Just been reading through the final MS in my Toni trilogy and the first two or three chapters are so boring but after that, I really got into what I've written so far that I read sixteen chapters without stopping so I'm up to chapter 19 now that I'll continue writing tomorrow.
I'm thinking of trying to write about four chapters a day after tomorrow, but I'll just write chapters 19 and 20 tomorrow ready to start on the four chapter challenge on Tuesday which will be just under 4k words a day and almost a block a day so I'll hopefully be finished that as well in a couple of weeks then it's another week of getting out of Toni's head then I'll be starting to edit!
Which MS do I start editing first though? A picture book? The early reader? The Toni trilogy or my YA novels?
Gotta get out of Toni's head before I start thinking about editing though! lol
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