Friday 1 March 2019

Friday 1st March 2019

Pinch and a punch for the first of the month.

That's me supplements taken.  Not as easily as Monday, but not difficult either.

Virus scan started now, so I'm gonna take our little girl out on her daily walkies now.  Hopefully 450% today and tomorrow then just 400% on Sunday so that we can get the walkies bank to 3000% which is a month's worth of walkies extra.  I'll take my lead from the puppy though... if she wants to do more today then that's fine by me!

That's the puppy walked.  450% so far but we only came home 'cos her back end looks like it's gonna go for a poo soon and I'm not feeling that stable on my legs right now, so we might go for part two after she's poo'd in the back yard.

TBH though, I'm happy with the 450% as long as she does another 850% at the weekend.  Right now, the extra walkies bank is at 2350 which ain't so bad... I'd love to get it to 3000% by the end of the weekend though.  We shall see what happens.

Just added plughole unblocker and cleaning wipes to the shopping so that I can go on a cleaning spree in the bathroom on Tuesday 👌

Just worked out that I can, in theory, save £136.77 a month and still be in credit at the end of the month.


'cos that's how much I spent on gifts and Amazon stuff and domain names and hosting and a take-away that I won't be shelling out every month so other than March (£25 a year for membership to the Dogs Trust), July (£87 a year for Patric's insurance) and August ($80 a year for SCBWI membership) I can save about £750ish every year which will go towards increasing our weekly grocery shop and occasional treats too!  How awesome is that!  Ideally I'd like to put £500 a year towards the mortgage too after we got behind with it a few years ago.

I just need to be very strict with myself about how much I spend and on what, so that I don't buy things I/we can do without.

I can so do this now!  It's a huge relief that I can actually save every month instead of having it all going on credit card bills and stuff!

Just cancelled the 3 month auto renewal at Sainsbury's 'cos it'll be cheaper to do the 6 monthly delivery pass instead of the three monthly one... just hope I remember to do it at the end of March or we'll be in the poo with weekly delivery charges again!

Scratch that up there ↑↑... just re-set it to auto-renew for the next 3 months starting from 30th March.  It's only £20 and up to one delivery a day every day of the week.

I'll still have over £200 for the early bills and next weeks groceries though so it's no great shakes at all.

That's me prescription taken... was pretty tough to get it down, despite it being my smallest tablet to take!

First survey of the day completed.  Up to 95 cents will be in my account in the next 5-7 days.

Second survey done and dusted. Another up to 95 cents again.  Not bad going for under 15 minutes of the survey.

Goin' to bed now... nite nite orl!

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