Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Tuesday 20th November 2018

It was a battle of wills to get the pup out for her wander this morning.  She was showing me Westitude and I was showing her libran stubbornness.  I won in the end and we did 450%!!  Take off the 100% standard, means we did a huge 350% extra this morning!!  Add this morning's 350% to yesterday's 250% means that there's already 600% in the bank after only 2 days!!

Not planning to move for the rest of the day now, otherwise I'll collapse into a heap and not be able to get up.  My carer won't care either even though he's being paid to!

Gonna take me morning cocktail now... I ache all over and I'm totally exhausted now!

That's the supplements taken.

They were all a nightmare to get down my throat today  😞

First survey of the day completed!

Second survey of the day completed

Third survey done and dusted... I'm on a roll!  lol

Fourth survey done too

Still virus and malware free, so I'm gonna take me prescription, wait for my phone to finish charging then head to bed I reckon.

Nite nite orl!

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