Friday, 23 March 2018

Hopefully, from now on...

I'm liking my new AP that was partly delivered yesterday!

I took the first one at 7pm yesterday to see if it sent me to sleep as well as keeping the psychosis at bay.

I was still awake at 10pm and didn't wake up until 7am this morning so it keeps me asleep for 12 hours since I took it.

It's lactose free so I didn't get an allergic reaction which was awesome.

The pill was teeny tiny so was easy peasy to swallow even for me.

I feel more awake and energetic this morning and there isn't even a hint of a psychotic episode which is fabulous!

Just phoned the pharmacy and asked for them to order in yesterday's pills and they said that was no problem, but it would need to be named on the prescription, so I phoned my GP and explained what the pharmacy had said.  She made a note of the name I was requesting and said she'd ask a doctor to update my records so hopefully it's sorted now! 

The pharmacist said that it'd take 3 days to get it from the manufacturer after they'd got the prescription, then they'll deliver it as soon as they get it, so, in theory, my next lot will take slightly longer because it'll be the first named prescription, so I'll order it 2 weeks before I run out, but after that it'll be back to getting my prescription 5 working days after requesting it from my GP. 

The pills are generic instead of brand name, so they can't complain about the cost any more, but hopefully, starting from my May prescription, I'll be having my pills within a week again!

We shall see!

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