Monday 21 October 2024

Mornin' all

I've woken up feeling even more exhausted than when I went to bed last night, so today will be a fun day for me then.

I've taken my first blood pressure reading of the new week, run the daily virus scan while I was popping my morning pills and I've decided to have a clean drinks day today of just water.

Gotta remember to bring the rubbish and recycling containers back in when they've been emptied (hopefully) this morning (but it's been lunchtime collections a few times) and that it's leftovers for lunch today.  Gotta try and remember to ask my carer to help me to change the bedding for potentially the last time before December so I hope it's a carer that doesn't mind doing it otherwise it'll be 2 months since it was last changed before it's changed again.

I've also gotta remember to weigh myself after I've had my breakfast and log it into the FitBit app so that I can see if I've hopefully put on weight in preparation for next week... keep your fingers crossed that I have!

This first blog post is getting a bit long, so I'm gonna publish it and hopefully get my first to-do list of the week up before my carer arrives.


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