Sunday 20 October 2024

Friday 13th

Merry Meet

I reckon you're maybe getting an idea of just how bad my memory is by now, right?

You maybe also know that I've re-taken Loki as one of my Deities.

It was a weird couple of weeks to start with immediately after I welcomed Him back into my life - He kept messing with electrical things like the lights going off or coming on and His favourite was turning the living room light on soon after I went to bed but I didn't find out until the next morning.  My radio and podcasts and laptop kept pausing for a few seconds even though they were plugged in and turned on.  I asked him to cut it out 'cos it was sending my electricity usage through the roof when he left the downstairs lights on all night et voila.

I recently bargained with him and basically said that if he behaved the rest of the time, I'd let him prank me with the lights and techology and stuff each Friday the 13th.

He's agreed and kept his side of the agreement so far and I want to keep mine too... I can almost guarantee that I'll forget on our first one and freak out when technology pauses or lights are on when I wake up on Friday 13th or there's a mini power cut or my podcasts/radio pauses or my internet connection disappears or anything like that, so can someone be at the ready to reassure me that it's just Loki enjoying the day that I've agreed to him being a prankster please?

If I suddenly disappear or don't reply to emails and you think I'll be freaking out, can you send me a quick email or SMS reminding me that it's just Loki and it's only for 24 hours please?

Friday 13th is a lucky day for Pagans 'cos there are 13 Sabbats/Esbats each year and I think (but can't be sure) Friday is to Pagans what Sunday is to Christians so push 'em together and you've got a very positive day in the Pagan religion.

Basically, it'll take a while, but I don't want my new relationship with Loki to be one-sided but I don't trust my cruddy memory.

I've rambled on for long enough, I just had to ask while I remembered is all.

Merry Part
Until we Merry Meet again

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