Friday 4 October 2024

A couple of quick things before I forget...

...first up, as long as I'm extremely careful, I'll be able to have soup for lunch because most of the wet is almost dry now.  Some bits are still soaking wet but that's because the sunlight doesn't reach that far across.

The second thing is that I can now officially spill the beans about the product test I was doing - it was for a digital, at-home blood pressure and pulse rate testing thing like they use in doctors' surgeries and I'm hoping that I'll be able to free up an appointment every year by taking my own blood pressure and just sending the reading and photo to my surgery, rather than having to go there in person each year.  I'm going to try and remember to put the photos up on my health website each time so that my medical bods can take a look whenever they need to.  I'll still keep doing the spreadsheet but I'll only put that up every few months or when my medical bods ask me to 'cos I can do multiple sheets per document instead of one sheet per file like with photos... I might even try and experiment with creating a monthly PDF with all the information for the first time in my life too.

Basically, I've had a good morning and I'm hoping it'll be a good afternoon too, now that I know I can have one meal (the instant soup) and hopefully the creaming drinking chocolate if I deserve it when I get back from the jab this afternoon!

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