Friday, 7 December 2018

Friday 7th December 2018

That's the virus scan started at 5.12am... gotta try and find a way to activate my AVG account and combine the laptop and phone account into a single account 'cos they're not recognising each other atm.  Might just ask on the AVG site instead of getting stressed out about it.

Just had a chat to one of the AVG bods and the reason my laptop and phone can't see each other is because it was removed in one of the updates so I can relax now and know that it's totally normal for my two devices not to see each other.  Gonna start the tune up software too now that I know that I don't need to worry about it any more  😃

Am having to re-start the virus scan but I can't find the freakin' way to get to the deep scan now!  Aargh!

7.02am and the virus scan has been started for the third time in three freakin' hours.  I've excluded my email programmes from the scan so hopefully I'll be able to save this post now.

Let's see, shall we?

Yay!  It saved it successfully so hopefully that's all I need to do now.

Taken the multi and no negative effects at all so far, unlike yesterday, so I'm 98% sure that it was the lactospore thingies that caused the severe nausea.  It was a nightmare to swallow the pill though... possibly from fear that I'd feel sick again, but it went down after three mouthfuls of squash and I know it won't affect me negatively now, so hopefully I'll be able to swallow it easier every morning now.

Up to 19% with the virus scan... if it goes over 26% before bedtime I'll know that it got stuck on 26% because of my emails.

Just taken the pup for her morning walk, she poo'd and I almost fell over 3 times picking it up.  We did 150% though, so there's 1000% in the bank after 5 days.

I've had to re-start the virus scan for the third time, so I'm gonna publish this then not use my laptop until I come down on Sunday morning to see if that helps it scan quicker.


See you all on Sunday morning!


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