Tuesday 1 October 2024


I freeze the bread I get each time and just defrost what I need.

I bought myself another loaf today and popped it into the freezer.

So far so good.

I also bought myself another couple of tubs of me-friendly ice cream which I tried to put into the appropriate bit of the chest freezer.

The first one went in fine at full stretch, which unfortunately gave me a bit of a confidence boost.

I tried to put the second tub in but it slid into the main part of the freezer which I can't reach 'cos I'm such a short arse.  Thankfully it was stopped by a frozen loaf of bread so I went onto my tippy-toes to try and reach it out but it was about a centimetre out of my reach.

I stupidly leaned even further in which made my feet leave the floor.

Significantly wobbled and almost went head-first into it.

The lid would have come down and trapped me inside.

There's no way I would have been able to get out so it would have been a long, slow, cold, painful death 4 days before my 47th birthday.

Thankfully I managed to grab the pot and wobble my way backwards and back onto my feet, but I don't think I'll be trying that again in a hurry!

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