Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Tuesday 1st October 2019

Mornin' all.

Pinch an' a punch for the first of the month and all that jazz.

Gonna try to decrease my use of exclamation marks instead of using them at the end of almost every sentence 🤣  Wanna try to use more smilies and images and stuff too - wanna make full use of all the things available in the toolbar of the writing page instead of just the smiling (😁 or 😃), laughing (🤣), exclamation marks (❗), occasionally question marks (❓) and the icon I use as the divider (➰➰➰).  Gonna do proper paragraphs too with more than a single sentence in it.  Wish me luck❗ 😁

Taken the puppy 🐶 out for her morning stroll, just the normal length today, but that's OK 'cos I walked over a mile and almost 2,500 steps, in 42 minutes with her yesterday, which is my daily target in under an hour, so 1,000 steps in 12 minutes today was a relief 😃 She did another huuuuge wee but no poo this morning which was a massive relief after picking up her poo yesterday on top of the marathon we walked.

Taken me OAB prescription and 4 morning supplements, so I'm all set until lunchtime now.  Gonna order some more 5 HTP and a years supply of the B12 so that Steve can have the B12 I've already got to see if it's that which helped my irritability when it was low.  Need some more 5 HTP soon anyway so might as well get the B12 at the same time.  Gonna see if they've got any Vegan folic acid I can take too, 'cos my GP called yesterday afternoon and said I was low in it, so has prescribed me some pills to correct it so wanna keep on with that after the pills have finished, like I'm doing with the B12.  It'll be 10 pills a day instead of my current 9 but if my body needs it then it's worth it 😁

Seriously impressed with Simply Supplements❗  Just bought 4 months supply of 5 HTP and a years supply of a vitamin B complex that not only has B12 in it, but Folic Acid too as well as Thiamin which are all 100% of the NRV, so I'll still be taking 9 pills a day but covering both the B12 and Folic Acid as well as the Thiamin that caused my neurological problems to begin with.  If you are in the UK and looking for an amazing supplement company, as well as 10% off your first order, just follow that link up there ⮙⮙, fill yer basket and pop my name (Amanda George) and email address (amanda.k.george@googlemail.com) into the 'referred by a friend?' box et voila❗

That's impressive speed by the pharmacy❗  They've just delivered my Folic Acid and it was only prescribed and sent over to them yesterday afternoon❗  I've gotta take 1 a day for 3 months then one every other day, potentially for the rest of my life so that I can be sure I'm getting everything my body needs.  Assuming it doesn't make me nauseous, that's OK though.  Up to 10 pills a day now though 🤣  Might take the Folic Acid at lunchtime along with the Calcium so that the pills are spaced out better.  Just set up the reminder on my phone so hopefully I'll get into the habit of taking 2 pills after lunch, instead of just the 1.

The puppy has just gone again 😢, but only until Thursday this time 😃... yaaaaaaay❗❗  Only a day and a half without her this week then, which is sooo totally awesome 👍.  I'm missing her already but I've only got to get through today and tomorrow without her before she comes home again 👌.

The flu jab had to be re-arranged because of a delay in their supply, so it's now on Samhain (31st October) between 2pm and 6pm.  I'm hoping to be able to be taken down there ready for when it starts so that it's done and out of the way.  I'm hoping Steve'll fill in the carers form so that I can take that with me on Monday too.  He's got until I go to bed on Sunday to do it in so that there's enough time to get it sorted and bagged ready for the early start on Monday (the appointment is at 9.35am so I'm guessing I'll be picked up at about 9am 🤣).  I just want to be ready to pick up the form and head out of the door... gotta remember to have a bath and shave on the Sunday though, so that I don't embarrass myself with hairy pits 🤣  Might see if I can find a t-shirt to wear under my cardi so that I don't have to get half undressed just for the jab, like I did with the blood test 🤣

Just taken the first prescribed Folic Acid and it made me feel very sick, very quickly.  Thankfully I haven't thrown up and the ginger beer is kicking in now, so maybe I need to take it on an empty stomach instead of a full one❓  Might try that tomorrow... come down, take the Folic Acid, have an orange then my first OAB pill and supplements❓  Either that or I'm the 1 in 1,000 who gets a side effect from it❗  That'd be just my luck 🤣

I love how easy that was❗  I saw an ad for Reassured on Facebook offering life insurance for 20p a day so I visited the site and filled in the form.  They phoned my mobile and I was totally honest about my illnesses.  Considering how screwed up I am both mentally and physically, I was quoted £300,000 worth of cover over 40 years for only £46.40 a month which is sooo awesome❗  Considering a funeral costs £3,000 to £5,000, it'll still leave a minimum of £295,000 for Steve to play with when I've kicked the bucket and I'm covered as soon as I'm approved by the insurer too❗  The price won't go up at all during the entire insurance period either which is even better.  I can't recommend Reassured enough if you are looking for life insurance in the UK atm, but your quotes are too high for you to be able to afford❗

Off to 🛌beddy-byes now.  Feeling so proud of myself for writing in paragraphs instead of sentences between each border... just gotta remember to do that for the rest of the time so that it becomes a new routine now 😄

Nite nite orl... sea ewe orl 2morro❗

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