Friday 26 February 2010

Love is a wonderful thing!!!

Me again!

This post is going to be about love and my wonderful husband so if you think it would make you feel bad or unhappy then please do *not* read this!!

OK, I met Steven at the grand old age of 19 in a penpals newsgroup. We sent 50 emails a day to each other... I sent mine from work (oops) and Steven replied when he got home from work!!

Soon we were meeting up most days of the week and the days we didn't meet up we would spend literally hours talking on the phone and running up huuuuuge phone bills!!

I would come to Gloucester on a Saturday evening after work and go back to Oxford on Sunday evenings!

Steven knew that I had a boyfriend so we stayed friends and nothing more until I split up with Jeff (sorry Jeff) and Steven became my second boyfriend and I became Steven's first girlfriend! A few months later we got engaged then I moved to Gloucester with Steven on 23rd December 1998 and I've been here ever since!

On 29th June 2002 I became Steven's wife and I plan on staying married to him for the rest of my life... everyone should have what we have!!!

Sorry,just feeling really loved up right now!