I heard from one of the medical secretaries at my GP surgery this morning about a letter that I wrote to my GP after reading that 'health secret' book and basically they are gonna print off my medical records from 1999 to now ready for me to collect on Tuesday, so I've ordered a pack of 10 writeable CDs, CD cases, CD pens, 3 folders for all my paperwork that I can now archive and a pack of 12 magnetic whiteboard pens.
I also had a quick phone call from my mum so I've added a box of fruit teas to the order too and it's all arriving tomorrow so that my mum has fruit as opposed to herbal teas to choose from on Friday lol
It means that the message I put up this morning about needing a reminder to put the order in tomorrow is now wrong and I'm sorry for my mistake. The delivery is coming tomorrow and I bet it'll turn up at the same time as my physio lol
I've got my Holland and Barratt order that arrived an hour ago and I know that they certainly used to do a big variety of fruit teas so when I/we have got through a few more fruit/herbal teas, I'll get an order in with them so that I've always got some in for short-notice visits from my blood family lol
My carer could turn up at any time, so I'm gonna publish this and put my laptop on the floor in preparation.
I'll see you with the photo after I've eaten.
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