That's the pup walked and fed. Another long walk this morning... 400%! That means there's 1050% in the bank after only 4 days. That means there's a reasonable chance of getting it to be 1500% in the bank by the end of the week which is awesome!
She's just been out for a really smelly poo too! 😇 🐶
Time for me supplements now... hold on!
Took 8 mouthfuls of squash to get 'em all down but it wasn't too bad this morning, thankfully.
First survey of the day completed.
That's both cache's cleared, ready for the deep virus scan as soon as I turn me laptop on tomorrow morning.
Second survey of the day done and dusted.
Third survey done.
Fourth one sorted.
Cream crackered now so I'm heading to bed now... nite nite orl!
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