Saturday 30 November 2019

Saturday 30th November 2019

Morning all.

Another 10½ hours of sleep last night... I obviously needed it 'cos I was asleep before 8pm and awake at 6.51am.  Woke up needing a wee twice overnight and was restless 16 times so it was a pretty disturbed night, but I honestly don't feel like it was... feel awake and well-rested.

Time for my morning pills now... BBS❗

They all went down pretty easily this morning, so hopefully it'll be a pretty good day today 🤞

Gonna take the puppy out for our morning stroll now.  BBS again.

Back now.  The puppy sort of behaved.  I think there must have been a cat underneath one of the cars or something because it took a while to go past the car each time... her nose was stuck under it and her tail was wagging like mad, bless 'er❗

We're back and she's been fed now, so time to upload the photo's to my homepage now... BBS❗

Just bought another 10 courses for £30 at the New Skills Academy... they are all single module video courses so I will, in theory, be able to do several a day.  Got 8 pages full of courses to do now, which'll keep me busy 🤣

Pazza bol an' cheese for lunch 🍴 today apparently 🤤.  Been too long since we last had that and it'll be a yummy change from our normal lunchtime foods.  Can't wait now❗

Taken me Calcium and the pazza bol is on the hob.  Got 2 kisses 💋 from the puppy 🐶 too.  Gonna shut down and put my 💻 laptop on the floor in a bit so that I'm ready to go and grab my lunch as soon as it's ready.

Be back in about an hour 🕐 or so.

Back now.

We both struggled with our lunches today, even though Steve used less pasta and Quorn mince than last time.  I left about ⅓ of mine and Steve left at least ½ of his, so we've both got leftovers for tea and I doubt Steve will be able to cope with his mum's huuuuge Christmas dinner for the first time since I've known him❗  I reckon both of our stomach's (as in the internal organ) have shrunk since we've usually been eating at home instead of take-away's for every meal and both of us are totally stuffed now, so Steve will be sleeping through the rugby that's on the telly this afternoon 🤣.  I won't be late going to bed tonight either 🤣

Just taken me evening pills and struggling to keep my eyes open, so gonna head to bed now.

Nite nite orl.

Friday 29 November 2019

Friday 29th November 2019

Mornin' all

Gonna take the puppy out for our morning stroll as soon as it's light enough out there.  I've worked out that I use about half a single roll of the 16 toilet rolls we get each fortnight, which means Steve uses up more than a roll a day by himself❗❗  I could survive on a roll a month but Steve would use that in a single day❗❗ 🤯

Taken the 🐶 puppy out for our daily morning stroll and she made another friend - the 🐶 puppy got stroked and talked to and everything❗  She was so friendly and excited, bless her... such an amazing girl.

Time to take my first pills of the day, to give my body everything it needs to keep going.

And they're swallowed.  Not the easiest ever, but far from the hardest too, so hopefully that means that I'll have a reasonable day again.  I'm hoping my mum's gift will be delivered either today or at the weekend, then I'm just waiting for Steve's gifts and I'll get the last two on Monday.  Gonna be a busy week next week - gotta wrap up and send off my mum's gift, send off Melanie's, get Patrick assessed on Wednesday, the back yard cleared up on Thursday, then the puppy home again on Thursday or Friday... Tuesday is gonna be my only free day next week 🤣


Just used my postal vote... the envelopes weren't as gross to lick as last year but envelope B wouldn't seal so I used sellotape to seal it. Hope that doesn't stop my vote from being counted, considering it wasn't my fault that the envelope didn't seal❗ 

 Absolutely exhausted, so gonna take my evening pills and head to bed for another early night.

Nite nite orl

Thursday 28 November 2019

Thursday 28th November 2019

Mornin' all.

Got a reply from a wheelchair accessible taxi company overnight.  They are coming over to assess getting Patrick into one on 📅 4th December and paying by debit card is no problem at all apparently.  Assuming Patrick passes the assessment and Steve can comfortably and safely fit in too, they have, potentially, found themselves a new customer and I'll be able to go to the PIP appeal this time as well as hopefully into Cheltenham again for the first time in well over 1½ decades❗

I can go into Gloucester in Patrick which was the main reason for getting him, but if he passes this assessment then my independence will be increased even more❗  Just need to remember not to spend more than I've got in my account is all 🤣

Taken me pills and they weren't the best ever, but at the same time not the worst either so hopefully that means I'll have an OK day today.

Zoop and crisps for lunch today, not exactly healthy, but better than nothing❗

Took my pills pretty late this morning, so gonna take the Calcium later too, so that it doesn't mess up my OAB prescription.  You watch me forget though 🤣

The puppy's home!!!!!  Yaaaaay!!!!

Been taking loads of photo's of her as well as a couple of video's of our beautiful senior puppy.  Steve said she's in desperate need of more pills and quickly 'cos she's only got enough for tonight and tomorrow morning❗  I've fed her now and it was a bigger than normal tea for her today, so maybe she had a smaller than normal breakfast or lunch❓

My mum's Yule gift was dispatched so hopefully it'll be here at the weekend or maybe early next week, so that I can get it wrapped up and sent off to her and get Melanie's sent to her too.  Just gotta get Andrew and Jacki's gifts and wait for Steve's to turn up, then that's it done and dusted for another year.

That's me last 3 pills of the day taken and I'm gonna have another early night I reckon.

Nite nite orl.  Sea ewe in the morning.

Wednesday 27 November 2019

Wednesday 27th November 2019

Morning all❗

Missing our puppy dog sooo much❗

Had a Mince Pie for breakfast, so best take me morning pills now... BBS❗

That's me 6 morning pills taken, so just got the Calcium to take at 2pm-ish and then the last 3 prescriptions before I head to bed.

Just tried my mum-in-law's homemade zoop... absolutely gorgeous❗  It sounds like it's easy enough to make in a liquidiser too, as well as being low-fat and healthy❗

Time to take the Calcium when I've finished it and taken the mug through to the kitchen... don't wanna forget again❗

The virus scan has just finished and I'm still free of viruses and malware, so time to back up and create the restore point now.

All sorted.  Finished the backups and created the restore point so time to take the mug through to the kitchen and check my emails for the first time today.  Was totally finished in about 5 hours, so the reason that the virus scans took so long before really was because of my emails.  It's only once a week and only until lunchtime so that's totally OK with me.  Better to be paranoid than sorry and all that jazz❗

Just taken me pills and want an early night, so I'm gonna sign off for the evening now... nite nite orl.

Tuesday 26 November 2019

Tuesday 26th November 2019

Mornin' all

Woke up at about 6.20am and lounged about until 7am today 🤣

Took the puppy out for her stroll and she walked me extra again and she's asleep in her bed now.

Took my morning pills a bit later than normal, so won't be able to take the Calcium until about 2pm 🕝 today 😞

I'm looking forward to next Thursday even more now 'cos the lady said it'll only take a few hours to completely clear our back yard so we'll be able to have the puppy back as normal on Thursday evening/Friday morning and it's a lot faster than I was thinking too❗

Just taken a survey for the Tories... our PM won't like my answers 🤣

Had to resort to setting up my all spelt out email address in Outlook instead of Thunderbird - it worked first time in Outlook and we tried everything possible to get it to show up in Thunderbird but it kept coming up with the same error message so I've given up trying to set it up in there now 🤣

Both caches have been cleared ready for tomorrow and I've fed and medicated the puppy, so she's all ready to go when Helen comes to pick her up❗  Thank you so so much for all your support with the puppy, Helen... I really appreciate it!

Prescriptions down the hatch and 3 of the 4 new boxes opened, ready for tomorrow.  Puppy's lead is on and Steve's got the bag of her pills so we're ready and waiting for Helen now... speaking of whom - the puppy is gone until Thursday or Friday this week and I'm missing her already, even though she's only just gone❗

Having an early night and going to bed now... nite nite orl, see you at some point tomorrow.

Monday 25 November 2019

Monday 25th November 2019

Mornin' all

Woke up late this morning (I woke up at 🕢 7.30am instead of my usual 🕕 6am), so it's already time for me morning pills then I'll walk and feed the puppy.


OK, all 6 pills 💊 went down really easily this morning so hopefully that means it'll be a good day today.  Time to walk then feed the puppy now.

The puppy 🐶 decided on a longer than normal walk this morning so we're both wiped out now 🤣.  She gobbled her breakfast down and she's asleep between Steve's legs now.  My legs are weak and aching, so I can't see me going further than the bathroom for the rest of the day now.  Got 302 steps left to go before I hit my target on Fitbit, and apparently our walk took 27 minutes today.  I'm hoping that bringing in the recycling box, rubbish and cardboard bags will pretty much hit the target.

That's Chris and Hannah's gifts and my jumper just turned up, so I'll wrap them up when Steve get's back from his nurse appointment.  Means that hopefully the rest of the Christmas gifts will start turning up soon - just waiting for my mum's and Steve's 2 gifts to turn up now.  I'll get Andrew and Jacki's when I'm paid next week then send off Melanie's and my mum's gifts via DHL, but that's it for another year when that's been done and dusted and all sorted within the first week of December, hopefully.

Already beaten my daily steps target at 11.15am and my distance target too❗  I'm hoping to double the steps by bedtime tonight, especially after the longer walk with the puppy this morning❗  She's up on the sofa with me now, fast asleep and I'm recovering slowly too 🤣

Loads of photo's of the puppy on the sofa with me this morning❗  She's more awake than I initially gave her credit for 🤣

545 steps over my daily target now, so I'm hoping for a minimum of 4500 steps, but I'm hoping for 5000 so keep yer 🤞 fingers crossed for me to achieve it.

Just updated my card details on Equifax and requested an update on my credit score.  In almost 5 months since I last requested it, my score has improved by very nearly 100 points, which is awesome❗  My social media footprint is N/A which means I've got good privacy settings everywhere and I've only got one more credit agreement in place, which I'm guessing is the mortgage.  Still got a loooong way to go before my credit score is back in the green, but if it's improved in such a short amount of time, I'm hoping it'll be green again in a few years❗  It's 68 months since my last payment problem and my repayment record is still 'poor' which is totally understandable after our money issues a few years back, but it's moving in the right direction now❗

So proud of myself right now❗

The shopping has just been and gone... nice and early, so I'm gonna have me tea then take my pills and head to bed for an early night.

Taken my pills, so gonna shut down and have a very early night... bet I'll be wide awake by the time I take my glasses off and crawl into bed though 🤣.  I'll be back tomorrow morning though.

Nite nite orl❗

Sunday 24 November 2019

Sunday 24th November 2019

Mornin' all.

Early 🕡 start to the day but that's OK 'cos it means I get to spend more time with the puppy and hubby❗

Taken a couple of photo's and a loooong (7 minutes, 15 seconds) video of the puppy so I'll code and upload them then code and upload them to my homepage.

OK they are all up now and it's nice and light out there, so I'll take her for her stroll then come back and take me pills then we can sort out the rubbish and recycling for another week.

All 6 pills went down amazingly easily this morning❗❗  I'm really hoping that means today is gonna be a good day.

Marie's birthday gift turned up just before I started on the supplements, so we really have just gotta sort the rubbish and recycling now then that's it for the day❗  I'm gonna go up and bring the rubbish from the bedroom down now 'cos I keep forgetting to do that 🤣

That's the rubbish (including Mitzi's poo 💩) and recycling out now, so we can relax until tomorrow when I bring the rubbish bag, cardboard bag and recycling box back in.  Gonna attempt to take the bathroom bin out so that we can recycle the toilet roll tubes too, but I'm not going to worry about that yet... or should I❓

That's the bathroom, bedroom and living room bins sorted, so we really can relax until tomorrow now.  I'm already only 16 steps away from hitting my daily target of steps and only about 10 metres off my target distance too.  It's not even 10am yet either, so I'm hoping to double both by the time I head to bed tonight... feeling soooo proud of myself right now 😊❗

10.15am and I'm over my steps and distance target, so hopefully I'll manage to double the daily targets of each before bedtime, which is awesome for a Sunday and hopefully equally as easy tomorrow 'cos I'll be walking the puppy even longer tomorrow so keep yer 🤞 fingers crossed that I'll hit 5,000 steps and 2 miles tomorrow and maybe even more than that❓  Not gonna push myself too hard tomorrow though... need to recover from today's marathon 🤣

Just spent the best part of half an hour on a survey, only to be met with an internal server error on the last page.  Not at all happy about that.

Grated cheese and brown sauce sarnies for lunch today.  Over target according to the Fitbit app so it'll have to be a healthy tea of a piece of fruit or something for tea so that I can take my final 3 pills without 🤮 throwing up 🤣

I've charged me Fitbit up again so hopefully it'll be Tuesday or Wednesday before I need to do it again... only takes about half an hour which ain't too bad❗

Just seen this on Facebook:


Taken my pills and I've decided to keep my Nectar points to spend on a huge Christmas shop next year.  I've currently got £91.19 in there, so I'm hoping it'll be around £150 or £175 by the middle of December next year so I'll be able to splash out on Mince Pies and stuff as well as treats for the puppy dog.  Nowt wrong with own brand things at all... some own brand things are better than big name brands IMNSHO❗

Gonna have an early night again, so I'll say night night to you all now... see you tomorrow❗ 😴

Saturday 23 November 2019

Saturday 23rd November 2019

Mornin' all.

How are you all doing today❓  I hope you're as good as possible❓

Need to remember to clear up the puppy's poo 💩 that she did behind the back door tomorrow otherwise it'll rot and be even worse to pick up.  Time for me morning pills then I'll take the puppy out for her stroll.

OK, that's the pills taken so it's time to walk then feed the puppy now... BBS❗

Back now❗

The puppy made friends with another neighbour on our walk this morning.  She got stroked and talked to and her little tail was wagging into a blur, bless 'er❗  It really is just the houses at either end of the street that have a problem with us for some bizarre reason, but the police are dealing with it now, so I'm not going to worry about it any more.  As long as I keep picking up her 💩 poo when she does it in the street, then I'm not breaking the law and they are.  I've got 2 crime numbers now and the police said to keep logging each incident with them and recording what happened so that they can build up a case against them which is what I'm gonna keep doing and take it as far as it needs to go to get them to leave me alone.  It's only half an hour a day, five days a week but they seem to think they own the entire street and that half an hour a day is offending them or something❗

We're definitely having the curry for lunch 🍴 today 'cos Steve's just opened the bag of Quorn bits, the jar of sauce is ready to open and the rice will be going on soon, hopefully.  🤤

That's the Calcium taken, so that's it now until about 7pm tonight.  Can't wait for the curry now that I know we're definitely having it❗  It's just starting to smell (in a yummy way of course 😜) so hopefully it won't be long before it's ready now 🤤

That was soooo good❗  Nice and hot taste, just a bit much for the both of us so the leftovers are in an air tight box in the fridge, ready for Steve's tea.  I much prefer home-cooked food over take-away's❗

That's the Amazon stuff just been delivered, just waiting on the other, personalised, gifts to arrive then I can wrap 'em all up and send my mum and Melanie's off.  Still waiting on one of Marie's gifts, but that's coming tomorrow, then I've just got Andrew and Jacki's gifts to buy and wrap up then it's all sorted for another year.

Aksherley, I'll go and wrap them up now so that it's all sorted out and ready to go without getting stressed out about it.


That's all the gifts wrapped up now and it was even pretty painless this time.  The tape got twisted a few times, but I didn't lose my cool and I'm still in a pretty positive mood... just need Melanie's address so that I can send her gift off to her then that's it - sorted out for another year❗

I'm off to beddy-byes now... nite nite orl❗  😴

Friday 22 November 2019

Friday 22nd November 2019

Mornin' all.

It's the Amazon Black Friday sale today so I'm gonna spend the morning going through that 🤣  Gonna be an expensive day for me 🤣

Just had the reminder come up to take my morning pills, so I'd best take 'em before I forget... BBS❗

OK, that's all me pills taken until lunchtime now, so time to carry on exploring Amazon.

THE PUPPY'S HOME❗❗❗  She's absolutely wiped out bless 'er, so I won't take any photo's of her yet... keep an eye on my homepage for when I start taking them though.

Taken the Calcium now, so just gotta take my 3 prescriptions this evening now, then that's it for the day.  We're having zoop for lunch today 'cos Steve said he "can't be arsed to cook today" even though he promised we'd have a Jalfrezi curry for lunch today, before I went to bed last night.  Pretty much normal now... I'm thinking I'll have to go back to the bribery again already  😞

Taken loads of photo's of the senior puppy dog this evening, so I'll code and upload them now... hold on❗

OK, they are coded and uploaded, but they aren't showing up where they should be for some bizarre reason, so I'm gonna try and work out where I've gone wrong with that  😕

D'oheth!  I put them on completely the wrong page, that's why❗  🤣  They really are in the right place now though, so it's time to take my last three pills of the day then head to bed 🛌 for an early night I reckon.

Nite nite orl❗ 💤😴

Thursday 21 November 2019

Thursday 21st November 2019

Mornin' all.

How are you all doing this morning❓

Time to take me 6 morning pills before I forget. 

My FIL is gonna bring the squeezy honey and fresh lemons over at some point today, so I'll be dosing myself up whenever I can, to try and knock this cold on the head.  Hope it works as quickly as last year❗  I love natural things like that... if I can feel better without having to pop a pill then so much the better❗  Honey and Lemon for colds and Ginger for nausea are my go-to's and they work a lot faster than manufactured pills and potions❗

Steve's dad has just brought the honey and lemon over and I've just bought Steve's Yule gift from Mitzi, so just waiting until pay day then I'll buy my FIL's, SIL's, BIL's, Jacki's and my lil nephew's gift then I'll go on a wrapathon and send off my mum's gift and then I can relax in the lead-up to Christmas while everyone else is running around like headless chicken's at the last minute 🤣

Just taken me pills and the puppy obviously isn't coming home today, so I'm off to bed 🛌 now... nite nite orl❗  😴

Wednesday 20 November 2019

Wednesday 20th November 2019

Morning all.

How are you doing this morning❓

I'm chock full of cold and full of snot after the rapid onset of my cold last night.  Steve says it was a side effect of his flu jab and lasted for a couple of days, so hopefully it'll be the same for me.  Been 12 hours so far and I quickly worked out that the chillier I feel the more my nose runs 'cos I leave the heater on in the bedroom during the day, and within a minute of me getting upstairs into the warmth last night, my nose totally dried up and I felt fine again❗

Gonna walk the puppy as soon as it gets light enough outside and hope that my nose doesn't run away with me 'cos I won't have a free hand to wipe it with!  Mitzi's lead is in my left hand and my quad cane in my right❗

On a more positive note though, the virus scan started nice and early so hopefully I'll be able to do the back-ups and email nice and early too.

Gonna surf the web while I'm waiting for it to lighten up out there.  I never know what to read or search for when I go online now though 🤣

That's the puppy walked and fed and ready to go back with Helen at some point today.  Even my nose behaved itself on our walk this morning... it got incredibly bunged up but was barely runny at all❗  Runny noses are the worst part of colds by far❗  Someone should invent a nose protector for runny noses so that they don't get so sore when you blow or wipe them❗

Time for my morning pills now.

That's all the pills taken now.  Just the Calcium at lunchtime and my other 3 prescriptions left to take tonight now.  We're having zoop for lunch instead of anything solid 'cos I just don't feel up to eating very much today... even the two biscuits before I had my morning prescriptions was too much.  Hopefully, if this cold affects me in the same way as it did Steve, I should be feeling more like myself by Friday 🤞.

Couple of photo's of the puppy in her favourite position again, so I'll code and upload them now.  BBS❗

The photo's are on my homepage now - please be patient while it loads 'cos it's very photo intense so takes a while even on a high speed connection!

OMG❗ 😲  The virus scan has finished already❗ 🤯  A whole 2 hours faster than I was thinking too❗  Time to do the back-ups now then I can check my email for the first time today - yaaay❗

Me laptop isn't seeing the external hard drive, so I'm gonna reboot... BBS❗

Didn't need to reboot after all, just needed to not have anything open.  All backed up now for another week and the puppy has gone already too.  Steve said that Helen said she'd bring the puppy back either tomorrow or Friday... yaaaaay❗❗  We're missing her already and she's only been gone for an hour 🤣

Another 3 Yule gifts bought and they'll be here at some point during next week, so I just need to get Steve's family's gifts now, but I know what I'm getting for them so just need to wait until closer to the time to get them.  I'll wait until I've paid for the back yard clearing then order them after that... it'll give the postie a bit of a break and I need to find a way to get my mum's gift to her as well.  It just needs a padded envelope and a courier to pick it up 'cos it won't fit into my mum's letter box cos it's nowhere near flexible and I don't want the glass to break with her postie throwing it over the gate either❗

Heading to beddy-byes 🛌 now... nite nite orl 💤😴

Tuesday 19 November 2019

Tuesday 19th November 2019

Mornin' all❗

First day in 5 of doing a single blog post a day... feels so good to have my laptop back❗

Just need to sort out my email address that doesn't seem to want to work since I tried to install the Windows update on the 15th, so I'm gonna take the puppy for her stroll while Steve tries to fix it for me.


The puppy was great on her walk this morning... she wanted to make friends with a cat but the cat wasn't interested 😞

Steve couldn't find the solution but I managed to spot something on the Googlemail site that said it's because Thunderbird might be out of date and to try again in a week 😞

Time for my supplements now.

All the pills went down amazingly easily this morning... does that mean today is gonna be a good day for me❓  I certainly hope so❗

The post has just come.  The only non-junk was the return of my GP's letter about why I'd been diagnosed and the full name of my diagnosis so I've just gotta hope for the best now.

Time for the Calcium now, before I forget❗

That went down nice and easily too... maybe today really will be a good day after all?  I certainly hope so❗

Can't remember what I've been up to all afternoon and I'm out of the habit of coming here with every thought and thing I do, so maybe it'll take me a few days just to get back into it, but I've worked out that I'll be able to replace the yard clearing by the end of the year and I'll hopefully be able to afford gifts for everyone too, just like every year - Steve doesn't pay a penny towards it yet enjoys all the credit for them.  This'll be the last year though - if he takes credit again, I'll just buy for my family and friends.  Same with the entire weekly groceries which is mostly Steve's stuff and about ¾ of the electricity and the mortgage when I can afford it, which leaves me with pennies left over a month, yet Steve can afford Amazon Prime and podcasts and music and DVDs and all that other kinda stuff.

Well not any more.

This is the last year.

Same with the stuff I paid him for 10 months ago and was promised would take ten weeks max and £1500 but has actually cost me several thousand already and he "hasn't even looked at the software yet" and hasn't touched the webpages since last week.  He's got until the end of the month for the webpages and the end of the year for the software otherwise I will report him to trading standards.

I'm suffering with a rapid onset (as in under an hour) heavy cold so I'm off to bed.

Nite nite orl.

Monday 18 November 2019

It's worked!!!

Just need to change my email passwords everywhere now lol

I'll keep doing single blog posts today, but starting tomorrow it'll go back to being a single blog post a day again.

Update on the laptop...

...It's currently going through a system restore, rather than a blatting to see if that works for me, but if not, I'll blat it tomorrow morning instead.

It's just finished and currently restarting... keep yer fingers crossed that it works for me!

I've decided to...

...temporarily use Steve's Surface and completely start from fresh with my laptop - gonna totally blat it and reinstall Windows but hopefully that sorts it out after the update went so badly wrong on Friday.

Sunday 17 November 2019

It's times like this that I'm grateful for...

I've now, officially given up trying to install the update so Steve's going to help me to try and restore it to Friday lunchtime at some point tomorrow.  This is the reason I do weekly back-up's.  It's annoying but I'll only be losing 2.5 days of stuff, rather than absolutely everything.

Gonna finish my cuppa, then take my pills and head to bed.

Nite nite all.  See you at some point tomorrow.

That was quick and easy!

Just had the lady and her brother out to give me a quote for clearing the back yard and she's going to email me with a quote at lunchtime today.  She was friendly and didn't shriek and say no way, so as long as the quote is reasonable and affordable then I'll happily go with her I reckon.

When that's done and paid for, I'll save up and get the bathroom floor sorted next.  Not planning too far in advance yet though... let's see if I can afford the quote for the back yard first lol

On Steve's advice...

Steve's just said to turn the laptop off and restart it, so I've just done that and still nothing's changed so I'm just going to leave it be now and hope for the best!

Still isn't finished yet!

Almost 38 hours and counting.  Not at all happy with that.

Saturday 16 November 2019

Over 24 hours since it started and...

Over 24 hours later and still haven't been able to use my laptop yet... not at all happy with that, but there's nothing I can do about it until it finishes  👎

Friday 15th November 2019

Morning all.

Was awake and down here before 6am again.  I've emailed someone about clearing our back yard and asked for a quote.  As long as it doesn't come to more than £1,000 then I'm hoping it'll be sorted by the end of the year... we just want everything except the table and chairs gone because the only time we use the back yard now is when we let the puppy out for a wee or a poo 💩 so It might as well all get cleared away.

Gonna walk the puppy as soon as it gets light enough.

That's the puppy walked and fed.  My neighbour walked down the road and forced me and the puppy to lean flat against the house as he walked down the middle of the street.  Twice.

He didn't say anything to me, but I'm not dropping the case with the police this time.  It's harrassment and a hate crime apparently and that's registered with the police.

Just reported the crime to the police online.  He's not getting away with it.

Got an incident number from the police now.  I'll definitely keep reporting it online from now on - so quick and painless❗

That's one of the deliveries arrived and my new debit card through the door too... just need to update the millions of shopping sites I go to now 🤣

The yard clearer is coming over to give us a quote on Sunday morning - she seems friendly enough and our disabilities didn't seem to faze her at all... I've asked that she writes down the quote because of my brain damage and that didn't faze her either, so hopefully it'll be an affordable quote and we can get it sorted quickly❗  It would be good to be able to sit outside in the Summer, enjoying the hopefully warm weather, instead of being stuck indoors the entire time❗

My other delivery was pushed through the letterbox too, so I can relax and watch the concert now... yaaaay❗  😊

Installed an update last night and it's still going 16 hours later so not sure when my next blog post will be... keep checking back to see though!

Thursday 14 November 2019

Thursday 14th November 2019

Morning all.

Was awake at 5am and couldn't get back to sleep 😞  Gonna do my emails, take me pills then take the puppy for her stroll when it lightens up out there.  Need to charge up my Fitbit and phone today too, as well as the CAB lady coming to help with the PIP mandatory reconsideration this afternoon too, so it's gonna be another busy day today❗

Just taken me pills and almost threw them up.  The Subway cookie made me feel incredibly sick, so that's something else I can't have now  😟.  Hope this isn't the start of me throwing up constantly again❗  😟

Walked the puppy 🐶 and we are both soaking wet ☔ now.  She poo'd 💩 so I cleared it up like is a legal requirement and I abide by the law - far from pleasant, but legally necessary.

Got a few photo's of the soggy puppy now, so I'll put them up in a bit after I've re-sized them and coded the page.

The puppy has had a big bowl of milk 🥛 so that Steve could finish off last week's 2 pints and means he can start on this week's milk now 🤣

More photo's up on my homepage now... current count is 9 today and it's only 1pm 🤣

Got the CAB lady coming in just over an hour and I can't even remember the points I wanted to make❗  Oops❗

The CAB lady has just gone and she's taken Steve's and my comments with her, along with a letter and leaflet from my GP that says how my physical stuff and mobility affects me and she's hoping to get it sent off tomorrow then post the original documents back to me.  I'm gonna fight this all the way.

You and me head-on, DWP❗

Goin' to bed now... nite nite orl❗  Sea ewe in the morning❗

Wednesday 13 November 2019

Wednesday 13th November 2019

Morning all.

How are you all doing❓

Virus scan has started, so I won't check my email until it's finished, and if it's anything like last week 🤞, it'll be finished by lunchtime so that I can have a solid lunch for a change 👍.

Gonna take me pills 💊 now then start planning out the last half of my JanNo novel.

OK, that's my morning pills down the hatch now.  Amazingly easily this morning, thankfully❗  Gonna get straight on with the planning now.  The puppy is coming home at some point today and will stay with us until she goes back at the start of next week too❗  Thank you so so much, Helen❗


She's now, officially, on mature food and no longer the obesity food for the first time in about 7 years❗❗❗

We've got to weigh out 100g of food a day for her and she's going to be weighed again next week to find out how heavy she is now and therefore how much food she needs a day.  So proud of you, puppy dog❗

Not even 11.30am yet and the virus scan has already finished❗  I'm gonna do the backups now, then I can put it away and clear the table off, ready for my lunch.  Only took about 3 hours, so not checking my email definitely shaved off a good 2 or 3 hours, which is awesome.  Gonna sort out the backups now while I remember 🤣

Backups have started and we're having a Subway sarnie each for lunch.  I'm going with the foot-long veggie delite for a change (I usually have the 6 inch one) so that I can have half for lunch and the other half for tea... need to remember to put it in the Fitbit app when it gets here 🤣

Virus scan and backups finito in the time it usually takes just for the virus scan to finish if I check my emails at the same time, so it's definitely worth not checking my emails until after the virus scan has finished and it's highly unlikely that any email can't wait just for four hours, no matter how urgent it is❗

That's me sorted for another week, so time to sort out the first photo of the day of the puppy now.

I can download my Fitbit data in an Excel spreadsheet again... at last❗  It took them getting on for a month to sort it, but it's back up to getting a 3 star review from me again in January, rather than the single star it was getting yesterday.  It's good to be able to track so much, but to take so many weeks (definitely three, or maybe four... can't remember for sure now) to get it fixed even after 30 people reported the issue is just waaay too long.

Had me tea and pills, so I'm heading to bed for an early night now.  Nite nite orl❗ 💤

Tuesday 12 November 2019

Tuesday 12th November 2019

Mornin' all.

So I'm gonna take my pills nice and early today, so that I'll hopefully be able to take the Calcium at lunchtime, instead of waiting until like 3pm again.

Wanna try to plan out my JanNoWriMo novel today... I'm thinking it'll be another YYA with a cross-dressing twin.  Wish me luck!  Gonna aim to NOT include bullying in this one, just for a change 🤣

Just taken my Calcium pill and we're having our Tuesday burgers for lunch, so I'm gonna put my laptop on the floor in a bit and, assuming I remember not to open my email as soon as I log on, hopefully I'll be able to have a solid lunch tomorrow too❗

Fresh potato bits for lunch tomorrow... yummy scrummy in my tummy❗  For the rest of today though, I'm gonna work on planning out my JanNo novel.

That's me last pills of the day taken and I'm up to chapter 21 planned out, so as soon as I'm finished with planning chapter 25 I'll shut down and head to bed... hopefully before 9pm tonight❗  Only another 4 chapters left to go then that's me half way through and I'll hopefully finish it tomorrow.

That's chapter 25 sorted and me cuppa is going cold, so I'm gonna publish this then shut down, finish my cuppa and head to bed.

Sea ewe orl in the morning/afternoon/evening... nite nite!  💤💤

Monday 11 November 2019

Monday 11th November 2019

Mornin' all.

Taken four photo's of the puppy so I'll put them up when I've walked her, then take me pills and carry on with the first Monday sans NaNo.

So proud of the puppy... we walked forever this morning❗   Not the longest ever but not far off and I was aching and shaking and weak so didn't want to risk going any further in case my legs gave way underneath me.

Thank you for gently pushing me this morning though, puppy❗

Time for me morning pills and putting the photo's up now.

That's the pills down the hatch, so I can work on coding and uploading the photo's now.  They weren't too bad to take today, thankfully.

Photo's are up, so time to sort out my email now.

Fitbit stuff sorted.  I've done all my Monday stuff now and have already walked over 3,000 steps so I'm feeling pretty proud of myself now.  I can relax for the rest of the day now.

1,029 steps over target already and it's only 1pm!  Hoping I'll get to over 4,000 by the time I head to bed - I'd love to get over 5,000 steps, but that's maybe pushing it a bit far, so my aim for today is 4,000 steps.  Keep yer fingers crossed 🤞 for me that I can do it❗

225 steps to go before I reach 4,000 steps.  It's only 3.30pm so I will hopefully smash that and hopefully get to 4,500 steps if not 5,000 by the time I go to bed tonight, which is so totally awesome❗❗

Not even 5pm yet and it's pitch black outside❗  I am, however, only 144 steps off 4,000 today... yaaaaay❗  👍

Just been for a wee and I've only got 72 steps left to go to reach 4,000 steps today which is totally awesome❗❗

4040 steps now... yaaay❗❗❗  New target for this evening is 4500 steps by the time I climb into bed - fingers crossed 🤞 that I achieve it❗

The puppy is going to Helen's tonight instead of tomorrow 😢  She's coming back on Wednesday instead of Thursday though 😁.  Tomorrow is gonna be weird without her here to take out for her walk tomorrow morning though 😕

The puppy's just gone  😢  Dunno that I'll be able to sleep tonight, knowing that she's not down here snoring away tonight  😢  I'm missing her already and she's only been gone for a couple of minutes  😢

Gonna head to bed now but bet I won't be able to sleep for hours.

Sea ewe orl tomorrow.

Nite nite.

Sunday 10 November 2019

Sunday 10th November 2019

Mornin' all

Back to single blog posts a day now.

Let's start off by saying that the puppy walked me a bit longer than normal today, so the spreadsheet is at a nice round number which has made my OCD happy.  Need to code and upload it to my homepage now.  BRB.

That's the spreadsheet sorted, so time for my pills now... veeery late today, so I'll have to take the Calcium at 3pm instead of 1pm, that's OK though - just need to remember is all❗

That's the recycling sorted and my pills taken now.  It's almost 11am, so I'm not gonna take the Calcium at all today 'cos there won't be enough time lapsed when I take my second OAB pill this evening.  That's OK though, a missed dose of the Calcium every now and then is OK I reckon.

Lunch was particularly yummy today - vegan spag bol... there's still some left too, so one of us will have that for either tea tonight or lunch tomorrow.  Totally yumsk.

Got 4 photo's of the puppy to put up on my site... hold on❗

OK, done  👍

Got 212 steps left to go today to meet my target which should be pretty achievable I reckon, unlike yesterday 😄

Done it❗  Not even 4.45pm yet and I'm already over my target number of steps❗  Yay me❗

Steve reckons he's gonna call the council about removing our toilets from the back yard tomorrow.  I'm gonna give him until 3pm to do it or I'll do it myself.  If they agree, I'm gonna try and remember to be cheeky and ask them to take the pouffe and fan too❗  😀  Got nothing to lose by asking, and potentially a clear back yard and disposal of the fan to gain❗ 🤣

Very nearly 8pm and I'm gonna head to bed now and have a well-deserved early night.

Nite nite orl❗  Sea ewe in the morning (or evening by the time I publish the post 🤣

Saturday 9 November 2019

Don't read this if there are little eyes about!

NaNo is officially...

...finished for another year!!!

I'm gonna do individual blog posts for the rest of today, but starting tomorrow morning I'll go back to the longer post, once a day.

It's sorted for another year now though, just need to plan out my JanNo novel before the start of December then that's my muse relaxing again.

So unbelievably proud of myself right now!

Thursday 7 November 2019

The puppy's home again!!!

I've missed her so much and now that she's back, my motivation to keep writing has gone through the roof, unlike yesterday when she wasn't here so I struggled to get going and didn't get the five chapters written until like 9 o'clock at night.  I'm so much more motivated already though, so I'll hopefully get the necessary chapters written nice and early so that I can have an early night tonight.

Wednesday 6 November 2019

2x virus scans and 1x backup in the time...

...that it normally just takes the virus scan to finish!

Means that starting from next week, I won't open my email programme until after lunch so that I can get the virus scan and backups finished and still be able to have a solid lunch too.

Gonna carry on with the writing now.  2½ chapters left to write this afternoon to stay on target for finishing on Saturday, then I can have an early night for a change 🤣

Not sure if I'll write another blog post before I head to bed, but we shall see.  Time to get back into my creative writing headspace again now though❗

The weekly virus scan has...

...finished already!!  Under 2 hours this time, so I'm suspicious that it wasn't the deep scan that usually happens, so I'm running it again.  If it *was* the entire machine scan then that's even more impressive than last week and I can seriously consider doing it every day instead of once a week.

Steve's just said it might have been because my email wasn't running (because of NaNo) so, in theory, it'll still take most of the day next week, but that's totally fine by me 'cos it means I don't need to keep my laptop on overnight then and the backups can be done 10 hours after the virus scan starts.

I could get used to this 🤣

Gonna get back on with my writing now.  Assuming I can write 5 chapters a day I'll be allowed a J2O every day and it'll be entirely finished on the 9th instead of the 13th too, which is so totally awesome and smashes my previous best of two weeks to smithereens❗

Sunday 3 November 2019

Sunday 3rd November 2019

After a veeeery slow start (as in 1 chapter in 3½ hours) I managed to reach my target of 4 chapters so I'm celebrating with my J2O, I've taken the last 3 pills of the day and I'm gonna read my emails now, while I wait for me pills to kick in then I'll head to bed for an early night.

Gonna publish this then shut down my browser to concentrate on my emails for a while.

See you all when I see you next.

Sunday 3rd November 2019

Another quick blog post, 'cos I'm still doing NaNo, but hoping to get to over a third (chapter 17) of it written today and hopefully another 6 chapters today and 6 tomorrow so that I'm another day ahead of my own personal target.

I've walked the puppy, Steve's given her her pill, I fed her then we took the recycling out and cleared up her poo from the back yard, all with no arguments or even slightly raised voices at all!  Definitely a great week for that... gonna hold on to it for as long as I can 'cos they don't happen very often!

Time to take my morning pills then get on with today's writing.  I'm expecting a delivery from Amazon today, 'cos the charging lead for my phone is starting to come apart so I'd prefer not to use it any more so bought myself a new one last night.

Gonna check on where the delivery is then get started on my writing for the day.

Be back tomorrow prolly.

Saturday 2 November 2019

Saturday 2nd November 2019

Another short one this morning.

I managed to write just over 8,000 words yesterday so I'm a day ahead of myself already.  I'm hoping to write 6,000 words to day so that it's easier maffs for me.  I rewarded myself with 2xJ2O's yesterday for reaching the target twice and assuming I write at least 4,000 words a day, I'll be having my annual reward every day for the next 10 days.

I walked the puppy even though it is hosing it down with rain out there and I've taken a couple of photo's of her this morning too, so I'm gonna put those up then start writing again.

Talk to you again soon... not sure when exactly, but as soon as I can  😁

Friday 1 November 2019

And so it begins...

It's 3am, I've woken up and can't get back to sleep, so I'm gonna start on NaNo now.  My blog posts will be a lot shorter/non-existant until it's finished... nowt to worry about, I'll just be in my writing headspace is all.

See you on the other side of this!