Monday, 18 March 2019

Moday 18th March 2019 part 2

Just got back.  The hair has been cut as opposed to trimmed again, but by the time I found out how much she had taken off it was too late again!

Decided against getting another pedometre after the other one broke so quickly.  I'm just gonna record my walking percents with the pup every morning along with the amount of side steps I do, although thinking on it, I don't need to count the side stepping any more now that I haven't got the fitness tracker around my ankle!

Steve's mum dosed him up with Covonia cough medicine while we were there and it seems to be working miracles on him so I'm gonna put it on next week's shopping in case I catch Steve's cold too.

Blimey that went down easily!  Just taken me prescription and it went down with just a tiny mouthful of squash this time!  If only all pills went down that easily!

That's the shopping been and gone.  No health and safety excuses this week, thankfully.

I know it's only 7.30pm but I'm gonna shut down and head to bed, so I'll say nite nite orl now!

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