Wednesday, 30 October 2024

Nite nite orl

My blood pressure is finally starting to creep back to my normal again now, so that's reassuring.  I'm more knackered and cold than my normal though, but the information sheet says that's a common side effect from the jab, so I'm not worrying about that.

I've popped my last two pills of the day and I'm heading up to bed, bang on time tonight.

I'll see you all in the morning for the last day before NaNo starts on Friday and I dip my toe not only into grown up (as opposed to adult) book-writing but also non-fiction too!  Basically, NaNo24 is gonna be me diving into the deep end and not being able to swim, so if I offer you a read of the first draft it'll be totally raw and unedited and should be treated like a baby bird that has fallen out of its nest and can't get back... I'll be showing you me at my most vulnerable so please don't let me down otherwise I'll know that I can't trust you any more.

I'm heading to bed now.

Nite nite orl.

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