Sunday, 20 September 2015

Yay! I'm so close to finishing it now!

I've now written a total of 44,025 words in my Dogs Trust novel so in less than 6,000 words I'll have finished the book and get ready for clearing my head in October, ready for November's NaNo when I'm planning on writing 4k a day to make 120k by the end of November but it's already planned out and I don't have online communities to worry about any more so I can just concentrate on clearing my mind for my NaNo novel throughout October and write it in November.

I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed writing but the last couple of week's have re-awakened my muse and I've got the time and space I need to just concentrate on that now... it's been literally years since I could last do that!

I'm planning on writing at least 2 novels a year starting in 2016 as well as picture books and early readers too.

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