Monday 26 November 2018

Monday 26th November 2018

I think the pup is feeling the last 2 week's worth of marathons 'cos we only did 150% today.  Hopefully we'll just do short walks this week to recover!

That's me supplements taken.  Nice and easily this morning, thankfully!  Got four Calcium, twelve Iron and three of the Multi left so I'll be opening up the new bottle by the weekend and I'll know for sure if they've got lactose in them or not within a couple of minutes of taking the first one if I can keep taking them or not.  I seriously hope I can!

That's the rubbish, cardboard boxes and recycling gone now so we're all set for another week.

That's Marie's second gift just arrived, so just waiting for Jacki's gift and the labels now, then I can wrap it all up and relax until Valentines Day 2019.

We're having a home-cooked meal for the first time in months!  Yaaaay!  Means I can stop pestering Steve about it for the rest of the week now!  Yaaaay!

First survey of the day completed.

Second survey done and dusted.

Virus and malware free for another day

Third survey completed and it's only 3pm!

Fourth survey done... a very opinionated day as opposed to yesterday!  lol

Fifth survey completed, but I may not get credit for that one either 'cos the session timed out on me for some bizarre reason!

Had enough for the day and me pills are kicking in, so I'm orf to beddy-byes now.

Nite nite orl!

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