Thursday 23 May 2024

Book Review: "Accidentally in Love with my Best Friend's Brother" by Abby Greyson


If you've read any of my other recent book reviews, you'll already know how this first paragraph always starts, right?  If this is the first review you've read of mine, I always start them off by saying that each book starts off with the full team-load of 5 stars and that I'm always hopeful that they will all still be firmly in place by the time I close the back cover.  You'll also know that I'm not shy about removing stars if necessary, but I always give my reasons for taking each one off - they don't just vanish into thin air.

This is, by the looks of the front cover a teen book and it promises to be a RomCom which is always a tough nut to crack for me... the romance bit of it is usually fine, it's just the comedy bit is all.

Let's get going with the reading and reviewing now shall we?

Oooh!  That first chapter was a goodie!  It's definitely a teen novel, set in America, so there may be things that I haven't got a clue about, but my heart is already giving me warm squishies after only the first chapter, which is great going!

Wait, what?  9 years later?  How old are these characters supposed to be?  Is it a teen or grown up novel?

The second chapter is raising a small smile already which takes something extra special to achieve!

Oh yes, this is definitely my kinda book!  I'm smiling as I read it without thinking about it!  The comedy is gentle and spot-on so far!

I was wrong to doubt the comedy bit of the RomCom at the start of this book and the review... I'm still smiling and the stress is noticably less on my shoulders.  At 14% this is still a very much 5 star book.

I'm at 31% and still smiling!  Am I about to head into the Rom bit of the RomCom too?

I'm now at 40% and my heart is overflowing with warm squishies again... could Briosh be a real thing before the end of the book??

Oh.  My. Goddess.

It's very nearly what I was hoping for and I've even got a bit of a happy tear threatening to overflow, but I'm gonna leave that until tomorrow 'cos it's almost my bedtime lol.  I'm at 52% and I've loved every word so far!

Another awesome chapter to start the day off with... things are hotting up for #Briosh and they are taking me along with them, every single gorgeous step of the way.

Up to 57% now and the squishies have been activated again lol

69% now and I'm feeling a huuuge sense of relief about what's just happened... no spoilers, don't worry, just relief that it's finally happened.

Oh.  My.  Goddess.

What a perfect last chapter and the epilogue was the perfect ending.

I was wrong at the start of this review and I'm sorry for my mistake... this is definitely a grown up novel and you'll definitely need a good supply of tissues!  Especially if, like me, you just don't usually cry at anything, let alone books!

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