Wednesday 13 March 2019

Wednesday 13th March 2019

The supplements went down incredibly easily this morning!  Just a single mouthful of squash each!

Just brushed me teeth, so it's time to take the senior puppy out for our morning stroll again now!  I hope she doesn't poo, or at least, if she does, does it a bit closer to the wall than she usually does so that I don't fall over.  Yes, I do realise that I haven't fallen over while picking her poo yet, but I still get anxious about it just in case it happens for the first time!

600% on the puppy's walk this morning, so the extra walkies bank is at 2000% already, so hopefully we'll hit 4000% again by the end of the week.

I saw a cat pooing and burying it's poo as soon as we left the house this morning and I saw it being let into it's house but I bet I won't be allowed to take legal action against it, purely because it's a cat!  Hardly fair, is it?

Just reported the cat to the city council and I bet they'll say that because it's a cat, the public fouling laws don't apply!  I'm fed up of being accused of not clearing up the puppy's poo when it isn't even hers though, so if the council say they can't do anything, I'll still keep reporting it so that it's on record that it isn't our pup.


Had a major cleanup of the bathroom sink yesterday afternoon after Steve re-found the wipes that I got with last week's grocery shop.  Was totally gross slime and hair that had congealed and turned into black slime and welded itself to the basin so I decided that enough was enough and got to work clearing it all up.

The sink is gleaming and almost like new again now!

When I get into the clearing up kinda mood, I have to go with it while it lasts 'cos it's motivating myself to get started that's the hardest part!

Next up will be sorting out all the carrier bags that have grown to be almost a mountain.  I won't bin them 'cos we need them for the bins and dog poo clearing up as well as taking out with us every morning to clear up the poo if she decides that she needs to go right then.

Short, sharp, cleaning bursts are the way for me to go instead of an entire house tidy-up once a week I reckon.  👌 😇

That's the bagging 75% done.  All the ones I could reach are now in bags ready to go into a black bag to go back with the Sainsbury's driver on Monday, there's 12 in a separate bag for a week's worth of poo collection, one for the weekly yard poo collection and emptying 3 small bins in the house, but the others are all collected up and ready to go so that we've got a bit more space in the kitchen.  It only took maybe 5 minutes but I'm all tidied out now!

Lunch today is lasagne and chips... yummy!

Ohh boy, that was more than I was thinking.  You'd think that I'd know by now it's either chips or lasagne, not both together!  Very yummy but also very filling.  Not going to move off the sofa other than to go to the bathroom before bed now.

Taken me prescription and worked out that while this week and next week are going to be tight, money-wise, I'll be able to put £150 into my savings after all the bills and 2 weeks of shopping have come out.  If I don't do that, I'll be able to afford the groceries until mid-April too, so I could put my entire PIP payment into my savings and still be able to afford my bills too then it's back to normal from the middle of April onwards. 

I can so do this!

Having an early night tonight... just gone 7pm and I'm off for the night now.

Nite nite orl!

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