 technology❗ 🤣

The puppy's just had her first ever (with us) half of a sardine... she had them with Helen last week but the new ones have just turned up with the shopping and Steve put it in her bowl with her tea and she devoured it like a shot❗  She obviously approves and it does her mobility good as she ages so Helen's suggestion was awesome and Mitzi definitely approves❗  I can see it being a regular thing on our grocery shops from now on❗  They're Sainsbury's own brand so they were only 45p so it's a tiny price to pay for Mitzi's health in her senior years.

Just taken me prescription and I've just found an awesome site where I can get the vast majority of gifts in one place, so I'll sort those out before I head to bed.

That's all the gifts sorted from just one site, so as soon as I'm paid next week I'll be able to buy them all before NaNo starts... yaaaaay❗  I'm gonna head to bed now.  Nite nite orl❗

Sunday 20 October 2019

Sunday 20th October 2019

Morning all.

How are you all doing today❓

I've just walked and fed the puppy then fed myself and took me pills.  Thankfully they all went down OK this morning.  The puppy walked me an extra 150% on top of the 550% extra we usually do anyway so that's really messed up my maths 🤣

Gonna code and upload the spreadsheet now so that I can edit it on my phone before I forget.

The rubbish, cardboard, food waste and recycling out for another week.  Only a minor disagreement this week.  It's done now though.

Just ordered meself some more rings (these and these) and something that'll hopefully stop my fingers going green/black (this) which apparently can happen with cheap rings.  The rings'll be here tomorrow 'cos they're on Prime and the protecter thing will be here between the 24th and 28th.  Paid a grand total of 55p for them 'cos I've finally used up my mum's very generous voucher.

Taken several photo's and a video of the puppy, so gonna code and upload those now while I remember.

OK, they are on my homepage now so time to take my Calcium.  Wonder what we're having for lunch❓  Apparently we're having zoop and meat-free sausage rolls for lunch... I just hope there's enough zoop left for Wednesday's weekly virus scan too❗  In theory I'll be able to have a solid lunch, I just wanna be sure is all, just for this week.

Calcium taken.  Wasn't too bad today, thankfully❗  There's a whole new box of 4 zoops so we're having one each for lunch today and the other 2 on Wednesday.

Tomorrow's shop now comes to £70 instead of £50!  🤣  We've got fresh baking potatoes, fresh butternut squash and vegan lasagne on it, so we'll get plenty of veggies next week, I just don't like how expensive it is, is all... unhealthy stuff is cheaper than fresh food which is why we so rarely get it - £20 just for 4 potatoes, one squash and a fresh lasagne eats up almost half the usual weekly budget of £50 just for 3 meals and that's without drinks and bread and stuff too!

Just done a bit of maffs and worked out that after 2 weeks shopping and the rest of my October bills have come out, I'll still have £130 in my account which is sooo awesome!  I'll put £100 of it into Steve's car fund and the other £30 into my savings so that I'll have £43 in there, ready for Yule.

Still haven't got a clue what to get for anyone for Yule 🤣

Just taken me prescription and my phone is currently charging, so as soon as that's sorted, I'll head to bed for an early night.

Just changed the clock face on my Fitbit for the first time ever and it actually worked after I synced it❗  Yaaaaay❗❗

My phone is 55% charged and I'm not tired yet so hopefully it'll be fully charged before I start feeling tired.  🤞

The phone's finished charging and I'm 🥱 yawning so I'm gonna publish this and head to bed.

Nite nite orl❗  💤 😴

Saturday 19 October 2019

Saturday 19th October 2019

Morning all.

Charging up my Fitbit then I'll take the puppy out for her stroll then feed her.  Gonna take my supplements while I'm waiting I reckon.  Gotta remember the order to take them all in - OAB pill first, then a fruit pie, then Folic Acid... nope other way around.  Oops❗  Folic Acid, then pie, then OAB pill and then supplements.  Gonna do that now while I remember 🤣

OK, they're all taken... except the 5 HTP❗  Again❗  Hold on and I'll take it before I forget again.  OK, that's gone too now, so I'm dosed up until lunchtime now.

That's the puppy walked and fed.  She went out into the back yard for a wee and poo within minutes of us coming home too, so got a biscuit as a reward.

She's just jumped up on the sofa totally alone too, which is so totally awesome... she couldn't have done that 6 months ago and that, I think, is because she has lost so much weight, her energy has skyrocketed and her thyroid is being sorted which has all combined to her having more confidence and motivation in herself... so totally awesome and I'm relieved that it's sorted out now.  So totally worth it, just frustrated and slightly disappointed 😞 that it's taken so long (as in at least 5 years) to be diagnosed and treated is all❗

Steve's just fed the puppy and I've just taken my Calcium so it's time to work out how to update the final word count on 2017's NaNo.

Just a short blog post today by the looks of things.  I've put 3 photo's and a video up and I've already hit my daily steps target so the rest of today's steps are a bonus now, which is great going by me I reckon.  Walked just over a mile and I'd love to try and hit 3000 steps by the time I go to bed too.

Prescriptions taken.  Nice and easily tonight, thankfully.  Gonna have a look for decaf coffee to put on Monday's order now.  👌

Not very tired, but I'm heading to bed anyway.

Nite nite everyone❗

Friday 18 October 2019

Friday 18th October 2019

Mornin' all.

Just taken me two morning prescriptions and I actually remembered to eat after taking the Folic Acid 🤣.  Time for me supplements now, then that's it until lunchtime.

Taken me supplements too now, so that's me dosed up until lunchtime now.

Me OAB pills have just turned up, so I've got enough to last me until the end of November now.  Thought I'd ordered the Folic Acid pills though, 'cos I've only got 8 days worth of those❗  Gonna put in the prescription request for those instead now.  BRB.

OK, that's the order in with my surgery... wonder why I ordered those instead of the Folic Acid though❓  Lemme just check my surgery online dooberry.  There should be 84 days worth apparently so I wonder where the others are 'cos I've only got 28 days in the box❗  Maybe they are with my AP's❓  Lemme check that too... BRB.  Yep, there's another 2 boxes of Folic Acid so I did order the right ones then.  Best cancel the prescription request for them 🤣

Just replaced the air freshner in the bathroom... lovely lavendar scent instead of gross pooey smells❗  There's another scented thing that Steve's family got me for my birthday that ran out of oil (or whatever it was) a looooong time ago and neither of us can remember what sort of oil it was in there 🤣.  Steve said he'll phone his mum "later" and ask... I don't reckon he will though - same as always.


Already taken 4 photo's of her, so I'll resize them, then upload them.

The photo's are now up and it's absolutely hammering it down out there, so I won't take the senior puppy out yet.  If it's still raining at 3pm then I'll take her out then, but not before unless it stops raining.

Just taken the puppy out for our stroll and it started peeing it down within 4 or 5 steps after closing the door❗  It's all part of being owned by a dog though - walks in all weathers and picking up their poo❗

OK, so I was wrong this morning... Steve's mum has just phoned and he did ask her about refilling the air freshner.  Apparently it's not refillable after all, so I'll just bin it next time I go into the bathroom.  There's a new lavendar one in there as of this morning so I'm not too worried, just got a small amount of motivation to tidy up little bits and pieces is all.  I binned 2 tubes of Primula that ran out in 2013 and a tube of garlic paste when I put the fridge deodoriser - hardly a cleaning session, just little bits here and there is all.

Having a really early night tonight, so I'm off to bed.  I'll be back tomorrow and would love it if you filled in the survey I put up last night... it's totally anonymous and for my eyes only❗  Pleeeeeease❓❓  TIA❗

Thursday 17 October 2019

Thursday 17th October 2019

Morning all.

I'm in an awesome mood this morning for some bizarre reason, so I'm gonna make the most of it and take my first two prescriptions and four supplements nice and early.  Hopefully they will all go down OK 🤞

OK, just taken them and they all went down fine and dandy, so I'm gonna have a look and see how many steps I did yesterday... won't be many 'cos I barely moved all day yesterday 😆

1,348 steps is all, only just over half of my target of 2,500 steps❗  Woops❗

Gonna have a read of the Fitbit thing now.  I asked about some exercises to do while I'm on the sofa to build up strength in my legs so we'll see what they say.

OK, so someone has suggested going to see a physio, getting ankle weights and agreed with my thoughts about getting a floor cycle so I'm gonna write to my GP now while I remember, so that I don't waste money on getting the wrong things and potentially making me even worse than I already am.

OK, done and dusted with the letter, so I'll take it with me when I go for my flu jab in 2 weeks time.  You watch me forget now though❗

We're having Quorn roast and fresh potato squares for lunch today... yumsk!

While that's cooking, I'm gonna go through Facebook and remove tags that I never agreed to and blocking the people who tagged me in them.  Only Steve's family, Chris and Hannah are allowed to do that from now on unless I give you my personal permission for each post before it's posted.

Taken me Calcium now so time to carry on with my Facebook admin until I get the warning about lunch 🍴 being almost ready.

Just had the 10 minute warning, so I'm gonna put my laptop on the floor and go out and grab it.  Wanna find a way to put a vote ✔ button on my blog and site about whether you prefer the single long post a day that I'm doing now (this one is a good example) or if you want me to go back to multiple shorter posts again.  I'm happy 👌 either way but I'll go with the majority votes next weekend, assuming I even remember to put the vote bit up 🤣

Oooh, that was sooo yummy... simple but delicious.  Gonna try and work out the voting thing now, before I forget... BBS!

OK, so this is the voting thing - it's more detailed than I was originally thinking but is totally anonymous and I will never share your feedback with anyone.  Promise.

Taken me prescription, so I'll publish this as soon as I start feeling sleepy.  Hoping for an early night tonight.

I'm off to bed 🛌 now.  Late night, but sooo worth it.

Back again tomorrow.

Nite nite orl❗

Wednesday 16 October 2019

Wednesday 16th October 2019

Morning all.

Little oops to start the day with.... accidentally took 2 of the prescribed Folic Acid and 2 B12's❗  I'm not worried about the double B12, but is taking 10mg of Folic Acid dangerous❓  Will it screw up my body up beyond repair❓  I'll read the Patient Information leaflet to see if it says anything in there methinks... hold on❗

The leaflet didn't give me any information, so I'll call 111 for reassurance as much as anything.

Apparently NHS111 has a website so I'll use that first methinks.

Just filled out the assessment and a medical professional will call me within the next 20 minutes.

Just had the call and apparently Folic Acid has a very low toxicity but if I get any blood, pain or swelling then I need to call 999 but other than upping my levels of liquid, there's nothing to worry about.  Got "mum arm" (© Steve 🤣) now, but other than that I'm feeling fine and dandy, so I'll just carry on with me day now that I know there really isn't anything medical to worry about.  Thank you NHS❗

First full scan without including the AppData folder finished in about 5 hours so I'm running it again just to be sure it really did scan everything instead of just a quick scan, 'cos it usually takes 20-ish hours and I can't believe that just one folder takes 15 hours to scan❗❗  If the full scan *did* only take 5 hours then I'll do it every day instead of once a week❗

Just had me Wednesday traditional zoop and my Calcium, so I'm all sorted until this evening now.

OMG❗❗  I've done two entire computer scans in about a quarter of the time it usually takes to do a single one, just by excluding the AppData folder❗❗  Still virus free so gonna do the back-ups now, saving me a job tomorrow morning.  Thank you for protecting me for another week, AVG

Two virus scans and backups all finished in under 12 hours which is a pleasant surprise... means I won't need to get stressed out tomorrow morning now  ➰➰➰

Just taken my prescriptions, so when they start kicking in I'll head to bed.

Been a pretty productive today, thankfully.

Starting to feel tired, so I'm off to beddy-byes now 🛌.

Nite nite orl 😴

Tuesday 15 October 2019

Tuesday 15th October 2019

Morning all❗

Time to take my supplements then get the Fitbit page sorted.  Wanna try practising going up and down the kerb without the help of cars, just like I did with the slopes last week.  I'm not going far away 'cos there's a kerb literally just outside the house so I'll just use that, just to slowly increase my confidence in myself and walking.  My neighbours will wonder what's going on and if they ask I'll tell them 🤣  Next week it'll be slopes again, then kerbs until my anxiety about falling over going up and down slopes and kerbs.  I'm not going to rush myself to get it done, I'll push myself and my confidence just slightly each week and I'll get there in the end.

Just taken me supplements without eating anything before the OAB pill, but I don't feel sick yet, so hopefully 🤞 I won't and it was just while my body was getting used to it that I felt sick if I didn't eat anything and because my body is used to it now, it genuinely doesn't need to be on a lined belly❓  I certainly hope so❗

Got the Fitbit page sorted out with last week's feedback that I got via email this morning.  I'm getting a pack of 12 pairs of thermal socks delivered today, so my feet will hopefully be nice and toasty warm!

After the rest of my monthly bills come out, the insurance and my money goes in on Friday, I'll have £200 to spend on groceries for the next 4 weeks, which is my normal budget of £50 a week but I really can't afford any more than that though, pennies over is OK, but definitely not pounds!

Calcium swallowed and we're having burgers for lunch, which I've just put into the Fitbit app so I'm over my allowance of daily calories, so it'll definitely be me versus the pavement after lunch 🤣

The burger was scrummy, a slight kick of spice but not too overpowering.  The mayo, lettuce and tomato definitely helped to cool it down❗  Time to tackle the pavement now.  Wish me luck❗

Just been up and down the kerb a few times 👌.  T'was easier than I was dreading and just like with the slopey bits I tried last week, it just needs a bit more practise so I'll keep trying it while the pup is at Helen's and maybe do the slopes one week, the kerb the next week, then the slopes and kerbs on alternate weeks until I feel more confident about doing it alone... it was the same when I first started walking the puppy - my anxiety about it was through the roof, but I knew I had to keep trying and now I do it pretty confidently each morning... I just need to do it despite how anxious I feel about it.  I've done the slopes and kerbs totally alone without falling over so I just need to keep practising now 👍

Still waiting for me socks to turn up 🤣  Can't go to bed until they arrive 😞

Just taken me prescription and we're gonna watch "A week on..." a man being pregnant - I hope he has to eat coal or cotton buds or something like that, so that he gets the full effect!  🤣

So unfair❗  He was only wearing the pregnancy simulation belly and only ate pickled gherkins out of the jar once❗❗  His next video is him experiencing childbirth which should be fun to watch 👍

My socks turned up at the start of the video, so I'll open them up and take a pair upstairs to try on in the morning.  I'm thinking I'll wear my velcro boots instead of these tomorrow, just to see just how warm the socks really are with no outside help❗

For now though, I'll say nite nite 🌛🌙🌘 and I'll see you all again tomorrow.  💤💤

Monday 14 October 2019

Monday 14th October 2019

Morning all.

It's the hubby's birthday 🎂 today so I'll just give him his gift... hold on!

I gave him the frame first, which totally confused him 🤣

Then the painting tube and he looked at me in confusion.

When he carefully opened the tube, the painting was wrapped in protective brown paper, which caused even more confusion. 

He unrolled it and when he saw the painting his mouth dropped open in surprised delight❗  Yaaaaay❗  To quote him as soon as he saw it "that is sooo her❗  The tongue and position and everything just screams Mitzi❗"  The painting is now in the frame and waiting to find somewhere to put it up.  It took a long time to plan and the result is sooo worth it❗

Happy birthday Steve, from me and Mitzi-moo❗

Taken me first 6 pills of the day and now I'm gonna walk the puppy.  BBS❗

Puppy took me for a marathon walk this morning and met 2 cats during our stroll so kept trying to pull me over❗  Thankfully I managed to stay on my feet while she was trying to make friends with them, but there was more anxiety on my part than usual, 'cos if I'd fallen over I wouldn't have been able to stand up again 😟  Thankfully she didn't poo which would have sent the anxiety through the roof when I picked it up 'cos there weren't any cars to lean on throughout our lengths.

That's it for the day now though, just gotta find out roughly what time the puppy is going back to Helen's so that I can put her harness back on after Steve took it off, despite me saying just to unclip her lead.

Steve's just called my surgery to find out when the flu-jab session is after it was resheduled.  He thought it was this Thursday but I knew it was resheduled to the 31st but couldn't remember the time.  It's between 2pm and 6pm, so he's told his mum the right date and time now... hope 🤞 the queue isn't too big 'cos there's no way I can stand!

Only been awake for 4 hours, but I've already walked more than my target steps, distance and active minutes according to my Fitbit.  Hasn't recorded my sleep though, so right now it's a 4 star review in January.  If it sync's later on then it'll go back to being 5 stars, but I'm not going to manually track my sleep any more.

Here's the photo of Steve's assembled birthday gift from me:

We both love it and it's better than I was thinking... thank you so so much, Robyn Heath (you can see her site here or search for her on Facebook at robyn art heath)❗❗

Just finished reading and reviewing a MG book which is why I haven't been very chatty on this blog so far today.  Got some photo's of the puppy to put on my site now though, so I'll do that now while I remember 🤣

Prescription taken, so I'll be off to bed 🛌 soon.  I've put the spreadsheet up for last week onto my Fitbit page if you want to go and have a peek❓  Gotta remember to add the email report to that page tomorrow morning.

Just started yawning 🥱 so I'm off for an early night 💤.

Nite nite orl❗

Sunday 13 October 2019

Sunday 13th October 2019

Morning all.

Already got a 5 minute video of the puppy uploading to YouTube where she's actually awake and moving around throughout it❗  As soon as it's finished uploading, I'll put it on my site.  It was a nice surprise that she was so active so soon after I came down here, but she's asleep under Steve's leg again now 🤣  Gonna take her out for a stroll soon 'cos I can't take my morning pills until Steve's made me another bottle of squash.

Blimey it's soggy out there❗  We did our normal amount of lengths today though, despite the rain.  Time to update the spreadsheet and do the admin on my site then take me morning pills.

Site admin done so time for me pills now... 2½ hours later than normal though  😞

OK they are all down the hatch now.  Means I'll have to take the Calcium at 3pm instead of 1pm though, so that it doesn't negatively affect my OAB pill.  For some reason, the B12 was a lot harder than normal to swallow, even though the other 5 pills went down fine❗

That didn't last long then❗ 🤣  Just added my time asleep to the Fitbit app instead of letting it go.  I definitely won't starting tomorrow though... my OCD was determined to finish off the week of logging it manually 🤣

I'm gonna go and clear up the puppy's poo to put in the rubbish bag now, in the hope that it'll be taken this week 🤣

Thankfully it was nice and easy to get it all sorted this week.  Steve separated the recycling boxes and I took it outside... that was ¾ full this week and only one box instead of our usual two that we had before the puppy went to Helen's to get her health sorted.  Then I took the rubbish out... barely ½ full so far, and that's with all our rubbish in it for the week too❗  Still got the rest of the day to go but I can't see there being too much more rubbish to go out, thankfully.

Apparently we're not having our Quorn roast for lunch after all 'cos Steve's too tired, which is fair enough.  Might request another bowl full of home-made potato wedges again instead, so that we don't waste most of the bag of potato's.  Quick, easy and healthy to do, then Steve can go back to sleep 🤣

We are, officially, having fresh potato chunks as opposed to wedges.  Basically the same as the wedges, just a different shape is all 🤣  Steve's currently cutting up the potatoes then he'll bung them in the oven for however long they need et voila!

Put the bathroom bin outside too, still only ½ a bag of rubbish though!  We're so ace!

Just taken me daily Calcium and lunch will be ready soon.  Just potato's, spray oil (so that they don't stick to the foil 🤣) and salt.  Apparently it takes 50 minutes to cook though, so that's almost triple the time I was thinking❗❗

The potato chunks were especially yummy today.  Steve salted them instead of using the Italian seasoning that he used last time and it really brought out the potato flavour instead of just tasting the seasoning.  I've put a garlic and herb seasoning on the grocery shop that's coming tomorrow that I'm thinking we can use for the potato's next week and just keep the Italian one for pasta.

Hold on and I'll go and make sure I really have put it on...

Yep, garlic and herb seasoning, apples instead of tangerines or bananas and raisin whirls instead of the apple turnovers 😍

Just taken me last 3 pills of the day so I can hopefully have an early night!

Off to beddy-byes now 🛌.

Nite nite orl 😴

Saturday 12 October 2019

Saturday 12th October 2019

Mornin' all.

The FitBit still doesn't want to track my sleep since the Firmware update which is annoying, but not a deal-breaker 'cos I got it for the steps more than anything.  I don't seem to be the only one with that issue though, so hopefully FitBit will take notice of that if they decide to do another update.

Time for me to take the puppy our for our morning stroll then I'll come back and take me pills.  If the FitBit tracks our stroll then that's OK and I'll keep using it, but I'll give it a 3 star review rather than a 4 or 5 star one.

Steve's moved the spreadsheets over onto the SD card for me and it seemed pretty painless, but I'm glad he did it rather than me❗  Time for me pills now... Steve reminded me that I need to take the Folic Acid before I eat anything, then line my stomach for the OAB pill and 4 supplements.

Put me big toe through my last pair of socks so I'll need to get some more❗  Thankfully I've still got enough to cover it with my mum's vouchers, so I'll use that instead of my money.  Hold on and I'll get them while I remember now.

These 12 pairs for under £9 and these 30 pairs for under £19 so 42 pairs of socks for under £30 ain't bad going at all!

Decided not to track my sleep manually on the Fitbit any more.  Shouldn't have to❗  Already done 2838 steps and I've only been awake for 3½ hours though 🤣  Unofficially aiming for 4,000 steps today... wish me luck🤞 😁

Just bought meself an opal ring from America for £6.69 and I'm hoping 🤞 it's the right size 'cos it was numbers rather than letters 🤣

Just given the puppy her lunch, then she went for a wee, then she came back in here and jumped onto the sofa really easily and totally alone❗❗❗  She's definitely more confident in her old age❗

That's the Calcium crunched up and swallowed and I've got another video of our baby girl to put up too❗

Not much has happened since lunchtime, and I obviously kept forgetting to update my blog, so now it's 7pm and time to take my prescriptions.  BRB.

OK, that's all 3 of my nightly prescriptions down the hatch and I've posted a couple of messages on the Fitbit forum asking for advice and I'm feeling particularly proud of myself today, 'cos I've done 3624 steps so far today, which is 1124 steps over my target steps and it's not even a Monday 🤣  Be interesting to see what Monday's step count is, considering I'd done almost 2000 steps by the time I came back with the puppy this morning, and the Monday just gone was over 5000 steps and that was before it got so sensitive about the steps I did too, so I'm hoping 🤞 I'll approach 6000 steps on Monday, then I can really celebrate❗

Goin' to beddy-byes now... think I deserve an early night❗

Nite nite orl 💤

Friday 11 October 2019

Friday 11th October 2019

Morning all.

The puppy's coming home today❗❗  Yaaaaay❗❗  Apparently "it won't be until this afternoon slash evening", but that's OK.  She's only been gone for 2 days and apparently she's loving the half sardine with her tea 😀  The house is gonna stink from now on, but the puppy is sooo worth it❗

Still having FTP issues so I've re-opened the support ticket to try to find a way to sort it out on my homepage and writing site.  I've got a book review to go up on my homepage and a review of my book on my writing site so it's not urgent, just very frustrating.

Home-made potato wedges for lunch today - fresh potato's 🥔, salt and seasoning with a touch of oil 😋.  Can't wait.

Just taken me Calcium and I'm determined to get my Fitbit working again today❗  🤣

Lunch was yummy and entirely done at home too which is even better... not a single visit to the freezer or even the fridge at all, which is sooo awesome.

Gonna try and get my Fitbit to work properly now.

I've hopefully got the Fitbit sorted 🤞... if it automatically tracks my sleep, like it should, then I'll be a veeeeery happy bunny👍.

Just waiting for the puppy to come home now, then I can relax 👌

The puppy's home now❗❗❗

Means there will be loads of media to add to my homepage as soon as the FTP starts working.

Just while I'm waiting for the FTP, here's a photo of our puppy dog a couple of minutes after getting home lol:


The FTP is working now so the site's all up-to-date and waiting for your valued visit!

Off to bed soon, so I'll say nite nite now... just a short blog post today 😁

Back again tomorrow.

Nite nite orl❗

Thursday 10 October 2019

Back now aka Thursday 10th October 2019 in the afternoon

Back now.  Currently doing backups.  Taken 7 of my 10 daily pills and had me lunch (yummy chilli - thank you Steve!).  The author of yesterday's book has requested that I put a URL about her book in the blog post and review on my site, so I'll do that as soon as the backups have finished.

The rest of Steve's birthday gift turned up with the post this morning and I've got another review of my YA novel to put on my writing site too, but I can't do that until the backups have finished either 'cos I need to get the URL to link to from my email, which I'm gonna wait until the backups have finished so that I can be sure I'm using the right URL.  Gonna finish off the book that I read most of this morning while I was waiting for the virus to finish.

Need a wee first though 🤣

Just finished reading and reviewing a book but can't FTP it to my site for some reason.  Can someone remind me to try again in the morning pretty please?

Gonna take me final 3 pills of the day then head to bed... I is wiped out!

Book review: The Puzzle of You by Leah Mercer

⭐⭐⭐⭐ out of 5

This is a good book, but the swapping between pregnancy/new baby and 3 years later, after the accident, was very confusing.  I read most of it in a single day because our internet connection was down and I enjoyed it, just got frustrated by the timeframe each chapter was set in and the last few chapters seemed, to me at least, to be repeating itself either from the very start of the book but there were a few pages where it was almost word for word what had happened a couple of chapters before!

It's a good read, just needs the time frames to be handled a bit better is all.

Quick update!.

Just a quickie - our internet went splat overnight and I need to reboot my laptop to get the connection back, but I can't do that until the virus scan has finished.  I'll be back as soon as I can - just don't know when that'll be unfortunately.  Sowwy!

Wednesday 9 October 2019

Wednesday 9th October 2019

Mornin' all

Forgot that I need to take the Folic Acid on an empty stomach so ate a fruit pie before I took that and my other pills... felt a little bit nauseous but not anywhere near as bad as I was thinking❗

Gonna update my Fitbit app now with my sleep and exercise since it's not been doing it since the Firmware update at the weekend then post a message on the Fitbit site to see if anyone on there can help me out.


OK, that's the app updated, so time to ask about it not tracking on the Fitbit forum.

BBS again.

That's done too... apparently I'm not the only one with the sleep tracking not working any more, but nobody else has posted about the exercise not tracking since the firmware update.  Methinks the techy bods tried to be too clever and don't know how to turn it back to something that actually worked❗

Just about to read a book about blogging.  I will, of course, put the review up on here when I've written it, so be on the look-out for it on here and on my book review page at some point today.


OK, it's read and I'm just about to review it here on my blog (it'll be showing up under this post 'cos I'll post the review before this post), on my book reviews page and on Amazon.

Gonna get that sorted now, hold on!


Steve's just discovered that if you're using the most up-to-date version of Windows 10, you can press the Windows key and . and it comes up with a little box of emoji's that you can put into whatever you're writing.  I've tried it with Thunderbird and it works in there, so let's see if it works in my blog too 🤞 - oooooh❗  It does ✔💯❗  It's got the copyright symbol © too but it's appearing squished up for some reason 😞.  I bet I'll forget by the time I have me tea though 😉.  There's a yawning emoji too, so I'll hopefully remember to use that just as I take me prescriptions in the evening and there's a bed too, so I'll use that when I sign off for the night too. I'm really liking this new discovery 💚

Just taken me 3 evening prescriptions 💊, so I'll head to 🛌 as soon as I start yawning 🥱 so that I can get some sleep 😴.

Off to 🛌 now.  Nite nite orl 💤

Book review: The Blogger Trailmap: How to Take Your Blog to the Next Level in Easy Steps by Chivi Frost

⭐⭐⭐⭐ out of 5

I had high hopes for improving my blogs after reading this and it does have useful information in it for the first time blogger but it's not in steps and, for me, most importantly, doesn't tell you how to do it.  For example, on p15 and p16, it says what you should aim to achieve in the first 30, 60 and 90 days which is a fantastic way to break it down and it says that you should aim for 100 subscribers, but it doesn't tell you how to go out and find them❗  I've had my blog for several years and I get 5 regular readers a day (thank you so much to each and every one of you!) and my most readers for one post has been 11.  I'd love to get 100 readers a day, but other than getting the content sorted, it didn't tell me how to go about finding those extra 95 people to read my daily blog posts.

The content is great for a newbie bloggers but it doesn't tell you how to do the things it suggests.

It's a great, short, quick read that people who want to become a blogger will hopefully find really good, but it needs more detail about how to do the things it suggests.

So glad I read it, but could do with some more instructions and proof-reading for oopsies, which is why I'm knocking off a star.

The information about the content and niche you should aim for with your book is fantastic and the infographics really broke up the text at appropriate places... a definite must-read for those who have got a blog account but haven't got a clue what to do with it.

If the author chooses to do a second version of the book, I'd love to see more suggestions for the way to do the things she suggests in her book - especially getting more subscribers at the start... she could easily double or even triple the length of it 'cos it's only got 60 pages and cover each of her points in more detail.

Thank you for giving me so many ideas for ways to improve my blogs, Chivi!

Edit - the author has asked me to put the books page alongside the review here and on my site so here it is!

Tuesday 8 October 2019

Tuesday 8th October 2019

Mornin' all.

My Fitbit said something about unpairing the device from the app, so I said 'no' - hope that was right❗

Gonna take me morning pills now... brb❗

Forgot to have something to eat before I took the OAB pill so I'll be feeling sick for several hours now  😞

Ginger beer to the rescue again❗  Yaaaay❗

Gonna wait for my stomach to calm down then take the puppy out for our morning stroll.

Just got back from taking the puppy out... ginger beer is totally awesome for nausea❗  Within a few sips I was totally fine again and took the puppy out for our morning stroll like normal❗

Just had my mum on the phone.  While she was talking to Steve there was a delivery for me.  £100 Amazon vouchers for my birthday❗❗  OMG - that's a huuuuge amount to spend on one person❗  Gonna go and have a look for something to get with it now 'cos my mum was totally sure about the amount.  Naughty, naughty Mum, but thank you so so much❗

Only spent £36 of the vouchers so far, but they will all be here on 10th October.  Got a 64GB micro SD card, a book to tackle my writer's block, a doggy toothbrush and treats for the puppy to hopefully help to keep her mobile as she grows older, plus the last part of the order I placed on my birthday with Chris' gift will be here tomorrow.  Just waiting for Steve's birthday gift to arrive in time for his birthday now.

My navigaion and studying site is back at last❗❗  Only taken 4 days 🤣

Apparently there are updates to get for Windows as it's "patch Tuesday" so I'm gonna publish this now then install them.  Gonna use the opportunity to finish my mug of decaf tea then head to bed I reckon.

Nite nite orl!

Monday 7 October 2019

Monday 7th October 2019

Mornin' all

Goin' for my pneumonia jab this morning - hope it doesn't hurt❗  Gonna take my morning pills then take the puppy out for our morning stroll.  Marie is taking me down to get the jab... thank you Marie❗  Not gonna worry about that until I've taken me first 5 pills of the day and walked the puppy though.

Just taken me pills, so time for the stroll now.

The puppy was sooo naughty on our walk this morning❗  Constantly trying to pull me over and constantly barking at a Pug too❗

Steve's mum has just called to say Marie is leaving, so time for me to go outside and wait for her now.  Wish me luck❗

Just got back from having the jab.  Didn't hurt at all❗  I also requested to be weighed and I'm 68kg so I've lost 5 kg in just over 18 months (20 months to be exact) which is so totally awesome❗  Forgot to ask what my target weight should be though, d'oheth.

Been trying to find a way to update my weight on my Fitbit Inspire but I can't work out how to.  Gonna ask on the forum 'cos I can update my target weight but not my starting weight.  Hold on and I'll do that while I remember.

I've done it❗❗  I had to do it on the Fitbit site rather than in the app which is a touch annoying but now I know how to do it (but I'm bound to forget 🤣), but there's only 8kg to lose now to just about be in the right weight for my height.  In theory that'll take 2 years or so, but I'm very nearly back to my ideal weight now... I'm literally about half the size I was when I came out of hospital in 2003, so it's taken 16 years but slow and steady wins the race and all that jazz.

Taken me Calcium, so that's it now until bed time.

Sorted out me supplements that arrived this morning and gave Steve the chewable B12 that I already had.  Got 5 months supply of 5 HTP now (4 months that were delivered this morning plus 1 in the original pack that I bought), a years supply of Iron, a years supply of Calcium and a years supply of my Multi as well as a years supply of a Vitamin B complex that I've never had before.  Assuming it's still available in a year's time, I'll give the chewable Calcium a go next time I put in my order in about 11 months time, 'cos I chew up the current Calcium and even the VeganShield instead of my normal Multi too.  That needs to be taken twice a day though, but means that I won't need the Iron or B12 (which is in the day pill) or Calcium (which is in the night pill) so we shall see.  Basically half the amount of pills that I currently take for hopefully the same support that I'm currently giving my body, as well as providing vegan Omega 3 which I'm currently missing out on completely - I can see the positives and negatives of both.

The shopping came just after 6pm and was gone by about 6.10pm❗  I barely had time to finish my newest page on my site and hadn't even started uploading it by the time Marie went home❗  Means I can have me apple turnovers, take my last pills of the day and be in bed by 8pm❗  I could get used to this 🤣

Had me tea and pills, so I'll update the Fitbit app then shut down and head to bed.

Off to bed now... nite nite orl❗  Sea ewe in the morning.

Sunday 6 October 2019

Sunday 6th October 2019

Mornin' all.

The rubbish and recycling were out before 8am again and I've just taken my supplements, so as soon as I've finished my mug of coffee  I'll walk 🐾 and feed  the puppy 🐶 then have a bath and shave me 'pits ready for tomorrow morning.  Already drunk a litre this morning and I've only been awake for an hour and a half 🤣

Just had a reminder come up about unplugging 🔌 my laptop to discharge the battery 🔋.  I do that every month so that I get the most battery life out of it and it doesn't "forget" how to fully discharge... like I do with my mobile 📱 every time too.

Just struggled to take one of the black bags from out in the yard to the back door to put it in the rubbish too 'cos literally all that was in the bag was one black bag and a carrier bag with the pup's poo.  Might as well do it while there's so little rubbish in the bag being collected tomorrow!  Just one last black bag to sort out then that's it... just the toilets and cisterns to go now, but they won't be taken so they can wait until one of Steve's siblings comes over to take them to the tip.  Just gotta have me bath ready for tomorrow now then that's it for the day.  Might go and do that now aksherley... a chance to relax and recover after this morning.  Gotta put the spreadsheet on the appropriate page too at some point - should I do that first maybe❓  It'll only take a couple of minutes to do so yeah, I'll do the spreadsheet first then have a bath afterwards.

Just remembered that I'm waiting for my 📱 phone's battery to run out too, so I'll wait until that happens, plug it in to charge up then go for me 🛀 bath after that.

Back now.  That bubble bath was amazing❗  Within less than 5 minutes of getting in, I could feel my muscles relaxing and I'm feeling more awake than I have for a very long time too❗  It's Sainsbury's own brand and is only 85p for 500ml so I wasn't expecting much, but I was wrong... I feel sooo much better than I did 1½ hours ago❗  It's definitely going to be a regular purchase now❗

Had a reminder pop up to take my Calcium, so I'll take that then go and get my lunch 🍴.

Just had a dialogue box pop up to say that my laptop battery 🔋 is running low so I've just plugged it back in.  Took about 5 hours to run down today, so I'll know for next month now.  My mobile 📱 ran out of battery while I was in the bath 🛀 so that's charging up too.  Just waiting for my Amazon delivery to arrive now.  Time to have me lunch now... bet the delivery will turn up just as I put a forkful into my mouth 🤣

It's just arrived and the box is soooo heavy❗  The books are a lot thicker than I was thinking, which make them even better value for money❗

The washing has just finished so I'm gonna go and put my Aliceband back on as well as a thick cardi to bring my body temperature up a bit.

Taken me last 3 pills of the day, so I'm gonna upload the last five photo's of the puppy 🐶 then head to bed.  I'll say goodnight now though, 'cos I'm about to publish this, so nite nite orl❗

Saturday 5 October 2019

Saturday 5th October 2019

Happy birthday to me,
Squashed tomato's for tea.
There's a nutter,
In the gutter,
And yes, it was me!

As of midnight, I'm now 42 years old and I've had one birthday card from Steve's parents and Marie.  Steve said he and Mitzi got me "snot and two buttons" for some bizarre reason❓❓  Gonna take my 5 morning pills then take the puppy out for her first walk as a 42 year old.

All 5 of the pills went down really easily this morning, thankfully, so time to walk the puppy now.  BBS.

That's the puppy walked and fed.  My FitBit is hopefully charging for the first time too, means I can't go for a wee until it's finished though 🤣

My homepage and navigation page are obviously going through the server thingy today 'cos I can't get to either of them to upload the photo's and video of the puppy and it won't let me download the emails on those domain names either, which is annoying and frustrating but needs must I s'pose 🤷.

That's the Fitbit charged up for the first time since using it daily.  Thankfully it doesn't seem to have lost the information that was in the app, despite the tracker showing zero when I disconnected it from charging.  While it was charging, I asked on the Fitbit community bit about being able to email a report to myself so that I can put it on my homepage instead of having to screenshot everything every day.  I'm hoping it's just a hidden setting somewhere that I haven't found yet so that it's nice and easy for me and doesn't stress me out, but if there isn't a way to do it then I'll try and remember to screenshot it all from within the app every morning as soon as I come downstairs.

Remembered to take the Calcium today 🤣  Got a card from my mum and Chris who was very naughty - only gift of the day, although my mum's card said that the gift was going to arrive separately.  Still gotta find something for Chris' birthday in a couple of weeks though - I haven't got a clue what to get for him this year 🤣

Got loads of stuff with Chris' gift and ordered his birthday gift too.  Most of my stuff is coming tomorrow because it's a Prime household and Chris' gift is arriving tomorrow too for some reason... does Prime apply to the things that the Prime household orders even if it's being sent to a different address❓❓

Pazza 'n' sauce 'n' cheese for lunch today 😍

Just taken a longer video, mainly of the puppy but Steve makes a very short appearance in the middle of it too.  Currently uploading it to YouTube then I'll code it into my homepage and try to upload it again... we shall see if it's working yet in the next few minutes.

Taken another photo of the puppy relaxing between Steve's legs again, so I'm gonna go and feed her while the email with the photo in it is being downloaded then I'll come back and code it.

The photo is coded and ready to upload as soon as the server dooberry has finished  👌

That's me pills taken, so as soon as they start kicking in I'll head to 🛌bed.

Righty-oh, I'm off to beddy-byes now... nite nite orl 💤

Friday 4 October 2019

Friday 4th October 2019

Mornin' all.

I love my webhosts (TSOhost)❗  They took over from Namehog when they stopped trading and I'm loving TSOhost just as much❗  They migrated their servers overnight and said that if any of my domain names were elsewhere, I needed to update the nameservers.  That went shooting over my head so I started up an online chat and Stephanie said that 2 of my domain nameservers were with Mesh Digital ltd which I've never even heard of, let alone used, another 2 haven't been migrated yet and the last one they did for me then and there.  I know how to create websites and that you need both hosting and a domain name for it to work but other than that I haven't got a clue❗  Thankfully they know exactly what to do and it was sorted within 5 minutes 🤣

If you want your own domain name and hosting that doesn't have ads and you're willing to pay for it, I definitely recommend TSOhost❗❗

Gonna take me pills then go on our morning stroll with the puppy.

Just got back from walking the puppy 🐕.  There's a bloody British Gas van parked on the pavement and it was a struggle to get past the front of it each time 'cos there was only just enough gap for Mitzi to squeeze through.  If it hadn't been one of the neighbours that I actually say more than "hello" or "good morning" to then I would have taken pictures and reported them to the police.  Luckily the British Gas person came out of one of the right doors otherwise I'd have brought the puppy home and taken photo's of just how far onto the pavement they were!  It's your lucky day today, British Gas man!

As of now I'm covered with life insurance until my 70th birthday❗  Yaaaaay❗❗  The mental illness isn't covered for the first 12 months but it is after that for the next 30 years, so that's a relief 😌

Just persuaded Steve to take a photo of the puppy... she's been in her bed all day so I haven't been able to take any of her so far 😞  Hopefully she'll be more active after I've fed her though 👌

Fed the puppy using Steve's instructions and it actually worked... just gotta remember to do it that way every time now 🤣

Got more photo's of the puppy at last❗  Gonna rotate, code and upload them now before I take me pills and have an early night.  BBS❗

That's me totally dosed up with my last 3 pills of the day now, so I can just concentrate on the photo's then hopefully have an early night.

Gonna finish reading this chapter then head to bed, so I'm gonna say goodnight now.  Be back at some point tomorrow morning though.  Nite nite orl.  😴

Thursday 3 October 2019

Thursday 3rd October 2019

Morning all.

After my early night last night, I slept for just over 10½ hours last night and I'm feeling a lot better this morning so my body obviously needed the extra rest❗  I've taken me morning pills and they are starting to kick in now as well.  The B12 melted so took a couple of mouthfuls of squash to get all the bits down, but other than that they were all fine.  I'm hoping to get my weekly report either today or tomorrow from FitBit, it'll be interesting to see what that says and what it looks like and stuff.

The puppy is coming home for her weekend visit again today... can't wait❗

I accidentally pulled out the power cable from my laptop yesterday, which stopped the virus scan, so it's still at 5% but should, in theory, be done by this afternoon so that I can do the backups.

In about 15 hours after application I've had a decision - AIG turned me down, so Reassured got straight onto a specialist insurer who is slightly more expensive at £50 a month but for the same cover and still over 40 years.  I really can't afford any more than that though so if The Essex turn me down too, then maybe I'm just not meant to have life insurance❓

The puppy's hooome❗❗❗

Just taken me Calcium and I've taken a few photo's of the puppy that I'm gonna code and upload now.

Just taken the puppy out for our stroll... it'll only be one day this week (ie yesterday) that we haven't been out for a stroll together which is awesome❗  We're already at 1900% extra percents and that's taken off 700% for the entire week (even though we're only on Thursday today) too, so we might just about get to 3000% extra by the time we come back on Sunday... totally awesome❗  Need to think up a different word to 'awesome' though, 'cos I've used it in every sentence of this paragraph 🤣

Finally got an answer about Mitzi's obesity food.  The way Steve described what his cousin (the vet nurse) said was "it's like with any diet... you get down to the weight you want then stuff your face with burgers and chips so you gain weight and you have to go on a diet again.  The vet wants her to stay on the diet food but add half a sardine a day until she gets back up to 9kg then she'll be put on a senior food instead" so I can stop worrying and going on about that now 😁

Gonna add the sardines to the shopping now, while I remember... BBS.

OK, that's the sardines added.  Steve requested that they were "the ones in tomato sauce instead of oil 'cos they just taste better" so they're on Monday's order now.  Annoyingly Sainsbury's have stopped offering bags with their online and click & collect shops 😒 so I've added peddle bin bags (65p for 50 ain't too bad as long as they are strong enough to hold the rubbish we put in them) and dog poo bags (they got good reviews so hopefully they are suitable too) to the shopping.  Still under £50 but quite a bit more than it was this morning 😞

Chippy chips for tea, just for a treat 'cos the virus scan is still running  😞

Got another loooong video of the puppy dog... 7 minutes again, mostly with her back to the camera 🤣

Going to head to beddy-byes now.  Nite nite orl... sea ewe in the morning.

Review: Barleycup instant cereal drink

⭐⭐⭐⭐ out of 5

Just FYI I'm a new tea and coffee drinker (as in I didn't start drinking it until the end of Spring 2019), I'm allergic to dairy (so have tea and coffee black) and discovered that I prefer to actually taste what I'm drinking otherwise it just tastes like hot water which is gross.

Now that you know my taste preferences, here's my thoughts on my very first mug of an instant cereal drink.  My hubby put 4 teaspoons of it into my large mug (as in 500ml as opposed to an average-sized mug of about 350ml) and filled the mug with hot water.  I cautiously took my first sip of it and almost burnt my mouth 🤣  It certainly didn't taste of coffee - there was maybe a tiny hint of coffee flavour but that quickly disappeared and was replaced with a flavour I've never had before that I'm guessing was the barley.  Then there was an aftertaste of what I can only assume was the chicory.  Took a bit of getting used to, but by about half way down the mug I was getting used to the new flavours and really starting to enjoy it.

So why am I knocking a star off?

Purely because every mouthful goes through me faster than caffeinated coffee does, despite this being decaffeinated.  I've been for 5 wee's while I've been drinking it and even coffee only produces a single one 🤣

It's a nice strong flavour which I enjoyed after my tastebuds got used to the new experience and I will be getting it again, but I'm thinking I'll add a small squirt of runny honey to it next time, just until my tastebuds get used to it... I started off with 2 or 3 sweeteners in every mug of tea and coffee when I first started drinking it earlier in the year, but not any more... it's just strong and black now, so I'm thinking it'll be the same with this drink too.

I'm thinking of trying the dandelion one next just to see what that's like.

I'd say definitely try it, but make sure you have easy access to a toilet while you are drinking it, just in case it affects you like it did with me 🤣